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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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So, did any of you do anything special to improve your last hitting? It's something I want to focus on now since it's becoming obvious that gold = items = success. Can you guys last hit well even when you're not feeling 100%?
Try playing a solo custom game from time to time, focusing only on CS. This discards the pressures from enemy laner and enemy jungler from being factored into your CS. Optimally, you should hit 200+ cs by 20mins consistently without effort. It gets to a point where you'll be counting the CS you miss.

You can also try this against intermed bots though this is trickier since you'll probably have teammates steamrolling them. They're actually very aggressive but that's what you want: get optimal CS under aggression.

Next step is going into regular 5v5 and still focusing only on CS. The addition of human enemy laners + an enemy jungler makes optimal CS much trickier. If you can accomplish that with some consistency, then good. You can move on to aiming for optimal CS while harassing the enemy. This also involves minimizing damage you take from minions when you autoattack an enemy, and in effect makes you appreciate the concept of trading.

Oh yeah, try to get into the habit of checking the minimap after every CS. This lets you practice your map awareness too. Overtime you'll notice oddities in the map without really paying attention. Map awareness is important. Eg, if you're at bot and the enemy jungler is at top, you can be a lot more aggressive since you're not gonna be ganked. Is it late game and you saw two enemies at bottom lane busy farming/pushing? Free Baron if you have it under vision control.
So, did any of you do anything special to improve your last hitting? It's something I want to focus on now since it's becoming obvious that gold = items = success. Can you guys last hit well even when you're not feeling 100%?

Part of it is in your builds. An ADC running AD runes and 21 Offense, buying two early Doran's Blades, is obviously going to have a much easier time last-hitting than a LeBlanc starting Doran's Ring and building early DFG components with a bunch of AP/MPen runes. You kind of have to get a feel for the champion in question to know how reliably they can last-hit based on a given number of caster minions in the wave, so that you know when you need to use an ability for added damage/AA reset to pick up CS you'd otherwise miss.

There's a decent amount of transferability for last-hitting mechanics on ADCs (and it's generally easiest on them, anyway), but otherwise you're not going to find many "universal" methods for improving your numbers as opposed to tricks for specific champions. Shen's all about knowing the cadence of your Ki Strike resets and covering with Vorpal Blades, Fizz is about knowing how missing health on minions will interact with the Trident passive to burn them down quicker (and how not to let it lose last-hits due to the passive burning mobs being attacked by the minion wave) and using Urchin Strike to pick up stragglers, Vlad's mostly just getting to the point where you can maintain full stacks of Tides of Blood to burn down the wave, etc.


Overwhelming Power [ Passive ] - Now grants 15% bonus AP [ previously granted up to 26% at Spell Penetration]
Overwhelming Power [ Passive ] - Now restores 12% of base mana [ instead of 4% of maximum mana]
Cosmic Strike [ W ] - Renamed to Locus of Destruction
Stasis Orb [ E ] - Now deals 85/120/155/190/225 magic damage (Down from 100/140/180/220/260)
Stasis Orb [ E ] - Scaling is now +0.45*AP (Down from +0.6*AP)
Ascension [ R ] - Now deals 100/150/200 damage (Down from 150/200/250)
Ascension [ R ] - Now scales by +0.3*AP (Down from +0.45*AP)
Xerath was hit on PBE.
The mana passive is actually what he has on PBE right now, though less. The wiki was outdated. It's still stupidly strong. It was 45-135 mana at level 1 but now it's 35-105.

Not sure how I feel about removing spellpen though. Probably weaker all around compared to bonus AP.

E damage nerf justified for the utility it brings.


So, did any of you do anything special to improve your last hitting? It's something I want to focus on now since it's becoming obvious that gold = items = success. Can you guys last hit well even when you're not feeling 100%?

So far I've gone from ~30cs at 10 min to about 60 or so when I'm in the "zone", but if I feel even the slightest bit tired, I do so much more poorly. It also doesn't help when I face a champion I've got no experience against in lane and get harassed to pieces, but I figure that will improve with that experience that I'm lacking (although it's still pretty hard to dodge Zigg's bombs).

