You should really prioritize taking both your major buffs quickly and safely. It opens up more opportunities for early ganks and sets the timers for these valuable camps to respawn sooner rather than later.
My blue goes:
Sometimes I go blue->wolf->red->wraith->wolf->wight, but only if my red is safe. I don't like the idea of getting my other buff stolen. Most of the time I go with path 1 or 2, depending on my health or lane to gank.
Extremely? Depending on the jungler. You would probably not have smite up if you just used it. The payoff on it would be really low too.In that case the faster would be blue -> steal red. How dangerous would that be?
4-0 in games against humans. Why do people feed tho? Like, I thought no matter how stupid or new to MOBAs you are that's the one thing literally everybody knows, yet without fail I get someone in my lane yolo diving on towers on full hp heroes which makes getting fed on Jax real damn hard. It always eventually happens tho. Or has so far.
i feed to solve world hunger.
or because theyre angry at a team mate and so do it as payback
Maybe it was the world hunger thing then, cause this Udyr was feeding like it was his god damned mission in life.
Ed: Hey what do I do about the fact that I want to play a hero that seems to be primarily a jungler (Jarvan IV) which will mean his suggested build will be based on jungling but I, and apparently none of the low levels I play with, have a clue how to jungle? Should I just skip him for now and come back once I'm playing with people I can reasonably expect to know how to leash for me and just suffer thru 2-1-2 lanes while I'm in shit tier? I've tried playing some free rotation junglers and A. jungling is always a shit show and B. I don't know what to buy for them in the lane and I always feel gimped.
Sneaking in some damage on Trundle is so much fun.tried trundle, he's kinda fun. bought a wardens mail as first item and it was like jax didnt even exist in lane, then i got botrk and spirit visage and took 6 turrets before my team yelled at me to group. poor jax never even got the first top tower.
I see some lcs teams smiting immediatly on the first buff so that the jungler can run straight to the second with smite up.
This is this season's equivilant of red>gank top. I wouldnt recommend this path in solo que though.
I did that at first when they lowered the cd on smite. I guess it would work if your teammates in solo queue gave you a good enough leash after you use it, but I feel like half the time they wouldn't even realize you used smite at the beginning.
Sheesh pantheon is so easy to play. Clears are smooth at all points in the game and elder lizard alone is like infinite jungle sustain. Once you get hydra you farm like a mad man while melting carries and you have his ult too.
Def picking him up after I get some more ip.
Reminds me of Curse's "Blitzcrank is so stupid we don't see any reason -not- to play him!" statement during some Season 2 tournament. They ended up losing the set leading up to that by 1 - 4, and their lone victory was when they finally ditched Shitcrank in favor of Fiddlesticks.Shining is an understatement. There's pretty much no reason to play any support other than her (except maybe Thresh).
You can build whatever and still best Jax in a duel as Trundle.tried trundle, he's kinda fun. bought a wardens mail as first item and it was like jax didnt even exist in lane, then i got botrk and spirit visage and took 6 turrets before my team yelled at me to group. poor jax never even got the first top tower.
Man I wish they'd get rid of the monster dmg cap on hecarim's Q. Doesn't seem like his early jungle is that great compares to other popular jungles right now, seems like just letting his Q do full dmg to monsters would help out cause he still feels pretty squishy to me. I can do second blue with spirit stone and boots and still come out with 1/2 health. I do the same thug with Elise and lose 1/4 health and do it in a quarter of the time.
Get junglers who aren't very reliant on that leash?
He'll just start getting banned again because Silver elo.Hecarim definitely appears to be coming back into the fold in Solo Q, starting to see him a lot more than Vi, even.
Silver scrubber here.
He'll just start getting banned again because Silver elo.
The legs were more confusing than what I remembered.
I didn't even think about Hecarim but the new spirit stone should be helping him immensely. I've always had some mana problems with him but his AOE Q with a spirit stone should give him some great sustain.
I tend to agree with your thoughts on the Q damage though.
It's helpful but not enough early on because his Q damage is reduced and aoe doesn't heal as much on spirit stone if I'm remembering correctly. So your main source of damage is getting double reduction.
Stop drawing all over your math bookA little drawing I did.
The legs were more confusing than what I remembered.
I remember when I told people to just pick leona to be best support
Seems to be the trend for champs with only two skins.Kinda weird that lunar revel diana skin is the only skin that will be permanent. All the previous lunar revel skins are not limited.
They said they wanted to make this Lunar Revel's skins legacy, but hers isn't going to because it's her only skin since release.Kinda weird that lunar revel diana skin is the only skin that will be permanent. All the previous lunar revel skins are not limited.
So when is the Shurima Desert patch coming?
More than half of my physics notebook were doodles.Stop drawing all over your math book
Phillip, I've completely hopped on the Fiora bandwagon. So good.
you come bearing gifts and this is the skin you pickStop drawing all over your math book
And here is Jessica nigiri as spell thief lux
1v1 map canceled
shurima buried in the dirt again
this oceleote v pain match is pretty gud guys
Nah, that'd make too much sense.btw this is pretty high on reddit and with good reason
The longer I stare at the screen the redder my eyes get.did your avatar always have the red around the left eye or did you add it in a few days ago?
Nah, that'd make too much sense.
Like you know, giving a Jade Dragon skin to a dragon champion. More logical to hand that one over to Wukong.
Stop drawing all over your math book
I was really hoping they would make a lunar revel skin for syndra or ori
why doesn't anyone think about ME!?
Lux has like 12 skins
.and they're all horribad.
Imperial Lux is amazingly terribad!