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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Is it just me, or are the only supports beings picked regularly in LCS: Annie, Leona and Thresh? I don't think I've seen any other support picked/banned more than once or twice.


Is it just me, or are the only supports beings picked regularly in LCS: Annie, Leona and Thresh? I don't think I've seen any other support picked more than once or twice.

Oh its not you.

Top: renek/mundo/shyv
Jungle:elise/vi/lee (op champs nerfs where)
Mid: gragas/ziggs/Kayle
ADC: jinx/lucian


Is it just me, or are the only supports beings picked regularly in LCS: Annie, Leona and Thresh? I don't think I've seen any other support picked/banned more than once or twice.

Hard engage / stun is so valuable. Unless you have a very specialized lane/team composition idea (like EG's Urgot and Raka), there's no reason NOT to go Thresh/Leona/Annie.

Even with the Doran Shield proposed nerf. T'was Leona/Annie/Thresh with Coin (or Relic Shield if you were feeling frisky) start, and it'll go back to that.

Man they really need to tinker something up for pure support. Perhaps limit who can buy the gold income items to those with primary role : Support? idk.
Is it just me, or are the only supports beings picked regularly in LCS: Annie, Leona and Thresh? I don't think I've seen any other support picked/banned more than once or twice.
Because right now they're basically the only supports in the game worth playing. Any other champ will just have a hellish time against those 3.

Bot lane basically just downgraded into S2 bot again. 3 champs in each role that push everyone else out.


Man they really need to tinker something up for pure support. Perhaps limit who can buy the gold income items to those with primary role : Support? idk.

All they need is to give back traditional supports their old values and fuck AP utility scaling. The less a champ was affected by the AP support scaling changes (Annie, Thresh, Zyra, Fiddlesticks not at all, Leona minor because she wants tank stats anyways) the better off they are right now. Riot fucked over the most balanced lane in the game because, apparently, my end game fantasy wasn't being fulfilled. And who knows when they'll get around to fixing this. Doran's shield and Spirit Visage, OP from this Summer, just got nerfed recently. I can't recall Riot ever being this slow to balance the game.
As someone just getting back in the game after like 6 months away (friend begged me to have his pocket support back after falling to plat) watching LCS is pretty educational.

And uh...Yasuo? Haven't played against him yet the couple games I've played but he seems a little obscene. That absorb shield at the end of that game was just so unexpected, and windwall looks frustrating to play against.

Also coming back after awhile really puts things into perspective with how the meta shifts simply based on general favor. I'm seeing champs who were deemed unplayable six months ago now played constantly where very little actual change was made to them. Same thing in reverse. When i played last Shen and Blitzcrank were auto-bans and as far as I can tell these champions weren't nerfed in significant ways yet they are now going unpicked and unbanned constantly from what I've played and seen on stream. The meta really shifts in some unpredictable ways over time.

I'm sure alot of the disparity has to do with the mastery and item reworks but it still is interesting to see how much has changed in terms of whats favored overall.


the one thing about yasuo I think is broken is the shield on ult part

it basically makes him capable of engaging at any time and dueling him just doesn't work because you can't take the shield down with poke first then fight him. well you can dodge his q thing but still it feels pretty bullshity


what's the whole point of the shield on ult anyway

it's kinda sorta but not really balanced because he has to run around to charge it, but the shield on ult means he basically can instagib you and get away with it most of the time
what's the whole point of the shield on ult anyway

it's kinda sorta but not really balanced because he has to run around to charge it, but the shield on ult means he basically can instagib you and get away with it most of the time

I think....idunno. with his damage output, I think they need to figure out another solution of some kind. Mans shouldn't be able to easily kill 3 people on 200hp.

Then again, maybe we should simply say he "outplayed" the other team and call it a day. Not sure.


shield on ult just makes him ulting too safe for an assassin

it's a similar problem to what they're talking about with diana, dude instagibs you and can run away with full health because of the shield

on yasuo is kinda even worse because he doesn't even have to land a skillshot or anything.

tbh I think the shield on ult has to go 100%. then we'll see, I don't think he's as op aside from that as most people


Has there been a lot of split pushing in LCS or something lately? Lost most my games today because even when we're up some Shyv or Kha refuses to group and just continuously tunnel visions on a single turret and gets murdered alone. Absolutely infuriating.


shield on ult just makes him ulting too safe for an assassin

it's a similar problem to what they're talking about with diana, dude instagibs you and can run away with full health because of the shield

on yasuo is kinda even worse because he doesn't even have to land a skillshot or anything.

tbh I think the shield on ult has to go 100%. then we'll see, I don't think he's as op aside from that as most people

actually, why not just grant the bonus if he lands ult IF he gets it from the Q knockup

it'd probably work but at the same time would be adding even more wonky situational stuff to a champ that's already kinda built off that


actually, why not just grant the bonus if he lands ult IF he gets it from the Q knockup

it'd probably work but at the same time would be adding even more wonky situational stuff to a champ that's already kinda built off that
nah, I think the shield on ult is a mistake overall and they should just remove it.

like if you want to duel with me you should charge up your shield first and I should be able to proc your shield with maybe a basic attack then wait for my actual spells. that seems fun and dynamic and outplayable for me.

I don't really have all that much experience playing against him because he's permabanned my elo but if I had to guess what's most bullshitty about him I'd say that. and maybe the w passive nerfs that are on pbe on top of removing the shield on ult, but I can't really say.


I think Yasuo as he was released was perfectly fine and needed no buffs, maybe some tweaks or QoL but certainly nothing as huge as the shield on ult that he received for some odd reason.

