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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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workin hard tryin to get to that Gold promised land. 3/3 today ranked. MF so good on an aoe team.

The boys were concerned around 20 minutes when Vayne was like 10/7/something (I was 10/5/something, but apparently Vayne was garnering more respect than ya boi). Well, we had a bad team fight that lost us our mid inhib. It really wasn't even a team fight. It was one of those...series of caught-out mistakes kinds of situations. I was running through the jungle and Vayne appears out of nowhere and catches me with the stun, then their entire team converges. We went down one by one.

They were like, "there goes my promo series
." I was like, "
Yo chill the fuck out, we got this. JUST GOTTA BELIEVE." Fortunately, that bad fight only happened once for us, whereas it kept happening for them. Our ward game was on point and Lee Sin kept getting caught out trying to be sneaky. Or Sej would just "suprise, bitch!" ult their faces. Then I'd pop the ult to go along with it and the weeping and gnashing of teeth would begin. Ya boi ended up having a hand in 36 of the 45kills to lead the team.


im just an old man

please dont knock me over when you blow past me
Just as a random thought: it feels weird to me to be moving past people who've been stuck in Silver for 500-1000 games. It also feels weird to be depending on people who haven't really had a ton of success to help me get to the next level. Like damn, if you've been stuck here for hundreds of games, what are my real prospects for getting to Gold on the back of 3 months of experience?

I don't like seeing Nidalee in general. I feel like she's not really a team oriented champion.

I tend to feel the same way. Or perhaps better said, I feel like too many people play her very, very poorly.

I see people *only* toss spears all game and only use the Cougar form to run away. Well not exclusively, but you can tell they have no real intentions to aggressively use Cougar form or any comfort with the concept. That's not all of them, needless to say...but I'd say it's the standard rather than the exception. I think part of that has to do with the mechanics of the spear. You want to create distance to maximize damage, so people train themselves to always move *away* from the enemy. It becomes habit, perhaps. That, of course, means she's not in a good position to engage after. People don't play her enough to recognize when it's time to throw the spear while moving *towards* the enemy with the intention of jumping dead in their asses.
I tend to feel the same way. Or perhaps better said, I feel like too many people play her very, very poorly.

I see people *only* toss spears all game and only use the Cougar form to run away. Well not exclusively, but you can tell they have no real intentions to aggressively use Cougar form or any comfort with the concept. That's not all of them, needless to say...but I'd say it's the standard rather than the exception. I think part of that has to do with the mechanics of the spear. You want to create distance to maximize damage, so people train themselves to always move *away* from the enemy. It becomes habit, perhaps. That, of course, means she's not in a good position to engage after. People don't play her enough to recognize when it's time to throw the spear while moving *towards* the enemy with the intention of jumping dead in their asses.

The other problem is that she's generally built to be squishy in regards to other AP mids / tops, so she's usually the first one dead in a team fight. I always try to build her a little bit on the tanky side for this reason, but yeah. I can see where you're coming from in terms of hesitating when jumping in.


I don't like seeing Nidalee in general. I feel like she's not really a team oriented champion.
you mean shes not a team fight orientated champion, because nidalee is very team orientated when sieging

Just as a random thought: it feels weird to me to be moving past people who've been stuck in Silver for 500-1000 games. It also feels weird to be depending on people who haven't really had a ton of success to help me get to the next level. Like damn, if you've been stuck here for hundreds of games, what are my real prospects for getting to Gold on the back of 3 months of experience?
a lot of people dont try to learn from their games, or somehow try to improve in some way

they just play
a lot of people dont try to learn from their games, or somehow try to improve in some way

they just play

I hear that but...to me, that's what Normal Draft/Blind is for. It just seems weird that someone would want to play ranked but not have a goal and plan to reach said goal. idk.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
a lot of people dont try to learn from their games, or somehow try to improve in some way

they just play

Friend who plays nothing but Kog'Maw and Chogath and has 800 games in Silver this season while I have like 100. I try to give him advice and it's always the same shit:

"That's not my fault."
"I'm doing that."
"I keep getting trolls."
"I keep getting D/Cs."
"My team sucks."
"Why would I watch replays?"
"I'm doing just fine but my team sucks."

The sad part is that he thinks he's going to hit Gold this season.


