So I've been playing LoL every now and then for a few weeks and I'm really enjoying it. I enjoy playing in the Jungle and my main champion so far has been Warwick (with dashing of Garen Top and Graves Bot).
So I just bought Vi today because I really like what I've seen of her aggressive jungling style... except I've tried playing some custom games with computer players and I just keep dying before I get both the Golem and Lizard buff!!! I start with machete and some potions and her E. Generally I need to go through 2+ potions and I just about clear the Golem with v little health left. I then need more potions if I decide to clear wolves, then when I reach red buff, my health is so low and have no potions so I just can't take it!
Is this normal for Vi junglers? Does she rely on the team helping her take that first buff in order to save potions? Early on is it normal for Vi to warp home a lot to grab potions until she levels up? Also when auto-attacking, do I need to keep clicking off and on the enemy (stuttering?) so that the auto hits quicker than if I just left her auto-attacking?
Any help from other Vi players would be really appreciated. I'd love to get good as her!
I can think of a few possibilities:
1. you need runes, attack damage/speed red, armor yellow, atk damage or speed quin. Those make a huge difference.
I assume you are still low level, so just buy the level 1 rune. Don't buy level 2, and upgrade to level 3 eventually.
2. Dumb question, did you start with jungle item?
3. Vi has an auto attack reset, if you don't take advantage of them it will make you clear time slower.