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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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The thing that annoys me about Aatrox the most is how long the knockup lasts. I was trying to play against a team with Aatrox as Katarina, and I would avoid all the other CC, but Aatrox would save the knockup and it was always about 0.25 seconds too long to survive.

Kat world problems.


Been playing aatrox since I've started playing. Most played champ, highest winrate.

The only champ I really have troubles with is jax and the occasional Tiger udyr.

Fun Fact: Of all the games I've won today, they've been with Aatrox.


Neo Member
I am lying here in bed, waiting to get tired enough to go to sleep. Normally watch a stream until eyes cannot keep open. Watching the qualifiers, no match starting. Read this thread a bit. Go back, and picks/bans already sorted. Hmm, one team has Corki and Thresh on bottom and...hang on.

They have a Lulu as well. Lulu mid, welp no sleep for the moment.


In a surprising turn of events, I pulled an SKT and went 3-0 and won my second division series into Gold V!


The series was easy, but the journey here was not. After 513 Ashe games, 173 Sona games, 159 Volibear games, and 1075 ranked games total, I finally made it out of Silver.

What's next? Platinum?


In a surprising turn of events, I pulled an SKT and went 3-0 and won my second division series into Gold V!

The series was easy, but the journey here was not. After 513 Ashe games, 173 Sona games, 159 Volibear games, and 1075 ranked games total, I finally made it out of Silver.

What's next? Platinum?

Dang, congrats dude. Keep on going. GET PLAT!


Woo, congrats Subtle!

Kind of glad I got to Gold earlier than later. Trying to get there now with everyone else would've sucked, lol.
A few things.

1.) Pantheon top in 3v3 is unbeatable. Can't be done.

2.) New Olaf is bad. TERRIBLE. What the fuck were they thinking???

3.) If you want to win on TT without a jungler, you HAVE to push constantly and bully the enemy jungle early.

Obligatory a-z progress:



A few things.

1.) Pantheon top in 3v3 is unbeatable. Can't be done.

2.) New Olaf is bad. TERRIBLE. What the fuck were they thinking???

3.) If you want to win on TT without a jungler, you HAVE to push constantly and bully the enemy jungle early.

Obligatory a-z progress:

Yes, and yes. Push the hell out of your lanes and go for that jungler. When we realized this strategy, we got gold in no time.


A few things.

1.) Pantheon top in 3v3 is unbeatable. Can't be done.

2.) New Olaf is bad. TERRIBLE. What the fuck were they thinking???

3.) If you want to win on TT without a jungler, you HAVE to push constantly and bully the enemy jungle early.

Obligatory a-z progress:

Renekton >>>>>>>>>>> Pantheon


Lost another promo because of a duo of trolls -_-

Last pick called top, but then third pick took top and said call order. Last pick refused to jungle (only available role) and went top. Him and his partner (who was mid) basically pushed consistently but kept feeding (both of them were in double digit deaths, meanwhile down bot where I was there wasn't much in the way of kills/deaths), and annoyingly the third pick guy who took top kept trying to duel Riven as Malphite for some reason, and kept losing over and over, so she kept getting more fed...

ugh, why is it always during my promo this crap happens.


A pretty good list of tips i stole from /u/tasi99 from reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueofleg...sic_tips_for_each_role_from_a_diamond_player/)
Hey there!
I'm a Diamond player and I often get asked what mistakes people in lower Elo do so I decided to do a list of some basic yet very helpful tips that can help you improve your gameplay. Most tips should be very common sense, but reading them again might help people in lower brackets.

