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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Lack of AP scaling is the issue, not items. Mejais + Liandys Nami positively recks TF late on, but obviously, that's with say 150AP.
ap scaling is the issue too, but the ap items that exist give you nothing as support, specially since shurelyas+mikaels is pretty much required now

or you're sacrificing a lot for your team to get a selfish item like rylais or liandrys or something.

they should make the spellthief item give you ap with time like roa or something.

and rework twin shadows and zeke's herald so at least you have a few choices.
Eh, Trundle's role isn't 1v1 Nasus. At least that's not why I use him for, and he's my main non-mage top (not that I go that lane much anyways).

Rush Botrk and rush to their helpless ADC, that's what Trundle means for me. Botrk + W + Ghost (because you go Ghost, obviously, not flash like these troll Trundles) and not even that bitch Tristana can escape. Making fun at these Vaynes trying to kite and make the plays also.

Dat splitpush too. I'd say he's top 5 splitpusher, and because people still ignore him until some pro uses him in a pro match and all the sheeps follow, you can destroy lanes freely before they realize how strong he's at splitpushing.
Well yeah, that's (the bolded part) what I was sorta getting at with Trundle vs Susan lanes.

It's funny how fast he can whittle down a tower now that you mention it, because one minion wave is usually enough for him to bulldozer one entirely. He can splitpush just as hard with an early Trinity Force or a Tiamat however, so the matter of either one of those two or Blade of the Ruined King is decided by whoever you're fighting in lane and how you predict teamfights will go. Don't blindly rush BoRK like those LCS posers, and definitely don't be one of those wasteful fools buying Sunfire Cape. Ghost is overkill on Trundle in a lot of situations; although there are a decent number of instances where he'll utilize it well, he can already innately catch up to most enemies well enough with W and/or Pillar (never mind BoRK's active). Flash would naturally be better suited against high-mobility champs or comps that can leap over terrain, or when you suspect you'll be a prime target for junglers who can gank hard. Oddly enough Trundle has always been somewhat resilient to Vayne's kiting with a good sense of timing, but it's nowhere near as satisfying as interrupting Tristana's jump (when she's already mid-air) through means of a well-timed Pillar. Same goes for denying a Shyvanna using her ult for an escape.

Mundo is just outdated.
Everyone builds Mundo like a wet noodle, and his ult wouldn't be so bad if Riot wasn't so stubborn with not providing worthwhile anti-sustain tools. I've had success against him with Yorick though. Just don't buy Tear, ever.


Not if he only owns Annie.

Also what headset do you guys use? I need a new one.

I dont use one right now bc I hook my sound up to my speakers. I have my laptop mic if I ever need it.

I have a pair of Turtle Beach xSomethings that I used for xbox and the computer, but they only sometimes work because I step on them all the time.

I'l probably shop around again when I eventually get an Xbox One. Hopefully a headset that's compatible with both.


I'd recommend getting a decent pair of headphones and a modmic. Superior audio and superior microphone.

I've been meaning to buy one to go with my comfortable headphones. I have a mic with my M80s (basically just V-Moda's own modmic, to be honest) but it's pretty uncomfortable for extended playing so I tend to just use them on the desk and have a more comfortable set of headphones on :/
I've been meaning to buy one to go with my comfortable headphones. I have a mic with my M80s (basically just V-Moda's own modmic, to be honest) but it's pretty uncomfortable for extended playing so I tend to just use them on the desk and have a more comfortable set of headphones on :/

also a fine choice.
This just happened to me in ranked, ups. (We won. I just noticed I respawned just in time, lol) *Greed can kill you.

And I found another video from almost a year ago, hehe.

I'm just testing BaronReplay and another thing

edit: oh, and it sounds like riot is thinking about making talisman of ascension it's own item so it doesn't build from a gp10 item, changing Lucian's Q to something different, stealth champions (and teemo's mushrooms), and defensive tree; I dunno what will even make it to PBE.


Servers dead for anyone else? Whole game is dc'ing
Yup, right after a ranked game started and jungle minions were about to spawn, everything disconnected. I can't even log in now. Maybe I'll at least get loss forgiven.