I hear that but...to me, that's what Normal Draft/Blind is for. It just seems weird that someone would want to play ranked but not have a goal and plan to reach said goal. idk.

basically what pankaks is saying

they're trying to reach the goal, but they blame their team whenever they lose

that makes it hard for them to see how to improve themselves
I basically learned how to properly support by playing ranked; I found out I was good at it and used it to my advantage because no one else wanted to play it.

I am currently 15 - 5 with Janna in ranked. You have to know what you're good at and learn to accept a role that isn't your ideal. People don't understand that you have to do what's best for your team. Myself included; I know that I'm not gold worthy, but I know how to improve and I'm taking steps to do better next season. A lot of people (in bronze, especially) don't understand this.


Friend who plays nothing but Kog'Maw and Chogath and has 800 games in Silver this season while I have like 100. I try to give him advice and it's always the same shit:

"That's not my fault."
"I'm doing that."
"I keep getting trolls."
"I keep getting D/Cs."
"My team sucks."
"Why would I watch replays?"
"I'm doing just fine but my team sucks."

The sad part is that he thinks he's going to hit Gold this season.

It helps having a friend next to you observe your play. Whenever I'm playing he'll always tell me "That was a bronze play" or make me see things I hadn't seen before.
It helps having a friend next to you observe your play. Whenever I'm playing he'll always tell me "That was a bronze play" or make me see things I hadn't seen before.

It can also be counterproductive, too. I sometimes play with friends who will yell and scream every time I make a dumb move (in normals). It makes me not even want to play the game because I feel like utter trash and that I can never improve.
Friend who plays nothing but Kog'Maw and Chogath and has 800 games in Silver this season while I have like 100. I try to give him advice and it's always the same shit:

"That's not my fault."
"I'm doing that."
"I keep getting trolls."
"I keep getting D/Cs."
"My team sucks."
"Why would I watch replays?"
"I'm doing just fine but my team sucks."

The sad part is that he thinks he's going to hit Gold this season.

I hear that, and it all looks like familiar text. I admit that I feel his pain about the D/C's tho. Before my current 4-game streak, I had a 2-game losing streak. First game our top -- who is the only tank and who is winning his lane hard -- says, "Gotta go." and DC's. We lost the 4v5, needless to say. The next game, guy calls ADC...cool...but he plays like he doesn't realize ADC's are supposed to farm. @ 20 minutes, he's sitting on a cool 75cs despite only light harassment from the enemy team. He spent inordinate amounts of time running around between lanes and missing last-hits.

Some things you really can't do anything about, you know? You try to put people in good situations...set them up for success...but they still have to do their part. Walk through the open doors, so to speak. To that end I can understand how someone can get stuck in a league. You really can play well and someone else on your team can play like shit (like the Lee Sin in my last game who we kept murdering), feed the enemy team, fuck up team fights and be a large reason for the loss. The Orianna on the other team had more CS and did more total damage than I did with 20 kills as MF. She did everything she could, but in the end she just didn't have good help. If that Lee Sin wasn't shit, maybe they roll us. I tend to feel bad for him because he was good enough to win. idk.

That said, it does seem like your friend could pick 2 better champs to main than Kog and Cho. Not that they aren't good...but there are stronger champs in the pool, no?

basically what pankaks is saying

they're trying to reach the goal, but they blame their team whenever they lose

that makes it hard for them to see how to improve themselves

Yea, I know the type. Definitely. But finding areas of improvement really shouldn't be that difficult. I can take stock after every win and loss of when I fucked up, when I missed something obvious, when I was missing cs for no good reason, and when I was positioned poorly in fights.

I could use more tips and help...but this game really doesn't have much of a spectating system. :( So I'm reduced to asking questions here...which is fine...but not nearly as effective.


It can also be counterproductive, too. I sometimes play with friends who will yell and scream every time I make a dumb move (in normals). It makes me not even want to play the game because I feel like utter trash and that I can never improve.

Trying to explain your line of thought might help. Today for example my friend asked "Why'd you go into that 1v3?", and I responded "Well they had used their cc already and I thought I could burst Ezreal down, but I guess time moved slower in my head and their cc came back up quickly" and then they understand where you come from and that's when you get better!


First two games after a week break; both top laners go 0/4 in less than 10minutes.

It's really fun getting killed by 2 skills. Really fuckin fun.
Last night, enemy team picked Kayle, who gets counterpicked by Pantheon.

