riot pls
i remember when you were silver 1 nami
they grow up so fast
riot pls
What's a vileroze? Someone last night said something like, "does anyone realize we were just playing with GodLife", but I didn't know what that was either.
She's really not viable, but I think she's a little better in top lane.
Not even Challenger, AchtiusNewt can do this.
Not if LeBlanc feeds like shit. We smacked their botlane tooNot even Challenger, AchtiusNewt can do this.
You may be Magikarp, but I'm Mudkipz.He's like Arceus and we're like Magikarp.
Try Gragas jungleBah... okay so no poppy. I really want someone different... urg.
Try Gragas and Nautilus jungle.
that's probably not the word i would use
So you would use the word... hot?
Just lagged out of my last ranked match(went 0/1/8 as Thresh but we got smashed as a team). Anyone else getting trouble? The game lagged out as soon as they took our inhib so I'm hoping for a loss prevention lol
i just google imaged "poppy league" to remind myself of what she looks like what a horrible mistake
i just google imaged "poppy league" to remind myself of what she looks like what a horrible mistake
i just google imaged "poppy league" to remind myself of what she looks like what a horrible mistake
i just google imaged "poppy league" to remind myself of what she looks like what a horrible mistake
riot pls, not tilterino.
Wait, Elise is getting reworked? Why?
And why doesn't Riot just create new champions instead of reworking old ones? That way both fans of the champion as they currently are stay happy and they also have a new champion?
Also, anyone else following OGN Masters? SKT T1 K went full-EU, Ziggs/Lulu mid, Pantheon/Evelynn jungle. Was a stomp though.
Well seems like NeoGAF's one and only dynamic duo is now in Plat. We were Silver I when we started, lol.
My progress:
Season 1: Unranked
Season 2: Silver
Season 3: Gold
Season 4: Platinum
Wait, Elise is getting reworked? Why?
And why doesn't Riot just create new champions instead of reworking old ones? That way both fans of the champion as they currently are stay happy and they also have a new champion?