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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Interesting. When I was learning Elise I'd avoid starting with cocoon unless it was in an ambush situation (e.g. lane gank in a pushed lane). I kept saving cocoon after the target started to run away since after rappeling in I would be closer and running targets tend to be easier to hit anyways. Probably picked up that habit playing Nautilus and saving the hook until after flash had been blown.

No I agree, I save my cocoon. My first post was saying that usually I'll walk up to them in human form, q and w while autoing with red buff, and wait for them to react. I don't typically go in with a flash cocoon or anything crazy. I find if I start in spider form then it's too clunky because I will want to switch to human form to cocoon, but I'll then want to be switching back to spider to kill them.


Game one today: Up CS but died in a gank playing Renekton top, meanwhile I have a Fizz on my team in mid lane that dies level 1 heads up to a Zed, has 4 CS at 6 minutes, and by the end of the match has less than 90 CS in 25 minutes. GG.

Game two: Get to play support (yay!), get my Lucian fed 5/1, the rest of the team proceeds to die a lot, their Hec camps bot lane since his other lanes are winning, Lucian goes on tilt, we lose.

Game three: Get Cait to 3/1, our team feeds the Akali (almost as bad as feeding the fish), our Teemo ends 5/17/7, our LeBlanc ends 8/13/7. Their Akali ended 23/8/6.

My lines in those three games (in order):

2/4/1 - surrender at 25. Two deaths to ganks in lane (one of them a dive where I almost took both of them with me), the other two deaths were from a Zed that ended 14/2/5 well past the point where he was fed... can't do much against that (their Lee was 12/4/6 on top of that.)

2/7/15. This game I did a bit more poorly in lane than usual, dying twice to ganks, and a third time to a tower dive. The rest of them were team fights where my team melted under a fed with Kat who was far enough ahead to buy a Mejai's.

1/6/15: Died once in lane to 4 man dive bot, but other than that it was all team fights where, again, my team melted at the hands a fed assassin.

Good times...


OK so the other night i played 3 games:
Tried the rock dude but he didn't click with me, we won the match but I didn't feel like I did much.

2nd match went back to Garren and did much better, managed to kill 8 heroes, although I died 4 times, assisted 3 times in killing a hero, but overall I like how well I did in this match =D
Granted I was playing with mostly beginners, against more experienced players I prob. would've done worse, but all in all I felt really good upon winning.

My last match, sadly is where I did horribly. Put simply I didn't take the initiative, and against another Garren I was completely lost, not knowing WTF to do.
One thing I've taken from this experience and a tip from my friend:
Focus on health and defense with Garren.
In case a lane has 1 hero who is magic or long range, take the risk and go damaging them then retreating.


I have a shaco,cass,lee,jinx on my team

while the other team is

yasuo,vi,lucian,thresh and renekton.

League system might as well just put me in silver. I feel like going there and winning some games for once.



well I don't play diana anymore but got her on aram and had a blast. game was going weird so I figured I'd build high defensive and rely on passive+nashor's and see how she'd work if I played her more like a bruiser and I really liked it. I feel that if rito decides to move her to a initiation dps-y bruiser type it might just work, since the enemy team could've easily dealt with me if they just kited properly, but just proccing passive after passive with nashors felt awesome.

and yea I have 50% cdr, ryze has double roa and weirdest teemo build ever but such is the way of late night arams :p
Yup. Did okay in the beginning but you know, they actually can team fight.

Every team fight we had, they were all pretty much full hp even though cass got fed.

I've started dodging games if I don't like the team comp. Earlier today our team had locked in Lee Sin top (never works at this elo), Elise jungle (me), Miss Fortune and Leona bot. The other team had Vi, Gragas, Yasuo. I mean for a start, every teamfight is going to be a 4v5 because MF will get blown up before we can do anything. Their combo of grag/vi and yasuo will just destroy us.

Was definitely worth the dodge, only game I lost today was when I was forced to support. We crushed lane and were winning but throws occurred and our team got backdoored by the enemy adc lol. Our fed Zed acted like I was crazy when I told him to split push but whatever.


