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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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everything benefiting dmg junglers

poor tank/support junglers

rip season2-3
Except when you're Trundle jungle. Wriggles might actually seem good on him again, like the good old Season 2 days!

Randuins is your friend.

Sunfire if you're feeling ballsy.
Nah I like sunfire on Garen TBH, even if it is a little damage, it can help clear minions faster, so there's that at least.
...but I'll prob. save it for last now since Garen needs something that gives him buffs all around.

If only work net wasn't so lame I could read up on the weapons right now and formulate a set for him to use when i get back home =/
Replace "ballsy" with "wasteful."

Tizoc: Garen doesn't really need help clearing waves, his spin-to-win move does that fast enough. What little damage Sunfire Cape adds to minion clear is insignificant, and the money for defensive stats (since Garen needs all he can get if he's being kited) is better spent on Randuin's. Buy anything else if you want more damage; it's not hard to surpass Sunfire's embarassingly bad passive. For as suboptimal of a purchase it'd be on Garen, even a Statikk Shyv (not as a rush item of course) would grant you more benefits if you bought your armor beforehand.

There is still weird stuff about Crystal Scar. Like if you go way off to the side it's like the map turns into oblivion. TT and HA are a big step above it.
I really like the softer shadows on Twisted Treeline, on that note. Would like to know why they haven't been implemented yet for Crystal Scar and Summoner's Rift.

I like the portrait or xp bar hover idea. Another way you can tell if you are in range is turning on xp floating combat text in interface options.
Speaking of XP bars: any word on whether the one from the previous champion HUD will come back? The yellow outline next to champion level. Would be fantastic if you could see it for your allies too.

just played the best jungle trundle game of my life, holy shit. I was 21/9/0 tho, should I go 9/21/0?
21 Defense can be alright in some situations, if it's glaringly obvious you'll be doing nothing but tanking. Passable, but not preferable if you want a faster clear and better dueling potential.

21 Offense should be more than decent (especially if you're looking to fight the enemy jungler), but personally I'm running a hodgepodge 15 - 2 - 13 rune page in conjunction with a Doran's Blade + green ward opening. Frenzy, Devastating Strikes and Havoc on Offense aren't too appealing for Trundle, so I'd rather put those points to use in the Utility tree for more starting gold and 3% extra lifesteal. Rune-wise I'm fond of 3 ASP + 6 AD reds and 1 AD + 2 Lifesteal quints, but those are likely subject to change eventually - entirely plausible that the above is a tad outdated - once the new Wriggle's hits LIVE.



This is sweet.


Nice. I forgot that I hate renekton tho. Never played him and I usually beat him, but this one kept killing me earlier because I was foolish and tried to take him on straight up with jayce.



such unlimited mana

On related news, we're working on the new OT and open to suggestions. If you guys have any or pictures that should be included (after careful cropping), post them or pm me

Doge meme on every popular champion.

Plus a waifu section.

Dimb's lulu folder in drop box.
Any good tips for mid Vel Koz?

I am seeing others players making a carnage in mid lane but I cant.

What I'm seeing so far:

Max W first. That's where most of your burst and instant wave-clear come from, plus the bowling for minions sound is really satisfying.

Usually go Chalice first. The CDR is really nice, especially since your ultimate has a ridiculously long CD at Lv1. Besides, it's not like you're going to be juking and jiving around the enemy mid-laner's harass, you need some MR.

Try to save the E for when someone tries to go in on you. An E -> Wx2 can really take an enemy off-guard and can be done fairly effectively while peacing out to get some range.

You can fish with Q's in lane and if you tag one, try to follow up with the E and W's for a huge chunk of harass or even kill pressure if your ultimate is up. That's another reason you want the Chalice's mana regen, just so you can keep constantly fishing and make it so the enemy mid never really knows when a Q will get full follow-up and when you'll just chuck a W through the minions behind it and disengage.
21 Defense can be alright in some situations, if it's glaringly obvious you'll be doing nothing but tanking. Passable, but not preferable if you want a faster clear and better dueling potential.

21 Offense should be more than decent (especially if you're looking to fight the enemy jungler), but personally I'm running a hodgepodge 15 - 2 - 13 rune page in conjunction with a Doran's Blade + green ward opening. Frenzy, Devastating Strikes and Havoc on Offense aren't too appealing for Trundle, so I'd rather put those points to use in the Utility tree for more starting gold and 3% extra lifesteal. Rune-wise I'm fond of 3 ASP + 6 AD reds and 1 AD + 2 Lifesteal quints, but those are likely subject to change eventually - entirely plausible that the above is a tad outdated - once the new Wriggle's hits LIVE.

I might consider switching to my AD page instead of jungle for him. AD marks instead of ASPD. Not sure if I'll move to wriggles or not, I usually go Golem, Bork, Randuins (or visage if the game dictates)

edit: just got promoted to silver II. Kinda disappointed because I failed a series a week ago that would have moved me to Silver I from III, but I'm still happy. Went with Heimer and died twice to gragas early, was kind of useless for a little, but I was able to make use of teleport and push a lot. Got a triple in a teamfight and I was good from there.


