Wolf Akela
What's the requirement for Lunar Revel icons in NA? Garena is making them piss easy to get.
i don't think they said yet, but i'm not a fan of any of the icons.What's the requirement for Lunar Revel icons in NA? Garena is making them piss easy to get.
Trundle top is being picked strictly as counter to the meta, not a new meta itself. He was some really terrible match-ups top that can't be abused because no one in their right mind should first pick trundle (top or jungle).
As far as Warwick goes, it's a combination of Darien being amazing and the kit offering more late game than current meta tops. He also has really bad match-ups top lane.
Did Riot patch out the Rengar triple Q thing? I wasn't sure if it was a glitch or not but thought it was getting changed. I just saw a Rengar who was presumably just high level and snowballing, but he was doing huge early game bursts in what appeared to only be 1-2 attacks, possibly double or triple Q combined from stealth and/or bushes.
yea I thought from his post that he was talking as a vi or something like that and wanted him to hear the other side of the story. like, peeling is so underrated in solo queue. everyone goes "I'M ZONING THEIR WHOLE TEAM WTF NO FOCUS" but they can't see they're overdiving and their own team is getting murdered.His complaint was about the other team focusing on tanks (instead of adcs). Seems it is the always take out the adc mindset that he/she prefers. As opposed to take out the opposing adc if it is stronger than the team's adc/protect the team's adc if team's adc is stronger mindset.
lol meant the error message from baronreplaymedio o me alimentan.
if you can stand getting trolled with ad fiddlesticks every gameDamn you guys forgot to tell me I could play with all the skins and champs in the game by way of the PBE.
I like redeemed and championship the most. this one looks pretty beast doeRiven really needed a good looking skin. Most of them are pretty uninspired, to be quite frank. You can tell they were designed long ago. Battlebunny was just the best of a group of bad common options (and the other 2 really, really suck) and I never liked Championship Riven because of that bigass II on her back and E. This one is clearly an improvement over all of them in every visual way, though being such a heavy theme may affect its overall appeal.
I'm all for the pretty flowersDiana's skin is interesting to me. It's really quite pretty. Colors are quite dramatic. I'm not sure if all the flower petals are for me, but they look nice. I don't really like the flower that appears every time your passive triggers. But oh well.
Trundle's a little bit less of a dire situation since he actually does have inherent tankiness and the ability to rush a BotRK, but he's still more vulnerable to all-in bursting champions than most top laners. I'd actually be worried that picking him early would almost be an invitation for someone to play one of the AP top laners that have otherwise fallen out of the meta.
gaf games. exactly what i remember.
I'll play nothing but Draven/Sivir if that's what it takes to make you happy Dimb.gaf games. exactly what i remember.
You play nothing but those anyway!I'll play nothing but Draven/Sivir if that's what it takes to make you happy Dimb.
.You play nothing but those anyway!
(Unless it's one of those GAF games where you play a champion you never play and people rage at you)
"This song is dedicated to all you young white girls out there." And then the chorus breaks out and he's just repeating those words over and over again. Spotify ads. They creep me out.
it's not the picks it's the playstyle.I'll play nothing but Draven/Sivir if that's what it takes to make you happy Dimb.
it's not the picks it's the playstyle.
idc as much about your build mothman but if you take tp you gotta push that bot lane and actually put pressure on them.
it's okay. tp is hard to use. easier with voice stuff but i was too lazy to get on.this is true, and good experience for me if I ever take teleport again. Don't think I use teleport at all honestly.
I'm playing League of Legends and suddenly Bruno Mars is whispering in my ear.
"This song is dedicated to all you young white girls out there." And then the chorus breaks out and he's just repeating those words over and over again. Spotify ads. They creep me out.
it's not the picks it's the playstyle.
idc as much about your build mothman but if you take tp you gotta push that bot lane and actually put pressure on them.
I'm playing League of Legends and suddenly Bruno Mars is whispering in my ear.
"This song is dedicated to all you young white girls out there." And then the chorus breaks out and he's just repeating those words over and over again. Spotify ads. They creep me out.
it's not the picks it's the playstyle.
idc as much about your build mothman but if you take tp you gotta push that bot lane and actually put pressure on them.
-_-were you people roleplaying that game or smth?
Subtle, you got some s'plainin to do.More like Trashe, amirite?
i mean you did way more damage than anyone else on their team. kog numbers are semi-inflated. it would have been fine if we played it like a protect comp but liss/malph got the dive bug and wouldn't win out anyways.http://s30.postimg.org/z84ah4bv5/Untitled.png
It was the picks man, I would have actually done damage if had gone with another champ. Ashe can't even snowball properly. She's horrid right now that the tank meta has hit. My autos just do nothing. I thought Ashe would be fun to play...but she just seems so awful.
do you duo?Why is this season so hard to climb plat.
I'll concede tho Ashe is pretty low tier compared to the other carries right now. I think Tristana is gonna rise to the top soon tbh. She's just so strong. I also don't know anything.
he started red elixir and it saved his life.Damn, that Jayce manhandled that renekton.
Time to make a new Draven avatar!
ranked is not so scary.
What are you guys talking about with jayce not being good up top. I feel like he's one of the champs I can consistently carry the game with from top lane.
He's fine in Gold or under, and fine if you have that Best Riven NA type devotion to him besides, because of his ability to successfully outplay in most situations. I actually think he'd be a good pocket champion to have since a lot of solo queue players honestly probably have no idea how to handle him.
The only place where you'd really have trouble playing Jayce is super high-level/professional play. The pro top laners all know how Jayce works and what to do against him, and the current meta there is to play champions that make Jayce a super sad panda due to their inherent tankiness and tendency to rush Sunfire.
I do think if you're a good Jayce player you can easily bait and outplay a Johnny-come-lately who only picked up Shyvana post-rework pretty easily, though. Most of them likely haven't been playing Shyvana long enough to understand the match-up and would probably be prone to making stupid mistakes like Dragon's Descending into the homerun swing. Probably a YouTube high-lite reel in the making.
pretty much this. jayce really only flies against people who really aren't adhering to the meta or don't know what they are doing. yeah you might luck out and win sometimes but every game will just be an uphill battle.Jayce just can't handle the sustain-heavy top lane right now.
His auto attacks are useless for harass thanks to the new defensive masteries and Doran's shield start, so you're forced to spam EQ if you want to do any actual damage but if you do that you'll run oom in like 3 seconds thanks to the tear nerfs. By the time they back and get some resistances you'll no damage whatsoever.
it's not like these "fotm"ers are coming across this complex puzzle box on stuff like shyvana. press all the keys, hit stuff, farm, outlast, outpush, outscale.
Pretty much the essence of "I saw someone do this in a pro game!" bone-head play.
Your mmr can't be very high if you needed 8 wins to get into promos, that is the reason you lost so much LP.Lost 41LP for failing my promos on the back of a 8 game winstreak to get me into them originally.