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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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So I've been playing LoL every now and then for a few weeks and I'm really enjoying it. I enjoy playing in the Jungle and my main champion so far has been Warwick (with dashing of Garen Top and Graves Bot).

So I just bought Vi today because I really like what I've seen of her aggressive jungling style... except I've tried playing some custom games with computer players and I just keep dying before I get both the Golem and Lizard buff!!! I start with machete and some potions and her E. Generally I need to go through 2+ potions and I just about clear the Golem with v little health left. I then need more potions if I decide to clear wolves, then when I reach red buff, my health is so low and have no potions so I just can't take it!

Is this normal for Vi junglers? Does she rely on the team helping her take that first buff in order to save potions? Early on is it normal for Vi to warp home a lot to grab potions until she levels up? Also when auto-attacking, do I need to keep clicking off and on the enemy (stuttering?) so that the auto hits quicker than if I just left her auto-attacking?

Any help from other Vi players would be really appreciated. I'd love to get good as her!

I can think of a few possibilities:

1. you need runes, attack damage/speed red, armor yellow, atk damage or speed quin. Those make a huge difference.

I assume you are still low level, so just buy the level 1 rune. Don't buy level 2, and upgrade to level 3 eventually.

2. Dumb question, did you start with jungle item?

3. Vi has an auto attack reset, if you don't take advantage of them it will make you clear time slower.


I played a single team builder game today. We had to wait 3 minutes or so to get a jungler. I was playing Irelia and I got matched up against some people that complained about match making and surrendered when I got a penta kill 23 minutes into the game. They won all other lanes so I dunno why they got so desperate for a surrender. :/


Learn to watch the tell tale signs of a Blitz grab. He shouldn't be giving you so much trouble because of your spell shield.

Yeah I need to learn to time that one too.
Won a recent match, but I didn't do much sadly.

How's this build for Alistar sound? Anything I should change about it?
Talisman of Ascension
Trinity Force
Iceborn Gauntlet
Locket of Solari or Spirit Visage
Woogler's Witchcap
Randuin's Omen or Banshee's Veil


Yeah I need to learn to time that one too.
Won a recent match, but I didn't do much sadly.

How's this build for Alistar sound? Anything I should change about it?
Talisman of Ascension
Trinity Force
Iceborn Gauntlet
Locket of Solari or Spirit Visage
Woogler's Witchcap
Randuin's Omen or Banshee's Veil
I'm not sure but I think trinity force and iceborn gauntlet passives don't stack
On bots at least, I always pick her for custom jungle tests since she doesn't have any escape, peel, CC, heal or whatever to make her annoying to kill.
Frost Hammer worth getting on Draven for hoovering stragglers up who are fleeing my terror? That and for some extra tanky.

One of my friends likes to play her when we duo. I feel like with all the popular supports and junglers, her ult isnt too hard to get off on everyone.

I was talking about Fiora lol.
It is not even a bad ruling, Annie Ult not coming out isn't a proven bug as far as I know. Plus like you say, it could be mechanical error, we can't have a replay every time someone press the wrong button and call foul.

I'm even willing to believe that Saint actually thinks there was a bug, even if there wasn't. That first time you realize you're an old fart and your fingers don't do what you tell them anymore, it really does feel like there's a glitch.

(Though, this is like the 137th time Saint's reflexes have failed him, so he should be getting used to it...)


I bought the Vel'Koz bundle last week on a whim. The first two or so games were iffy, but once I got the hang of him, hot damn have I been carrying games left and right! He's exactly what I wanted in a mage; he's great wave clear, excellent harass, and a reasonable combo into his ult. I don't think I've had any games with more deaths than kills since I got the hang of him!




teambuilder plsss


or very enlightening

i matched up against a diamond mid once

holy shit i got my ass kicked. it was a learning experience

ps: LAS pls
But our GAF resource said someone told them to hang themselves. It may be another font of rage!

That said, I approve of the option.

It wouldn't be a video game if someone wasn't either being accused of homoerotic activities or being told to kill themselves, or being told to kill themselves via an excess of homoerotic activities.



trynda carried us hard, I just bought dfg and looked scary. was winning early game against nida as expected but tried to dive her when she was one auto from death and eve was there and it set my lane back pretty hard. we dueled a couple times and we were pretty even. but yea just him split pushing and us having a better teamfight team for 4v4s or even 4v3s since no one could deal with trynda

Holy fuck, that must've been the worst game of his life.
she did ok, dunno if she was a smurf or what but she held her own. even dc'd for a bit

or very enlightening

i matched up against a diamond mid once

holy shit i got my ass kicked. it was a learning experience

ps: LAS pls
it's cool playing against diamonds, usually shows my biggest flaws when playing against them

like I always try to make plays or something like that and end up overdoing it and they take advantage of it so easily, it's great

but yea next time just buy dfg straight out against nidalee
i keep thinking about that 5s game i played with y'all earlier and how good it feels to faceroll as trundle

just throw out all your active items, your ult, throw up a pillar, and go NUTS hitting stuff. I gotta play more Trundle.


Gaf help me choose a champ or champs:

I mostly play support and jungle. Leaning towards karma quit a bit....and perhaps some hue.



i've never played him in the jungle but he's my favorite champ to play top


mobi nerf might hurt his jungling though

Someone said something about Yorick jungle. Maybe you can try that.

