Is it just me, or are the only supports beings picked regularly in LCS: Annie, Leona and Thresh? I don't think I've seen any other support picked more than once or twice.
Is it just me, or are the only supports beings picked regularly in LCS: Annie, Leona and Thresh? I don't think I've seen any other support picked/banned more than once or twice.
Because right now they're basically the only supports in the game worth playing. Any other champ will just have a hellish time against those 3.Is it just me, or are the only supports beings picked regularly in LCS: Annie, Leona and Thresh? I don't think I've seen any other support picked/banned more than once or twice.
Man they really need to tinker something up for pure support. Perhaps limit who can buy the gold income items to those with primary role : Support? idk.
what's the whole point of the shield on ult anyway
it's kinda sorta but not really balanced because he has to run around to charge it, but the shield on ult means he basically can instagib you and get away with it most of the time
good idea brianshould rename eve to steve
shield on ult just makes him ulting too safe for an assassin
it's a similar problem to what they're talking about with diana, dude instagibs you and can run away with full health because of the shield
on yasuo is kinda even worse because he doesn't even have to land a skillshot or anything.
tbh I think the shield on ult has to go 100%. then we'll see, I don't think he's as op aside from that as most people
nah, I think the shield on ult is a mistake overall and they should just remove it.actually, why not just grant the bonus if he lands ult IF he gets it from the Q knockup
it'd probably work but at the same time would be adding even more wonky situational stuff to a champ that's already kinda built off that
You survived.good idea brian
Jesus Christ, i was in my promos for god damn silver3 this morning. Now Im at 40 LP.
What the fuck? Silver is the true elo hell.
Riot's gotten better with their female champions though. Yeah, Zyra, Syndra and to a lesser extent EliseEvery female in this game is half naked. The core demographic of this game will buy:
A) "Badass" oversized shoulders alpha male warrior/samurai.
B) Oversexualized, half-naked female.
They're that idiotic, though it's not surprising considering the average age should be around 16. Give them anything else and it's a no-no. And Riot needs the money so unique designs that are not conceived to appeal that core playerbase are rare. The female fapservice is starting to be a bit embarrassing though.
Still waiting for an oversexualized half-naked hot guy that is not a bald monk.
Nidalee's animation was toned down too, to be fair. Initial PBE version vs launch version.I am a bit sad I don't get the stripper pole recall for the Katarina skin. I understand it's pandering to an audience, but it was cool. =( Nidalee still has one too.
duh, id buy sword of the divine in lcs for the lane harass.i mean just make sure you don't buy it when you are playing in the lcs panda!!!
anything V-IV is elo hellJesus Christ, i was in my promos for god damn silver3 this morning. Now Im at 40 LP.
What the fuck? Silver is the true elo hell.
no. division one is the worst. you get the people from v and iv but your games actually matter.anything V-IV is elo hell
anything after is mostly smooth sailing
Urgot is one of the best designed champions in the game though.
Every female in this game is half naked. The core demographic of this game will buy:
A) "Badass" oversized shoulders alpha male warrior/samurai.
B) Oversexualized, half-naked female.
They're that idiotic, though it's not surprising considering the average age should be around 16. Give them anything else and it's a no-no. And Riot needs the money so unique designs that are not conceived to appeal that core playerbase are rare. The female fapservice is starting to be a bit embarrassing though.
Still waiting for an oversexualized half-naked hot guy that is not a bald monk.
What would valor's and anivias baby be called?
Is it just me, or are the only supports beings picked regularly in LCS: Annie, Leona and Thresh? I don't think I've seen any other support picked/banned more than once or twice.
i have also been playing some trundle.So I've been playing Trundle in the jungle...
His split push power is so amazing. He really can turns games.
I think I have a new waifu... wait! I mean...
But how's starbound?i have also been playing some trundle.
i have also been playing some trundle.
But how's starbound?
its fun, play it with me brah.
I told you guys about the jungle Trundle, man. Now if only the Madreds upgrade path was better. Might as well join in with the results:So I've been playing Trundle in the jungle...
His split push power is so amazing. He really can turns games.
I think I have a new waifu... wait! I mean...
The bigger question for me would be if Sona and Zyra have been nerfed too much - they're both strong initiating supports who aren't being used even though they arguably bring better initiation than most of the supports who are being played, almost entirely because their lane phase is too weak to survive kill lanes. They could probably use a balance pass now that the support item/income changes have been mostly finalized.
Ok, now that's a really cool way to tease something.
I was Bronze Season 1, Silver Season 2, Gold Season 3, and I just got Platinum for Season 4! So happy right now!
Your turn. No hiding of embarrassing stats allowed.
S1Your turn. No hiding of embarrassing stats allowed.
S2 (only one month of play due to taking a break from end of S1 to last month of S2)