I'd imagine so. It's assumed that if you've picked someone at that level, it's because you know what the hell you're doing. Assumptions that aren't always good in lower elo's. In this game:
Someone actually had the nerve to say to me, "if you can't beat Mundo in lane, why take top? Why Jayce?" Never mind that Udyr sat top for literally 1.5 minutes in a bush waiting to get a successful gank on me where I didn't receive any ganks from my jungler at all. Or that I only died once and outfarmed Mundo by about 30%. Forget that I shit on their team. With my superior farm (leading the game), items, and kills he someone still had the nerve to say that. Of course, I carry him hard and he has nothing to say. Because that's how it is: talk shit and when corrected offer no apology.
And in this one:
I asked for a gank from the jungler (quite nicely I may add), and he quips, "if you wanted a gank, you shouldn't have picked Jayce." lolwhat? And he proceeds to simply ignore the lane and complain the entire game, despite me carrying the team pretty hard, taking the most damage, and dealing the most damage in the game. A game where our solo top was outfarmed by the support.
I guess when you're stuck in low elo for a long time, you just get bitter. I suppose if I put in 3,000 matches and was still low, I'd be bitter too.