*edit* Thanks Riot, got loss prevented. It let me in after 26 minutes.
Just played my first ever game with Jungle Panth. Went 14-4-11 and qualified for a series. Their khazix had been getting fed, but we spotted him heading bot and I counterganked and got our sivir a shutdown double. Then she carried.

He clears kinda slow, especially since I'm so used to Vi, but the passive on his E is SO OP. Holy crap.


man diamonds shouldn't be allowed to play normals

they play like shit like LOLOL IM TROLLIN, start losing, flame then go into tryhard mode so he can end it with a classy "ez n00bs"

and the guy was on my team, but like what the fuck dude. I'd say 90% of the diamond players I've met in normals is this way. even a friend of a friend that sometimes plays with me and my friends is just this kind of idiotic

I dunno what they do to people when they get to diamond that makes them idiots but I wish they would stay the fuck out of my normals


I'd recommend getting a decent pair of headphones and a modmic. Superior audio and superior microphone.

If you must get a headset, check Mad Lust Envy's thread at HeadFi.org. The list of headphones is under the section "INDEX, RATINGS, MY TOP CHOICES" Click to expand.

But I can't recommend some decent headphones and a modmic enough.

Cool. thanks for the link. I like the conveniences of headset tho. Might be too many cables if I get a separate microphone.


Also ,is it bad that I want to use ad runes to farm better at mid. Of course I won't..haha I'll just keep practicing last hitting.
I just use my A40s for everything. My mixamp is covered in tape and falling apart but it's still chugging along. Love this headset.

I never have anyone to talk to tho (._. )


i'm trying to join the one in the OP and it's telling me I have a wrong password. I've never used mumble and have no idea what I'd doing.
This is the only info you need:
Main server: IP = chi.eoreality.net and port = 64739 (75 slots)

I'm in the channel named ("feeding in normals")


Everything is moe to me
looks like they might have redistributed the ribbons again.


Nami kinda sucks right now :S.

I quite like Nami, shes my current main. I am a silver 5 player and I have got two friends into gold 5 with her.

I use to main Thresh. Nami has now become my main even though I have 50+ games with Thresh over Nami. I now consider Nami (for me) the superior support.

Nami is neutral in terms of initiation she stuns on spot where thresh have a choice going in but he ends up in melee range and leona just goes in with her Q. Namis bubble for solo queue as I can get paired with ADCs that are asleep. With thresh I would go in on my enemy adc when we are ahead in health and levels and my adc doesn't see it and just sits there and farms until its too late. With nami this is not a problem at all as I can bubble from range and do AA damage whilst the laners are stunned. If my ADC notices or not I am still safe. I am pretty good at bubbling both the support and adc with the AOE stun.

I use bubble as area denial for last hitting and also offensively to zone out the adc and support. Since Nami's AA speed is terribly slow you can hit enemy champs and be out of range of minion aggro which is pretty damn useful.

To make up for the crappy AA I take ignite on nami and it works wonders. I always ask my ADC to take barrier if they try to pick up ignite. I know its anti meta with everyone expecting supports to take exhaust but lane presence becomes huge early game. It lets me and my adc zone not the enemy bot lane out of experience and gold quite a lot.

If I think a big exchange is going to go south I immediately ignite whoever is on higher hp. With namis heal I can heal both of us and damage the adc or support with one ability. This means even a crappy trade can become an even trade for me and my adc.

Its best to get ahead early as possible with Nami as the early levels are crucial. Leona generally picks up post 6 making me play passive until I pick up Talisman. Then I think its more of a skill match up with an edge to Leona if we are the same level and same build. Until I start grabbing armour. The Talisman fixes the issue of initiation on nami and it also works double for peel if we need to run.

My build on nami is:
start: ancient coin + sight ward + 2 hp pots, warding totem
first b on 1000+ gold is:
upgrade ancient coin to Nomad's Medallion + ruby crystal + faerie charm (if you can afford it)
second b
sightstone lvl 1 + talisman of ascension if I can afford it or lvl 1 boots if I can't
In lane this is where I am generally weak and other supports start to hit hard if I haven't zoned them enough. Leona's especially can pull ahead if they can get a good Q in.
third b
Finish talisman, pick up cloth armour maybe ionion boots if you can afford it.
From there its:
randiuns, lvl 2 sightstone, spirit visage and last item is debatable. I generally stay tank and go banshees or thornmail. I might try Mikael's Crucible in the future to deal with enemy CC on my adc.


