i like this new Ashe skin. It's well done. Much better than the Vayne skin.
I agree. Heartseeker Vayne is one of my less favorite skins.
i like this new Ashe skin. It's well done. Much better than the Vayne skin.
I'm so done with Gragas. Sorry about the rant but good God this champ has everything. He's safe, mobile, tanky, and has sustain with god tier engage/disengage. He's on the ban list with Leona and Kass.
dont focus nasus, you have to come dive ezreal with us.3-3 on my placements, I can't seem to catch a break when playing support. like, if I go support then my mid will be atrociously bad.
like fizz 1v1 losing against lucian lategame bad.
I can feel the silver coming
edit: also from now on if I ever read someone say the word focus I'll insta-mute them because they're retarded and don't deserve my time
as someone who cries about every fotm, gragas hasn't been an issue for me, if only because i've been messing with him for like 3 years
those are condoms?
surely the "38mm" and "44mm" aren't...what is that a reference to?
pretty muchdont focus nasus, you have to come dive ezreal with us.
/all report adc pls
thats about average for diameter.surely not. that's < 2".
thats about average for diameter.
you might be thinking of circumference?
I think you're right. But...I don't really understand why you'd measure a penis for fitting something based on diameter instead of length or circumference. That's the problem I'm having with that in general. It doesn't make any sense. So I'll just wait for someone to tell me definitively what the 38mm and 44mm are referring to here.
its good to be home
as requested here are jojo branded condoms
i dunno how to resize stuff on imac, enjoy 4mb image
its japan it doesnt have to make sense.
Pick Teemo top.
Get counter picked with a Rumble.
Ask Gragas mid in champ select if we can lane switch because its a bad matchup.
I go 4/3/1
Other lanes combine for 1/20, with two rage quitters bot after going 0/12.
This game sometimes.
its good to be home
as requested here are jojo branded condoms
i dunno how to resize stuff on imac, enjoy 4mb image
That's Fist of the North Star, not Jojo. They do have a similar art style in the early volumes though. There are kind of many sorts of it.
Fuck I'd buy those so badits good to be home
as requested here are jojo branded condoms
i dunno how to resize stuff on imac, enjoy 4mb image
The size of Fist of the North Star characters' pee peesthose are condoms?
surely the "38mm" and "44mm" aren't...what is that a reference to?
What an uninspired design, Rito step it up pls
when i was little my sneaks had vel kroz
I ask myself the same thing, why you are playing him I mean. Ugliest champion to 'grace' League (worse than Zyra), called a Darkin, voice that makes him sound like a 90-year old geezer, uninteresting skills and so forth.I absolutely fucking despise Gragas. He just does everything too well and too safely.
Nothing like getting two shotted by Jarvan. Why do I play Aatrox? He's so god damn squishy.
Ugliest champion to 'grace' League (worse than Zyra)
The fuck did you just say about my waifu?I Ugliest champion to 'grace' League (worse than Zyra),
The problem is that it pretty much erased non 2v1 ranged tops from the game and it also hurts melee tops big time because of all the regen it gives.Personally I'd rather Doran's Shield be kept. :/ Here we are with an item that actually lets many melees survive laning instead of being a punching bag until they get enough levels to get their gapclosing nuke skills.
I ask myself the same thing, why you are playing him I mean. Ugliest champion to 'grace' League (worse than Zyra), called a Darkin, voice that makes him sound like a 90-year old geezer, uninteresting skills and so forth.
He truly is atrocious.
I prefer 'Warhammer 40K disgusting' over 'Rob Leifeld demon dude that wouldn't even be approved for a Spawn-esque edgy comic book because his design is that embarrassing' if I had to choose one aesthetic over the other. Fool can't even grow proper wings.urgot to be kidding me
Strongly dislike those too, but Aatrox has them beat in awfulness.At least he's not some "tee hee sexy lady lol jokes on u UR DED!!!"
Half-naked eeeeeeevil plant lady with high heels, and she has an annoying voice. Should've never been put in the game with her obnoxious kit either.The fuck did you just say about my waifu?
Half-naked eeeeeeevil plant lady with high heels, and she has an annoying voice. Should've never been put in the game with her obnoxious kit either.
I'll concede that Zyra's audio isn't the best both in it's sound and what she says.
You're a terrible husbando.
Urgot is one of the best designed champions in the game though.urgot to be kidding me
Half-naked eeeeeeevil plant lady with high heels, and she has an annoying voice. Should've never been put in the game with her obnoxious kit either.
A) "Badass" oversized shoulders alpha male warrior/samurai.
B) Oversexualized, half-naked female.
who knows, maybe velkoz will be female.Every female in this game is half naked. The core demographic of this game will buy:
A) "Badass" oversized shoulders alpha male warrior/samurai.
B) Oversexualized, half-naked female.
They're that idiotic, though it's not surprising considering the average age should be around 16. Give them anything else and it's a no-no. And Riot needs the money so unique designs that are not conceived to appeal that core playerbase are rare. The female fapservice is starting to be a bit embarrassing though.
Still waiting for an oversexualized half-naked hot guy that is not a bald monk.
Ew no, and I much prefer monster and anthro champs.Urgot is one of the best designed champions in the game though.
She's a Dryad and her voice is wonderful, you philistine.
Still waiting for an oversexualized half-naked hot guy that is not a bald monk.