Boy that was so brutal. 0/5 by 10 minutes brutal. He just ragefed for the rest of the game.


First two games after a week break; both top laners go 0/4 in less than 10minutes.

It's really fun getting killed by 2 skills. Really fuckin fun.

i dont get it

gb2 pokemon bro

lets try to guess the x/y OU meta

i think scizor still gonna be good

i dont remember them making huge chances to spikes/SR/toxispikes.... or did they?


basically what pankaks is saying

they're trying to reach the goal, but they blame their team whenever they lose

that makes it hard for them to see how to improve themselves
Well, sometimes it's fair to blame team-mates when you lose,sometimes it's not. Like you shouldn't do it whenever you lose, but bad players do exist. Specific plays can literally lose a match, and even good players make mistakes.


That moment when a Fizz dives really fucking hard into their team and gets melted faster than a fucking cheese sandwich.

yeah. that moment.

fuck that moment hard.


That moment when a Fizz dives really fucking hard into their team and gets melted faster than a fucking cheese sandwich.

yeah. that moment.

fuck that moment hard.

That moment when your shen ults bot while 3-4 waves of minions are coming into his tower, literally does nothing then presses recall.

Then does it again.

44cs shen at 15minutes. Awesome work.


Damn, doing work, dv.
Nice to see a a jungle carry game, even the eve was carrying.
That moment when a Fizz dives really fucking hard into their team and gets melted faster than a fucking cheese sandwich.

yeah. that moment.

fuck that moment hard.

That moment when your shen ults bot while 3-4 waves of minions are coming into his tower, literally does nothing then presses recall.

Then does it again.

44cs shen at 15minutes. Awesome work.
Shen and Fizz are OP and easy to play, guys
Leave him open I'll pick them and own


That moment when your shen ults bot while 3-4 waves of minions are coming into his tower, literally does nothing then presses recall.

Then does it again.

44cs shen at 15minutes. Awesome work.

where's that annie jungle bro

i feel scammed when you just left


Since DV plays a lot of doto too, which lol champs do you think can fit in that game?
Almost all the lol adc will be amazing in doto

As for mages, lux would be a pretty damn good support with Dota esque numbers.

Jax would probably own peoples faces as a str carry
Since DV plays a lot of doto too, which lol champs do you think can fit in that game?

Hmm. Without changes? Not many.

LoL is a much faster paced game with a heavier reliance on cheap, low cooldown skills/abilities. Dota can be faster paced, but more often tends to be slower pacing and more deliberate when using skills because they're usually fairly expensive early. Many champs would have to have mana costs increased for skills/abilities so that they couldn't be spammed so carelessly. Unfortunately, some champs are really dependent upon being able to spam (Sona, Soraka, etc.) and would require some amendments (probably increasing the power of the skills at the expense of higher cooldowns). Then, passives would be a problem. The core of some champs is centered around what their passive does for them (Aatrox, Zac, Anivia come to mind) and would require rework.

With some changes here and there, a lot could step into Doto and be fine.

That moment when a Fizz dives really fucking hard into their team and gets melted faster than a fucking cheese sandwich.

yeah. that moment.

fuck that moment hard.



The way you speak then?

Just wondering, is there a thing they do that you don't approve? I swear you're Morello or something.

yo relax
it was a joke cos im gold too you know

of course there are things, everything in the world can be made better.

anyway, its a little silly to accuse me of loving everything when i was responding to an overreaction on your part. saying that platinum is worthless because the badge looks like silver and its actually better to stay gold would warrant a response from anybody. mine may have been more sarcastic than others.



http://www.twitch.tv/ongamenet - with DoA and MonteCristo


CJ Blaze look like hot shit right now. I dont know what happened, because CJ Frost looked terrible, but Blaze are doing very well. (might probably due to getting new adc, emprorer and their new aggro jungler, daydream). Shield have always been quite stable, if not stellar, so this will be a test of how strong CJ blaze is right now.

use http://livestreamer.tanuki.se/en/latest/ if you hate medium wuality
"livestreamer vlc twitch.tv/ongamenet mobile_high"


I was showing my displeasure with Riot because I got to platinum and had to deal with a lot of trolls and quitters that I could've avoided if I knew the rewards for being platinum are the same as gold except with a border that looks like rusty silver.
Maybe you understood it differently.

