I've decided wukong is sleeper op in the jungle. Great ganks, good clear times and DAT ULT. With BC he just becomes stupid.
Yeah, I wasn't saying he should be getting all of those changes while still retaining his current ultimate, even if I'm going to miss it. It amused me greatly that you could melt any squishy from afar with a short cooldown come late game.To be fair, he gains other cooler stuff for it. Doesn't really need the ult to outright murder someone.
I like how the writer is pretending that Trundle is now a 'counter-pick' to Mundo after that one match from sOAZ (where Mundo's team gave Trundle first blood when their invade backfired), even though it's the other way around. Never mind said writer also conveniently ignoring that all pro players but Darien have been building Trundle in such a way that their general itemization does not suit his strengths. Until he also aped the "BoRK rush into Sunfire Cape' bad habit against SHC this week.
that "win" last step is a little suspect
It has always been time.6300 again. Maybe it's time for draven.
Win one more and hit Corki's pit crewGot forced from ADC to Jungle, and Support to Top. Somehow it worked out.
If I get put into Corki's anything, I'm done.Win one more and hit Corki's pit crew
6300 again. Maybe it's time for draven.
Got forced from ADC to Jungle, and Support to Top. Somehow it worked out.
It has always been time.
Why buy Draven when you can buy Corki?
that's what happened in my last game.
50 minute loss. 14/4/16 on Cait. Vayne really didn't do shit though. We lost top lane apparently and kept getting backdoored by rengar, who eventually backdoored the nexus.
idk. I kicked ass.
I think mord is pretty damn good. He also handles 2v1 s well.Alright, I'm convinced Morde is sleeper OP right now.
I've beaten two good Renektons and three Rivens top/mid.
All you need is 9/21/0, dorans and pot start, AP quints, rush revolver, you don't lose lane. Just need to ward from ganks.
Even if they build a fuckload of MR, you can get Sorcs, Abyssal, or Void because Morde scales with all of them really well. Even Torment works well against super tanks like Rene.
I seriously stomped every lane so far with this build.
Alright, I'm convinced Morde is sleeper OP right now.
I've beaten two good Renektons and three Rivens top/mid.
All you need is 9/21/0, dorans and pot start, AP quints, rush revolver, you don't lose lane. Just need to ward from ganks.
Even if they build a fuckload of MR, you can get Sorcs, Abyssal, or Void because Morde scales with all of them really well. Even Torment works well against super tanks like Rene.
I seriously stomped every lane so far with this build.
Win one more and hit Corki's pit crew
I played against a plat morde with syndra.
You don't want to take him against someone like Syndra. I'm talking about using him as an AP anti-bruiser.
Ugh, two inhibs down, and my team refuses to group in the lane without an inhib, again. In fact, they just don't group at all. I get one person to come up top with me, another just chills in our jungle (not taking a buff), one is back at base (and stays there a while), and... well, we lose the game. So sick of teams that just don't listen. No one was low, we had all just come from base after a team fight in which we TOOK the inhibs, and nope, nothing.
0/1 in promo series.
/rant (but look forward to one in my next post, I'm sure.)
This seems to happen a LOT, and it boggles my mind. It might be understandable if people never saw a team that's grouped together killing a building, or if people never saw a teamfight won by a team that's grouped together. But it happens in one game where the same thing will happen maybe 3 times in a row, and people still behave the same way!Ugh, two inhibs down, and my team refuses to group in the lane without an inhib, again. In fact, they just don't group at all. I get one person to come up top with me, another just chills in our jungle (not taking a buff), one is back at base (and stays there a while), and... well, we lose the game. So sick of teams that just don't listen. No one was low, we had all just come from base after a team fight in which we TOOK the inhibs, and nope, nothing.
So I'm in Anivia's Guardians, lol. Next on the agenda, getting ach to plat.
So I'm in Anivia's Guardians, lol. Next on the agenda, getting ach to plat.
Grats!So I'm in Anivia's Guardians, lol. Next on the agenda, getting ach to plat.
-_-You did this to yourself, Newt.
Remember those Yasuo comments?
Nothing beats Soraka's Caviars.Currently, there are people in Kayle's Trickster, Master Yi's Vigilantes, and Anivia's Guardian for GAF Plat. Weird there isn't an official group for them yet.
OCE servers are dead again. My friend is left in a 1v4 right now.
Because supports make bank nowadays. Like if you look at my Sivir stats, you'll wonder who the real support is bot lane.Consecutive games where the Support ends with higher net worth than the solo top.
What's up with this?