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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Neo Member
Im thinking about my bronze times... i always thought that i could never reach Silver, BUT hey! Silver 3 right now :) so happy. Thanks Jarvan, Shyvanna and Thresh :)


Everything is moe to me
Morello makes it sound like supports will get enough gold to get damage builds.

The preseason is going to be wiiiiiiild.
wonder how they'll do it while keeping the gold buff from the other roles.
10gp10 item that goes on a 60 second cooldown whenever you kill a minion or monster?


Not happening until they nerf/limit wards. Any extra gold goes to wards. First blood gold goes towards Sightstone or wards.

im expecting this

supports are gonna be so god damn rich with ward limits

wonder how they'll do it while keeping the gold buff from the other roles.
10gp10 item that goes on a 60 second cooldown whenever you kill a minion or monster?

every player can buy 3 wards every 3 mins (incl pinks)



Even when your teammate is primarily at fault, blaming them doesn't really accomplish anything productive. You can only meaningfully change your play, so you should only be concentrating on that and what you can do different.
You should be trying to better your play whether you win or lose. Concentrating on what you could have done better is something you should be doing all the time. And blaming you're team mate isn't flaming them in chat, it's saying nothing to them in game, doing your best, and playing another game in hopes you'll be more lucky.


Morello makes it sound like supports will get enough gold to get damage builds.

The preseason is going to be wiiiiiiild.

That would be awesome. It's exactly what I've been always expecting, supports not being mere ward dispensers and actually being noticeable during fights/threatening foes and not free gold. Enough with the snooze role they've been condemned to.

I hope some champions stop being called "support" and become just mages (utility mages) (Soraka, Lulu...), with their useful abilities mid-late game due to itemization. It's infuriating to heal 100 with Soraka's W because it's practically forbidden to buy AP items, you have to spend all money on wards (something the entire team should buy) and tank-like items, which does not make a lot of sense.

Current meta (seems to be close to being definitive) is not as good as it could be because the support role is half- baked, forced, boring and atrocious overall. Riot should absolutely focus on making support a role as fun to play as the rest for season 4.


I will be interesting to see what they do with the vision in the game. Cause seriously wards win games.

I was a support blitz last night and even though I was crushing my lane (the opposing support "counter picked" with Leona but had no idea what to do with that pick against blitz), the rest of the lanes fed hard and as a team we were down about 12 kills at the 15 min mark and their Zed was HUGE. He ended the game with 19 kills. But through good bot lane control and good warding the bottom half of the map, our jungler started coming back and making plays, we secured dragons and then when we transitioned to taking towers, I was warding the bejeezus out of the map. I bought a locket, a sightstone and mobo boots. The rest of my money went to wards, tons of pinks and tons of greens. I left base with sightstone, 3 sight wards and 1-2 pinks every time. I just stopped buying anything else except vision. But we didn't even need oracles (I think I managed to kill 3-4 wards the entire game over 3 oracles) because of my pink placements and ward coverage, the leona was too scared to even go into her own jungle to ward. I think near the end I managed to finish a frozen heart once we had serious control but the 13k gold was easily 40%-50% vision.

It doesn't sound like much of a comeback but at one point they had 5 towers to our 1, their Zed was huge, their Kog was starting to get scary and they had shen.

That's how supports win games.


I will be interesting to see what they do with the vision in the game. Cause seriously wards win games.

I was a support blitz last night and even though I was crushing my lane (the opposing support "counter picked" with Leona but had no idea what to do with that pick against blitz), the rest of the lanes fed hard and as a team we were down about 12 kills at the 15 min mark and their Zed was HUGE. He ended the game with 19 kills. But through good bot lane control and good warding the bottom half of the map, our jungler started coming back and making plays, we secured dragons and then when we transitioned to taking towers, I was warding the bejeezus out of the map. I bought a locket, a sightstone and mobo boots. The rest of my money went to wards, tons of pinks and tons of greens. I left base with sightstone, 3 sight wards and 1-2 pinks every time. I just stopped buying anything else except vision. But we didn't even need oracles (I think I managed to kill 3-4 wards the entire game over 3 oracles) because of my pink placements and ward coverage, the leona was too scared to even go into her own jungle to ward. I think near the end I managed to finish a frozen heart once we had serious control but the 13k gold was easily 40%-50% vision.

It doesn't sound like much of a comeback but at one point they had 5 towers to our 1, their Zed was huge, their Kog was starting to get scary and they had shen.

