FFS. OCE lagging like a EUW again.
why would you recommend shen
Dodging doesn't effect elo. There's a reason I dodge every solo q match where someone picks Shen or Vayne on my team.
In all honesty I need to doge more. I dodged last night when I could tell it was over in champ select and the 5 mins sacrifice was worth it.
If you like tanky characters you may want to try Malphite and Shen. I believe they are currently free.
Similar to Garren (tanky/bruiser) and with a low IP price (1350 I think) you can have Jax.
He's rather easy to learn and play.
how MF doesn't have a Heartseeker skin is beyond me.
obvious candidate is obvious.
I propose Heartseeker Vlad and Heartseeker Aatrox as higher priorities.
If all hope is lost early in the draft (say, two people lock in mid) then sometimes you can get someone else to dodge by picking a troll pick.
lol no. Even before it got nerfed I wouldn't recommend it.The worst was constantly being yelled at to buy sunfire cape. Is it really that great of an item on Amumu? I thought people said sunfire was not very good right now.
Draven - The difficulty comes more from a flawed design perspective of making a character that has to move constantly in a click game. But yea, he's one of the hardest anyways, not sure if the hardest though.
Vayne - Hahaha. What exactly is hard about this bitch? Farming? Because that's the only thing I can think of, and it's not enough to be considered hard, let alone second hardest.
Twitch - Somehow agree, but now that stealth is actually useful he's not that hard.
Kog'Maw - Higher than Vayne
Quinn - ok
Urgot - Much higher than Vayne
Varus - ok
Ashe - ok
Jinx - ok
Ezreal - how the fuck is Ezreal lower than Vayne or Ashe?
Trist - enormous jump with reset, knock up/auto-peel ult, long autoattack range. Definitely the easiest garbage.
Sivir - ok
MF - ok
Cait - ok
Graves - ok
Corki (This may have changed post Q) - wtf? Higher than Vayne for sure
Lucian - not even close to being the easiest
I feel like the ego stroking cockbags that mained Vayne migrated to Jinx.
Let me level up an NA account and I'll duo with you and break out my Mordekaiser
1 less FotM champ. Will be legit, believe.
And I'll jungle Brand. We'll be godlike.
And I'll jungle Brand. We'll be godlike.
I like what I'm hearing
Yorick jungle.is fun
get out
Nev gonna Nev.
Nev gonna Nev.
Poor bip. At least he could've gotten confused with dob.I think he thinks bip is Nev :lol
Nah, responded to the wrong post on mobile :/. I apologize Bip.I think he thinks bip is Nev :lol
Nah, responded to the wrong post on mobile :/. I apologize Bip.
oh god blitzcrank support picked INTO a leona? please no
Leona and Nasus on the same team. Good luck.I swear the secret to solo que is to be smart about yourself and pacing. I'll give some examples because they have nothing to do with the game.
If I have a bad day at work, I don't play ranked. If the commute home takes two hours (I just moved to Houston and live with a friend 30 miles from work), I don't play ranked. If my mechanics feel weak or my fingers feel slow, I don't play ranked. I don't play when I feel mentally sluggish. And the most ranked matches I've played in a day was four, and that was only once. I also quit while I'm ahead. Yesterday I won a match where I made some mental errors and my fingers were ice cold, and decided to stop the ranked play before the house won.
I do play when I feel pretty good. The good vibes rub off on the game and my teammates to the point where we work together and don't flame. This means I'm ranking up really slow, but I have yet to suffer any real setback. I know I can't maintain the 80% win rate I've had since placements, but I can minimize the damage.
Leona and Nasus on the same team. Good luck.
I'm done posting on this stupid phone. :lolYou may have done it again.
A halo friend is a friend of mine, welcome.
Thoughts on halo 4? Also I thought zero bloom MLG reach was really good.
I'm done posting on this stupid phone. :lol
Tbh, Elise isn't that mechanically hard. Just learn to hit your Es, and memorize the cooldowns of each form.Moaning about matchmaking in normals. At least you have a choice. Meanwhile I am stuck at the hump playing golds and silvers with the level 5 alt in their party.
At least normals have taught me to never never ever build elder lizard on Vi. Every time I do it we lose. Still, I am getting better, doing a small bit of counter jungling and trying to just pick a full tank if team squishy. Sadly I only really have Rammus so I cleared about three camps the entire game.
Did not realise Elise was free. Tried her. His the devil do I Elise. Not the build or skill order, but actually using the skills. I assume I am meant to human w,q then spider w,q to clear camps, but it all seems much more chaotic than my usual choice of Vi.
I think I have Amumu but he just feels a bit meh to play. Any suggestions on other junglers to try and pick up? I am still rubbish, so I guess Elise and Lee Sin will be a bit too mechanically difficult for me. Unless I just need practice on them I guess.
Cass rage quit when she got owned.
Cass rage quit when she got owned.
Suggestions on a new bot ADC to learn/play today? I have Twitch but have never used him and have experience with Jinx (my main so far), Caitlyn, and Sivir. Also thinking about trying Draven while he's free. Thoughts?
EDIT: Also played a few games with Tristana. Who are your favorite ADC Champs?
Well, there's the whole top notch positioning and axe juggling thingy![]()
There's nothing stopping you.