General tips
  • minions hurt, especially early level. Almost never go for a fight if the enemy got creep advantage or you lose the fight due to creep damage
  • whenever you attack someone with basic attacks, minions will start attacking you. Keep that in mind when trading. However, most spells won't trigger minion aggro so you can harass with spells without having to worry about creep damage
  • bushes remove minion aggro (unless it is warded - that's also a way of checking if a bush is warded or not)
  • don't be overly aggressive if you don't know where the enemy jungler is and you can't handle 1vs2
  • always try to push the lane before you go shop so you miss less xp
  • that said, dont waste your time by going back too often. I often see people basing for no real reason. Try to only base when you can shop something or you need to heal
  • most of the time you want to shop at the same time when the enemy laner goes shopping or you are at an item disadvantage
  • move to your lane as fast as possible after shopping. You can already start running and buying the moment you spawn in your base to get back a few seconds faster to lose less time
  • beware the enemy items. If you are vs. a Riven top with a red pot, be careful and don't fight him her early
  • watch levels: If you are still lvl 1 and the enemy hits lvl 2 before you, this can be a big problem in certain matchups. This is also true if the enemy laner hits 6 before you and he might all-in you
  • if you are losing a lane, try to stay at least in range of xp and don't go for 1vs1 anymore unless you have your jungler (and they dont have theirs)
  • know the strenghts/weaknesses of each champ and especially the one you are playing. If you play Lee Sin, you are strong early game so use this to your advantage. If you play something like Tristana, you don't need to make plays early and just play it safe and farm up
  • when your team is behind, don't force fights out of despair. Instead, try to stall and wait for them to make mistakes
  • it's okay to give dragons/towers or even kills up. Don't try to defend or fight for something if you are not in a position to do so. Better give 1 dragon up than losing an extra 3 people and possible more towers for trying to defend it
  • communicate with your team and use pings
  • call your jungler if you know you can dive him or can get a kill on him. Also tell your jungler if key abilities like ults or flashes are down for the enemy laner and where his wards are
  • be smart when buying items. Rushing t2 boots is rarely a good idea (unless jungler and +5 boots) and just a gold sink that can be better used on other stats
  • when you need to facecheck something, always try to let the most tankiest member go in front and facecheck it
  • you don't always need to win your lane. It's okay to lose the lane if you are only 1 kill and 30cs behind. Play defensive and accept it and don't try to force a comeback only to be 5+ kills and 70+cs behind in the end
  • runes and masteries. Do some research (guides) or watch some profiles from other players and get a basic idea what runes and masteries you should run on what champion. These are important to get an advantage early in lane or manage bad matchups
  • try to get used to level up your skills by using crtl + hotkey for the spell. It's faster and it can make the difference between winning a fight or not if you can quickly level up the skill in a fight.
  • do your buffs early and don't delay them or the enemy will take advantage of this and steal them
  • respawn timers for buffs/drake/baron: 5/6/7 minutes
  • when you need to smite secure an objective, combo your smite with an ability. This means that you use a skill + smite at the same time so you have more burst to not get it stolen away
  • if you gank a lane successfully, 95% of the time it's best to help the laner push the lane so he can base and the enemy loses xp
  • if you need to hold a lane because your laner died, you can either push or freeze the lane. Try always to freeze it unless your lane is pushing anyway. In this case push it as hard as you can into the tower so it resets and the enemy can't freeze it
  • try to gank the lane that has the most cc on your team. This will give you a higher chance of getting kills and snowball the lane
  • dont waste time ganking lanes that have no real cc vs. good escape spells on enemy team. For example if you have a Nidalee mid vs. Zed and you play Nocturne jungle, unless Zed overextends a lot this gank is not gonna work and you waste a lot of time
  • only help losing lanes up to a certain point. You can maybe recover a lane that is 2 kills behind, but any more than that is usually not worth the time/effort you put into the lane to bring it back. Worst case is that you lose 1vs2 and the game gets out of control. Just ignore the lane and focus on the remaining 2
  • dont feed double buffs. This is crucial early game and can cost the lane if not the entire game. When in doubt, play defensive and don't risk feeding double buffs
  • do not counterjungle when your team is behind. It's way too risky if you don't see the enemy team
  • learn to predict the enemy jungler and countergank. This is done by watching your lanes and see who's overextended the most and just wait in the brush. Chances are, the enemy jungle will gank the lane any time soon
  • if you play jungler with a very strong lvl 6 (Amumu, Vi, Nocturne) try to use it on cooldown and gank with them to get kills/objectives
  • junglers are often still a second support. So buy wards and help your team get wards up
  • when donating a buff, press s to stop attack
  • when there is no laner in a certain lane and the minions are dying to tower, go there and take the xp/farm from it. They are more worth than jungle camps
  • don't force ganks. If there is no lane to gank for you and no opportunity to countergank, just farm up
  • don't gank a lane the moment your laner got 20 creeps at his tower. It's not worth the maybe kill if he loses all that gold and xp from the creeps
  • presence enough by buying pink wards for top/bot or showing yourself without doing anything helps your lane out by making the enemy lane play more carefully
  • know matchups. It's really important for toplane and it only comes with experience
  • that said, don't pick champions because x counters z. If you can't play x, don't pick him and play a champion instead that you are familiar with
  • most of the time the first gank happens top lane. If you know you can't win 2vs2 with your jungler, don't push early and play it safe
  • a lot of people make the mistake of not pushing the lane top completely to the tower. Use this to your advantage and try to freeze the lane near your tower so can deny him farm and be safe from ganks
  • when freezing a lane, don't let it push too hard. Kill just enough creeps so that it barely pushes into your direction or you might die in a dive/gank due to too much creep damage
  • when you need to base and you can't push it but it pushes into your direction, just base and it will still push into your direction when you come back. This is better than getting denied by the enemy freezing the lane
  • when losing a lane, go tanky. If you build damage and the enemy is smart, he will keep killing you because he will have more damage than you. You won't be useful this way later on as opposed to being a tank that can still help your team
  • dont call or blame the jungler if you are unsure about getting a kill. A fail attempt will just put you even more behind
  • if they are 5man grouped to take dragon and you have no TP and can't join them, push the tower and try to trade tower for drake
  • don't forget to auto attack for harass. People in lower ELOs seem to just use a spell instead of spell+auto, which is a lot more damage
  • push for a faster lvl 6 than enemy laner if you play a strong lvl 6 champ like Annie, Ahri, Zed, Fizz to maybe abuse it and get a free kill on them
  • only roam if you can guarantee a kill. Don't waste your time going bot if you have no CC and can't make anything happen or you will lose too much farm
  • when you can't follow the enemy laner who left the lane to roam, push the lane and try to get his tower in return
  • if you have the champion to do so, farm the jungle (wraith/wolves) to get an advantage over the enemy laner
AD Carry
  • watch the health of your own minions and try to auto the enemy ad carry when he goes for a last hit. Either he will lose the trade because he goes for the last hit or he will lose the last hit
  • if the enemy bot lane is pushing hard for a lvl 2, try to counterpush and not get pushed in
  • if you can get lvl 2 before them, you can use this to your advantage and force a fight
  • it's smart to sacrifice some cs if you can harass them instead and win the lane because of this. But it's not a good idea to give cs up for free if you can't get an advantage out of it
  • watch the enemy items and try to trade with them if you know you can win. If you have a Doran + BF vs. 2 Doran + Lifesteal + Boots, you have a lot more damage and should win a fight. Be smart about something like this and use this to your advantage
  • if you have sustain by having lifesteal or with your support and the enemy doesn't have sustain, go for a lot of trades to slowly but surely get them low and force them out of lane
  • focussing the support is often a better choice if you can burst him down and the enemy ad carry has a strong escape that makes killing him hard. If you are a Graves+Blitz lane vs. Sona+Ezreal, grabbing Sona and going for her is the better choice
  • keep your farm up! dont stop farming just because you killed the tower and mid-game started
  • when teamfighting it's often better to play safe and hit what you can hit without putting yourself in danger than going for high priority targets and die
  • that doesn't mean you should focus the tanks all the time if there are other targets availabe to you that you can safely hit
  • practice orb walking and move between attacks to position yourself while still doing damage in fights
  • hit the towers when you are sieging late game and you can hit it. But don't risk getting caught so better safe than sorry
  • it's good to get defensive items when you are ahead and you can rely on your team to do damage
  • if your team doesn't have a lot of damage and your team is behind, you can't afford to get defensive items or you won't be able to win teamfights due to a lack of damage. You need to risk relying on your position and pray to survive
  • you can often win or lose the bottom lane by your playstyle alone
  • your auto attacks hurt a lot early levels, so use them on the enemy ad carry (or support) when they go for a last hit and are out of position
  • your main job in laning phase is to show presence. This is done by actively harassing them
  • remember to keep your wards up and tell the ad carry to back off or be careful when you leave the lane to ward or need to shop to get new wards
  • pink wards apply a lot of pressure. Use them and tell your jungler to gank especially when you are behind in lane: go get the pinks
  • when you need to base, help your ad carry to push the lane if he wants to leave the lane too but dont screw up his cs and attack minions that he isn't attacking
  • your #1 priority should be vision and map control in mid and end game
  • this means that rushing a sight stone is often your best choice
  • getting gp10 is okay but still remember to get your wards to be safe in lane till you get your sight stone
  • I see a lot of supports (especially Zyra) getting damage items. Thats fine but don't neglect vision for it
  • an early oracles in mid game can snowball the game a lot in your favour
  • if you have oracles, tell your team to group with you so you can clear the wards safely
  • just because you have sight stone doesn't mean you should stop buying regular wards. Keep buying and placing them
  • when you are behind in a game, a good tactic is to regain control of your jungle and hope for picks so you can get back into the game. This is done by buying oracles and a lot of wards and hope for a picks
  • if your jungler doesn't do it, keep timers for at least drakes and baron and tell your team when they're up
  • try to keep up in xp. Don't leave a lane when there are many creeps and soak up the xp
  • don't use your skills in teamfights instantly but instead save them for when you need them to peel for your ad carry. Using a random Janna Q won't help your team as much as having it available for when a Riven tries to assassinate your ad carry


