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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Her laning is pretty weak unless you can get an advantage going and press the fuck out of it. If you manage to force them to back you're good to go.

She probably rapes low ELO because she shines in objective control like no other adc. If you get forced to back once she hits 6 you just lost tower and dragon.
I've played her quite a bit (only in normals though) and I'd say she has an okay laning. I max W first, and you can get quite a bit of poke with her and deter aggressive plays. She really shines when a jungler ganks because you can lock people down. Her mana regen also scales really well. Also the missiles don't use nearly as much mana as I thought they would, so I often use them to farm and harass.

Her AS buff his quite strong early IMO. You're looking at about 40% inherent AS bonus over the opposing ADC with just a Doran's blade each.
Unless you're up against Draven, where he has the same 40% attack speed bonus as you and it feels like he also has 3 more doran's blades :3.
Her AS buff his quite strong early IMO. You're looking at about 40% inherent AS bonus over the opposing ADC with just a Doran's blade each.
You need to get close to use that AS buff and most ADCs have some sort of burst or disengage in that range to help them trade - Ashe passive into Volley, Cait passive into EQ combo, Corki QE, Draven QE, Graves Buckshot, etc, etc, etc.

She doesn't have that. She has her autos and long range utility, so you gotta play somewhat safe while trying your best to land Ws to do damage and if you ever get a good initiation with your support and/or jungler, you follow them up to lock down the enemy and then you get to just spray and pray at their faces.
My bad.

I forgot to add relative to objectives which you touched upon. As soon as there is any free line on the tower she really comes into her own. She's definitely stronger than Cait in this regard, or at least, if i play support i think i'd always prefer to be with a Jinx than not at the minute.


As a support Jinx is top of the lane right now. No one else secures kills quite like she does; there's just no living through a root to chompers cc chain. If you don't find Jinx to be wildly overtuned then i'd suggest you aren't examining the way lanes play out with much clarity.

I also love adc comparisons without the obvious point that the adc isn't really the playmaker in lane. Vayne gets so much love because she wins those duels...but those duels don't need to happen. Jinx needs a buddy but for all her crazy she works brilliantly with others.


Don't forget that csing is very easy with Jinx.

I feel she is strong in lane, I've yet to lose with a Jinx in lane. Pair her with a hard cc support (Zyra/Annie/Thresh), and land that double CC combo wombo = easy kill.
Don't forget that csing is very easy with Jinx.

I feel she is strong in lane, I've yet to lose with a Jinx in lane. Pair her with a hard cc support (Zyra/Annie/Thresh), and land that double CC combo wombo = easy kill.

Nami + Jinx is dream team at bot lane.
Don't forget that csing is very easy with Jinx.
Yo this.

CS that you might miss with another champ because you attacked slightly early leaving it with 10hp, you don't miss with Jinx because of the Q passive attack speed buff. She'll get her follow-up attack off fast enough to snag them.

She's really the training wheels champ for cs. If you're not good with last-hitting and want to play an ADC, Jinx is the pick for you. Straight up.


I dunno, it doesn't take much effort to effectively cs trade with Jinx. She's not necessarily greatly disadvantaged in those scenarios barring a few (e.g., Cait). She does, however, get to turn every normal 1:1 trade into a 2:1. She also gets something a lot of ADCs don't get in their non-ults: The ability to setup / follow-up CC for the gank.

I also love adc comparisons without the obvious point that the adc isn't really the playmaker in lane. Vayne gets so much love because she wins those duels...but those duels don't need to happen. Jinx needs a buddy but for all her crazy she works brilliantly with others.

More or less. I don't play ADC much but Jinx is fairly easy to just go from cs->harass due to her ASPD. Her W is easy to land when forcing people to tower and her E covers a gank route easily. It's fairly easy to turn a simple misplay by the enemy (and/or support catch) into a lot more than it should be. That's probably Jinx's greatest strength right now: How fast she converts mistakes.


Jinx has been perma banned in gold :( I bought her but haven't had a chance to play her yet. I've been at 80-90lp forever and just want to get promoted instead of spamming blind pick games to play her. I'll wait till next season for that.
What do you think makes her so powerful? Her laning seems pretty average to me (she can't stand up to Draven, Cait, Varus etc) and she has pretty low mobility. Her poke is nice, but it doesn't seem game breaking to me. I mostly play at a Plat MMR so maybe I haven't seen her true power at the lower ELO.

