Glacial Shroud and Sheen usually suffice for me yeah, with a few mana potions for the early levels if need be. Chalice is moreso reserved for the double AP team comps, like the rare Vladimir or Rumble top. I guess it could work against Shyvanna too given her magic damage, but I haven't found it necessary. And about mana: how much Yorick needs is generally overstated. Yeah, with the Tear you could for instance constantly siege towers with your team if your combined champion pool is built around that, but it brings so many negatives to the table. You'd be a squishy melee that already isn't particularly troublesome to gank. During a time where hard-ganking junglers like Vi or Elise are present nearly every match. Against other top laners that are either generally beefy or buy items that actual offensive power on their first few backs. On top of Yorick rarely if ever exceeding past the halfway mark when you look how much he depleted post-teamfight. You can see why Tear into Manamune is a recipe for disaster on him, and I typically don't run OOM come mid to late game with 'just' a Triforce and Frozen Heart if that's the itemization I opted because I don't mindlessly spam about.What different mana items would you recommend then? It looks like you only mention chalice (but situational, and not to be kept), sheen (but only really if you're doing well), and glacial shroud.
So, basically just glacial shroud alone, and don't use abilities much so you don't run out of mana?
What are your arguments against sunfire cape?
Looking back at all those relationship chart discussions, closer has reposted my 'super relationship chart' every single time
Brian pls
And: Best flash
Say what now6 sunfire cape eve. GG
6 sunfire cape eve. GG
Was it true that Shaco used to be able to clear a camp at the start by just spamming boxes on it while he did another camp?
What champion is Yasuo bothering you with? Is it the shield or something else?Gosh, Yasuo really needs to be deleted from this game. Yasuo, teemo and kassadin is the definition of anti fun.
It was fine the one ranked game I played today, so I guess it's good I stopped at that.fuk this lag.
Was it true that Shaco used to be able to clear a camp at the start by just spamming boxes on it while he did another camp?
[10:51] Achtius:fuk this lag.
[10:51] Achtius:
i love rank with other ppl get ****** over
free lp"
Some Annie players just want to watch the world burn. Though, it gives you reduced LP when the other team gets a loss prevented.
6 sunfire cape eve. GG
It is mentally impossible for me to perform well when i alternate games between wukong and xin
At times, I press w as xin zhao and start running away thinking im stealthed when i should be right clicking harder. I press R to try and pop people up but save squishies instead
At other times, I press w as wukong and immediately hit people when im 100hp and break my stealth to instantly die.
I'm just a suicidal maniac to my team mates
Also Nami's IMO the hottest heroine in the game.
Nah. It's Miss Fortune.
I'm not sure if I like new xerath or not
he seems pretty strong but not much fun
The skillshot except for stun is impossible to dodge unless you start with boot4. A pain to lane against.
well that's a bit of an exaggeration but his q is pretty annoyingThe skillshot except for stun is impossible to dodge unless you start with boot4. A pain to lane against.
That's not how you spell Jinx.
the added additional passive damage is way better than is riot for real?
so now spellthief doesn't give you any ap so sona and nami and such have their heals and speed boosts nerfed even harder at level 1 unless you take doran's ring
I guess 10% cdr is ok
I don't get why I can't just have my base numbers back
10 AP is completely meaningless on supports. That's 2/3 less HP you'll heal and 1 MS on Nami's is riot for real?
so now spellthief doesn't give you any ap so sona and nami and such have their heals and speed boosts nerfed even harder at level 1 unless you take doran's ring
I guess 10% cdr is ok
I don't get why I can't just have my base numbers back
yo thats like a free infinity edge bro.edit: lmao she has a 46% crit damage rune page
the added additional passive damage is way better than ap.
How do you even get that much? 30 crit runes?edit: lmao she has a 46% crit damage rune page
old skool chart where rex is center of universe
How do you even get that much? 30 crit runes?