Wolf Akela
If it pushes through Lich Bane actually loses 25% scaling on the base AD.yeah I'm just saying, it's weird to lose passives
If it pushes through Lich Bane actually loses 25% scaling on the base AD.yeah I'm just saying, it's weird to lose passives
lich bane already loses the base AD scalingIf it pushes through Lich Bane actually loses 25% scaling on the base AD.
it already does, but it's like you get a different version altogether.If it pushes through Lich Bane actually loses 25% scaling on the base AD.
its the end stretch
lich bane already loses the base AD scaling
I want a judge dredd champ
I am the lurrrr
Why you double posting
did hexakill die that fast? A 7 minute queue
yes + its offpeak in NA
some enterprising korean players have complied a video of some powerful skill+flash combos
Holy shit, next level shit.Woah. Flash+galio ult
I've never seen that. Wow.
Holy shit, next level shit.
i actually managed to use a DFG in a fight for once and it more or less won the game
smartcasting items is the way to go
Varus seems like he would almost be OP in a meta where champs like Shyvana/Vi didn't exist. He's really fun to play.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T5NGoBgOFo varus skin in motion
I feel like I have to Google so many things that I hear from yall. Like I heard kawaii before but I've never known what it meant.
You must be this sugoi to play LeagueI feel like I have to Google so many things that I hear from yall. Like I heard kawaii before but I've never known what it meant.
Phillip and I are the same person.
Quinn, Fiora, Rengar.
Let's see if we're destined to be together.
Syndra, Akali, Nami.
i cant tell if its a punishment or a reward
I feel like I have to Google so many things that I hear from yall. Like I heard kawaii before but I've never known what it meant.
i used to think you were one of the cool ones.
The fear nerf hurts nocturne more than anyone. I already can't win with him (seriously, he's like my anti-win jungler..) this will make it impossible.
You will need to insec now, start fear leash, flash behind them, easy. This move is possible once every 5 minutes! Clearly a hidden buff, hue.
but think of the shacos!Lol.
Truthfully a predictable fear does open the possibilities for more plays but more for Fiddle with the instant fear. Nocturne only has flash with that long tether.
Poor nocturne. Only gets nerfs.
I feel like I have to Google so many things that I hear from yall. Like I heard kawaii before but I've never known what it meant.
maybe theyll turn it into a charm
instead of an unspeakable horror it is now called wet dream as the target is attracted to nocturne
Nocturne is the sacrifice that needed to be made. Fiddle was basically the most toxic champion after Teemo.
Lol, needing to flash to gank. This gets rid of fiddle support too!Now think of the plays though! Fiddle ulti/flash/fear/zhyona's to push a high priority target directly back into his team.
Nocturne fear needs a fix now. Maybe make the tether slow and shorten the fear duration in compensation. It would improve his early ganks a little and make it useful for more than just the fear.
Nocturne confirmed incubus.
"We wanted to clarify Nocturne's role as a demonic seducing jungler..."
Not sure if related but kind of funny.idk, it makes those 'from behind' ganks even more potent
Now think of the plays though! Fiddle ulti/flash/fear/zhyona's to push a high priority target directly back into his team.
Nocturne fear needs a fix now. Maybe make the tether slow and shorten the fear duration in compensation. It would improve his early ganks a little and make it useful for more than just the fear.
Desu desu desu
Also about Galio flash ult, I am not sure if I have seen a Galio in a Summoner's Rift game in the entirety of season 4 thus far, normals OR ranked.
Overnerfed because someone had to think of the poor, poor AP squishies with Void Staff and Deathcap. Whatever will they do against magic resist.That's because Galio is dumpster tier right now. He's no fun to play, has to rush Athene's, and loses to champions he was designed to hard counter in lane.