Whatever, I love the new Xerath. They should rework all the retarded autotarget mages from when this game had no complexity at all (Veigar, Ryze, Fiddlesticks, Katarina, Leblanc...) so they have 1 autotarget skill max. Actually, make it universal: each champion can only have 1 autotarget skill, the rest as skillshots.

The more skillshots the better. Make autoattacks skillshots.


I was showing my displeasure with Riot because I got to platinum and had to deal with a lot of trolls and quitters that I could've avoided if I knew the rewards for being platinum are the same as gold except with a border that looks like rusty silver.
Maybe you understood it differently.

Whatever, I love the new Xerath. They should rework all the retarded autotarget mages from when this game had no complexity at all (Veigar, Ryze, Fiddlesticks, Katarina, Leblanc...) so they have 1 autotarget skill max. Actually, make it universal: each champion can only have 1 autotarget skill, the rest as skillshots.

The more skillshots the better. Make autoattacks skillshots.
Uh yeah that's really your problem if you're playing ranked just for the summoner icon
Well, sometimes it's fair to blame team-mates when you lose,sometimes it's not. Like you shouldn't do it whenever you lose, but bad players do exist. Specific plays can literally lose a match, and even good players make mistakes.

Even when your teammate is primarily at fault, blaming them doesn't really accomplish anything productive. You can only meaningfully change your play, so you should only be concentrating on that and what you can do different.

For example, if you're mid and you got 19/0/3 and your top goes 0/10/2 then it's pretty clear it wasn't your fault that you lost, but just blaming your top doesn't do you any good. A better thing to do would be to ask, "Could I have helped this? Could I have roamed top to get him back in the game, or at least take down the tower to end the lane and stop him from feeding/giving their top lane free farm? Could I have leveraged being ahead better and gotten my team early dragon control?"

There may be games where there was literally nothing you could have done better to improve the outcome, but they're actually pretty rare. It's always worth examining your own play and asking what you could have done better; it's never really worth examining your teammate's play and figuring out what they could do better, unless you do premade teams.


I played ranked because I like to play with people that are supposedly playing their best, not just to pass the time (that's what Aram is for), obviously the rewards were an incentive because I was hoping the victorious skin would be for a champion I actually like/play. With the skin being completely uninteresting, the only thing left was the border. The very last I hoped was the freaking border to look cool, but it looks worse than gold, silver even.

Annie only has one autotarget skill (Q).

Yes I noticed after so I replaced her with Veigar. She's cancer too though.
Depressing enough reading that people who are stuck in Silver or whatever aren't trying to learn. I am trying so hard to learn and improve but I can't seem to turn that into successful games. Solidly stuck at the bottom of Silver V for at least twenty games, and no amount of trying to learn from my mistakes helps.

I've seen myself the improvements I've made in the last six months even. My CS used to be beyond awful, and now (at least as ADC) I tend to get 60-80/10m. I know that's not great but it's progress. I'm better at using active items, better at watching the map, better at playing in every role. My ganks from the jungle don't fail every time. I don't miss smites constantly. So many improvements that seem to have made no difference. Internally I swing constantly between 'I'm so bad' and 'wow I could not have done that last year'. I don't even know any more. Probably belong in Bronze. That's where most of my teammates and opponents are from these days anyway.



http://www.twitch.tv/ongamenet - with DoA and MonteCristo


CJ Blaze look like hot shit right now. I dont know what happened, because CJ Frost looked terrible, but Blaze are doing very well. (might probably due to getting new adc, emprorer and their new aggro jungler, daydream). Shield have always been quite stable, if not stellar, so this will be a test of how strong CJ blaze is right now.

use http://livestreamer.tanuki.se/en/latest/ if you hate medium wuality
"livestreamer vlc twitch.tv/ongamenet mobile_high"

For those that are considering ponying up the $8 to view this at source:

Don't. Even at source it's still a pixelated mess.


Anyone wanna spextate my games sometime? I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong and what I could improve on. One thing I know I always do is I always push the lane hard.


I usually win my lane. I usually come out on top, like 80% of my games. My biggest problem is I can't lead my team to victory. Not that they're bad, I just haven't figured out how to take my lead in lane and use it to help my team. I don't know when to leave top and gank or when is a good time to push, etc.
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