There's nothing stopping you. Report back after a game.![]()
lmao will do. I'm about to go to class so it will be later this evening, but I'll cap a couple screens of stat lines. =P
There's nothing stopping you. Report back after a game.![]()
Strangely, I enabled VODs on my twitch account but they never get recorded. Iunno why.
I also can't view you in mobile even though I'm a follower. It's very frustrating.
It seems twitch cuts features and visibility for streamers with limited views. Guess the only option is to grass roots yourself to a higher level.
Suggestions on a new bot ADC to learn/play today? I have Twitch but have never used him and have experience with Jinx (my main so far), Caitlyn, and Sivir. Also thinking about trying Draven while he's free. Thoughts?
EDIT: Also played a few games with Tristana. Who are your favorite ADC Champs?
I read all of Newts comments in Draven's voice.
True story.
I read your posts in your actual voice...which is pretty awesome and hilarious.I read all of Newts comments in Draven's voice.
True story.
Even when he talks with his real voice, I still consider him the mumble lady.I read any message sent by Achtius on League as mumblelady
secret passive of newt.I read all of Newts comments in Draven's voice.
True story.
I read all of Newts comments in Draven's voice.
True story.
Oh, well. It was a messy early game followed by a dominating mid and end game. Glass cannon Wu melts pretty quickly, but he also absolutely shreds anything he comes into contact with.
Tested it on the mobile app with my phone, and it loads. Funny enough, it had a video ad beforehand that stated "this ad helps support nekofrog!" wat
Finally, third promo series was the charm to get into the third division.
The reworked Sonic is the deadliest.What in gods name did they do to sonic the hedgehog.
What in gods name did they do to sonic the hedgehog.
did anyone ask him why he harbors so much rage
So I bought The Draven. I'm confused how I get both (two?) axes spinning at once, though?
So I bought The Draven. I'm confused how I get both (two?) axes spinning at once, though?
I know what they mean though, Elise has so many options it's a bit overwhelming. For clearing jungle you want to human q-w, then spider form with, then spider q to finish. Also remember to use your spiderings to tank damage, I didn't do that for the longest time but it helps so much for staying healthy in the jungle. With a good leash I can often get to level 3 without needing a health pot.Tbh, Elise isn't that mechanically hard. Just learn to hit your Es, and memorize the cooldowns of each form.
I know what they mean though, Elise has so many options it's a bit overwhelming. For clearing jungle you want to human q-w, then spider form with, then spider q to finish. Also remember to use your spiderings to tank damage, I didn't do that for the longest time but it helps so much for staying healthy in the jungle. With a good leash I can often get to level 3 without needing a health pot.
For ganks, the key is to not overwhelm yourself. After your initial clear, walk up in human form from a flank, and just q and then we while autoing with your red buff. When they flash or use a gap closer, then shoot out your cocoon. Then you switch to spider form, q to jump onto them and then w. Then you chase, flash q them when they try escape under turret and then rappel to safety.
If you can land your cocoon, get off your q/w damage, and then get on them in spider form, it should be more than enough to get a kill most times.
Couple questions for which if anyone has the answers, I'd be grateful:
I've heard of odd things like how Tristana is actually considered at her original location when she jumps while her model is arcing through the air, is this true? So if I were to try to CC her mid-jump, I aim at where she started? Are there other champs to which this applies? Actually, the champion I'm most interested in how things work is Leona, because I want to aqua prison her when she uses her zenith blade...
No, it's a spell. BorK just works because of the massive ASPD steroid she gains from E.Does the new Evelynn E proc on-hit effects like the blade of the ruined king passive? Twice, even? I assumed it didn't but I've seen some mention of it doing so, and it this was the case, I'd have to crunch the numbers about using it vs gunblade again, which I've been favoring.
I don't think you can generalize Elise's ganks like that. Starting our human form->cocoon or spiderform->rappel is situational.
Of course. But when I first started playing elise, I was overwhelmed with the options available and made some pretty embarrassing plays. Usually you will want to start in human form. I find rappelling in is ideal for counterganking scenarios.
Jesus would never split-push top during a team fight. He was a stand-up guy.
Dude, he literally fed an enemy. The enemy got some goldPuh-lease. Jesus went AFK for 3 days. Super toxic duder.