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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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That feeling you get when you dive an annie, spell shield her oh shit tibbers i choose you cast and then murder her as Nocturne.

Also, when you paranoia, can that stop Shen from doing his Ult? Because that explains a few things about some teamfights i had
Yea it'd stop bad shens who target using their screen only

You'd still slow down the shens who use their team UI so it's a good idea
Anyone here tried AP Nautilus? Looks like some crazy burst damage in these videos I'm watching. Open with Q or R and then unload, timing it so you chain your CC to keep them locked down.


Ok, so apprently shen needs LoS to start his ult, so you can totally block his ult with paranoia. Once he channels theres nothing Noct can do


Focus on last hitting to the extent the lane 'moves' towards your towers so they're always pushed.

My understanding, anyway.

putting it simplistically, thats about it

technically though - its "maintaining the minion equilibrium such that the enemy always has slightly more minions (eg +1 ranged) than you" - when that happens, the lane will be moving towards you very slightly - which will be offset by you last hitting.
some good games with program and gold doge euw last night. Lost one with 19/3 jinx. not sure how that happened. vayne killed me 1v1 with 10 kills less...

do you use rockets for dueling or the mini gun.


some good games with program and gold doge euw last night. Lost one with 19/3 jinx. not sure how that happened. vayne killed me 1v1 with 10 kills less...

do you use rockets for dueling or the mini gun.
Mini gun while switching to rockets to abuse the range. Vayne should outduel jinx though in the late game.
How do I freeze the lane? I don't get that...
Basically you keep last hitting at the last possible moment while making it so the enemy's minion wave never gets to tower. If your wave dies you just tank the wave so it doesn't get shoved back.

some good games with program and gold doge euw last night. Lost one with 19/3 jinx. not sure how that happened. vayne killed me 1v1 with 10 kills less...

do you use rockets for dueling or the mini gun.
Minigun, but in Vayne's case you want to wither her down with your W and rockets before commiting to a fight and finishing her off with her ult. You don't exactly duel her, you kite her and then blow her up in one go.


Riot said last week on the eCommerce AMA that we'd see them in 2 weeks if plans don't change, and we all know Riot's plans rarely change for the better regarding dates and releases.

A: All of the new and old Harrowing content is currently planned for release very close to the end of the month. I will be as sad as you if it slips into November. - Riot Hippalus
A: The content will be available for around 2 weeks. - Udyr

I could see the sale start this week and then run for 2 weeks. The Harrowing event has started around the 20th for the past 2 years.

But I suppose next week is more likely. Either way, we'll just have to sit back and wait for Riot to push the button.
I could see the sale start this week and then run for 2 weeks. The Harrowing event has started around the 20th for the past 2 years.

But I suppose next week is more likely. Either way, we'll just have to sit back and wait for Riot to push the button.
Last year started on the 31st and lasted two weeks into November.


do you like anything?

I find him boring to play because he relies too much on autoattacks and that makes a character boring to play for me because I want to take part of the action in order to get kills, not rely on my items/stats to faceroll people while the game makes my champion attack automatically once I've made a good positioning.

It's not a problem inherent to Aatrox though, there are plenty of boring characters that require little input from the player like Fiora, Irelia, Jax, Yi, Olaf, Shyvana, Tryndamere, Wukong, Yorick, Volibear, Xin Zhao and basically every non-caster marksman/bruiser.

Autoattacks being skillshots would really make wonders for this game. Shame it would be almost impossible to implement.


That feeling you get when you dive an annie, spell shield her oh shit tibbers i choose you cast and then murder her as Nocturne.

Also, when you paranoia, can that stop Shen from doing his Ult? Because that explains a few things about some teamfights i had

As Shen can still target through the UI, Paranoia is much more effective against Twisted Fate. Completely negates his ult. Downside is the cooldown of Paranoia is a LOT higher. :(


Tragic victim of fan death


With a couple of weeks left before the end of S3, I decided to abandon my Diamond rewards in LAN and go back to NA. I'm done. Never looking back.

