This is very very situational. It depends on various factors:
- Health, relative to the kill potential of the enemy team. If you're low on health, you're inviting enemies to dive you. It's better to lose your tower, than both die and lose your tower.
- Minion push. Generally it's preferred to go back when you've pushed your lane to your tower. This lets your tower avoid getting damaged.
- The importance of the item. Is it really really core to your build? Is it important that you get it as soon as possible? Some items need time to grow (Tear of the Goddess, Rod of Ages) or need time to get the most out of it (Catalyst, gold income items) so you might want to get them sooner.
- Wards. Maybe the enemy jungler is posing so much threat that you get pressured even though they're not there. A ward can lift some of the pressure so that you feel safer farming/pushing/trading.
When possible, if you want to go back to shop, shove your lane. Do this by focusing on killing enemy minions so that your minions get pushed to next the enemy tower. This buys you extra time to keep your tower safe, since the enemy will have to push it back to get a chance to hit your tower.Gotcha thanks.
I don't get what you mean by Minion Push though, could u explain it please?
6 item Morde is nuts especially if the comps suit him. I remember fighting a 1v3 easily because they all built too tanky.holy shit. just squared off mid as LB against a Morde that ultimately did 81k damage in 48 minutes.
Almost 3x the damage anyone else did. We wrecked early, then got wrecked late. Defended the Nexus @ 20% hp and won the next team fight to win.
He was 2-shotting me late. Crazy burst. I don't think I've played against a Morde in 5v5 (and if I have, I wasn't laned against him), so I wasn't familiar with his abilities other than how his ult works. We won in the end because Jinx decided to face-check a bush in front of her entire team. Got blown up and got her team blown up.
Oh so for example I clear the minions at an enemy turret, at that time dozens of minions are ganged up on it. During then I retreat to base via the B key and restock/upgrade equipment.
Oh so for example I clear the minions at an enemy turret, at that time dozens of minions are ganged up on it. During then I retreat to base via the B key and restock/upgrade equipment.
Playing in silver 5 feels like smurfing.
But apparently it's free borderlands 2 weekend so I'm probably done with league for the next couple days.
That reminds me is the amount of health you recover at base fixed? Like for each second I am recovering 10% of my max health?
Your health recovery is fixed at a given level. You won't ever recover as much as 10%/s. Some items will increase your hp recovery as well as masteries and some champs' skills.
I sometimes wander into topics for games that seem really complex to me, like Dark Souls or something, and I think about how I will have been playing this game for a year come April and I still suck at it. I don't know what it is about League that made putting in the effort to understand it worth it to me.
Come September I'll have been playing three years (oh god) and I am still, just, chronically bad. It's embarrassing. I'm Bronze IV this season, highest I've ever been is placing in Silver IV last season. I'm at approximately -30 wins vs. losses in normals (over ~900 games). A friend who started playing a little later was hugely better than me within a month. He's now Plat IV. Almost everyone I know just surpasses me as casually as anything. It's just how it is, it seems. :/
What I'm saying is, you're so far from alone. So far.
Might start my placements this evening when I get back. Got to do them some time, right?
LolDesigners keep watch over Mundo with skinny cleaver change. Now Mundo get no corporate bonus for bad cleaver. This separate good Mundo from great Mundo.
Glad to see it didn't take long to fix this.Q - Hate Spike
Re-adjusted missile speed to more consistently hit close targets (now has a high initial missile speed that rapidly decelerates as it travels)
Currently, the League system allows players to rapidly move up the ladder if they're playing at a high skill level. In some rare cases however, players were entering their promo series and facing off against unusually difficult opponents. We’re introducing a change that allows players to skip their promo series up to Platinum I if they continually play at a skill level a full tier higher than their current league placement.
Players who consistently win against opponents a full tier higher than their current placement will automatically skip their promotion series as they progress to the next division. Series skipping will be possible up to Platinum I.
We’re also making pick order more consistent in ranked play. In most cases the skill gap between players on a team is not significant enough to justify granting the top player first pick. Basing pick order on a behind-the-scenes number isn’t a great experience – not to mention there are some odd side effects for duo queue players – so we’re taking a different approach.
All players will now have an equal (random) chance of being first pick
For players in a duo, if either player is chosen as first pick, the team captain will be assigned first pick and the other member of the duo will get whatever position the captain received from the randomizer
Well, technically they touched his sustain with the Perseverance nerf.I personally like the way Mundo got nerfed. They didn't touch his damage, sustain or beef. They just made it a bit harder for him to lock into someone. It's so much better than the 1-2 second slow or the tenacity reduction. Mundos who play well are untouched.
