is irelia ult the worst in the game, does no dmg at all
Good Luck!Finally hit 30! Doing my placements later this week.
Finally hit 30! Doing my placements later this week.
Finally hit 30! Doing my placements later this week.
actually it's not that bad, it's kind of like lucian's ult in that it looks like it doesn't deal any damage but it's actually 640 + 260% ad at max rank, and you can still autoattack/use spells while casting it. it's just a lot more annoying to use and harder to land than lucian's (also deals A LOT less single target damage, tho maybe more aoe damage), plus it doesn't mesh well with the rest of her irelia ult the worst in the game, does no dmg at all
phoenix stance is his best stance.Udyr.
y i always gitt me bad mids and adcs in all my promos
riot pls
holy fuk i got dumpstered
Finally hit 30! Doing my placements later this week.
I remembered a simpler time when Kiunch can AD Sona Mid and stomped other ap mid laners. It wasn't league of assassins back then
I feel like darius, aatrox, volibear, singed, and mundo are built to various degrees on trolling. Isn't annoying enemies one of the most enjoyable parts of league? I mean all the rest of the time we're raging or being raged at by teammates, might as well get to irritate someone legitimately for once.btw just got back from the hospital (reading random shit here helped a lot with the wait) and I have a new little brother :3
hope this one's better than the last :>
well to be fair while I think the vision changes aided his annoyingness it's not like you used to buy oracles and win the game that way
I don't think this will make teemo awful but it helps
I really think they should rework him, he's basically a champion built on griefing, and I'll defend lux and nidalee and shaco and a lot of other annoying champions to death but I can't stand teemo and he's not even that fun to play. I mean aside from his trolling, his actual mechanics are boring as fuck. like a passive, a targetted spell and running fast?
I feel like darius, aatrox, volibear, singed, and mundo are built to various degrees on trolling. Isn't annoying enemies one of the most enjoyable parts of league? I mean all the rest of the time we're raging or being raged at by teammates, might as well get to irritate someone legitimately for once.
It would hurt less if I hadn't placed silver 1 before going to silver 5.I think you reached elo hell
Played normals with friends. Why do I do this to myself? No matter how fed myself and my one other good friends get, the other 3 just drag us down too much.
I need to get back to solo queue. Oh wait, servers are getting DDOS'd.
haha, I play with some irl friends alot too, and no matter how well I do, they tend to drag the team down with them. just sucks in general, but I just tend to deal with it and remember it's just my friends and we're having fun.
if it was solo queue though....i'd rage xD
I don't mind losing just so long as we win eventually and they try to listen to our advice. We've lost 7 ARAMs/Normals in row.
Back to the 3DS!
Nah, just finished Fire Emblem and moved on to Rune Factory 4. The backlog is too big for BD right now.
the only time I had fun with a teemo in my team he was full tank with atma's impaler and carried pretty hard but I have no idea what kind of ridiculous build that was.I do want Teemo on my team. He's cute, has hilarious skins, has nice mini-wards that benefit the team, and can do a lot of damage or push well.
I enjoy having him if he does decently. I think we are different in that regard.
I think you are drawing a general conclusion from some cases which does not apply to all cases.the only time I had fun with a teemo in my team he was full tank with atma's impaler and carried pretty hard but I have no idea what kind of ridiculous build that was.
I don't like teemo because it's just 4+shrooms v 5. it's boring.
I think you are drawing a general conclusion from some cases which does not apply to all cases.
I had a Teemo on my team earlier this week and he had more damage to champions than anyone else, I believe. Good players will work with the team, bad players will ignore the team. The same thing can happen with other champions as well.
holy crap heart of gold. I forgot that item existed. RIP
that's because i look at most games in the first ten minutes and say "it's ogre".It isn't often you look at a game and can say with 100% certainty that it's over in the first 10 minutes...
It isn't often you look at a game and can say with 100% certainty that it's over in the first 10 minutes, but goddamn. Mook are already 5k down in 10 minutes.
Good luck! No point delaying them as long as you have runes and enough champs.
Don't get discouraged if you end up in Bronze, I did when I did mine.
A Trundle top pick on Champions qualifiers.