Who needs wards when you have a teemo mid

-My last support

Lost a baron at 21minutes and another at 28 because we had 0 vision of anything. Sweet.
Sometimes not dodging is good.

I'm 3rd pick and want to go jungle amumu since somehow he wasn't banned (very rare at my ELO).
Last pick instalocks Shaco and syas that he ONLY play Shaco jungle.
I take my mumu to top then. Against a Fiora.

I won my lane but it was on no incidence since their Draven went intentional feeding as he was victim of sexist attacks from his Thresh.

We won. No matter how troll your teammates may be remember that the other team may have worse.


Somehow a wukong lost top to an amumu. Lost by a whopping 60cs by the end of laning.

Both junglers never touched top too.

My wukong bought a sunfire against an ap amumu.

Why do i run into so many idiots
Somehow a wukong lost top to an amumu. Lost by a whopping 60cs by the end of laning.

Both junglers never touched top too.

My wukong bought a sunfire against an ap amumu.

Why do i run into so many idiots

Maybe he thought tha Amumu has been conserved after death by use of alcohol.
Couple questions for which if anyone has the answers, I'd be grateful:

I've heard of odd things like how Tristana is actually considered at her original location when she jumps while her model is arcing through the air, is this true? So if I were to try to CC her mid-jump, I aim at where she started? Are there other champs to which this applies? Actually, the champion I'm most interested in how things work is Leona, because I want to aqua prison her when she uses her zenith blade...

Does the new Evelynn E proc on-hit effects like the blade of the ruined king passive? Twice, even? I assumed it didn't but I've seen some mention of it doing so, and it this was the case, I'd have to crunch the numbers about using it vs gunblade again, which I've been favoring.
If Leona already connected her Zenith Blade to your ADC, then it's already too late to still use your Aqua Prison on her. The stun will follow near-instantly and that's all she needs to do in the pre-level 6 laning phase. Better off aiming Aqua Prison on the enemy ADC usually, since it's not like Leona does a whole lot of damage by herself.

No need to crunch numbers on Blade of the Ruined King vs Gunblade. The latter got gutted way too much after the nerfs and isn't a good fit on anyone anymore, not even on Akali or Jax.

Got 4800 ip, which should I get

feep voiced jungler, monkey trouble or shitty pre-rework skarner
Generic nightmare blob with even worse one-liners, the dullest Monkey King kit in all MOBA's (as well as his clone not fooling anyone with how it's still 'broken') and a depressed scorpion.

I'd go with Skarner.

Somehow a wukong lost top to an amumu. Lost by a whopping 60cs by the end of laning.

Both junglers never touched top too.

My wukong bought a sunfire against an ap amumu.

Why do i run into so many idiots
Sunfire Cape brings out the worst of people.
Tough and competitive game last night against a Leona who had already played 100 games.

post-game: You did good Nami, really well. I couldn't do shit.

The Fish: 4/2/26
Leona: 0/6/8

feelsgoodman. Now take your shitty Zenith blade elsewhere and cheese in normals.
Oh got the Nev is contagious.
Compare Wukong's spells to Monkey King in HoN (or even the lesser SMITE version) and tell me with a straight face he isn't a terribly executed concept of a common trope. There were even some reports back in the day how originally all of his basic spells had some interaction with his clone (much like Zed I'd assume), only for Riot designers to dumb its purpose down since they supposedly didn't want to make him complicated for the Asian crowd. I'd provide a link but it's been years since I last read something from Riot about his initial iterations. Then there's the matter of his current clone being easily distinguishable despite their previous attempts to fix it: the health bar of the clone and the 'real' Wukong still noticeably differ from one another (albeit less often than before it got patched), you can tell by the glitchy-looking animation upon cast that he used it and it doesn't carry over buffs like Baron or Red Elixir (even if it were to be a strictly cosmetic effect). There's nothing "tricky" about it.

Nocturne is just uninspired in nearly every aspect; only his ult is kinda cool 'cause of the immediate "oh fuck" reaction it instinctively instills in players. I like Skarner, but his quotes are kind of weird considering he goes from "MY STINGER BRINGS UGLY DEATH!" to "I MISS MY KIND..." which is all the more jarring if you didn't read up on his lore.
No need to crunch numbers on Blade of the Ruined King vs Gunblade. The latter got gutted way too much after the nerfs and isn't a good fit on anyone anymore, not even on Akali or Jax.
Still fine on Akali, because it gives her beefiness in small skirmishes especially 1v1s.