It doesnt have to be a support or jungler. I can branch out. Karma should be in a decent spot with the spelltheif income changes,nerfs to dorans shield and the nerfs to the shurelia's line of items.
Mord looks fun in top/mid.
I love darius on the pbe but he costs 6300 so im torn between grabbing two champs or just him.
Dominion is a fun crash course to get in the swing of things with Vel'koz. Progressively getting better at landing his Q's (or generally aiming it with better accuracy) and champions with gapclosers being frequent there forces you to improve your positioning whether you want to or not. His spells make him fairly competent at defending towers too given the range of his poke and how his W whittles down minion waves with relative ease, even 20+ minutes into a match.

Yeah I need to learn to time that one too.
Won a recent match, but I didn't do much sadly.

How's this build for Alistar sound? Anything I should change about it?
Talisman of Ascension
Trinity Force
Iceborn Gauntlet
Locket of Solari or Spirit Visage
Woogler's Witchcap
Randuin's Omen or Banshee's Veil
Trinity Force and Iceborn Gauntlet's procs passives don't stack correctly. They should since they don't share the same unique passive, but their interaction is buggy and this hasn't really been fixed as far as I know despite having been documented for months. Not that it's a good idea to buy Triforce on Alistar anyways with the kind of build you're going for; just buy anything else that's either utility-based (cooldown or otherwise) or gives you more survivability (not Sunfire Cape).

I mostly play support and jungle. Leaning towards karma quit a bit....and perhaps some hue.
Karma is well worth learning. Very versatile champion since she's strong in multiple lanes.


Just had my first Yasuo's game ever in an ARAM against a Ryze, Udyr, Veigar, Lulu, and Singed. Didn't go well, to say the least. What the hell am I supposed to do when a team has that many ways to keep me away from them? Go for Ryze? Off to Rune Prison. Go for Veigar? Stunned, or forced to walk around it. Go for Lulu, catch a Glitterlance to the face, no chance of catching her. Go anywhere at all, get stunned with a bear fist to the jaw or tossed away by Singed. Literally nothing I could do the entire game... Or was I missing something?

Spell effects all look great.
I just played my first two games as support. Had so much fun as a free week Thresh that I bought him while he's on sale.

Gaf help me choose a champ or champs:

I mostly play support and jungle. Leaning towards karma quit a bit....and perhaps some hue.

You mostly play jungle and you don't own kha'zix?!?
It's a blast jungling with him, and he's really good too!
I'd suggest buying him :)


So, did significantly better as Skarner tonight in four games. Got much better at judging when to gank as Skarner, better decision making overall. I was in an excellent flow in the last game of the night, but once again my teammates were below average from what I'm used to playing with and matchmaking was pretty spotty, so I have no idea how viable Skarner actually is at my scrubby level. After the rework it still seems like the best pairing for him would be bursty lanes to synergize with this ult, but that space is also occupied by Vi.


So after remembering that the role I'm actually proficient at is ADC and that Sivir is strong as hell right now, I've managed to go on a streak and bump myself up to Silver IV. Hopefully I'll be able to re attain gold in a few weeks now that I've remembered that I'm not that great at jungle.


I guess even with the supposed adjustments it's still normal matchmaking in full effect.
normals make me wonder if either my ranked elo is too low or everyone else's normal elo is too low because seriously I never in my life thought I would be running into diamond 1s and challengers this regularly

like it's kinda funny now

it's never really a learning experience or anything, most diamonds just either troll or stomp you so I usually wish for the second and try to see if there's anything to learn but eh

also there's a nidalee craze or something these days, out of my last 20 games there was a nidalee in 12 of them. like that's too fucking much.

and I like nida but still


Bleh Alistar isn't for me sadly, his W pushes them AWAY from you, repositioning myself is tricky with this slow oaf.
Let's try Dr. Mundo, for offense should I build AP or Attack?


I can think of a few possibilities:

1. you need runes, attack damage/speed red, armor yellow, atk damage or speed quin. Those make a huge difference.

I assume you are still low level, so just buy the level 1 rune. Don't buy level 2, and upgrade to level 3 eventually.

2. Dumb question, did you start with jungle item?

3. Vi has an auto attack reset, if you don't take advantage of them it will make you clear time slower.

Thanks a bunch to Newt, kiun ad especially rakhir for the Vi feedback! I'm only lvl 11 so still in the early learning stage, but I really enjoy the complexities of jungling so I figure the more I play now the better I'll be when I'm a higher level. Plus I love WW but I sometimes find him a bit limited and easily countered. Vi is much harder to play but I think if I can master her I'll be a better jungler for it!

For such a seemingly simple game LoL is so fun and complicated...


Hmm Mundo seems fine just need to have his health regen high. Doesn't seem to need cooldown so I'll go tank+health regen, maybe with some life steal tacked in?

Are mundo's abilities AP or AD? I think his W is the only AP attack right?


Everything is moe to me
Hmm Mundo seems fine just need to have his health regen high. Doesn't seem to need cooldown so I'll go tank+health regen, maybe with some life steal tacked in?

Are mundo's abilities AP or AD? I think his W is the only AP attack right?
you can tell how something scales by looking at the colour of the bonus damage number in the abilities tooltip.

orange means ad, green means ap, red health, yellow armor, etc, etc.

but remember, the type of damage an ability does is not related to how it scales. AP scaling spells can do pyshical damage and AD scaling spells can do magic damage, it is those damage types that determine what defensive item you need and not the type of scaling it uses.
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