I'd recommend getting a decent pair of headphones and a modmic. Superior audio and superior microphone.

If you must get a headset, check Mad Lust Envy's thread at HeadFi.org. The list of headphones is under the section "INDEX, RATINGS, MY TOP CHOICES" Click to expand.

But I can't recommend some decent headphones and a modmic enough.

Wow. nice find. I'm actually starting to look for some new headphones. I rarely use my old sennheiser headset unless I'm on mumble or vent or something but I'm moving my "office" to the living room so it's going to be more valuable soon.

I know dedicated headphones plus a modmic is probably the best way to go but I do like the convenience of a headset. I kind of have my eye on the Sennheiser PC360. Seems like the best compromise between quality of headphones and the convenience of a headset.
ap scaling is the issue too, but the ap items that exist give you nothing as support, specially since shurelyas+mikaels is pretty much required now
But I don't see the issue here at least where Nami is concerned. Both non-AP items are still godly on her as it means you can spam your shit. After SS, Ascension and Chalice/Mikaels I either go Mejai's or Ruby into Guise. I'm not sure how these are selfish at all?

My build on nami is...

What division are you in?
I know dedicated headphones plus a modmic is probably the best way to go but I do like the convenience of a headset. I kind of have my eye on the Sennheiser PC360. Seems like the best compromise between quality of headphones and the convenience of a headset.
I had the PC360s and they developed a fault after a year. Certainly comfortable headphones with a good mic, but for £140 (when I got them) they certainly don't feel like £140 - they're extremely light weight (for good and bad) and all through plastic.


But I don't see the issue here at least where Nami is concerned. Both non-AP items are still godly on her as it means you can spam your shit. After SS, Ascension and Chalice/Mikaels I either go Mejai's or Ruby into Guise. I'm not sure how these are selfish at all?

What division are you in?

I had the PC360s and they developed a fault after a year. Certainly comfortable headphones with a good mic, but for £140 (when I got them) they certainly don't feel like £140 - they're extremely light weight (for good and bad) and all through plastic.

First line of my post bro! Silver 5.
First line of my post bro! Silver 5.

:( I did read the whole thing too

IMO you should probably knock SV (you're already hitting 40% CD with your build so the CD is wasted) and Randuins on the head and if you're after a defensive item, get Locket. You can't, or really shouldn't, tank as Nami.

No one is going to be focusing you so Randuin's/Thornmail are half wasted and if you are in the centre of the fight you're wasting half of your support potential - staying near your carrys and healing, buffing and Q'ing away. Miakel's should be your core item after 'Stone and Ascension (or before Ascension, up to you/context - unlikely though) as you're essentially bring heal to the fight even if you don't save it for cleansing purposes.


:( I did read the whole thing too

IMO you should probably knock SV (you're already hitting 40% CD with your build so the CD is wasted) and Randuins on the head and if you're after a defensive item, get Locket. You can't, or really shouldn't, tank as Nami.

No one is going to be focusing you so Randuin's/Thornmail are half wasted and if you are in the centre of the fight you're wasting half of your support potential - staying near your carrys and healing, buffing and Q'ing away. Miakel's should be your core item after 'Stone and Ascension (or before Ascension, up to you/context - unlikely though) as you're essentially bring heal to the fight even if you don't save it for cleansing purposes.

I will give it a go, as I mained thresh (first support) previously which is most likely why I play nami tanky style.


I think I'm just gonna hop on the jax/nasus elo train. Anyone know a good jax build? I assume triforce/Bork then tank.

That's pretty much it. botrk or triforce first, the other one second then tank. Jax is a beast once he has triforce and botrk. Then push all day. lol


That's pretty much it. botrk or triforce first, the other one second then tank. Jax is a beast once he has triforce and botrk. Then push all day. lol

Jax is just dumb to be honest. Once mundo and friends get nerfed, jax will be new fotm. Once he gets his triforce there's no point in trying to push.


