No, banning out Thresh + Leona, first picking Annie and forcing the enemy to pick Blitzcrank into Sivir is abandoning my soul.picking annie is abandoning your soul.
I demand to be in another gaf match as jungle teemo, no disconnects this time!
Jungle ad malzahar or brandyo its all about the jungle urgot.
Not if I ban him.Can you guys stop abandoning your souls, thresh is gonna have a field day.
yo its all about the jungle urgot.
I don't know, there was something very satisfying about jungle teemo. Something about running out of a bush, blinding/poisoning someone then running back into the jungle like the little annoying turd he is.
I jumped on that bandwagon the second I heard about the chinese doing it, before worlds, proper hipster style. I'm more annoyed at people rushing for Leona since the support changes basically removed all skill necessary to play the championpicking annie is abandoning your soul.
1-9 slump right now guysI'm not having bad games myself, we just keep getting outplayed as a team or someone feeds. Trying to keep optimistic before i head back to ranked.
Go pwn so noobs on titanfall then come back with newfound confidence!1-9 slump right now guysI'm not having bad games myself, we just keep getting outplayed as a team or someone feeds. Trying to keep optimistic before i head back to ranked.
Go pwn so noobs on titanfall then come back with newfound confidence!
You've been away from SR for too long. Zed and Fizz have mostly fallen off the map as the meta has shifted to safe mid laners who scale well. Ziggs, Kayle, Nidalee, and Leblanc all have fairly safe laning phases that scale well into the lategame. Lux is missing both of those, and she's reliant on using the tools she uses to trade and farm as escape tools.The midlane seems to be dominated by Champs like Leblanc, Zed, and Fizz, all of whom are specifically built to beat champions like Lux. If the meta reverts to a state where picks like Anivia and Karthus are more common, Lux will be fine.
Bonus AD ratio on Q, 0.5wait
Bonus AD ratio on Q, 0.5
Noxus Trap ( R ) total AP ratio reduced to .4 from .8
Let us rejoice
WHATCorki buffs, RIP Newt
I kind of assumed ya'll know where to read them at so it would be pointless.yo is it so hard for you guys to link pbe patchnotes before you start talking about them:
Those are not the buffs, that's just them reverting to live values lolLooks like the miss fortune buffs were toned backAttack speed steroid is nice though.
I don't like the change to mobos. They were already pretty situational.
edit: I misread the change to MF's Q. It's better now. Lost the impure stacks on ult though. And her W no longer scales with AD![]()
Those are not the buffs, that's just them reverting to live values lol
relic shield stuff looks cool
This is kind of funnyLet us rejoice
This is kind of funny
Rito kept saying they couldn't find the right fix for teemo and in the end it was just the simple dmg nerf everyone was clamoring for since time immemorial
How scared shitless are people that queue into games against the Newt/Achtius lane?
yo its all about the jungle urgot.
How scared shitless are people that queue into games against the Newt/Achtius lane?
That Fiora build makes me want to cry![]()
I think I should just take a break from the game for a while. My luck drawing teams is horrible.
On a separate note, after reading the PBE notes, I think I may just start using Ryze again. I've been aching to have the Q range increased!
That Fiora build makes me want to cry.
Sorry but why did u go bjork on thresh? Like if u have tons of gold just buy something that helps ur team like mikael or randuins or something![]()
I think I should just take a break from the game for a while. My luck drawing teams is horrible.
On a separate note, after reading the PBE notes, I think I may just start using Ryze again. I've been aching to have the Q range increased!
It's never pointless since it's nice to give people a single-click link, plus I have to google whether it's official patch notes, or PBE changes that might change at any time, etc.I kind of assumed ya'll know where to read them at so it would be pointless.
Unless I am mistaken, this is the second time the mushroom damage has been nerfed. I wish I had played him AP back in the day, but I guess then oracles existed.This is kind of funny
Rito kept saying they couldn't find the right fix for teemo and in the end it was just the simple dmg nerf everyone was clamoring for since time immemorial
I got fed early and I planned on selling it later so I could go back to being support. (It's actually pretty good on Thresh, but I know it's not something you should build on him) At some point I just decided to keep it because the team wouldn't group so we were stuck defending the base and eventually lost.Sorry but why did u go bjork on thresh? Like if u have tons of gold just buy something that helps ur team like mikael or randuins or something