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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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If you are looking for complex characters - Elise. Lee Sin can do crazy combos. Jinx can be tricky with her Q stance change.
So tbh I've been playing a lot of the same champs every game and it's getting old...

Janna and Lulu can be fun provided you don't get nuked early on and provide a nice 'challenge'.

Mid, try Cass and Zyra maybe? Aslong as you survive the laning phase against a, presumably, high-mobility champ, you'll being a nice ton of utility and damage to team fights and hunting people down with Cass' CD/MS passive is fun.

AP DFG Sona is where it's at.


So tbh I've been playing a lot of the same champs every game and it's getting old. I need some diversity in my picks and you all should give me suggestions. I have a good amount of champs, but I have ip to buy some new ones too. I'm just bored with who i've been playing and need something different in my life.

I've pretty much been using:

top - yasuo, jayce, shyv, trynd
mid- karma, orianna
jung - fiddlesticks (I dont jungle much anymore, and for some reason it's always a hit or miss with having a good game with a jungler other than fiddle)
adc - lucian, cait ( i might try to start playing varus again or maybe corki)
support - leona

I want something refreshing and new to me. Maybe the champs I use are just too simple and I need something a little more complex to learn and eventually master.

Thanks for any suggestions

Here's some fun champs that are still relevant:

top - Darius, Jax (thunk thunk thunk thunk), Trundle
jungle - Elise, Pantheon, Wukong
mid - Talon, Ahri, Cassio (I like this suggestion, I want to play her more myself), Brand
adc - JINX, Varus
support - Annie? She's fun though hugely popular of course. Karma, Thresh (he's tough to master)
This is true. Warwick mostly works because Shyvana and Mundo do such low burst damage that he's able to sustain indefinitely. The thing people tend to forget about him is that he's not a Lifesteal champion. The actual mechanic behind his passive works regardless of the amount of damage done (meaning it sustains just as well on tanks as it does on squishies, unlike Lifesteal) and the lifesteal on his Q is technically Spell Vamp. As such, he can actually sustain off physical damage tanks very well.

You jump on him with something that has actual burst, though - like a Tryndamere, Riven, or even a Trundle - and he folds on the spot. Because the amount of health he steals doesn't scale with damage particularly well the way Lifesteal does, he doesn't actually handle carry-type tops well at all.

Trundle's a little bit less of a dire situation since he actually does have inherent tankiness and the ability to rush a BotRK, but he's still more vulnerable to all-in bursting champions than most top laners. I'd actually be worried that picking him early would almost be an invitation for someone to play one of the AP top laners that have otherwise fallen out of the meta.
Warwick shouldn't work against Shyvanna or Mundo though. You're right that they don't really have the upfront damage of a champion like Riven or Darius, but that should never be their goal considering how much of a push-over he is to champions that can effortlessly shove creeps to his tower. With how sluggish his auto-attack is, he'll have a hard time last-hitting without spending mana and if he does use his skills, he'll run OOM soon enough with how absurd the cost on his Q is. You'll run the risk of being surpressed by the time his jungler pays a visit post-6, but Warwick'll lack the damage to kill a bruiser with how mana-intensive he is and how tanky common top laners tend to build. He does work well against Renekton oddly enough, but that's another champion that should just focus on pressuring his tower.

Blindly rushing BoRK on Trundle is a trap though. It's a good item in itself and it synergizes well with him no doubt, but during LCS and solo queue matches I'd see players buy it on him when realistically speaking he won't be able to auto-attack anyone for long (including the enemy top laner). Followed up with a Sunfire Cape for double awfulness. Never mind those same players also ignoring Spirit Visage (even before the tournament build caught up with the CDR nerf) on him so they can complete Banshee's Veil instead. It's very clear that most are not familiar with his strengths and have a long way to go in terms of optimizing his possible builds. Terrible first-pick for top lane as you said too: with the right runes and masteries he could still sustain himself through the early laning phase against the likes of Rumble or Vladimir, but he literally cannot touch someone like Karma. It's just as bad against ranged AD laners like Quinn. You could bypass that weakness by running him as a jungler, but no one even bothers with that unfortunately.

im so sorry dimb.

never again.

rip tf malphite jan 28 2014.
Bruiser Malphite with Trinity Force at one point can work.
Jayce just can't handle the sustain-heavy top lane right now.