Early Trundle attempts had mixed results. I played against a Wukong and was doing well/decently, but I had too many poorly chosen engages since I was still learning the damage levels etc., and (especially this) I got ganked 3+ times early game and was only able to escape maybe 1 of them. I guess I really need to spend a lot more money on wards if I am in the top lane.

Wukong is also really annoying because similar to Teemo, there's no way to see his clone without putting a pink ward (which can then simply be destroyed).

The game after I played against a Darius and did much better. The Darius was presumably mediocre since he just built armor, but Trundle worked very well against him.

I'm trying 9/21/0 masteries, starting doran's blade or doran's shield, and rushing BOTRK. Then I try for either spirit visage or triforce. In theory perhaps I should put randuins in there first if there is a ton of AD damage early, but I'm not sure.


But I don't see the issue here at least where Nami is concerned. Both non-AP items are still godly on her as it means you can spam your shit. After SS, Ascension and Chalice/Mikaels I either go Mejai's or Ruby into Guise. I'm not sure how these are selfish at all?
well for starters mejais idiotic, even PMD sells it every single game, he builds mejais to troll dude, don't follow what pros do blindly!

but look at your final build

shurelya, ss I suppose is sorcerer shoes (why? get tabi or merc or mobi, they're all 10x better on nami!), then mikaels. now you have 3 slows left, you never bought sighstone and you spend around 2.7k gold on a 0 stacks mejai+haunting guise. you're left with a single slot that can be either used for sighstone or pink wards, but you can't have both so if it's baron time, your team must have better bought some red trinkets or a shit ton of wards to compensate you not being able to do your job.

if you want ap just get a morellos dude. it caps you out on cdr and it gives you a passive that helps your whole team. you're stacking penetration with sorc shoes and haunting guise for a champion that has really shitty non-spammable base damages and you're buying mejais on a squishy squishy support

I'd say you need to rethink your build

btw my build right now on everyone but leona:

start: doran shield + 2 pots/ward + ward trinket (unless I'm blitz then I like to start coin)
first base: coin + pots and wards
second base: either upgrade coin, get a full sighstone or get chalice. depends on the lane, I'll only get sighstone is laning phase is already over and I won't be sitting in lane to make much use of upgraded coin. chalice is if it's a poke lane or I'm afraid of the annie or something.

after that I'll build like most people shurelyas > sighstone (sell trinket, get red one) > mikaels > ruby sighstone and stick boots somewhere in the middle, usually defensive boots, but sometimes mobi or swifties.

after that all tankiness, usually a randuins first, but also spirit visage, banshees, etc.

I'll always be buying pinks and I'll eventually upgrade the red trinket.
well for starters mejais idiotic, even PMD sells it every single game, he builds mejais to troll dude, don't follow what pros do blindly!

I didn't know he did take it to troll. Either way, I hit around 15 stacks each game.
shurelya, ss I suppose is sorcerer shoes (why? get tabi or merc or mobi, they're all 10x better on nami!), then mikaels. now you have 3 slows left, you never bought sighstone and you spend around 2.7k gold on a 0 stacks mejai+haunting guise. you're left with a single slot that can be either used for sighstone or pink wards, but you can't have both so if it's baron time, your team must have better bought some red trinkets or a shit ton of wards to compensate you not being able to do your job.

SS is sightstone...
ss = missing

Back in my day we said MIA.
modmic + shipping = 40$ already. :O
What's your budget? If you're looking to spend less than $150, get one of the headsets at the head fi link provided. They are marked as headsets.

The modmic is for people who want to buy exceptional headphones and pair a detachable that offers better audio quality than the expensive Snowball or Yeti standing mics. The benefit is that you can have a pair of great headphones you can take with you and use anywhere, and when it's time to game, just snap on the mic. Rather than a headset with a non-removable mic that you can't leave home with and questionable parts/quality.


I didn't know he did take it to troll. Either way, I hit around 15 stacks each game.
I dunno, every time I see an enemy nami go for mejais I make it my life's purpose to murder her over and over.

you could get almost half a randuins with the money from a mejais. I hate everything about that item :/

SS is sightstone...
lol first time I heard sighstone being called ss. usually ss is statik or sorc shoes :I

well then you're pretty covered, I still think it's not worth it since mpen and ap aren't too rewarded with nami/sona right now but if you build an early sighstone at least you're warding
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