I strongly advise against low population servers. My diamond queues were filled with platinum players (sometimes gold). Yes, it's easier to rank in LAN (got to Diamond in no time), but this disparity of ranks in solo queue is jarring. As a main support, and usually first pick, I would go bot lane while the Plat V player in my team got matched against the first pick of the other team, usually a Diamond. I got tired of this.

The state of the LAN server is probably like this (low pop) because of people like me, that decide against transfer. In fact, as a Mexican player, I get better ping in NA, so Mexican players have no advantage transferring over. It's not like Oceania or LAS, servers where people really get a better experience. NA has more players, less queue, and better ping (also the quality of games at highish elo is superb). I honestly don't see LAN server ever getting good.

So I'm back to NA. Decay got me down to Gold 1, but I'm back to Plat 3 in a week. I can carry games now, since the teams are usually evenly matched and the support/vision control that I provide win games. I really regret moving over to LAN, now I shall see if I can get to Diamond in two weeks time.

Edit: Also the queue times are beautiful in NA. 30-40 sec is heaven.


How do I freeze the lane? I don't get that...

Since everyone is posting on this, last hit at the last possible moment. That means if you hit for ~90, you still wait for the minion to be at <40 HP. If you're at tower, buy yourself some time by waiting for the tower hit that would kill the minion to start before you last hit (that is, it takes three tower hits to kill a melee, wait for the third attack to be in the air before you last hit). That buys you ~.6s per minion which helps keep the wave from moving up too far.

If you're ahead and the lane has been reset (e.g., empty lane with minions arriving), you can run ahead and aggro the minion line and drag them off to the side. This makes it so that when they lose aggro on you and switch to your minions, they'll swam the first target instead of each melee with a separate target. Your minion wave will die slightly faster so you'll be able to keep the wave back that way.


Mundo Mundo
Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks
Kitty Cat Katarina
Zombie Ryze
Nosferatu Vladimir
FrankenTibbers Annie
Definitely Not Blitzcrank
Bewitching Nidalee
Haunting Nocturne
Headless Hecarim
Haunted Maokai
Underworld Twisted Fate
Headmistress Fiora
Pirate Ryze
Zombie Brand

Probably will be picking up these two.


Anyone here tried AP Nautilus? Looks like some crazy burst damage in these videos I'm watching. Open with Q or R and then unload, timing it so you chain your CC to keep them locked down.

That would depend on what you consider AP nautilus. Hourglass/Abyssal/Liandry's/tanky items, sure I guess.


I've been dying to have Lollipoppy ever since I first laid eyes on her nightmare inducing splashart.

I must make others experience this in game.
does jinx get the nerf hammer this patch or are they waiting for s4?
She's strong but not OP and has plenty of counters bot lane. If those counters get nerfed then we'll talk. Think release Draven.

She is getting a bugfix next patch since her W isn't meant to reveal invisible units though.


she's way too powerful. maybe not for top elo but for bronze,silver, low gold, most definitely.
What do you think makes her so powerful? Her laning seems pretty average to me (she can't stand up to Draven, Cait, Varus etc) and she has pretty low mobility. Her poke is nice, but it doesn't seem game breaking to me. I mostly play at a Plat MMR so maybe I haven't seen her true power at the lower ELOs?

She's strong but not OP and has plenty of counters bot lane. If those counters get nerfed then we'll talk. Think release Draven.
Current Draven is almost as good as release Draven, imo.
Her laning is pretty weak unless you can get an advantage going and press the fuck out of it. If you manage to force them to back you're good to go.

She probably rapes low ELO because she shines in objective control like no other adc. If you get forced to back once she hits 6 you just lost tower and dragon and a good Jinx player will just snowball out of control from there.

Current Draven is almost as good as release Draven, imo.
I also think people underestimate him after the passive change. Q still hurts like a bitch.
Her AS buff his quite strong early IMO. You're looking at about 40% inherent AS bonus over the opposing ADC with just a Doran's blade each.
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