so much thishow about this
you un-nerf traditional supports that got dumpstered by s4 patches
so much thishow about this
you un-nerf traditional supports that got dumpstered by s4 patches
You can still remove him from the game quite easily though due to how inherently weak he is himself. He can't out tank Leona in-lane for kills and that situation doesn't improve the older the game gets. He's more like the support equivalent of Pantheon.
I understand why people think he's OP (he isn't) but that factor can be removed from the game so easily it doesn't really matter.
Why do I always have to get stuck on roles I don't want to play in my promos
There is absolutely no need for Thresh to out tank Leona for kills in lane. He can get kills much easier than that.
Maybe out-trade rather than out-tank, then.
He does out-trade her very easily though with his E attack steroid combined with ranged attack. Leona cannot engage on him due to the flay.
I can play everything but I'm so rusty with all roles besides solo lanes that if I have to bot I just get rekthey dude, I got placed jungle on my last promos
I've played jungle like 4 times in my life
I had no fucking idea what i was doing lol
(i still think i did better than some of my teammates heh)
I can play everything but I'm so rusty with all roles besides solo lanes that if I have to bot I just get rekt
I mean, I'll probably support before playing ADC right now. Bot lane is so awful in S4
I dunno. I don't go into lane expecting to lose to Thresh as a Leona. Although it would help if my ADC proc'd all of the debuffs, like.
Man that was so fucking scary. Susan just doing whatever the fuck he wanted after getting fed, LeBlanc jumping out of nowhere making me build a billion MR, Kha Zix just going ham and we just trading teamfights one after another. Fucked up so bad in laning phase, LeBlanc was my bitch and then I gave her an advantage when she got her blue buff. Kha never even passed by to say hello but hey, he was snowballing the other lanes so can't complain. I managed to snowball off teamfights later so it was all good - praise Banshee's Veil, our lord and savior.that game you just played was great. nasus out base trading an uncontested 4 man push down mid was crazy. then that baron throw.
I've been gone for over 9 months, and haven't played seriously in over a year. Looking back I see only 4-5 champions have been released since then. Which seems a little slow for Riot.
Regardless, what would you guys say are the main changes to the game that I should be aware of? Including meta changes - I see the wards have changed and the interface a little. What else?
I still have like 5k ip left over. I've still been using gold per runes on my supports. Does anyone else still use them? Or would it be better to switch over to HP runes at least on tanks like Leona and Alistar.
I still have like 5k ip left over. I've still been using gold per runes on my supports. Does anyone else still use them? Or would it be better to switch over to HP runes at least on tanks like Leona and Alistar.
Super Week is back, and with it comes some crunch time for teams looking to get into the playoffs. Some look to be making late season pushes, such as SK Gaming and the Copenhagen Wolves. For other teams, pickings are beginning to look a bit grim, especially for Alliance and Millenium, who have 6-10 and 5-11 records, respectively.
How many green champs/skins are there. We needs to assemble an all green team for st patricks day.
Pick GP. Go gp10 quints, crit damage reds, and mana regen blues. Rush Avarice Blade and mana pots. Stay in lane until you have 2000 gold. Buy Frost Queen's Claim. Stay until you have 2500 gold. Upgrade Statikk Shiv and buy another Avarice Blade. Farm. And farm some more.
Congrats, you now have 15k more gold than even a 15/0 Vayne.
Btw, we're keeping more or less the same sections (brief descriptions of maps, champ roles, linked resources, etc). If you think something's amiss or stuff has to go you can tell us now.
You could tone down the Program-hate :<
I need to work on Thresh more. Especially with upcoming Annie nerfs. I won't have any supports left to play except Leona.
I'd say he's the most mechanically demanding support. Neko pretty much hit it on the head that general mechanics and game knowledge won't make you a successful Thresh player. You have to get good with his kit specifically. I know I still have trouble with his lantern range. I haven't felt the need to take smartcast off anything in ages but his lantern may be one of them. I'm shift-W more often than not just to get the range. It's kind of deceiving with the tether range being MUCH longer than the throw range.
We're adhering to EU Directive 2002/56/EC in regards to allowed Program-hate levels.
Sorry gents, but any champion who absolutely dominates their role like Thresh for nearly a full year is absolutely OP. The "do it all" champions are a huge issue to game health. At least Meddler finally said what players have been saying forever now - Thresh is overloaded. Maybe now Riot will actually do something about it.
reworked kassadin seems sooo shite
It will be nice to have 6 bans again.
Sorry gents, but any champion who absolutely dominates their role like Thresh for nearly a full year is absolutely OP. The "do it all" champions are a huge issue to game health. At least Meddler finally said what players have been saying forever now - Thresh is overloaded. Maybe now Riot will actually do something about it.
kassadin players still dont get to play kassadin.
Bull. Thresh has dominated his role because he is well suited to it. He has his counters; Lulu is very strong against him in the right hands, and Leona is a skill matchup.
I feel like people who don't fully understand the "support" role in terms of utility and peel see the non-AP orientated supports as OP because, well, they're DESIGNED to support and nothing else. So they're really fucking good at it.
so sad :'(If you mean that the new kassadin won't be the "real", old kassadin, then agreed. He appears to be more anti mage than anti everything now. Only having magic shield on Q ensures that.
It's similar to vanilla Graves. He was designed to fill the ADC role from ground up, and had everything an ADC wanted: steroid, dash/escape, beef, burst, wave clear / harass and utility.