Right now, when I play Annie support, it's pretty damn gratifying to support an ADC who's competent and help them carry. Too bad it only happens like 1/7 times. 5/7 times I can still feed the ADC some kills (because nobody respects me hiding in the brush with my stun ready in normals it seems) but they can't last hit, nor are they good in teamfights.

There's stories of players playing mostly 1 champ to high ranks, and right now I think I want to play ranked as soon as I can (12 levels to go), since it feels that the skill differential in normal games can swing so damn wildly.
Well there's no real special way to be more consistent with last hits, but when you see a big minion wave, you should kinda go in with a plan. See which minions are dying the fastest, and focus those first. Fastest > Lowest.
So I found out why Amumu is an auto-ban in Silver (and higher, maybe?).


I was the Draft captain and I had first pick on Blue so I wanted to see what always-banned champ I could force through the ban phase. I wanted to jungle anyway, so when Amumu made it through I didn't think twice. I probably should have thought twice, as I've only played the champ twice and both times just in 3v3 just to get a feel for his basics...and that was a long time ago (when that skin was on sale). Long enough ago that I had to pop open LoLking.com's guides to remember how to scale him. But

Early game was kinda slow. Missed a couple of bandage tosses trying to get a feel for the timing again. Team was behind maybe 1 - 5 early as Hec got off 3 successful ganks (one in each lane) while the 2 missed bandage tosses, and heavy warding meant I couldn't even force out flashes in my attempts. And it's not that any of those earliest ganks would have become kills necessarily...but not even baiting flash when taking time to visit a lane is always kinda disappointing. But ya boy doesn't give up.

After those first couple of bandage misses, them sommbitches started connecting. Then I hit level 6 and turned a 4-man gank of theirs on our bot laners into a a 4-for-1 for us that kinda was the story of the game. The score is more lopsided than the game was, but those aoe cc ults along with that Morgana root...they really had no chance outside of the random pickoffs they could get. 5v5 was ours every time.

2/2 today as the draft captain. Doesn't mean shit of course, but it's nice to be able to get the champ I know I want that I know I can kick ass and make big plays with.

edit: damn I just realized I was in 25 of the team's 30 kills.


So I found out why Amumu is an auto-ban in Silver (and higher, maybe?).


I was the Draft captain and I had first pick on Blue so I wanted to see what always-banned champ I could force through the ban phase. I wanted to jungle anyway, so when Amumu made it through I didn't think twice. I probably should have thought twice, as I've only played the champ twice and both times just in 3v3 just to get a feel for his basics...and that was a long time ago (when that skin was on sale). Long enough ago that I had to pop open LoLking.com's guides to remember how to scale him. But

Early game was kinda slow. Missed a couple of bandage tosses trying to get a feel for the timing again. Team was behind maybe 1 - 5 early as Hec got off 3 successful ganks (one in each lane) while the 2 missed bandage tosses, and heavy warding meant I couldn't even force out flashes in my attempts. And it's not that any of those earliest ganks would have become kills necessarily...but not even baiting flash when taking time to visit a lane is always kinda disappointing. But ya boy doesn't give up.

After those first couple of bandage misses, them sommbitches started connecting. Then I hit level 6 and turned a 4-man gank of theirs on our bot laners into a a 4-for-1 for us that kinda was the story of the game. The score is more lopsided than the game was, but those aoe cc ults along with that Morgana root...they really had no chance outside of the random pickoffs they could get. 5v5 was ours every time.