His auto attacks are useless for harass thanks to the new defensive masteries and Doran's shield start, so you're forced to spam EQ if you want to do any actual damage but if you do that you'll run oom in like 3 seconds thanks to the tear nerfs. By the time they back and get some resistances you'll no damage whatsoever.

I just can't agree right now. Fuck the autos bro. Play Jayce like a man! :-D

E --> Q --> R --> Q --> AA --> E and go back to farming. (Or save the gate for the escape if need be)

If you want to hurt bruisers with the combo, max E second (with a point in W for the mana recouping passive). That shit hurts and those exchanges hurt them more than you in most matchups. Worst case scenario it becomes a farming lane. There's no reason to get pushed to the point of losing your tower 1v1 because of the wave clear the 2 Q's offer. Generally, I feel like Jayce is more than capable of out carrying most tops late game with his damage output and engage power. When your damage items are online (BT, LW, IE, Muramana) and you're able to hit W more than once in a team fight, everyone and everything melts.

I agree he requires a bit more skill and finesse at all phases of the game (and the brainpower to know when to and when not to leap onto the middle of the fight), but is sure is rewarding when you put it together.

As with anything, YMMV. I haven't had many problems winning with Jayce. But I'm okay with farm lanes and getting big items up faster than the adc, then moving around and wrecking faces. His burst is hella underrated.


Jayce just can't handle the sustain-heavy top lane right now.

His auto attacks are useless for harass thanks to the new defensive masteries and Doran's shield start, so you're forced to spam EQ if you want to do any actual damage but if you do that you'll run oom in like 3 seconds thanks to the tear nerfs. By the time they back and get some resistances you'll no damage whatsoever.
I mained Jayce in S3 for about 300 ranked games when he was amazing. He's still pretty viable top and he's a bitch to deal with for a lot of tops since he can trade without taking any damage, especially against Renekton.

I can usually pick him and beat Riven, Shyvana, Mundo, Nasus etc (most of the popular picks) in the laning phase but my issue is that he's just not that effective of a team fighter to carry games any more with his ridiculously long E cooldown and terrible synergy with bruiser builds. I've given up on him until they revamp or buff him personally.


Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I appreciate it.

Try Cassiopeia mid.

Janna and Lulu can be fun provided you don't get nuked early on and provide a nice 'challenge'.

Mid, try Cass and Zyra maybe? Aslong as you survive the laning phase against a, presumably, high-mobility champ, you'll being a nice ton of utility and damage to team fights and hunting people down with Cass' CD/MS passive is fun.

AP DFG Sona is where it's at.

Unleash your inner Korean with Cassiopeia.

I think i'll pick up Cassiopeia and give her some time. She seems like she could be a great mid to learn.

Janna was my most played champ in Season 3. I tried to play her in a game the other day, but it didnt really feel the same. Honestly, I feel like she does a great job with peeling and keeping your adc alive. The problem is I run into a lot of adcs that wont keep fighting when I can keep em up and will just run and die instead.

I own Lulu and never really gave her too much of a chance. Maybe it's time I get to practicing with her again.

I played a bunch of Zyra mid back when I was leveling up. I'll probably do her a little too.

If you are looking for complex characters - Elise. Lee Sin can do crazy combos. Jinx can be tricky with her Q stance change.

Elise and Lee are both junglers that I have been looking at playing. I've never tried either of them so it will definitely be a learning experience, especially since jungle isn't my best area. To be honest though, i'm kind of a jack of all lanes kind of guy and dont have one specialty lane that I prefer over another..

