No vi? gragas?
They're killing Elise little by little. I can understand the monster nerf, they did the same thing to khazix but not quite this much. Pretty hard hit there.
Doesn't look like they hit her too hard, other than jungling, otherwise she got some arguable buffs. Longer stun, shorter rappel cd...
edit; Dont' like the new font!
My God that font is UGLY.
My God that font is UGLY.
Nah, LeBlanc's much stronger than Gragas at the moment. Lulu, too, I'd argue. Probably Ziggs. Actually, now that Gragas has gotten his own nerfs to match theirs, Zed and Ahri are probably back to being stronger than him, too.
But he is the fattest mid laner, so at least he'll always have that. (Shymalan Twist: Mid Lane Urgot!)
these are pretty light. elly has been skittering away from nerfs forever, much more any serious ones. this is the first major nerf to her in forever tbh. her mana costs are still negligible and she has the strongest early game skirmish in the game up like level ten at least. now her early game cc won't be so strong though, but her damage is largely unchanged.They're killing Elise little by little. I can understand the monster nerf, they did the same thing to khazix but not quite this much. Pretty hard hit there.
yeah, no.just realized they destroyed elise
what the fuck
And more than deserved. As much as I love Elise, not being able to outsmite her unless you're a lucky Lee was really fucking dumb.They're killing Elise little by little. I can understand the monster nerf, they did the same thing to khazix but not quite this much. Pretty hard hit there.
lol, no,
I'm done with Gragas two shotting my team.
Yeah. She lost some dragon control and early play making potential, but if she catches you you're still dead, and lategame her ability to pick off strays got buffed quite a bit.these are pretty light. elly has been skittering away from nerfs forever, much more any serious ones. this is the first major nerf to her in forever tbh. her mana costs are still negligible and she has the strongest early game skirmish in the game up like level ten at least. now her early game cc won't be so strong though, but her damage is largely unchanged.
yeah, no.
i just posted about elise.why not
(I also still don't see how Lee Sin is "strong" when he's straight 50-50 in pro play and <50% in solo queue. Is it Dominion? Is he the OP Dominion champ?)
why not
You don't see how a champion who can be picked in any situation and do well is too strong?
Not really. You can't compare Lee to say, what's happening in bot lane right now. When a champ is too strong he/she turns the game into Rock Paper Scissors. You picked Leona? Now I have to pick Thresh or my adc is dead. Mundo? Well I guess I have no choice but to pick Shyvana or some shit.You don't see how a champion who can be picked in any situation and do well is too strong? It crowds out numerous other champions and forces balance to center around that champion. As mic as it seems like a good idea to have "yard stick" champions, it's really quite terrible.
No, I really don't. Should all champions be bad if you aren't picking them in exactly the right situation? I didn't realize that was somewhere in the design document, here.
He does well. That's it. He's Mr. Average. He's a milquetoast motherfucker who consistently fails to impress, so the least he can do is consistently avoid failing. If he were a Kha'Zix who can hit take-off velocity and completely wreck a game, I could understand. If he were a Wukong who could roflestomp through an entire team with ten minutes of power-farming and one Decoy -> Cyclone combo, I could understand. If he were still the king of jungle dueling - if they hadn't released a half-dozen champions who can smack his shit if he shows his face in their jungle since the days when he was OP - I could understand. I don't understand how a "safe" jungler with decent early ganks who turns into a pseudo-support as the game goes on is anything to get up in arms about, other than the pure nostalgia value of getting face-stomped by him back in 2012.
He does a lot of things well, but the only thing he does better than anyone else is running away. Woop-dee-doo. Nevermind that he has trouble breaking even on every metric we have for win rates, he totally robbed me of an earned kill by being a slippery bastard so he must be nerfed!
The same reason Kha'Zix hasn't ceased to exist. They're removing power from places where it's frankly gratuitous, without really hurting the core functionality of the champion. This has very little impact on her practical clear speed (on most camps you end up overkilling inefficiently with the bite anyway, and the neurotoxin health shred is only really important on your first buffs), doesn't stop her from still being good at objective securing/contesting compared to the majority of junglers, and only marginally reduces the effectiveness of her early ganks, which rarely need the full duration of Cocoon to work anyway because you explode people as soon as the wad hits them.
They're nerfs, sure, but they're all nerfs in places where she had power to spare.
No, I really don't. Should all champions be bad if you aren't picking them in exactly the right situation? I didn't realize that was somewhere in the design document, here.