2/2 today as the draft captain. Doesn't mean shit of course, but it's nice to be able to get the champ I know I want that I know I can kick ass and make big plays with.

edit: damn I just realized I was in 25 of the team's 30 kills.
Doing work, dv
I actually like Blue's comp better, but I don't think they've got the raw skill to win it. Even though those should be winning lanes for the most part (Nidalee vs. Ori can be a bit rough), I'm still sort of expecting SKT to completely muscle them out during laning phase...
Faker looks a bit out of his comfort zone against Nidalee. He isn't even taking spears, really, just getting jumped by the cougar form and smacked around.
I like SKT's comp a lot better this game. They should be able to handle their lanes better, and they aren't completely reliant on a Lee Sin triangle kick for an engage. Though, I'd still like them to run with a proper hard engage for team fights.
To be fair, that was some pretty sloppy play out of SKT. Faker was looking shaky - making tons of basic mechanical errors like throwing barrels in completely the wrong direction due to misclicks, completing misjudging his ability to one-vs-one a Nid that had beat him to Level 6, etc. - and while Impact was doing surprisingly well on Shen (he really shouldn't have gotten out of a Renekton lane with so little punishment put onto him), his Tryndamere was nothing to write home about.

Piglet had a few moments, but he also spazzed out completely at least twice that I saw - I'm hoping that flash into melee range (and tower range!) vs. Ezreal was a complete misclick and not something he was convinced was in any way a good idea - and never really hit a stride. Bengi's Lee was a non-factor, and he needed to be on Jarvan or another hard initiating champion.

Blue played great, especially in the first game, but pretty much any team in Korea could have beaten the SKT that showed up tonight. Not sure if it's overconfidence or if they just don't really care about WCG.


So I'm playing a game last night as Karma mid against a Kassadin. Voli ganks mid twice and and kill him twice before level 4. So I hit 5, about to hit 6 and he just hit lvl 4. At this point I have around 40-50 cs and he's around 20. I go to gank bot and we killed Lucian with Thresh just getting away.

My question is when you are laning, are successful ganks more important than farming in lane? The reason I'm asking is because even though I ganked bot and kept Lucian down, I left Kassadin alone mid where he was able to freefarm for a minute or two and start catching up. My cs was already low, but do the 2 kills we got on Kass and the one on Lucian make up for it?

So this is why Tryndamere is getting nerfed

Is he really?
They probably don't want to nerf things too hard before the preseason ends since there will be lots of changes in S4 and any nerfs now could pretty much delete the character in S4.

Once S4 starts they'll go HAM though.


They probably don't want to nerf things too hard before the preseason ends since there will be lots of changes in S4 and any nerfs now could pretty much delete the character in S4.

Once S4 starts they'll go HAM though.
Oh yeah, I look forward to the pre season chaos.


His split pushing is taking a hit but it's basically just a love tap.

If they see split pushing as the problem, why dont they do something like nerf statikk shiv? If they nerf spinning slash, then I would like to hope they would do something to help his teamfighting. I really dont know what though.
Ugh, splitpush Yi can go die in fire.

Garen completely creamed Jax top, but our Kat dc'd for like 10 mins. When she got back I had to support her instead because Gragas will just instagib her. Got down to 1 turret left. Inhibs keep breaking. Teamfight isn't won until we see a dead Yi even if it was 4-0. Very barely won despite the score. One reason we won was because their Sona relied solely on Sightstone and didn't have Oracles all the time. Warded the hell out of the map just to catch the goddamn Yi.


I often feel that the bigger issue with splitpushing is that it requires significantly more effort to stop (team effort) than to start (individual effort).


Ugh, splitpush Yi can go die in fire.

Garen completely creamed Jax top, but our Kat dc'd for like 10 mins. When she got back I had to support her instead because Gragas will just instagib her. Got down to 1 turret left. Inhibs keep breaking. Teamfight isn't won until we see a dead Yi even if it was 4-0. Very barely won despite the score. One reason we won was because their Sona relied solely on Sightstone and didn't have Oracles all the time. Warded the hell out of the map just to catch the goddamn Yi.
Sunfire, two warmogs, spirit visage. I don't think that Garen had enough health.
If they see split pushing as the problem, why dont they do something like nerf statikk shiv? If they nerf spinning slash, then I would like to hope they would do something to help his teamfighting. I really dont know what though.
Because Shiv isn't the problem. You could just make him build Zephyr and he'd be just as much of a cunt.

His kit is cancerous.
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