> Rito nerfs guts my AD jungle main, Nocturne
> I get jungle
> Fuck it, pick Wukong (first time in PvP, I played him once in a bot game for the hell of it)
> Go 23-5-5

So that's what it's like carrying with a FotM champ. Feels dirty.
I've won ARAMs with Sona having nothing but a chalice because I never died. Honestly, it doesn't take much to win ARAM as hard engage supports. You spam the heals and insta-win a team fight with a your AoE CC, and call it a day.

If you really wanted to have the highest ARAM MMR ever you'd just make a smurf account that's only unlocked like Sona, Janna, Soraka, Alistar, Leona, Taric, and Nami.


Just bought Mordekaiser and he is an awesome champ. Only played 2 games with him but those 2 games I felt like a god while playing him.


I think I'm going to call this the patch of Jayce! He feels really viable again with the dorans shield nerf coupled with the overall nerfing of the defensive masteries. I'm excited to see what other tops start showing up again.

How you even get top so many games in a row. Do people just respect your call or do you just keep getting first pick?

I really hate how the pick order is random now. I liked the old MMR ways.
What difference does it make?

Because I actually follow pick order?

Like when I duo with my friend who's lower rank than me it's 100% first pick. If I Duo with a friend higher than me I'm most likely last pick and he's first. Either way at least one of us can get something we want.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Because I actually follow pick order?

Like when I duo with my friend who's lower rank than me it's 100% first pick. If I Duo with a friend higher than me I'm most likely last pick and he's first.
so what you are saying is that riot should remove duoing. i agree.
I like duo because it allow me to have faith in someone. There's been quite a few games where my team was down pretty big 3 surrender votes come.. my partner and I decline. We come back to win.

It's just a great feeling when that happens knowing that we can come back. And when duoing have that first pick allow us to have our comfort champion as well which allows me personally to remain calm if we are down like 5-16 or something along those lines.

Hypothetically something like this can happen (well it did for me). So I am gold, but this happen when I was silver.

I was silver 1, duo with friend who's bronze V (trying to help a brother out). We get match up with basically Bronze 2 to Silver 3 players (Makes sense to me since it's somewhere in the middle of our ELO's).

Now if this was season 3 I would automatically get first pick. Which kind of allowed me to guaranteed winning lane and having a shot to carry. But in S4 we got hit with 3rd, 4th pick.


I got a penta with sona on arams once

it's muramana, nashor's, lich bane baby

why nashors tho? you spend most of your time as sona running away waiting for cd's, not a lot of time to auto. maybe she can survive the lich bane nerfs. maybe


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
why should they remove duoing when they already made pick order random
Imagine if they did both.
I like duo because it allow me to have faith in someone. There's been quite a few games where my team was down pretty big 3 surrender votes come.. my partner and I decline. We come back to win.

It's just a great feeling when that happens knowing that we can come back. And when duoing have that first pick allow us to have our comfort champion as well which allows me personally to remain calm if we are down like 5-16 or something along those lines.
So you need to duo and you need first pick? Why even play ranked? And even if you think it's a safety net your team can't have faith in you because you are lowering their MMR average.
Imagine if they did both.

So you need to duo and you need first pick? Why even play ranked? And even if you think it's a safety net your team can't have faith in you because you are lowering their MMR average.

No I have over at least 400+ rank games. I have duo about 30 of those. I think you're missing the point. I re-edit my post to make it clearer but I don't know how much more transparent I can make it.
I would never go 21 offense with trundle unless I was top against an easy lane

Tenacity is much needed
Eh, when jungling he doesn't really need that many points in Defense unless he's the sole 'tank' or something on the team. Only slows him down and makes him less threatening in small skirmishes. Survivability is high as is with his sustain + ult, his Q leeching against the household melees and the items he tends to buy.
You did IE sona. op. I was so bewildered at that time since Sona doesn't even scale with ad.

Well, I mean everyone auto-attacks. If you've got 5 AD items and range you're an AD carry, don't let Riot tell you any different.

For real though, just build Tear + Chalice on ARAM Sona for infinite facerolls. No one can withstand the raw power of Hatsune Miku spazzing out on a keytar.
OGN on, Nami already wrecking shit with devastating double bubbles. Insec back in the jungle where he belongs, but IM were jerks and locked in his Kha'Zix.

Edit: Yes, and Sona technically also has a very small AD steroid on Hymn of Valor. I mean it's ARAM, if your team didn't draw a "normal" carry (or if you drew Tristana and you just know the little megling moron is going to build AP), you could do worse than Sona as the choice for your ADC.
nah my "..........."

is in response to the turn

Oh yeah, that was some shit. They let Kha go all goomba-stomping mode on them after that Baron throw. I really hate to see that - it's like teams get so mad that an objective they "earned" was "stolen" from them that they go into blind rage mode and throw away the entire game on the spot.
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