Jinx does seem great and I generally see them do well (for example a couple times when we were playing 5s, closer da god will do great with Jinx and i'll play Leona just to lock people down while he destroys them all). I see how good she is, it's just that everyone and their uncle plays Jinx and i'm sick of seeing her.

Here's some fun champs that are still relevant:

top - Darius, Jax (thunk thunk thunk thunk), Trundle
jungle - Elise, Pantheon, Wukong
mid - Talon, Ahri, Cassio (I like this suggestion, I want to play her more myself), Brand
adc - JINX, Varus
support - Annie? She's fun though hugely popular of course. Karma, Thresh (he's tough to master)

Darius is definitely an option. Same with Trundle. I'm tired of playing Jax.

I dont own Panth, but maybe i'll give him a go eventually. I played a ton of Wukong halfway through Season 3, so maybe I could get into him again.

Out of those mids, Cassio sounds the most fun right now to me.

Annie is kinda meh to me. I love Karma mid, but i'm not the best Karma support. Maybe it's something for me to work on a bit. Thresh, I play him whenever he's free but I'm never that amazing with him. I really dont know what it is. I hit my death sentences, but after that I cant do anything great. More practice might help.


I was surprised you didn't lol
I shouldn't need to.

Before he was the champion that would win any trade and usually easily get first blood.

Now he's even worse, as soon as he gets a kill he becomes a monster that just overwhelms and destroys.


cassio is boss, nothin' like murdering fools that don't expect that ridiculous damage.

only problem with her is her ult being near impossible to get good stun offs. tho I discovered last night that you can cast ult then flash like that xerath video and get the jump on alex ich and co


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
top level ahead of the game recommended supports to try: warwick and malphite


Sometimes you just get that perfect team setup for a wombo combo.


Vi is the only jungler that I'm good at that is strong in the current meta, so I was happy she was not banned/picked.


Malph might do okay against the popular supports today such as Leona/Thresh since they typically want to jump into the face of their opponents, but he should have a much more difficult time against the more traditional supports such as Sona/Janna/Nami/Lulu.


I have not seen this, I should try.

Also got my mic fixed.
RIP mumble lady.

Back when only Elementz played Fiddle supp I used to hear a lot of good things about Warwick - he played him too I think.

What are you supposed to do, Q the fuck out of them while buffing their attack speed? Serious question, anything that makes WW work is A-OK to me. I SMELL THAT STENCH
This is taking Cheesewick to a whole new level.
top level ahead of the game recommended supports to try: warwick and malphite
Back when only Elementz played Fiddle supp I used to hear a lot of good things about Warwick - he played him too I think.

What are you supposed to do, Q the fuck out of them while buffing their attack speed? Serious question, anything that makes WW work is A-OK to me. I SMELL THAT STENCH


Everything is moe to me
Back when only Elementz played Fiddle supp I used to hear a lot of good things about Warwick - he played him too I think.

What are you supposed to do, Q the fuck out of them while buffing their attack speed? Serious question, anything that makes WW work is A-OK to me. I SMELL THAT STENCH

their stench.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Malph might do okay against the popular supports today such as Leona/Thresh since they typically want to jump into the face of their opponents, but he should have a much more difficult time against the more traditional supports such as Sona/Janna/Nami/Lulu.
I heard about it on Wings stream I think. He was saying people aren't punishing the ones that picks Malph/Wick and even if they go behind in lane they will win games.


I heard about it on Wings stream I think. He was saying people aren't punishing the ones that picks Malph/Wick and even if they go behind in lane they will win games.

Yes, past lvl 6 or so they should work really great, especially considering most games do go late game in the current season.
The weakness is indeed in the laning phase. His reasoning is right in that many people in solo queue won't punish them enough early, and it is definitely tougher with the current popular supports.
It should be simpler to punish them by choosing Lulu/Sona/Nami, but it is not a simple task to counter pick them unless you are last pick, you can't immediately identify them as supports in champ select. Proper jungle pressure should be applied as well.


