I've seen a fair bit of her. She's so good. Just needs time to get to that fast 6.Diana get run much anymore? That skin was too good to pass up... way better than riven's
I've seen a fair bit of her. She's so good. Just needs time to get to that fast 6.Diana get run much anymore? That skin was too good to pass up... way better than riven's
Q.should I be maxing E or Q as jungle panth? I've been maxing Q.
Oh no. Another Panth jungle in the LCS. Dammit. This is going to get popular and potentially nerfed.
looks like they might have redistributed the ribbons again.
Why do people play useless champs like Shaco?
Why do people play useless champs like Shaco?
Doesn't his clown proc TF, Hydra etc now?
This really is true. Shaco (and maybe a few other champions like Vayne) can be completely horrifying and demoralizing when a player is really good.An experimented Shaco is a force to be reckoned with.
Anything less than that though and it's one of the worst junglers to have, I find.
In other news, I'm now in my Gold Series! Could have been there much earlier but I dislike playing alone unless I absolutely have to. Maybe I'll try to hit up some gaffers tonight.
At what level of play do laners actually begin to set up ganks for you? Sometimes I'm not entirely sure they actually see the target above the opponents head.
Zac is tons of fun though. His ganking angles are silly and it seems like he still does good damage.
Its news to me that dominion is still in the game.It occurred to me that I have literally never seen anyone play Zac in dominion. Ever. He may be played at lower ELOs, of course.
Its news to me that dominion is still in the game.
Im not even kidding. I thought they removed. it.Dominion is really fun though, and perfect to train mechanics. Go play it for the Diana icon.
It occurred to me that I have literally never seen anyone play Zac in dominion. Ever. He may be played at lower ELOs, of course.
blitz is the only fun supportHalf the people on my friends list are in a game as blitzcrank right now. Wtf is happening.
Oh no. Another Panth jungle in the LCS. Dammit. This is going to get popular and potentially nerfed.
Why would he? Snowball heavy, and he's basically Kha but without all the bells and whistles to actually keep up the snowball.
well they could nerf his ult some more if they want tothe counterganks though
They need to nerf Ziggs until he's in the Corki state.
Meh. They better nerf Draven. Nobody likes him anyway.
Best post NA 2014.
Past 6 games that i've gone top, i have gotten 0 ganks from my junglers.
I'm getting real sick of spending over 600g on wards during laning every single game while my opponent buys 0 and gets ahead with items.
Just had the funniest thing happen.
Playing 3v3 with a couple of my pals, we stomped the other team. They were complaining about our Yasuo (saying he's op and boring) as the game ended. We matchmake again, and guess who is on the other side (playing Yasuo, which made us lol pretty hard).
The game starts.. and they just aren't there. They afk'd after seeing us. We couldn't believe it.
Around 20k the capacity.
holy shit, riot is really serious with making league an esport. I mean with this "latin america cup" they're going to be giving away 3k usd every month, 40k usd in the offline events (3) and 60k usd in the grand final. Around 200k the prize pool for this year for latin america, it's a lot for me, I really didn't think they would take too serious this region.
And they're going to use "La Arena" (The Arena) of Mexico City for the grand finals, it's were the NBA match was going to be played.
Around 20k the capacity.
I'm seriously thinking about going there, even if I hate mexico city.
You're not fucking Boken
Is this going to be Latin America LCS somewhat?
My first placement match. Wish me luck.
How does it determine the people you play against?
Side note: That AP Annie though.
Out of context.Newt: "I love Corki"