Sr Kitsune
I didn't knew you could submit a ticket to support and know how much money you've spent in your account.
i spent money on other people's accounts instead :^)
I can believe it. I've never seen someone beg for gifts more.
and still no valentines from you
yea I used to buy roa on anivia but tbh waiting for the ramp up and paying so much for weird stats like health and mana when you're gonna get your mana from somewhere else and the health's not gonna make much of a difference doesn't make much sense
I'd rather go like athene's into zhonya's or something with morg
because if he is a jungler he has no cc before six, making ganks difficult.Wukong has one of the strongest level 2s in the goddamn game, I don't know why they say "Wukong wants to hit 6 before he does anything". Auto attack buff + Huge armor shred at level 2 on champs with little armor so it's almost true damage?
because if he is a jungler he has no cc before six, making ganks difficult.
Noob question regarding Jungling:
How can a Lvl. 1 character go around killing jungle creatures by themselves without the risk of quickly dieing? Do they hit and retreat?
Wukong has one of the strongest level 2s in the goddamn game, I don't know why they say "Wukong wants to hit 6 before he does anything". Auto attack buff + Huge armor shred at level 2 on champs with little armor so it's almost true damage?
uh, seems like a waste of time.judgement calls. Is your midlane pushed a bit far to your turret against a not-leblanc? Gank. Now.
uh, seems like a waste of time.
Noob question regarding Jungling:
How can a Lvl. 1 character go around killing jungle creatures by themselves without the risk of quickly dieing? Do they hit and retreat?
Noob question regarding Jungling:
How can a Lvl. 1 character go around killing jungle creatures by themselves without the risk of quickly dieing? Do they hit and retreat?
Noob question regarding Jungling:
How can a Lvl. 1 character go around killing jungle creatures by themselves without the risk of quickly dieing? Do they hit and retreat?
both of these situations require extreme carelessness on the part of the enemy, and wukong doesn't really have a way to secure it. also, it's way more than ten second to gank, and clearing out your camps is actually kind of important to reset them.It'd literally take like 10 seconds of your time at most, your camps are probably on a respawn timer anyway.
Or if you don't like that, do your blue buff, get level 2 and head to the enemy red and wait. Can usually get a kill there.
The biggest issue for people who play Vayne poorly is that they don't understand the champion's weaknesses.Is there a secret contract with vayne that says "you have to be a complete fucking moron to play this champ"?
Also jinx/morg lane is just disgusting.
yupIs there a secret contract with vayne that says "you have to be a complete fucking moron to play this champ"?
Is there a secret contract with vayne that says "you have to be a complete fucking moron to play this champ"?
Also jinx/morg lane is just disgusting.
Which is better: a great in-game skin with bad splash art, or a bad in-game skin with great splash art?
I really like muse sona in-game. she looks like a bride :3bad in-game skin with great splash art = full metal pantheon.
is there a great in game skin with bad splash (other than champs that have been given visual upgrade)?
Which is better: a great in-game skin with bad splash art, or a bad in-game skin with great splash art?
Hmm, Nautilus support?
Leona is pretty much a better version of him in every way. I tried it for a while to justify buying him somewhat, but it's true.
Leona is pretty much a better version of him in every way. I tried it for a while to justify buying him somewhat, but it's true.
bad in-game skin with great splash art = full metal pantheon.
is there a great in game skin with bad splash (other than champs that have been given visual upgrade)?
bad in-game skin with great splash art = full metal pantheon.
is there a great in game skin with bad splash (other than champs that have been given visual upgrade)?
She's gotten a visual update but I vote for Spectacular Sivir's splash aka Jay Leno as Wonder Woman.
that chinese new years riven skin
Also, it seems like I can see enemy teleport animations even in fog of war or unwarded bushes, has this happened to any of you or am I hallucinating?
Not a bug, intentionally patched in.yea that's a long time bug
that skin is all kinds of bad.
all about the yorick jungle in the pre30 games.Leveling a smurf is the most boring grind I've ever experienced.
Leveling a smurf is the most boring grind I've ever experienced.
how long does it take without a booster activated?
At least 100+ games