But the frejlord comp.It would be easier to carry GAF games on that than Sejuani.
I will unite the freljord.(But I should proably go with champions I play during GAF games.)
But the frejlord comp.It would be easier to carry GAF games on that than Sejuani.
I'm not sure why, but as soon as I entered plat V promos, and he entered gold I promos we both sank to bottom picks.
The picking is grand, I normally go Annie, Gragas, Leona or Taric in that situation. It's the banning.
because annie doesnt have nearly as much utility as thresh nor are her autos empowered with 200% ad scaling magic damage.So why are they hitting Thresh's auto range but not Annie's? Hers is absolutely crazy. I realize she's an AP champ, but still.
Annie has more damage, harder multi-target CC, and trades well on autos with Molten Shield though.because annie doesnt have nearly as much utility as thresh nor are her autos empowered with 200% ad scaling magic damage.
This. Annie's autos don't provide anything aside from the basic damage, Thresh's scale with souls.because annie doesnt have nearly as much utility as thresh nor are her autos empowered with 200% ad scaling magic damage.
Eh, I wasn't *that* clear. I could have been talking about picks too.Ya I forgot how to read.
C9 Meteos' Ego ‏@c9meteosego 19m
yeah what the hell is up with monte's love affair with the Koreans like I swear this guy would be in the center of a SKT bukkake if he could
i don't think i like c9 anymore.
go bjergsen.
no, it's because they're all gross and act like twelve year olds.Is it because they have a dota 2 team now?
I had one game where enemy mid lane Annie took red buff from our suicidal jungler TWICE early game. That attack range with red buff hurts so much. ;_;So why are they hitting Thresh's auto range but not Annie's? Hers is absolutely crazy. I realize she's an AP champ, but still.
This. Annie's autos don't provide anything aside from the basic damage, Thresh's scale with souls.
But honestly, nerfing her auto range would be a really good change since AP mid Annie doesn't actually care about that auto range as much as support Annie does.
I REALLY should feel bad about this
...but I can't wipe this huge grin off my face.
LoL indeed.
Yeah. That looks like gold. Especially if someone was forced into the adc role. lol
gotta land those skillshots with Ezreal haha
Look at his username.
Lmao.C9 Meteos' Ego ‏@c9meteosego 19m
yeah what the hell is up with monte's love affair with the Koreans like I swear this guy would be in the center of a SKT bukkake if he could
Yeah. That looks like gold. Especially if someone was forced into the adc role. lol
gotta land those skillshots with Ezreal haha
Draven free week is always such a mess.I REALLY should feel bad about this
...but I can't wipe this huge grin off my face.
LoL indeed.
Patch 4.2 notes on Garena includes the Xerath and Skarner reworks, plus tidbits not mentioned in PBE patch notes.
All players will now have an equal (random) chance of being first pick
For players in a duo, if either player is chosen as first pick, the team captain will be assigned first pick and the other member of the duo will get whatever position the captain received from the randomizer
Draven free week is always such a mess.
i played him mid and killed an orianna. :3Draven free week is always such a mess.
No, it's correct. It's also kinda hard to hit multiples on the same target. It's a slow-moving lob shot. Very easy to dodge. Think of Ziggs ults, but slightly faster moving and in a ~200 aoe. If you hit 2 of them, you'll feel pretty good about yourself. hit 3 on the same target and you'll be typing shit-talk in all-chat.that xerath ult can't be right, right?
like 570 + (1.29) at 3200 range at level 6?
900 + (1.29) at 5600 range at level 16?
No, it's correct. It's also kinda hard to hit multiples on the same target. It's a slow-moving lob shot. Very easy to dodge. Think of Ziggs ults, but slightly faster moving and in a ~200 aoe. If you hit 2 of them, you'll feel pretty good about yourself. hit 3 on the same target and you'll be typing shit-talk in all-chat.
at fucking last
YES.It's a miracle.
Also, Xerath's ult reminds me of Corki's Phosphorus Bomb.
I don't like the sound of this though. At least Mundo is out of the ban rotation now.Well yea with some chain stunning/slows going on, it'll be a lot of easy money.
The most broken aspect is the combination of things, really. He's like...a better Brand. Reasonably easy stun if you play any skillshot champs at all that needs no setup, and then you drop the W --> Q hammer if you hit it for like 60%-75% of the enemy health bar. If that weren't enough, he gets that free mana recharge so with a Doran's, you never really have mana issues. It's a very significant mana surge, allowing him to just spam spam spam.
I played AP Corki again at long last, in ARAM yesterday. The client still had my AP Corki item page which was nice.It's a miracle.
Also, Xerath's ult reminds me of Corki's Phosphorus Bomb.
There was a Sivir spellshielding everything else yesterday...and then was alone in a lane and didn't spell shield a Ziggs ult when I dropped it on her as she was hitting a tower or something. I don't THINK it was in cooldown but maybe I'm wrong.YES.
More easy to spellshield abilities!
I dunno, sounds to me like you can wreck shit up if leona or annie gets a good ult or something
I bought him to try him out but seems kind of broken in paper
Also, Xerath's ult reminds me of Corki's Phosphorus Bomb.
I don't like the sound of this though. At least Mundo is out of the ban rotation now.
AP Corki was so fucking fun. I think I had as many AP games as AD in ranked.I played AP Corki again at long last, in ARAM yesterday. The client still had my AP Corki item page which was nice.
But man, the thin ult shot, long ult delay, and slow Q make it not very fun anymore. I still did more champion damage than anyone else due to the spam/AOE, and we won, but it feels so awkward now. =P
Fuck it, I see this scrawny fucker I am running the fuck away NO WAY AM I EVER GONNA FIGHT THAT SCRAWNY CREEPY FUCK.
yea when I read his kit I immediately thought of a better brand.Well yea with some chain stunning/slows going on, it'll be a lot of easy money.
The most broken aspect is the combination of things, really. He's like...a better Brand. Reasonably easy stun if you play any skillshot champs at all that needs no setup, and then you drop the W --> Q hammer if you hit it for like 60%-75% of the enemy health bar. If that weren't enough, he gets that free mana recharge so with a Doran's, you never really have mana issues. It's a very significant mana surge, allowing him to just spam spam spam.
What's the meta like? I like to play once every couple weeks just to have some random fun on there.Reaching high elo dominion now. Facing challenger players and streamers frequently; queue times of 5-10 minutes regularly. Ended up playing against a 5 man teams repeatedly because there aren't any other 5 man dominion teams anywhere near this elo playing right now.
That sounds kind of awesome.Reaching high elo dominion now. Facing challenger players and streamers frequently; queue times of 5-10 minutes regularly. Ended up playing against a 5 man teams repeatedly because there aren't any other 5 man dominion teams anywhere near this elo playing right now.
no, it's because they're all gross and act like twelve year olds.
also no doran shield nerf?
What's the meta like? I like to play once every couple weeks just to have some random fun on there.
That sounds kind of awesome.
I played two Dominion matches for the Lunar Revel icons and I hope I never have to do that ever again.
It would seem like challenger players would just pick or ban Kassadin if they're trying to maximize their high elo win potential or whatever. I can understand wanting to handicap yourself, but at high end competitive play not so much.
Reaching high elo dominion now. Facing challenger players and streamers frequently; queue times of 5-10 minutes regularly. Ended up playing against a 5 man teams repeatedly because there aren't any other 5 man dominion teams anywhere near this elo playing right now.