Believe me she wrecks shit at low elo and they can't leave it at that. Master Yi after the rework was wrecking silver and i don't think higher elos cared much and he got nerfed big time. Same with Jinx she wrecks right now. She's a perma ban in ranked.

They need to change her maybe in a way where she gets hit in lower elo but doesn't lose much in higher elo.

new champs usually fade away very quickly after release (and come back later when bronzies see them in streams) but only a few stick around and all of them got nerfed bad.
As a support Jinx is top of the lane right now. No one else secures kills quite like she does; there's just no living through a root to chompers cc chain. If you don't find Jinx to be wildly overtuned then i'd suggest you aren't examining the way lanes play out with much clarity.

I also love adc comparisons without the obvious point that the adc isn't really the playmaker in lane. Vayne gets so much love because she wins those duels...but those duels don't need to happen. Jinx needs a buddy but for all her crazy she works brilliantly with others.
She secures kills, but the problem is that it depends on the situation. The way you put it you make it sound like if you get caught once you're dead, but most top tier adcs are so because of how hard it is to catch them. She also has no immediate burst pre 6 so don't think that as long barrier exists she'll be autoing someone to death pre 6.

She is also super slow and has no escapes or immediate disengage, so if you catch her first she's just as dead. Aggressive supports and aggressive adcs give her a really hard time. Graves is basically a fucking nightmare.

If she is overtuned it is not because of her laning.


She secures kills, but the problem is that it depends on the situation. The way you put it you make it sound like if you get caught once you're dead, but most top tier adcs are so because of how hard it is to catch them. She also has no immediate burst pre 6 so don't think that as long barrier exists she'll be autoing someone to death pre 6.

She is also super slow and has no escapes or immediate disengage, so if you catch her first she's just as dead. Aggressive supports and aggressive adcs give her a really hard time. Graves is basically a fucking nightmare.

If she is overtuned it is not because of her laning.

I'm at work so I can't reapond with enough detail. I will follow up later with a detailed response; on the face of it you are overselling her weaknesses and underselling her power in an attempt to avoid nerfs to a champion you have as an avatar. Objectively she's too strong and trying to stretch to find ways to frame her as too weak (ie: she's weak in the moments after she makes a catastrophic mistake and her support can't
cover for her).
I don't see how saying she has no mobility is underselling her weaknesses.

325 MS with nothing to do but flash when the jungler comes in is a big deal. You can't exactly snare and slow 3 people.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I've only seen a few Jinxes so far, but they don't seem super crazy in my experience.


I don't see how saying she has no mobility is underselling her weaknesses.

325 MS with nothing to do but flash when the jungler comes in is a big deal. You can't exactly snare and slow 3 people.

Realistically speaking, why is that relevant? Like, if you're in a situation where you have to actively stop three people at once, the point of failure is a lot earlier than that. I mean, yes, she's bad in these situations where her lack of a mobility spell really hurts her but, at the same time, that's also a scenario that you would actively avoid even if you had one.

Edit: Not to discount how much a mobility spell means here. Just saying that this really is a worst case scenario for her and why is she escaping at this point and not earlier when it's more guaranteed? Like, she can at a great range snare/block a route and has a long range slow (though, the arming time makes it awkward for narrow escapes).

Jinx's strength is how fast she can convert a bad situation to a worse one for people caught against her. Conversely, she has little to do once she's already in a bad spot. Basically, she quickly goes from bad to worse on both ends of the spectrum.


I don't see how saying she has no mobility is underselling her weaknesses.

325 MS with nothing to do but flash when the jungler comes in is a big deal. You can't exactly snare and slow 3 people.

Actually you can lol. Chompers!

She has better escapes than MF or Varus. They both have a much weaker AE slow, that's it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Realistically speaking, why is that relevant? Like, if you're in a situation where you have to actively stop three people at once, the point of failure is a lot earlier than that. I mean, yes, she's bad in these situations where her lack of a mobility spell really hurts her but, at the same time, that's also a scenario that you would actively avoid even if you had one.

