Achtius will be challenger or at least Diamond 1 99lp this season or I will film myself eating a duck, A LIVE DUCK
a canadian goose if you will
Achtius will be challenger or at least Diamond 1 99lp this season or I will film myself eating a duck, A LIVE DUCK
I am the blood sacrifice that is getting Achtius high ranked, I went from gold V last season down to silver 1 placements, down to silver 5 tonight.
"But always bear in mind that when you're relishing that landslide victory there is someone on the receiving end that is probably ripping their hair out."
Achtius will be challenger or at least Diamond 1 99lp this season or I will film myself eating a duck, A LIVE DUCK
I got Kiunch'd my last game. I swear people either mute and don't read chat, or just don't believe you. We had a Leona who would just spam BARON THAT. We were winning teamfights, we got near their mid inhib tower...and Leona ran bot, alone, to tank the enemy turret, alone, to get stunned under the turret alone, and die.
So if Achtius didn't get challenger or Diamond 1 99lp this season you will film yourself eating a live duck?
As much as I would like seeing Achtius make it to challenger, I kind of want to see the live duck eating more.
Achtius will be challenger or at least Diamond 1 99lp this season or I will film myself eating a duck, A LIVE DUCK
If you say "If Achtius gets to challenger or at least Diamond 1 99lp this season, I will film myself eating a duck, A LIVE DUCK", I will at least try. I won't even bother now.
ur gonna make out with it
Too far kiunch...literally.Deep throat!
ACTIVE: Draven gains increased movement speed for 1.5 seconds and increased attack speed for 3 seconds. The movement speed bonus decreases rapidly over its duration.I love winning against a Riven top.
Makes my blood rush.
Any tips for Lux? she is a little squishy in early phase
ACTIVE: Draven gains increased movement speed for 1.5 seconds and increased attack speed for 3 seconds. The movement speed bonus decreases rapidly over its duration.
Catching a Spinning Axe will refresh Blood Rush's cooldown.
I am so tired of jungle Shacos in my dominion games. It just isn't a map for rambos.
I dont' care PLAT
You and Newt are an inspiration. If I played more, I think Type2 and I would try the duo thing. We had some good success last night duo bot.
I don't want to hold anyone back with my like 6 games a week though haha.
Hah yeah im down. Im spamming ranked today as long as the servers are up.
Thanks for the Kha'zix advice. My first few games with him had mixed success. I had a good lane mid but lost the game, had a good lane mid and won, and did poorly jungling once. I feel like he is fun and I am getting an idea of how he works though, so I'm hoping with practice I get better at judging when I should engage and not, and how much I need to farm. I didn't get much gold in the jungle so it was tough to get past elder lizard.
Hah yeah im down. Im spamming ranked today as long as the servers are up.
I dont' care PLAT
But you said you don't buy skinsid probably buy that skin tho
Somehow I've won 17 out of my last 19 games and skyrocketed from silver 4 to my first promo series into gold EVER.
Scary... statistics say I have a nice long losing streak ahead of me.
Yep I'll stream all my games and be talkative. I'll probably start around 4 pm pacific.U gonna stream?
Yep I'll stream all my games and be talkative. I'll probably start around 4 pm pacific.
she's squishy all game longAny tips for Lux? she is a little squishy in early phase
the jungle is full of assassins.Lux isn't bad at all as long as you don't pick her Vs most assassins.
As long as it's not Vi you can manage.the jungle is full of assassins.
wot about pantheeon. or kha6. or elliz. or lee bin?As long as it's not Vi you can manage.
If it's Vi well you're dead.
Ok so no picking her if the enemy team has something that even remotely resembles an assassin.wot about pantheeon. or kha6. or elliz. or lee bin?
picking annie is abandoning your soul.lulu got me to silver
nami got me to gold
annie got me to plat.
lulu got me to silver
nami got me to gold
annie got me to plat.
lulu got me to silver
nami got me to gold
annie got me to plat.