Less hyperbole and snark, please. I didn't post it in a dickish way, and I don't expect dickish replies. If that's all you can offer, just ignore the discussion. If you have a better idea, post it. Thanks.
Whoa. It was a joke, and it wasn't hyperbole. Giving him a Jax-like escape on his E would be insane.
The free shield is too good. If you remove that, you have to replace it with some method of being able to make space or you're back to Day 1 Yauso whom they felt needed a survivability buff in the first place. Fair? Fair. So let's get to ideas.
No, not fair. First, I disagree with your basic premise that all melee champions require an escape mechanism. This game is being hurt by mobility creep and it's drowning out nearly half the roster.
Yes his shield is too good but the answer isn't to pile on even more mobility on a highly mobile champ - who already has one well of an ability to aid in his escapes which blocks all manner of projectiles - Ori Q, Lee Sin Q, Elise cocoons, Naut hooks - the fucking thing stop Malphite's ultimate "Unstoppable Force". Giving him an ally targeted dash on the low CD you were suggested would make his laning even safer. If you implemented the dash, you're going to give him an easier time to ramp up to his Shiv+IE core - which gives him over 2500 gold worth of offensive stats through yet another of his passives. When you and Yasuo reach ~8000g, you're actually fighting someone worth 10000g through his x2 crit passive alone, all other things being equal, but everyone seems to ignore that because crit chance is undervalued by players.
Why not remove the shield on ult cast and reduce the shield's value. There's no reason a damage oriented champion should have a shield as a passive that is not only better than any other passive shields (Malphite's passive) but has better bases than nearly every other activatable shields in the game, save maybe what, Jarvan? I'm too lazy to do the math/research. Or how about adding some counterplay to it? If you damage Yasuo while he's charging his shield, he loses some of the accumulated stacks. Or maybe think outside the box and remove
passive number 4 on Yasuo's ultimate so the tanks and bruisers can deal with Yasuo's shield before he melts them? There's lots of ways to deal with this problem.
I think the major problem with your assessment is that you're too highly focused on teamfights in a game that is 75% decided during laning phase.
I mean...look I don't mean to sound like an asshole here but Yasuo is an blatantly overloaded champ, and it burns my ass that Riot says one thing about balance, the state of their game, what they envision, and then releases
that. Yasuo is the cherry on the shit cake Riot has been serving since last Summer.
Type2 said:
Did skarner get nerfed at some point on the pbe? I remember playing him earlier and feeling like he was strong. Champion identity issues aside the live version feels pretty meh.
Yes. Increase on his shield 14->16 seconds, increase on his E 10->14 seconds, base attack speed reduction, mana cost increases, IIRC. That's really what is chaffing people's ass right now. In return for the strong permaslow, Skarner was supposed to get something back across his kit, but those nerfs have the perception of totally undoing that.