Nah. I'm more about spectating your friends feeding and trolling you about it.
I think you mean watching me feeding. I guess that's a given.
And speaking of which: finally bought Irelia after ages of thinking about it. Probably shouldn't have but oh well. First and only game with her so far was just woeful. Nunu top, Annie/Xerath bot, Ziggs mid, and jungle Nautilus. Their team hurt. so. much. Nunu was zoning me from minute one of course. She's pretty fun but I'm hilariously incompetent with her. Maxed W based on some guide and then completely forgot to use it for twenty minutes. >.< Despite that, and many upsetting ganks, I still only had 1/5th of the deaths on the team, so I don't feel too awful. Just need to get used to her. Any tips, or is she so bad I should go back to GP?
Remember: I am bad at the game. What is obvious to you is not necessarily obvious to me.