You could had use a bicycle to generate electricity. Or a kite with metal wiring. Hamster! There are so many options and possibilities yet you choose to abandon usFor SHAME!
End at at least 6-4 and I can forsee a silver 1 or gold 5 placement.Played ranked today finally.
I'm 4-3 now.keep alternating. L-W-L-W-W-L-W.
I just need to panth jungle last 3 games.
Check on Wit's End and Lichbane.
What was garath's rank last season? I got 7-3 with a win streak and high kda and still only got silver 1 from gold 5. If garath was gold 3 or higher then gold 5 seems possible with 6-4, I'd guess.End at at least 6-4 and I can forsee a silver 1 or gold 5 placement.
What was garath's rank last season? I got 7-3 with a win streak and high kda and still only got silver 1 from gold 5. If garath was gold 3 or higher then gold 5 seems possible with 6-4, I'd guess.
Is it multiplayer? It's a little too rich for my blood.soda when are we gonna play go! go! nippon!
You haven't seen Achtius adc then. He just farmsman it's so pretty to watch a support main adc
like 100% selflessness
it's all about dem turrets
doesn't whine once
I love them
man it's so pretty to watch a support main adc
like 100% selflessness
it's all about dem turrets
doesn't whine once
I love them
You haven't seen Achtius adc then. He just farms.
I really don't think that has much to do with roles. I guess ADC mains are kinda dicks in general (I'm no exception to that), but I've seen toxic as hell support mains's not about how skilled you are
like supported an adc main jinx and then a support main cait
I get beast hook on ezreal, we burst him down and I get first blood
she says "gj"
hook + chompers sona and burst her down, last ignite tick kills her
she says "gj"
20 minutes later she randomly dies
"thresh ks took two of my kills"
"gg no peel"
"gg nobody protects me"
now the cait
I get a good hook and we chunk their draven
our maokai ganks and dies
"at least leona got the red buff"
I fuck up, not see fiddle and and get killed by his ult
then silence for the other 30 minutes
nice avatar ed
I really don't think that has much to do with roles. I guess ADC mains are kinda dicks in general (I'm no exception to that), but I've seen toxic as hell support mains too.
You're just thirsty.your fucking awful how fucking hard is it to fucking spellshield you fucking cunt
I really don't think that has much to do with roles. I guess ADC mains are kinda dicks in general (I'm no exception to that), but I've seen toxic as hell support mains too.
I really don't think that has much to do with roles. I guess ADC mains are kinda dicks in general (I'm no exception to that), but I've seen toxic as hell support mains too.
very sorry dude, that's terribleWell shit bros. A good friend of mine passed away this morning.
OT: League.
I really don't think that has much to do with roles. I guess ADC mains are kinda dicks in general (I'm no exception to that), but I've seen toxic as hell support mains too.
Well shit bros. A good friend of mine passed away this morning.
OT: League.
Well shit bros. A good friend of mine passed away this morning.
OT: League.
Well shit bros. A good friend of mine passed away this morning.
OT: League.
What's with all the mid lulu in diamond right now
I forgot who was playing it on korea, alex ich copied it, now everyone's playing it without understanding whywho started it? Alex Ich?
It won't put you at a disadvantage for placements, but duoing in general puts you at a disadvantage.I have a question about the division/placement matches. I didn't play much ranked last season and haven't gotten to play much league period since last August. Some of my friends I duo'd with are plat now. I duo'd with one today for my first placement match. Is there any reason to duo or not duo with him until i'm done with my placement? He said we would be playing a mix of gold and whatnot but they were mostly around his division. I guess what i'm asking is if i'm just putting myself at a disadvantage doing my placement matches against plat people or will it place me higher since the games are at a higher mmr?
Are there any rewards for playing/winning hexakill?
Rank Champion name Score Punishment share Pick share
1 Master Yi 1020 3.48% 2.46%
2 Lee Sin 600 2.79% 2.19%
3 Vayne 570 2.83% 2.26%
4 Tryndamere 440 1.75% 1.31%
5 Ezreal 420 2.89% 2.47%
6 Fizz 380 1.51% 1.13%
7 Jax 330 1.74% 1.41%
8 Zed 300 1.59% 1.29%
9 Teemo 280 2.24% 1.96%
10 Rengar 250 1.1% 0.85%
106 Blitzcrank -190 1.23% 1.42%
107 Soraka -340 0.54% 0.88%
108 Caitlyn -350 2.27% 2.62%
109 Taric -360 0.46% 0.82%
110 Zyra -360 0.69% 1.05%
111 Lulu -400 0.37% 0.77%
112 Thresh -580 0.87% 1.45%
113 Nami -670 0.51% 1.18%
114 Janna -680 0.65% 1.33%
115 Leona -700 0.89% 1.59%
116 Sona -1180 0.91% 2.09%
Genuinely surprised Kat and Akali aren't even in the top 10.This is interesting - guy on reddit checked what champions were played by people punished by tribunal. The answer may not surprse you: