And we have the sexy swimsuit skins.
Neener neener
We have nude skins.

And we have the sexy swimsuit skins.
Neener neener
We have nude skins.
We have nude skins.
Moe is in clothing, not exposureWe have nude skins.
Why not LoL recorder?I'm trying this replay program now, seemed to record my 1v5 against bots alright:
site's in chinese but program's in pretty decent engrish and site being called ahri is such a turn on for me
Because it doesn't work?Why not LoL recorder?
Why not LoL recorder?
It's about time someone stopped Mundo from going where he pleases.Wow. Those Mundo nerfs...Rito pls.
it's not meaningless, the e passive is a big reason why ori can duel at early levels.I love how Riot is so scared of making such a meaningless change to Ori that they just keep putting it it and removing it again for like 2 patches.
Wow. Those Mundo nerfs...Rito pls.
Got placed. Finally, done with ranked (at least solo queue) for the season. This community is seriously garbage.
Where'd you place?
Was Silver I last season, went 8/10, placed in Silver IV.
Even if I was Silver I or Gold V or whatever I wouldn't play. It's just not worth the stress and frustration. I'm just gonna have fun with friends picking things like Lulu top or Quinn mid.
WW aint happening despite Darien.I don't mind Mundo nerfs. I just want top lane saved. Although I feel after Shyv/Renek/Mundo nerfs go through, it'll be Trundle and WW.
Just played 2 straight ranked games where my entire team focused the other team's tank in teamfights. Lost both of them, rip my promo series. Good lord.
How do I carry in solo queue?
Honestly, if both solo queue players and those in professional teams start struggling against melee's with clearly defined weaknesses, then those two deserve to go on a rampage for a while.I don't mind Mundo nerfs. I just want top lane saved. Although I feel after Shyv/Renek/Mundo nerfs go through, it'll be Trundle and WW.
Pantheon free week. Jungle mantheon here I come!
I haven't been playing jungler - I was Swain in the game I'm talking about. Straight up dominated Ahri mid, helped bot and top get a couple of kills, did what I could. In teamfights and even when we had numbers while roaming, everyone on my team focused their Leona. I rooted their damage dealers as long as I could, but Swain can't really CC.teamfight focus is rarely a problem, if your carries couldn't attack the enemy carries is most likely a zoning issue which means your team wasn't peeling properly for them and zoning yourselves.
if you play vi and q ult their cait who flash nets away you can't really expect much followup since you're like 2k units away from your team.
this is a problem I see very often with tanks, even with my friends, and I always keep calling them to back the fuck up because while they're being kited by the enemy adc we're not getting any damage because we're being zoned ourselves.
not saying it's your fault but I've heard overeager players in solo queue jump in with the vis and the jarvans and the shyvannas expecting a follow-up that's just not gonna happen. I'm 100% of the times gonna shoot my shit at the guy that's killing me first, not the one that's killing you and if we're stronger than them you'll outlive their big dudes and then we'll go clean up the rest. going up and being attacked by 5 members instead of 2 doesn't really work, you need to be smart about the damage you take and I'll be smart about the damage I deal
if you're playing jungle or top lane you should play champions that can do both zoning and peeling and deal good amount of damage themselves so as to not be ignored. pick elise or lee sin or vi or someone like that than can do a lot of stuff without all that much difficulty and camp mid, get that waifu fed and give her time to deal her damage in teamfights, specially if it's not an assassin. then after you ganked mid get her to follow you and go gank bot. if you can serve some food for your carry lanes and aren't be overeager in teamfights they'll do the damage, unless they're bad and miss their skillshots.
Jayce doesn't really fit anywhere.jayce isn't a top laner really.
I haven't been playing jungler - I was Swain in the game I'm talking about. Straight up dominated Ahri mid, helped bot and top get a couple of kills, did what I could. In teamfights and even when we had numbers while roaming, everyone on my team focused their Leona. I rooted their damage dealers as long as I could, but Swain can't really CC.
And yeah I think I might start playing top. I bought Olaf earlier and he's a lot of fun. I see Jayce is free this week, I may try him out as well.
Jayce doesn't really fit anywhere.
Jayce doesn't really fit anywhere.
jayce isn't a top laner really.
He's just so gangly and awkward. Hopefully he grows into his height by prom.
Jayce doesn't really fit anywhere.
well swain is kind of a weird pick. maybe your comp was lacking damage?I haven't been playing jungler - I was Swain in the game I'm talking about. Straight up dominated Ahri mid, helped bot and top get a couple of kills, did what I could. In teamfights and even when we had numbers while roaming, everyone on my team focused their Leona. I rooted their damage dealers as long as I could, but Swain can't really CC.
yea, I wouldn't really play him top, he's much better mid right now imojayce isn't a top laner really.
not entertaining at all. nidalee does the same thing but better anyways.RIPone of the most entertaining champs to watch IMO.
teamfight focus is rarely a problem, if your carries couldn't attack the enemy carries is most likely a zoning issue which means your team wasn't peeling properly for them and zoning yourselves.
if you play vi and q ult their cait who flash nets away you can't really expect much followup since you're like 2k units away from your team.
this is a problem I see very often with tanks, even with my friends, and I always keep calling them to back the fuck up because while they're being kited by the enemy adc we're not getting any damage because we're being zoned ourselves.
not saying it's your fault but I've heard overeager players in solo queue jump in with the vis and the jarvans and the shyvannas expecting a follow-up that's just not gonna happen. I'm 100% of the times gonna shoot my shit at the guy that's killing me first, not the one that's killing you and if we're stronger than them you'll outlive their big dudes and then we'll go clean up the rest. going up and being attacked by 5 members instead of 2 doesn't really work, you need to be smart about the damage you take and I'll be smart about the damage I deal
not entertaining at all. nidalee does the same thing but better anyways.
what is the cool jayce combo? at least spears are more difficult to land with bigger payoff. better risk/reward on nid. her burst and mobility is more fun to watch too.What. Nidalee is a boring version of Jayce.
All she does is chuck spears a million miles away, at least jayce has some cool combos.
There's no risk on Nid, everything is reward. -Nekofrogwhat is the cool jayce combo? at least spears are more difficult to land with bigger payoff. better risk/reward on nid. her burst and mobility is more fun to watch too.
I don't mind Mundo nerfs. I just want top lane saved. Although I feel after Shyv/Renek/Mundo nerfs go through, it'll be Trundle and WW.
what is the cool jayce combo? at least spears are more difficult to land with bigger payoff. better risk/reward on nid. her burst and mobility is more fun to watch too.