-_-cant afford a recurve bow for my hurricane when i b'd so i keep settling with a dagger
-_-cant afford a recurve bow for my hurricane when i b'd so i keep settling with a dagger
At one point, Achtius and I were on a 16 game ranked winstreak. No promos were ever skipped.Has anyone managed to make use of that new feature and skip a promo series by winning a ton of games? I've won 15 of my last 18 and it still sent me into a series, that's a bit depressing.
People maxed E first? I always maxed Q first. I max W second though some pick E.
I tried J4 a few times recently and he's not in a great spot. He was fantastic before because of ez ganks and works with 0 gold. Now junglers get gold so there's less value to a J4 pick. I have yet to build a more damage-oriented J4, but I think it would be a better option at the moment, since his clears are ass when building very tanky.
someone's client bugged out:Has anyone heard if Riot is going to consider adding the special game mode people liked playing, 10 identical champions on the ARAM map?
I'm somewhat pessimistic that Riot is going to give up on the unique game mode idea because of the lack of popularity of 1v1/2v2/6v6/all random SR, not realizing that what made the 10 identical custom game mode popular was both sides having the same thing combined with the ARAM map for quick games with lots of action.
someone's client bugged out:
yuptwo daggers, smh
Awesome, thank you!someone's client bugged out:
the other bugged in modes:There are a few custom game modes in the client that haven't been announced yet, and for some reason your client bugged out and displayed a few of them.
One For All
First Blood
6v6 Summoners Rift
5v5 TT
OFAX (One For All: Mirror Mode)
COF (?)
HY (?)
I need one reliable top laner that suits my style that won't get me flamed. like lizzy top is fun but people flame me when I play her in ranked so I need something else. I was thinking maybe renek would work since he's like an ad mage assassin or something
suggestions guys?
I guess she was too busy pinging me back from base so I don't get 2 minions to notice the crap she was building
like I don't think there's a champion I dread more to see in my team than vayne
they always 100% make me lose lane by pushing like idiots
is banished good
idk if i should get it, with PoE patch coming so soon
A guy locks in jungle from me because he is on a bad losing streak. He dies to red buff, goes to my top to tank 2 waves and die to my laner then goes and suicides by soloing dragon at level 4
For fuck sake.
not really an assassin, just a pretty champion with pretty spells :Iif u like assasins top play irelia
or yasuo seems to work
wukong too
A guy locks in jungle from me because he is on a bad losing streak. He dies to red buff, goes to my top to tank 2 waves and die to my laner then goes and suicides by soloing dragon at level 4
For fuck sake.
so do you want a pretty champ or u think irelia is not an "assassin" - shes an anti carrynot really an assassin, just a pretty champion with pretty spells :I
no i actually have irelia, its just that i don't really understand how she worksso do you want a pretty champ or u think irelia is not an "assassin" - shes an anti carry
no i actually have irelia, its just that i don't really understand how she works
like all i do is qqqqqqqq on the minions and am really happy and then i have to fight with people and i don't know what to do
also her hair is bad
no like for relzyou do your best to kill the enemy carry while ignoring all their cc
then u run away with a sliver of hp and return later to stun some fool and then run away again
when 1v1 theres all these trix that all involve getting to ur opponent without wasting Q and stunning dem
i hope rito gets shilin to do another splashive noticed that gaf doesnt really like/isnt rly good at high skill champs like riven but here is some fan art neway
no like for relz
but tbh i'd rather an ap champ. like right now my play top is basically play mids in top (lebonk, grago, lizzy, annie, ori, etc) but like maybe there's a gal i'm forgetting
ive noticed that gaf doesnt really like/isnt rly good at high skill champs like riven but here is some fan art neway
what, i was dead serious.
leblonc and gragos are pretty good top
u shud try swain top then
look at does 0 skill champz
A guy locks in jungle from me because he is on a bad losing streak. He dies to red buff, goes to my top to tank 2 waves and die to my laner then goes and suicides by soloing dragon at level 4
For fuck sake.
Trinity Force is an excellent item on Trundle and it has extra % and on-hit movement speed.
no dont play rumble - he sucksah rumblo is a good idea actually
i like
look at does 0 skill champz
and this
no dont play rumble - he sucks
also, is kill la kill good? i keep hearing it mentioned
Learning how to play Renekton top lane. This champion is so much fun why haven't I played him before? E->W->Q->adfhadkljaskl->pentakill.
Finally did it!
1051 ranked games in Season 3 and 216 in Season 4.
njFinally did it!
congrats yoFinally did it!
1051 ranked games in Season 3 and 216 in Season 4.
well doesn't shyv scale stupidly well or something?I'd still rather have Shyvana late game than Renekton.
Although I wish we could go back to carry top laners. I'm bored of tanks.
Then I can play Riven really badly all day long. Hell yeah.
For the people that wish to play Vi but are uncertain with a build.
My view is that Vi has to be played hybrid; after getting slapped quite allot of times and experimenting with different builds, I believe it is a hugely flaw to play Vi as either full tank or either full damage. Vi is sort of like Chogath or Lee Sin in the sense that they usually mix up AD/AP items with AR items.
So if you want a build to try into that philosophy start off with 21/9 (masteries), Spirit of the Elder Lizard, Iceborn Gauntlet, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage/Locket + Guardian Angel.
1051 ranked games in Season 3 and 216 in Season 4.
Yo we surpassed 20K posts, time for a new thread right?