I don't think Lulu support is really strong against anyone, atm.Bull. Thresh has dominated his role because he is well suited to it. He has his counters; Lulu is very strong against him in the right hands, and Leona is a skill matchup.
I feel like people who don't fully understand the "support" role in terms of utility and peel see the non-AP orientated supports as OP because, well, they're DESIGNED to support and nothing else. So they're really fucking good at it.
lolI'm not sure Thresh is actually particularly OP at the moment. I'd have to check my figures, but I don't think his professional level win rate is actually as high as Annie or Leona, or for that matter even many of the unconventional/off-picks.
He's sort of like Lucian in that regard. Yeah, everyone plays him and he technically fits every comp, but he's often not the best pick for that comp and more of a middling compromise made due to a preferred champion being unavailable or inadvisable for the specific match-up.
I don't think everyone liking a champion makes them automatically OP. Everyone still likes Lee Sin a whole lot, but frankly he's sort of garbage at this point. Sometimes people actually like to play the champion, even if their win rate doesn't back up the faith in their potency; this is very likely to be the case with champions like Thresh or Lee Sin who offer unique utility or kits with a lot of outplay potential.
I'm not sure Thresh is actually particularly OP at the moment. I'd have to check my figures, but I don't think his professional level win rate is actually as high as Annie or Leona, or for that matter even many of the unconventional/off-picks.
He's sort of like Lucian in that regard. Yeah, everyone plays him and he technically fits every comp, but he's often not the best pick for that comp and more of a middling compromise made due to a preferred champion being unavailable or inadvisable for the specific match-up.
I don't think everyone liking a champion makes them automatically OP. Everyone still likes Lee Sin a whole lot, but frankly he's sort of garbage at this point. Sometimes people actually like to play the champion, even if their win rate doesn't back up the faith in their potency; this is very likely to be the case with champions like Thresh or Lee Sin who offer unique utility or kits with a lot of outplay potential.
That's the thing though... he was overly purposed as support. The E passive alone was designed with the notion that supports harass every now and then, usually just in time for the E passive to refill. He also offers a form of escape that no one else can do.
It's similar to vanilla Graves. He was designed to fill the ADC role from ground up, and had everything an ADC wanted: steroid, dash/escape, beef, burst, wave clear / harass and utility.
Speaking of Thresh, is it just me or are there some weird bugs with him?
a) Sometimes his hook bends the wrong way during autoattacks. Like, if I attack something, his hook sorta becomes completely straight and visually hits something else.
b) Sometimes, my Flay goes backwards.
Yeah. I think Pantheon kind of falls into this category. He's got almost a 20% pick rate now but his winrate still only floats around 50%. Almost the definition of a balanced popular champ just looking at the numbers.
Despite that he feels really strong to me. My winrate including normals has to be around 80% with him.
I would not be at all surprised if they nerfed his ultimate range though. Nocturne got that treatment when he was at the height of his popularity. It still amazes me how far Panth can jump.
Win rate gets harder to read as pick rate goes up.Yeah. I think Pantheon kind of falls into this category. He's got almost a 20% pick rate now but his winrate still only floats around 50%. Almost the definition of a balanced popular champ just looking at the numbers.
Despite that he feels really strong to me. My winrate including normals has to be around 80% with him.
I would not be at all surprised if they nerfed his ultimate range though. Nocturne got that treatment when he was at the height of his popularity. It still amazes me how far Panth can jump.
But there are counters to that. You can outright ban him. You can block his lantern. His ult is RIDICULOUSLY slow upon cast and anyone smart will see it coming and be able to get out of it. His hook is telegraphed and if you're paying attention it's probably not going to hit you. They nerfed his attack range to make trading as Thresh more dangerous. The problem isn't Thresh being "too strong" or "too OP", the problem is that Riot nerfed the SHIT out of the other supports with S4.
There's also the bug that (for me) causes 1/10 flays to do absolutely nothing. Sometimes more than 1/10.
Win rate gets harder to read as pick rate goes up.
If you're being picked 30~40% of the games and you're still winning at least 50% of the time, something's wrong.
why isnt Draven a?
Newt's feelings can take it.
why isnt Draven a?
Newt's feelings can take it.
Win rate gets harder to read as pick rate goes up.
If you're being picked 30~40% of the games and you're still winning at least 50% of the time, something's wrong.
Yeah. I still don't completely get the ridiculous nerfing of all the other supports. Especially Sona. I guarantee we'd see a Sona revival if they reverted her nerfs.
No, I don't think so. Compare that to the other popular picks right now:
Leona - 40% pick rate, 52.65% win
Jinx - 28.75% pick rate, 51.78% win
Wukong - 22.31% pick rate, 54.67% win
Vi - 20.55% pick rate, 51.97% win
Sivir - 18.09% pick rate, 53.79% win
Draven - 16.19% pick rate, 53.49% win
More balanced:
Panth - 18.77% pick, 50.07% win
Renekton - 23.18% pick, 49.18% win
Lee Sin - 35.75% pick, 48.25% win
Cait - 37.35% pick, 49.22% win
The numbers really speak to a trend of the stronger FOTM champs compared to the more "balanced" FOTM champs. They may be popular but it's not an auto win by any means. Compare Panth to someone like Wukong with an insane 55% win rate while still being picked 22% of the time.. Wow.