Jinx's strength is how fast she can convert a bad situation to a worse one for people caught against her. Conversely, she has little to do once she's already in a bad spot. Basically, she quickly goes from bad to worse on both ends of the spectrum.
laid out like this it sounds like she's pretty poorly designed.


Champion and skin sale: 22.10 - 25.10


  • Zed 487 RP
  • Kennen 440 RP
  • Jax 395 RP
  • Blood Knight Hecarim 487 RP
  • Warlord Shen 487 RP
  • Marquis Vladimir 260 RP


Urgot is awesome. One of the few fun marksmen to play along with Ezreal.

He was top tier pick not so long ago also, until they nerfed their E-Q range. That didn't destroy him anyways, just balanced him. But he has short range and he doesn't have (woman) boobs, so why bother getting good with his mechanics, just pick Tristana or Caitlyn and rape everybody through a right click.
Renekton >>>>>>>>>>> Pantheon

Not on TT. Impossible to all in when you're at 25% by level 2.

I run CDR blues so I get a spear every few seconds. Probably played vs Gator 8 times. Never lost lane, though Rene gets impossible to deal with if you don't shut him down.

Anyone here tried AP Nautilus? Looks like some crazy burst damage in these videos I'm watching. Open with Q or R and then unload, timing it so you chain your CC to keep them locked down.

AP Naut has insane burst but also gets blown up immediately.


laid out like this it sounds like she's pretty poorly designed.

Really, it's probably more apt to just say that "getting caught" is her worst case scenario and not really a bad case going to worst. Her kit is designed to just ramp up really fast and cause a bad situation for the enemy to just get a lot worse really fast. Her bad situation is when people can just walk onto her and not care/respect her area of control.

Of course, saying that she does well against caught enemies makes it sound like other ADCs don't do that too. It's less that she does well against them and more that she makes that one mistake into two.

Not on TT. Impossible to all in when you're at 25% by level 2.

I run CDR blues so I get a spear every few seconds. Probably played vs Gator 8 times. Never lost lane, though Rene gets impossible to deal with if you don't shut him down.

I dunno, Level 2 should happen before you even Spear enough for all his potions. If people are eating Spears and staying scared, though, I can see that.
Blood Lord Vlad is only Vlad.

As a Vlad player, the thing that pisses me off is that his base model and effects are bottom of the barrel, yet he has an ultimate skin that is pretty much on par with recent base champions like Lissandra and other remakes and really should have been a visual update.

He's probably never going to get a VU now. It's either buy the skin or look like shit.

I dunno, Level 2 should happen before you even Spear enough for all his potions. If people are eating Spears and staying scared, though, I can see that.

Pots cannot outpace Q damage unless you stay in bush and wait it out. If you do, Panth can get lvl 2 first. If he does, you cannot all in him if he goes Q-W.

This is because W refreshes his passive, so he gets two AA blocks. So all Rene can hit him with at best is a fury-empowered W and a normal Q, which does a lot of damage but not enough.

Spear-AA-Stun-AA-Spear- AA does more damage and will always kill with ignite.


Pots cannot outpace Q damage unless you stay in bush and wait it out. If you do, Panth can get lvl 2 first. If he does, you cannot all in him if he goes Q-W.

This is because W refreshes his passive, so he gets two AA blocks. So all Rene can hit him with at best is a fury-empowered W and a normal Q, which does a lot of damage but not enougj.

Spear-AA-Stun-AA-Spear- AA does more damage and will always kill with ignite.

Unless I'm completely overlooking starting AD/Armor values, a Health potion should handle about ~60% of the damage of a Spear during the cooldown and his Q should deal with the rest fine. It's not like Renekton NEEDS full HP to do his all-in off an early 2. I don't like dealing with Pantheon in lane, sure, but I don't necessarily find him to be an impossible to surpass hurdle. That's all.

Panth with an early Level 2 is absolutely stupid though. I can agree with that. It's pretty much decided by whichever side 2s first and I do agree that Pantheon has it easier against most people since people run scared from his Q.


As a Vlad player, the thing that pisses me off is that his base model and effects are bottom of the barrel, yet he has an ultimate skin that is pretty much on par with recent base champions like Lissandra and other remakes and really should have been a visual update.

He's probably never going to get a VU now. It's either buy the skin or look like shit.