That's how supports win games.
You may or may not have had a comeback if not for this. Seems like a lot of people don't even understand the point of Shen.


You may or may not have had a comeback if not for this. Seems like a lot of people don't even understand the point of Shen.

That one was doing ok. He was splitpushing all day and ulting into fights. Usually onto the Zed. Unfortunately for him, I was saving my ult if at all possible to silence him the instant he ported in so he didn't get the quick taunt off.

Still, Shens in Silver and Gold don't really have a good handle on the champ, this is true. It's kind of like Thresh. It's perma banned in silver and gold but when it sneaks through, people don't generally know how to play the champ. Usually because it's perma banned and they don't get the practice lol.
Wow, my first Kayle game where I didn't absolutely suck. I only had to do the biggest counterpick: Darius!

I will be interesting to see what they do with the vision in the game. Cause seriously wards win games.

My guesses:
1. They won't put a ward limit, because they'll say something like "it would be too confusing for teams to convey to teammates how many wards can still be placed".
2. Decrease ward strength, either by nerfing the duration or the radius or through some map adjustments. They'll say they can't increase the price because it'll discourage low elo non-supports even more from buying wards.
3. All aboard the jungler nerf train because of ward nerfs.


One thing they could do with wards is change how pinks work. What if a "pink" only had true sight for the first 10-15 seconds before it turned to a normal "green"? It would make clearing vision much more active/reactive instead of winning the pink war and having a safety net for 3min. You want to clear vision? You better find a good window to safely clear or you lose your chance. It introduces new counter-play and you still gain something from pink clears as the enemy will have to burn another ward after the pink fades.

Another idea would be to create a new active item that has flasklike charges for 5-10 sec oracles, but only sees wards. Maybe have it build from a philostone and let it keep the gp10. Icould see them removing pinks completely if they had something like this to make vision control a completely active component of the game.

Edit: Removing pinks would make stealth champs too strong, so maybe greens would ping if a stealhed champ is near or turn red. That, or oracles could be reverted to to loss on death, old range, but lower cost and duration.

Personally, I like the, pay a bit more for brief true vision pinks, and maybe have greens turn red if a stealth champ is in range.


So coming back to league im trying to get proficient again in a few roles before I jump back into ranked, can anyone fill me in on who is a pretty balanced/decent mid laner to practice? As well as junglers/supports.
Turns out I play a pretty damn mean Warwick.

I'm looking to expand my jungle roster which currently consists only of him. Thinking of Rengar and Kha'Zix, any suggestions?

Edit: I like super-agressive ganking junglers.


One thing they could do with wards is change how pinks work. What if a "pink" only had true sight for the first 10-15 seconds before it turned to a normal "green"? It would make clearing vision much more active/reactive instead of winning the pink war and having a safety net for 3min. You want to clear vision? You better find a good window to safely clear or you lose your chance. It introduces new counter-play and you still gain something from pink clears as the enemy will have to burn another ward after the pink fades.

Another idea would be to create a new active item that has flasklike charges for 5-10 sec oracles, but only sees wards. Maybe have it build from a philostone and let it keep the gp10. Icould see them removing pinks completely if they had something like this to make vision control a completely active component of the game.
That would be a horrible change. Said no Evelynn player ever.


Turns out I play a pretty damn mean Warwick.

I'm looking to expand my jungle roster which currently consists only of him. Thinking of Rengar and Kha'Zix, any suggestions?

Edit: I like super-agressive ganking junglers.
I wouldn't go with Rengar or Kha'Zix, both of them have really expensive item pathways. I would go with Jarvan or Lee Sin.


My guesses:
1. They won't put a ward limit, because they'll say something like "it would be too confusing for teams to convey to teammates how many wards can still be placed".
2. Decrease ward strength, either by nerfing the duration or the radius or through some map adjustments. They'll say they can't increase the price because it'll discourage low elo non-supports even more from buying wards.

My own guesses are that the ward limit will be individual (each player can have up to X number of wards active on the map at any time, essentially adding the sightstone gate to everyone) or warding will reduce even further and its function will be moved onto active items similar to Grez's and Sweeper in Dom/TT/ARAM.

DivineRage002 said:
Edit: I like super-aggressive ganking junglers.