Neko, this is a massive nerf, lol. Though the movement speed is nice, she really lost a lot of damage.RIP Dr. Mundo
I'm kind of liking the Kayle changes, too. Not a tremendous nerf.
Neko, this is a massive nerf, lol. Though the movement speed is nice, she really lost a lot of damage.
Still no Kassadin nerfs. Doesn't riot think we should actually get 6 bans instead of the 5 they provide us?
"Better players"Well I guess my Kayle jungle experiment has ended before it began.
I don't necessarily like the random pick order thing in ranked now. I liked that the better players got the higher picks. It makes sense.
Hurt duos. They cannot control two picks now. As someone who plays exclusively ranked duo, and mostly premade bot this hurts meWell I guess my Kayle jungle experiment has ended before it began.
I don't necessarily like the random pick order thing in ranked now. I liked that the better players got the higher picks. It makes sense.
Well I guess my Kayle jungle experiment has ended before it began.
I don't necessarily like the random pick order thing in ranked now. I liked that the better players got the higher picks. It makes sense.
Yeah, I don't like the changes either. I feel like there is going to be more drama as well.
And anyone have the list of changes from that link? Nothing loads for me.
Picking first isn't always advantageous.Well I guess my Kayle jungle experiment has ended before it began.
I don't necessarily like the random pick order thing in ranked now. I liked that the better players got the higher picks. It makes sense.
Yeah, but you could do a super duper trick premade bot.Picking first isn't always advantageous.
As a mid laner I dread having to first pick and risk having to deal with a shitty match up.Picking first isn't always advantageous.
Yeah, but you could do a super duper trick premade bot.
1. Ban Thresh/Leona
2. Secure Annie
3. Wait for enemy ADC and Support to pick
4. Counter enemy ADC and Support with own ADC pick
2. Secure Annie
He was Gold II, I was Gold I. He was getting 25lp per game, and I was getting like 19. So there's no way our mmr was that different. Ofc, now we both seem to always be at the last two picks -_-.only if you had quite some mmr disparity. If you duo with someone close to your own mmr, you will probably always get the last two picks. In this case the changes are advantageous for the duo.
So I can counterpick the enemy ADC/Support. Annie is not the easiest champion to counter pick bot, especially when Leona is banned.Why would you secure the 5th choice support?
He was Gold II, I was Gold I. He was getting 25lp per game, and I was getting like 19. So there's no way our mmr was that different.
I always get stressed when I'm first pick. Every single time I forget that the champions are always in alphabetical order, and then forget to use the search box. -.- Panic bans every time.
It just seems very strange, in all my experiences we always get the last two picks as duos, and that is even with larger division differences (but still very close mmr). Perhaps it is a bit different in Gold due to a larger number of players, I'm quite uncertain.
Just instalock Tryndamere. Nothing could go wrong.
not everyone plays something as binary as bot lane.Yeah, but you could do a super duper trick premade bot.
1. Ban Thresh/Leona
2. Secure Annie
3. Wait for enemy ADC and Support to pick
4. Counter enemy ADC and Support with own ADC pick
I'm not sure why, but as soon as I entered plat V promos, and he entered gold I promos we both sank to bottom picks.It just seems very strange, in all my experiences we always get the last two picks as duos, and that is even with larger division differences (but still very close mmr). Perhaps it is a bit different in Gold due to a larger number of players, I'm quite uncertain.
They'll never see the Garen jungle coming.not everyone plays something as binary as bot lane.
Nope you carry me, 23 assist Sivir incoming.Lezzy pls, I am just as good as newt.
newt pls, carry me to plat
It just seems very strange, in all my experiences we always get the last two picks as duos, and that is even with larger division differences (but still very close mmr). Perhaps it is a bit different in Gold due to a larger number of players, I'm quite uncertain.
Huh, so my experiences might be the anomaly here. I usually only see other duo picks as the two last picks as well unless it is something crazy as a Dia I duoing with a Plat I.Hmm. Usually when I duo we get either first and last or first and second last picks. There has been times where we get last two, but that's been more rare.
It might have something to do with the tiers then I guess.I'm not sure why, but as soon as I entered plat V promos, and he entered gold I promos we both sank to bottom picks.
Mmr isn't necessarily the same thing as skill, it's cool brah.Lezzy pls, I am just as good as newt.
It would be easier to carry GAF games on that than Sejuani.They'll never see the Garen jungle coming.