While he's not on par with the recent releases/VUs, he certainly isn't bottom of the barrel. Those would be Sivir, Nunu, Veigar, Heimerdinger etc. I remember being amazed by his model/animations when he first came out, he was definitely above the rest. The fact that he now looks outdated compared with the new ones is a sign of Riot doing really good in this department.

The skin that is on sale is a must for him though, the regular one has a questionable design.

There are plenty of champions that need a visual upgrade over him. Just take a look at Sion, Singed or Karthus for crying out loud. I can't understand how Ezreal hasn't gotten a visual upgrade yet, too, considering he's a really popular character who is played a lot, unlike other recent VUs. Oh and Caitlyn animations are shit, and she's from 2011 and the most played marksman in the game. Give her a new set of animations already...


As a Vlad player, the thing that pisses me off is that his base model and effects are bottom of the barrel, yet he has an ultimate skin that is pretty much on par with recent base champions like Lissandra and other remakes and really should have been a visual update.

He's probably never going to get a VU now. It's either buy the skin or look like shit.

I dunno, Garen got his good skin in Steel Legion yet they still did a visual update, using the animations from the Steel Legion skin as a base.


Would you trade off Panth's W stun for the ability to ward jump? I would and maybe give it a super short slow duration.
Jinx doesn't seem all that crazy. I've done really well as her bot, but I think a lot of that has to do with being matched up against people who don't know how she works. I think I'm more scared of facing off against Varus than I am Jinx.
Jinx doesn't seem all that crazy. I've done really well as her bot, but I think a lot of that has to do with being matched up against people who don't know how she works. I think I'm more scared of facing off against Varus than I am Jinx.

My most entertaining kill was whittling someone down really low (to the point where they only felt safe farming under their tower)...and hiding in the bushes next to creeps and just getting xp so I hit 6 without their knowledge...then busting them in the mouth with the ult from the bushes.

They had to be mad.
tales from the hell:

champ select:
-> 4th pick "pref adc leave jinx open", no respone
-> about to lock in 5th pick says "i'm adc no matter what you pick"
-> okay mildly annoyed i'm going top with zac
-> getting sort of countered with riven, fine, i'll manage

game starts
-> supp lux announced she will go full ap no wards, because it's OP
-> doing well top, lose a bit in creeps but i have her low
-> jungler comes in just takes all creeps in lane, ignores riven, leaves me with pushed lane
-> mid feeds fish 4-0, no mia, he comes top with malph jungler and they try to dive me for almost a minute, all of them getting tower hits left and right. my passive pops and they are waiting around with all under 100 hp
->jungler comes, decides he doesn't want any part of it, takes creeps ignores 3 low champs and leaves
-> i die, get flamed by bot for feeding

-> i quit, probably get banned.


I duo queued with a friend and managed to pull off 7 straight wins before calling it a day, letting him get up to Diamond as well. We even managed to carry a game where our jungler and our adc threatened to kill each other's families + irregular afking. They were both reported after the game, but it felt good to not be pulled down by them. That game was too intense in a bad way.

For some reason Steel Legion Garen looks like a hotass mess to me. Big and clunky. I like his base skin more than that.

Well, good as in the animations were superior to his old skins. His visual update was helped by it. I like the bulkiness of it, though.
I duo queued with a friend and managed to pull off 7 straight wins before calling it a day, letting him get up to Diamond as well. We even managed to carry a game where our jungler and our adc threatened to kill each other's families + irregular afking. They were both reported after the game, but it felt good to not be pulled down by them. That game was too intense in a bad way.

I wish I had these kinds of friends. My modest goal of Gold would seem more realistic.
Also I (finally) hit 30 and I have to say, my placement games have been a real freak show. On my first game, we had a mid who kept on trying to 1v1 Jax and fed, a support who kept placing wards next to bushes instead of in them, and a player who went AFK after five minutes. Then I had a game where my client locked up during ban phase, and wouldn't let me pick a champion (despite having nothing in the text search box). Then I had a game with the three angriest armchair generals all arguing about who we should focus in teamfights, and a tank who kept on pushing lanes on his own during 4v5 fights because "it's called split pushing. It's a strategy" while we were all massacred.

So yeah. Bronze V here I come, I guess! Although I guess the season is resetting soon anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
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