Now 0-6 since getting to my Silver promos. Longest losing streak of my LoL ranked play (which is just last season and this admittedly.)


I main support. I was 8-3 with Annie going into those 6 losses, now I am 8-8 with her (my other loss came on Jinx ADC.) I know that Support is probably the hardest to carry yourself up from, but I got to silver 3 maining support last season, and feel like I do well in lane every game (harassing, warding, saving my stun if we are pushed up for the jungler, etc.), but either my ADC doesn't follow up, or I get an ADC that does and other lanes lose.

Probably just balancing out from last year beacuse I probably shouldn't have even gotten that high.

I'm playing normals right now and just going to spam mid/jungle till I feel good enough in those roles, since they are probably my worst.


I main support. I was 8-3 with Annie going into those 6 losses, now I am 8-8 with her (my other loss came on Jinx ADC.) I know that Support is probably the hardest to carry yourself up from, but I got to silver 3 maining support last season, and feel like I do well in lane every game (harassing, warding, saving my stun if we are pushed up for the jungler, etc.), but either my ADC doesn't follow up, or I get an ADC that does and other lanes lose.

Probably just balancing out from last year beacuse I probably shouldn't have even gotten that high.

I'm playing normals right now and just going to spam mid/jungle till I feel good enough in those roles, since they are probably my worst.

Do you have Leona?

Pick Leona.

Wreck lane.


Do you have Leona?

Pick Leona.

Wreck lane.

leona is even worse if you have no follow up

at least with annie you can deal your damage upfront and make your adc realize UGH I SHOELD MAY B DEALZ SOME DMGZZZ!!1 and flash cait q

tbh carrying as support in s4 isn't so bad, it's just that playing bot lane with a stranger is pretty painful
leona is even worse if you have no follow up

Quite. Nothing worse than getting in game then having your ADC say 'play safe Leo' or 'I'm just going to farm'. That's nice, maybe you could have told me in champ select you had zero intention of winning lane so I could go Zyra instead.


Quite. Nothing worse than getting in game then having your ADC say 'play safe Leo' or 'I'm just going to farm'. That's nice, maybe you could have told me in champ select you had zero intention of winning lane so I could go Zyra instead.

yup, that's why I don't like playing leona so much. I'll usually go thresh or annie that can play both kind of lanes and just adjust to which style of failing my adc favors.

or I'll play blitz and force him to fight heh
Quite. Nothing worse than getting in game then having your ADC say 'play safe Leo' or 'I'm just going to farm'. That's nice, maybe you could have told me in champ select you had zero intention of winning lane so I could go Zyra instead.

Which is why I'm learning top and jungle for ranked play. I'll give up support unless I can find someone to duo with me.
Which is sad because I do enjoy support.


leona is even worse if you have no follow up

at least with annie you can deal your damage upfront and make your adc realize UGH I SHOELD MAY B DEALZ SOME DMGZZZ!!1 and flash cait q

tbh carrying as support in s4 isn't so bad, it's just that playing bot lane with a stranger is pretty painful
That drives me nuts when I'm using my resources to make plays and the adc doesn't do a damn thing. I tend to start roaming earlier if my champ allows for it it when people play that way.


So Panth Jungle is fun. What should my build order be? I rushed Elder Lizard then Hydra , then opted for Last Whisper over Cleaver. Doesn't seem like the CDR, health, or small flat damage increase are worth it over the percentage pen at that point in the game. Is that a correct assumption? Or should I be taking Cleaver earlier/instead?


So Panth Jungle is fun. What should my build order be? I rushed Elder Lizard then Hydra , then opted for Last Whisper over Cleaver. Doesn't seem like the CDR, health, or small flat damage increase are worth it over the percentage pen at that point in the game. Is that a correct assumption? Or should I be taking Cleaver earlier/instead?

Pretty much. I usually go lizard, hydra then last whisper if I'm rolling or a defensive item. Pantheon is good at initiating.
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