Next comes the Wukong and Pantheon nerfs then it's back to finding the most effective 4-6 junglers and it starts all over again.
I understand everyone is frustrated by the fact that the jungle is largely dominated by a few champions but seriously - name me a time this was not so. There will always be champs in a particular role that are more effective than the others. It's the nature of the game. How about that top lane? Snoozefest. We see Trundle, Shyvana, Renekton with a splash of Jax. How about that midlane Lulu?
It looks like they are nerfing the carry junglers that are thriving in the current meta again and we're going to run the risk of going back to the boring tank/utility only junglers.
This has been the best time for jungling since I've started playing the game but they just continue the trend of nerfing the carry ones. Even Evelynn is resorting to building tank in the LCS now.
Every time they introduce a viable carry jungler, people get all hissy about it and they start another round of nerfs. This is like the 800th Vi nerf since she was introduced.
Once this round of junglers are gone it'll just be another until they kill the carry jungle again.
So is a jungle Irelia doable?
If I had to guess, some up and coming junglers will be:
Akali (the damages are strong with this one)
Amumu (new spirit stone and building some damage will make him a monster again)
Darius (maybe.. mobo boots nerf hurt him but spirit stone solves his mana problems)
Master Yi (watch this new wriggles)
Rengar (again with the wriggles)