Also, dimb, I never knew you were such a big Bjergsen fan! =]
Jesus Christ, i was in my promos for god damn silver3 this morning. Now Im at 40 LP.

What the fuck? Silver is the true elo hell.

i'm flying through silver. got placed in silver v, promo'd directly to silver iii, played one game and got 25 LP. idk what it is because I ended last season in silver v.
Every female in this game is half naked. The core demographic of this game will buy:
A) "Badass" oversized shoulders alpha male warrior/samurai.
B) Oversexualized, half-naked female.

They're that idiotic, though it's not surprising considering the average age should be around 16. Give them anything else and it's a no-no. And Riot needs the money so unique designs that are not conceived to appeal that core playerbase are rare. The female fapservice is starting to be a bit embarrassing though.

Still waiting for an oversexualized half-naked hot guy that is not a bald monk.
Riot's gotten better with their female champions though. Yeah, Zyra, Syndra and to a lesser extent Elise
(ignoring the heaving bosom animated log-in screen)
are examples of how it shouldn't be done and why you shouldn't have the same designer work on three champions in quick succession, but they've been going in the right direction as of late. Sejuani's rework, Karma's rework, Sivir's visual upgrade, Quinn, Vi and Jinx off the top of my head, and that's excluding some of their 'recent' skin releases (barring Popstar Ahri). Even Zyra got a nice one by now.

Still too much evil overall on the other hand.

I am a bit sad I don't get the stripper pole recall for the Katarina skin. I understand it's pandering to an audience, but it was cool. =( Nidalee still has one too.
Nidalee's animation was toned down too, to be fair. Initial PBE version vs launch version.


Everything is moe to me
and people say mejai's nami is a troll build

Urgot is one of the best designed champions in the game though.

Every female in this game is half naked. The core demographic of this game will buy:
A) "Badass" oversized shoulders alpha male warrior/samurai.
B) Oversexualized, half-naked female.

They're that idiotic, though it's not surprising considering the average age should be around 16. Give them anything else and it's a no-no. And Riot needs the money so unique designs that are not conceived to appeal that core playerbase are rare. The female fapservice is starting to be a bit embarrassing though.

Still waiting for an oversexualized half-naked hot guy that is not a bald monk.


it's called heartseeker strike for a reason yknow ;)

Nah but you're right. Champ design really leans towards comic book levels of oversexualization of females.
Damn does Karma hit like a fucking truck when she gets rolling. How many buffs did she get in the past months? I don't remember the first part of her Q2 doing so much fucking damage.
So I've been playing Trundle in the jungle...


His split push power is so amazing. He really can turns games.
I think I have a new waifu... wait! I mean...
Is it just me, or are the only supports beings picked regularly in LCS: Annie, Leona and Thresh? I don't think I've seen any other support picked/banned more than once or twice.

Off the top of my head, I've seen:


Probably a few I'm forgetting. Yes, Annie, Thresh, and Leona make up the majority of the picks, but that's because the "bottom of the table" picks have actually been reasonably diverse. Also worth noting that almost all of the unconventional picks have actually been successful or at least put up very close games.

The main reason you're seeing so much of those three is because you're seeing so much of Jinx and Lucian - kill lane supports pair best with kill lane carries - so to some extent you can blame it (as with all things wrong in the world) on ADCs being very much creatures of habit.

The tank top meta also has a lot to do with it, as Shyvana and Mundo have terrible initiation power compared to old school top laners, which means you have to get that initiation from somewhere else. Jungle was the old go-to for it, but for some reason the junglers are shying away from strong initiation picks (Amumu, Malphite, etc.) which forces it off onto the support.

The bigger question for me would be if Sona and Zyra have been nerfed too much - they're both strong initiating supports who aren't being used even though they arguably bring better initiation than most of the supports who are being played, almost entirely because their lane phase is too weak to survive kill lanes. They could probably use a balance pass now that the support item/income changes have been mostly finalized.
In last game we were 3 of the same team (including me) to have game crash at the same time for 10min.
We still somehow made a comeback but lost after another 30min of intense fighting.

Still got a defeat though. Is there a way to complain to riot to have loss prevented? 3 deco simultaneously in the same team is due to some problem of riot's imo. It's not like someone crashed his box or something.

i have also been playing some trundle.


You're much better than me.
The bigger question for me would be if Sona and Zyra have been nerfed too much - they're both strong initiating supports who aren't being used even though they arguably bring better initiation than most of the supports who are being played, almost entirely because their lane phase is too weak to survive kill lanes. They could probably use a balance pass now that the support item/income changes have been mostly finalized.

Sona is just too weak in all areas.

The waifu on the other hand, I quite happily take into bot lane versus Annie as you can melt her a lot quicker with Zyra than Annie can melt you.


I don't own Trundle, so I don't get to join in with the fun.

Anyways, on the support talk, I use Karma to pretty great effect there. Generally I always win lane because of the empowered q hitting like a truck early (and a doran's ring start), and it is decently hard to gank because of the speed up and root. No sustain, but Leona, Thresh, nor Annie have that either. No hard engage, but R-E and a talisman give a lot of chase and disengage. After ss/aegis/talisman, I'll normally pick up a liandry's as my offensive item since q already gives a slow.

It's worked so far. I'm 14-8 with her in ranked, with a 2.6/4/15.2 line. A lot of those (not all) I won my lane and just had (insert bronze excuses here) causing the loss.

Edit: Oh, and lost 2 this morning in my promo's to silver, then went 7/3/9 as Renekton in the top lane. 1-2 now. Here's to hoping I can get those last two wins. *fingers crossed*
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