He does well. That's it. He's Mr. Average. He's a milquetoast motherfucker who consistently fails to impress, so the least he can do is consistently avoid failing. If he were a Kha'Zix who can hit take-off velocity and completely wreck a game, I could understand. If he were a Wukong who could roflestomp through an entire team with ten minutes of power-farming and one Decoy -> Cyclone combo, I could understand. If he were still the king of jungle dueling - if they hadn't released a half-dozen champions who can smack his shit if he shows his face in their jungle since the days when he was OP - I could understand. I don't understand how a "safe" jungler with decent early ganks who turns into a pseudo-support as the game goes on is anything to get up in arms about, other than the pure nostalgia value of getting face-stomped by him back in 2012.
He does a lot of things well, but the only thing he does better than anyone else is running away. Woop-dee-doo. Nevermind that he has trouble breaking even on every metric we have for win rates, he totally robbed me of an earned kill by being a slippery bastard so he must be nerfed!
I would actually consider a champ well designed if they have a skill cap such that you can start to truly excel with them when played at a high level.
Why not? What's wrong with having a jack of all trades as long as he's not as good as the specialist junglers - which he isn't?Takes some considerable dissonance to - in the same post no less - say that Elise had gratuitous power to spare and claim Lee Sin is fine.
"Should all champions be bad if you aren't picking them in exactly the right situation? I didn't realize that was somewhere in the design document, here."
You're phrasing the issue incorrectly: should any champion be able to do very well (and not as you insist several times, "average") in every situation? Because that's Lee Sin, and by extension Elise and Vi because they're being balanced around him.
You're phrasing the issue incorrectly: should any champion be able to do very well (and not as you insist several times, "average") in every situation? Because that's Lee Sin, and by extension Elise and Vi because they're being balanced around him.
you guys are ignoring that lee sin is the best and safest invader in the game.
the only good invade is a safe invade.
Uh, Warrings Kingdom Xin Zhao does have new particle effects with his Three Talon Strike and his ultimate.At any rate, finished my little set of jungle Xin Zhao games last night and he's pretty fun. He's simple, but the way Three Talon Strikes works with his other abilities and the knockback on his ult gives him something interesting despite being an otherwise typical bruiser. I really liked how I had lots of build variety. Biggest problem to me oddly is that he's such a bland champion visually, a typically boring Demacian. Warring Kingdoms skin at 1350IP with zero new animations or effects is a joke.
A passive Janna against certain match-ups (like Leona and Thresh) isn't a very good one. She's still relatively strong, but out of the standard supports she has the highest learning curve to perform well with.I wouldn't play her right now, she's not in a good spot (unless you really counter their entire team comp). I used to play her R > E > Q > W (early: E, Q, W if jungler would gank, E Q E W otherwise). It's more a farm/safe poke lane, not aggressive at all. Can be countered pretty easily by the holy bot lane trinity. If I remember correctly, I ran AP/Mana Regen runes. Haven't tried her in S4.
Jungle Elise players ruining it for the rest of us. Fortunately the base damage nerfs - those that aren't tied to the minions cap - aren't too bad though.And more than deserved. As much as I love Elise, not being able to outsmite her unless you're a lucky Lee was really fucking dumb.
Not sure how I feel on the E changes. Should she be maxing it second now or something? A easy to land, long range 2 second stun is nothing to scoff at.
I think it could be, or at least alternate between Wriggle's and Ancient Golem. The latter only if he needs to be nothing but tanky. I need to get around to playing on PBE again for some better impressions.I wonder if building Flare on trundle will be worth it. I've really been enjoying the golem bork tank build path.
Uh, Warrings Kingdom Xin Zhao does have new particle effects with his Three Talon Strike and his ultimate.
Riot Jag said:On another note, I think some of the Lee Sin comparisons here are fair. I'm compelled to point out that we have a Lee Sin rework in progress to address some of the concerns with his early game dominance, which shifts power into his mid and late game to keep him more relevant as games go on in length.
these are pretty light. elly has been skittering away from nerfs forever, much more any serious ones. this is the first major nerf to her in forever tbh. her mana costs are still negligible and she has the strongest early game skirmish in the game up like level ten at least. now her early game cc won't be so strong though, but her damage is largely unchanged.
Fixing the bug on her W should have helped quite a bit.We're all caught in dimb's web, save based Boken.
Where's mah Sejuani buffs?!
Context on Elise nerfs, also confirmation that Lee Sin is getting reworked.
I personally think the Elise nerfs are too much but we'll see.
We're all caught in dimb's web, save based Boken.
Where's mah Sejuani buffs?!
Never said it was good; I don't like Jarvan's either. Also doesn't help that IIRC it was a 975 RP skin originally (no, not a discount) before Riot revised their price range on skins altogether.Didn't even notice, doesn't make the most compelling argument that its worth 1350IP.
Also, with us speaking about the devil...