Jax doesn't get it anymore because he gets way more use out of attack speed that BoRK gives. Trinity Force is a fantastic item right now, then he has to build beef (Randuin/Visage usually). There really isn't much room for Gunblade on Jax.
Still fine on Akali, because it gives her beefiness in small skirmishes especially 1v1s.

Jax doesn't get it anymore because he gets way more use out of attack speed that BoRK gives. Trinity Force is a fantastic item right now, then he has to build beef (Randuin/Visage usually). There really isn't much room for Gunblade on Jax.
It appears "still fine on Akali" not because the item suits her, but because Akali is deceptively strong currently. Most of the good Akali players I've seen on streams or lolking seem to be migrating towards Lich Bane to replace Gunblade altogether as her first real damage item, with Zhonya's and Guardian's Angel being her survivability purchases as the match drags on. Yeah none of the above give her spell vamp + lifesteal so you can say that the items have different qualities to them, but it's pretty telling if even the former poster child of hybrid itemization (moreso than Jax, Kayle and Katarina back in the day) has little to no need for Gunblade anymore with how severe the nerfs were.

It also doesn't help that whoever does still build Gunblade on her, usually tends to go for the Rylai's trap purchase shortly afterwards for a double whammy of inefficiency. Not that this anecdote is particularly relevant. Nothing else to write about Jax; you're absolutely right about his current-day go-to items.


And now, first game today, we are winning the whole time, and I'm huge on Renekton (finished 11/4/10.) Near the end their mid inhib respawns, Nasus solos our mid inhib turret, but Nami lands a bubble and we kill him. Our whole team is up, 4v5 for 40 seconds, an open middle inhib, and my team runs... bot? I'm sitting here spam pinging the inhib, but nope, they just continue bot. One guy gets caught in their jungle on the rotation because we had no wards, and we don't get bot inhib turret nor mid inhib. They start counter pushing, our Ahri gets caught out of position, but our team is still ahead, so I go in and... the rest of the team backs out. Ahri and I don't pick up anyone, and they push 3v5 for the win.

Again, I really need to learn how to carry :-/


Their inner turret. I didn't see how much was left on it, so maybe it was the right call? I personally don't think it was, as the open objective seems the better one to take if it is there, but maybe I'm wrong?


Their inner turret. I didn't see how much was left on it, so maybe it was the right call? I personally don't think it was, as the open objective seems the better one to take if it is there, but maybe I'm wrong?
You follow your team, no matter how bad a decision they make. If they were all bot, and you didn't follow you made a horrid call.


Tough and competitive game last night against a Leona who had already played 100 games.

post-game: You did good Nami, really well. I couldn't do shit.

The Fish: 4/2/26
Leona: 0/6/8

feelsgoodman. Now take your shitty Zenith blade elsewhere and cheese in normals.
Leona is like the equivalent of Zerg rushing.

Edit: Ooops two posts.


Kayle jungle is so much fun. Spectral wraith, into stinger and lich bane and you'll chunk fools for 50%+. When ganking her Q is an almost guaranteed flash-forcer and you can use your W to get your teammates into the fight quicker, not to mention her R has unlimited amounts of uses from baiting to diving. She clears really fast with her E as well. My only problem so far is with strong counter junglers.

If you have a tanky top, try it out!


Kayle jungle is so much fun. Spectral wraith, into stinger and lich bane and you'll chunk fools for 50%+. When ganking her Q is an almost guaranteed flash-forcer and you can use your W to get your teammates into the fight quicker, not to mention her R has unlimited amounts of uses from baiting to diving. She clears really fast with her E as well. My only problem so far is with strong counter junglers.

If you have a tanky top, try it out!

Yeah. Meteos has been playing her a lot lately in the jungle. She looks strong! I used to have problems with her early clear and mana usage but the new spirit stone should be golden for her.
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