Is it bad that I find Quinn somewhat fun and want to buy her?
It -looks- like that match that ended when everyone went into limbo last night simply does not exist according to lolking history. I was afraid something similar was happening again tonight, since people were complaining of walking into towers with lag.
I tried another ranked Kha'zix jungle game, trying to follow guides and suggestions. This time I tried using exhaust as a guide mentioned. Once again I had a very hard time killing the first and second round of buffs, so I think I need to find a good rune/mastery combination.
Taking exhaust was interesting. It seemed like it was awesome in ganks, but it REALLY means you have to be correct with jumps. Misjudge one jump engage, and no reset or flash for you, you're dead.
I'll gladly take itI was thinking rakhir might want it to replace his previous rito zeronis one and I just want to look at it forever :T
I would take one of those Vi avatars except my current one is basically perfect for my username.
Second time Pantheon jungle, started 7-2-7 before finishing 9-7-17. Sadly we lost but I'm not that upset. It's so easy playing him though, his late game utility was a bit lacking though. I had Lizard + Cleaver + Mercs + Randuins + Spirit Visage before the game ended. With Tryndamere top I basically had to be the tank. Is it viable building this tanky, or would it be better to maybe get BT + LW and a GA instead of the tank items?
So, I am terrible if I am anywhere other than support. I feel bad even just playing normal games because of how bad I am.
Played Jax vs. Wukong top? Died 10 times by the end of the game and their Wukong was the only reason they won (everyone else on their team was negative, Wukong ended with 19 kills.)
Played Nid vs Veigar mid? Died 10 times by the end of the game and their Veigar was the only one doing well (he ended with 20 kills.) We won because their Ashe was terrible and Veigar can only ultimately burst one person.
So, not only do I feed, but I can't stop them from roaming and picking off my team after feeding them. It is like I am facing pre-nerf Akali no matter my opponent in terms of how quickly they can get big against me.
Ferga said:That's a good thing. Everyone loves a support main.
If you're good enough, you'll carry games just like any other role.
Actually not. You'll always depend on how good your adc is.
Some adcs are just cluelessI know because I'm one of those
At least if you're not supp you can get fed and try to compensate your bad adc.
actually yes.Actually not. You'll always depend on how good your adc is.
Some adcs are just cluelessI know because I'm one of those
At least if you're not supp you can get fed and try to compensate your bad adc.
They have always been cool characters with fun yet extremely clunky kits.I like how people are starting to come around on Fiora and Quinn.
I told you all!
Not all bot lanes can be salvaged, but many can be despite a terrible adc. Once mid game comes you will have to leave your adc and try to make stuff happen with the team.Actually not. You'll always depend on how good your adc is.
Some adcs are just cluelessI know because I'm one of those
At least if you're not supp you can get fed and try to compensate your bad adc.
actually yes.
as a support main you can shutdown bot with enough authority that even the most godawful adc will look okay compared to the enemy teams 0/9 adc. just dont tie yourself to that adc, peel for whoever is doing the most work on your team.
I had a game against jungle Fiora while i was shyvana top. She couldn't even touch me, and her ganks weren't so good on other lanes either.I like how people are starting to come around on Fiora and Quinn.
I told you all!
im sure it'd be pretty hard if you're a janna or something, but there certainly are some pub stompy supports who can straight up dominate a lane .There's just no way you manage to get 9 kills on your enemy adc if your own adc is bad - always out of position, not cs-ing correctly, not poking...
No way at all.
I am speechless.
actually yes.
as a support main you can shutdown bot with enough authority that even the most godawful adc will look okay compared to the enemy teams 0/9 adc. just dont tie yourself to that adc, peel for whoever is doing the most work on your team.
Some good matches recently
This match had a noobish Olaf, reminds me of my early days playing lol.
I managed to get us the upper inhibitor destroyed quite quickly. A few minutes later the opposing team surrendered
im sure it'd be pretty hard if you're a janna or something, but there certainly are some pub stompy supports who can straight up dominate a lane .
as a support you have the most impact in winning bot lane, which gives you control over the majour early game objective and if you're blue side, the enemy blue buff.
you certainly have more potential to carry in early and mid game than, say, a top laner.
