Nidalee can go die in a fire. Seriously fuck that champion. It's not outplaying when you randomly throw spears for 10 minutes while healing yourself.
I'd agree but I love playing her
Nidalee can go die in a fire. Seriously fuck that champion. It's not outplaying when you randomly throw spears for 10 minutes while healing yourself.
Champions that need to be deleted.
Kassadin, Yasuo and Teemo.
But I like playing Yasuo
CorkiChampions that need to be deleted.
Kassadin, Yasuo and Teemo.
Riot complains about it being hard to balance overtuned champions and complains about mobility creep.
Releases Yasuo.
What did I do to deserve this team. Specifically Kat. Why. WHY.
this is her
so bad
wtf is that build
that game looked rough.Lost
she has over 50% winrate on it. there was a time when it was not unheard of.Seems tanky Kat top worked out that time? Weird.
she has over 50% winrate on it. there was a time when it was not unheard of.
You didn't do anything, Newt deserved this game. He played Kat last week and the prophecy began.What did I do to deserve this team. Specifically Kat. Why. WHY.
this is her
so bad
wtf is that build
I actually prefer a somewhat tanky Kat build. That's just me though. I don't find her lacking in damage even when I do so since her ult does insane damage regardless.
He needs spirit visage so he can spam potions. It's a smart build.
Similar to Cho'Gath's Rupture which knocks up and slows the target. A green puddle of bubbling fluid shows on the ground before the spell hits, making it relatively easy to spot and subsequently dodge it.
arr you serious?Something about Baron Nashor ability:
I did not know that
arr you serious?
watch me more.Serious
everyone just stand there aa and spam skills anyways. I never seen anyone actively dodging.
edit: dp
watch me more.
arr you serious?
Skarner only gets a regular shield.Who needs to dodge it when you can just spellshield it?
pshhhhh regular shield pshhhhhhhhhhSkarner only gets a regular shield.
They have Crs in their name, isn't that the same team as Crs Cop or whatever? They must be LCS.What did I do to deserve this team. Specifically Kat. Why. WHY.
this is her
so bad
wtf is that build
Yasuo so fucking op.... yesterday night Yasuo was on my team, we were almost losing the game, but Yasuo appeared, triplekill, quadrakill.... a 3k hp warwick comes from enemy base, Yasuo near to 400hp and... pentakill. GGWP.
Wow. I bought Lucian and broke from my Ashe marathon when she was picked by the other team and tried him out. Got stomped in lane against Ashe + Annie (with my suicidal Leona). I started 0/4/2. The whole team was getting smoked. Then the teamfights started.. finished 9/4/8 for a win.
What a beast champion. Started BT then into Triforce into Last Whisper. I was chunking people so hard with ability->double auto->ability->double auto. He feels so good. Smooth auto attack, real easy to chain his abilities. That dash is so strong. Added a QSS to my cleanse for ashe, lissandra, shen and annie and I never died again.
I've been on the receiving end of him plenty but didn't realize what a joy to play he was. No wonder I see him or Jinx in every ranked game. They're really on fire with the last two marksmen.
Just bought him too. Seriously, there's so many possible combos you can pull off with his abilities. Everything just feels so smooth!
One of the appeals of Dominion for those who don't play it much; the games can be extremely close and can swing hard. It is not really possible to snowball.
Just had an extremely close game; we won 6-0. For those who aren't aware, both teams in Dominion start out at 500 resources, and the goal is to reduce the enemy to 0 resources. That means we won with ~1% of our resources still remaining. I've actually won games 1-0 before.
I had a game last night where any enemy Yasuo went 28/5/5 although his entire team maintained a -5 or more K/D ratio. I was the only person on my team to go positive - as an AP engage Kennen... I don't feel like I ever have issues against Yasuo but my teammates can never handle him, so I'm just going to insta-ban from here on out lol.