Then you might want to tone it down on using Warwick =). Now, when you mean super-aggresive ganking junglers, do you mean junglers that want to gank non-stop (Jarvan, Zac) , or do you mean junglers who play aggressively in general who can gank very well (Elise, Volibear, Lee Sin)
Played a ranked game, I was in bot lane and we were doing great. Top lane is Nasus on my team vs. Yorick. This Nasus then proceeds to bitch out Warwick (who was doing a faily decent job) for not ganking enough (which wasn't the case, but whatever.) Yorick gets kind of fed but we were able to shut him down. Anyway he starts bitching about KSes and how he's the coolest thing since sliced bread. Late game they're pushing our nexus and he refuses to do anything because he's so butthurt.

Who lets ten year olds play this game?


Meh, I don't like Jarvan. That's a personal preference though. He's a good jungler. Aatrox is decent but he never really clicked with me.

I still love Vi, Kha'zix, Elise and Sejuani.

Kha'zix isn't an every game jungler. Best when paired with other strong assassins or when the opposing team is very squishy. Your objective, crush the early game and counter jungle. Need to be ganking and killing opponent jungler. Focus on small skirmishes more than straight up teamfights initially.


S3 Ranked cutoff extended until 11/11, FUCK YES

Oh god. Maybe I actually want to try for Plat then? Hmmmm.. I'd have to get to work. I think I can come close but probably not get it.

You don't want end up on Khazix if you're behind.

Nope. Don't be behind :p I kind of feel like Evelyn falls in this category as well.

Honestly there's very few reasons to be behind on Kha'zix. There's not many junglers that can duel you and if you are smart with your ganks, you're going to get something out of them. His E is a great escape and/or counter ganking tool. He has a lot of opportunities to succeed. I tend to build a tiamat to help mid game clearing and lower mana costs. You can also clear waves more effectively. I usually finish it into a hydra if all is going well.

I definitely lose as jungle Kha'zix but I rarely do poorly. He's my most fun jungler.


Turns out I play a pretty damn mean Warwick.

I'm looking to expand my jungle roster which currently consists only of him. Thinking of Rengar and Kha'Zix, any suggestions?

Edit: I like super-agressive ganking junglers.

I enjoy Vi, Jarvan, Elise and even a good bit of Nocturne once in a while.


That moment when your shen ults bot while 3-4 waves of minions are coming into his tower, literally does nothing then presses recall.

Then does it again.

44cs shen at 15minutes. Awesome work.

Yeah, I've avoided doing that sometimes. See a ADC bottom getting ganked, his support is worthless and ADC is already at 20% HP. Do I ulti him and have a chance to save him? Or do I let my tower die....HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

S3 Ranked cutoff extended until 11/11, FUCK YES

NA also? This was originally for EU because some dude on Reddit was complaining how EU is always down when he plays and he could never play. Saying how the deadline should be pushed a little bit more and some Riot guy acknowledged it and pushed it a little bit more.

Edit: Nvm, just saw lol.


New Sale:

Champion and skin sale: 10.18 - 10.21


Give your champions a new look with these skins, on sale for a limited time:

Wicked Lulu 487 RP
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn 375 RP
Buccaneer Tristana 260 RP

Add these champions to your roster, on sale for a limited time:

Fiora 487 RP
Malzahar 440 RP
Rammus 395 RP


It's not all glitter. Had a premade bot lane (Thresh/MF) that got behind and decided to get an aegis on MF because Thresh couldn't afford it :lol


Kassadin getting some love again on the pbe:
Riftwalk [ R ] - Now deals 80/105/130 Damage (Up from 70/100/130)
Riftwalk [ R ] - Tooltip now says: 'Additionally, each subsequent Riftwalk within the next 8 seconds costs 100 additional Mana and deals 50/55/60 (+0.1*AP) additional damage, stacks up to 10 times.'
Riftwalk [ R ] - Added to the tooltip: 'If Kassadin hits an enemy champion with Riftwalk, it refunds 50 % of the cost.'


A guy I work with is trying to help me get there, though I think it's a longshot. Had a good day yesterday and went 3-1, took me from 14 to 76 LP in S2. Maybe if I have a good weekend and can get into S1 I'll have a chance, but I think S1 > G5 is gonna be a real grind.

I mostly play mid and a few weeks ago I started seriously playing Karthus. Holy crap, that guy is amazing at solo queue games. At my level games tend to last a little longer than they really should and Karthus really benefits from that. The one game I lost yesterday was the only one I didn't play him because a guy on our team was a "diamond smurf". Dude fed LB 5 kills and then she went Faker all over the rest of us.

S3 Ranked cutoff extended until 11/11, FUCK YES
We'll have a two minute silence after the season ends.
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