Not all bot lanes can be salvaged, but many can be despite a terrible adc. Once mid game comes you will have to leave your adc and try to make stuff happen with the team.
Some good matches recently
This match had a noobish Olaf, reminds me of my early days playing lol.
I managed to get us the upper inhibitor destroyed quite quickly. A few minutes later the opposing team surrendered
I'd avoid BoRK on Garen to be honest. He doesn't really need attack speed. If you really need the active, you can settle for a Cutlass and leave it there.
But ouch your Fiddle LOL.
edit: Try testing Flash in some games.
It's crazy to see 82 kills on one team (over 120 on both teams!) in a 40 minute match. That's three kills every minute!Some good matches recently
Zyra bro's for life.It still isn't as carriable as other rolesunless you play Zyra.
no roll in this game can carry no matter what. :\Let me clarify: I didn't say it wasn't possible to carry as support I said it wasn't always possible. As opposed to some other lanes that may be able to carry no matter what (given you're playing well of course)
Mind you my brother uses my account to play and he uses Garen too. In one game he went bot and did really well, he dcided to try out Life Steal and it worked out well for him.
TBH though I tend to get bored of Garen's slow swing attack speed hence why I started using that equipment =P
jUST WON another match had a good Graves helping out. Messed in Mid a bit to help out there, hen went back to top.
Was juuuuuuuuuuust about to take down their inhibitor when they surrender =V
Depends on how much you want to cheese, if you have a sustain support and how confident you are in that cheese.Thoughts on going ArPen runes instead of lifesteal on Draven? I'm wondering whether the pen combined with his early game cheese from Q might be worth a shot for massive damage.
The damage increase won't be worth being left with little sustain.Thoughts on going ArPen runes instead of lifesteal on Draven? I'm wondering whether the pen combined with his early game cheese from Q might be worth a shot for massive damage.
It -looks- like that match that ended when everyone went into limbo last night simply does not exist according to lolking history. I was afraid something similar was happening again tonight, since people were complaining of walking into towers with lag.
I tried another ranked Kha'zix jungle game, trying to follow guides and suggestions. This time I tried using exhaust as a guide mentioned. Once again I had a very hard time killing the first and second round of buffs, so I think I need to find a good rune/mastery combination.
Taking exhaust was interesting. It seemed like it was awesome in ganks, but it REALLY means you have to be correct with jumps. Misjudge one jump engage, and no reset or flash for you, you're dead.
Thoughts on going ArPen runes instead of lifesteal on Draven?
that's not entirely true. like I've fed useless adcs two triple kills in a row, dude goes and rushes hurricane and we still won because he was so stupidly fed and their adc was completely shut down and ragingActually not. You'll always depend on how good your adc is.
Some adcs are just cluelessI know because I'm one of those
At least if you're not supp you can get fed and try to compensate your bad adc.
I like how people are starting to come around on Fiora and Quinn.
I told you all!
looks beautiful on you :3I'll gladly take it
but i'm currently on mobile and you can't change avatars on this version. EDIT: done, thanks![]()
Man, I feel like a whippersnapper compared to you lot but an old fart irl.
Oh right it's Thursday today, that should mean EU LCS.
Here's a timer for you, folks.
Gambit vs Roccat, get hype!
While everyone enjoys a support main, there are those times that I will need to play other roles if I run into another weird person the likes supporting and calls it first, or a duo bot. So I really need to practice other lanes, but at the same time feel bad feeding pretty much any time I do it. Although I do feel comfortable on Renekton top with a 6.7/3.7/6.7 KDA with him in 3 ranked games.
While everyone enjoys a support main, there are those times that I will need to play other roles if I run into another weird person the likes supporting and calls it first, or a duo bot. So I really need to practice other lanes, but at the same time feel bad feeding pretty much any time I do it. Although I do feel comfortable on Renekton top with a 6.7/3.7/6.7 KDA with him in 3 ranked games.
It's more like Roccat vs Edward soloqGambit vs Roccat, get hype!
It's more like Roccat vs Edward soloq
or Roccat vs NIP with Edward sub
but that's a LCS thread trash talk![]()
"Isn't that bad"Yeah, I'm rooting for Roccat as well, but Gambit isn't that bad.![]()