mothman pls carry
Aren't you in Plat V? I should be saying that to you, boken pls.
A pretty good list of tips i stole from /u/tasi99 from reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueofleg...sic_tips_for_each_role_from_a_diamond_player/)

I saw this earlier, I recognize/know most of them but it's a bit harder to transition them into gameplay. Just gotta keep on practicing and utilizing them. Overall, these are very good tips. Everyone that wants to climb, should try to get familiar with these.


lol no boken is a lowly gold v with 0 LP

speaking of which i better play a game before i elo decay into silver

So what do you think Riot will do after S3? Soft reset elo? People go back a few divisions? Think I should climb as high as I can so next season, the climb is easier?


So what do you think Riot will do after S3? Soft reset elo? People go back a few divisions? Think I should climb as high as I can so next season, the climb is easier?
My theory is that enough stuff will change with the new season, I might as well start fresh. Plus it took way too much time to play it constantly.
So what do you think Riot will do after S3? Soft reset elo? People go back a few divisions? Think I should climb as high as I can so next season, the climb is easier?

I think there will be another way to decay from Gold V to Silver I (for example) than just inactivity.

If only because not being able to go down a tier promotes toxic behavior. (People in division V trolling games, etc)


So what do you think Riot will do after S3? Soft reset elo? People go back a few divisions? Think I should climb as high as I can so next season, the climb is easier?

they are going to soft reset like last season. This will not be dependant on your current division, but your current MMR. So people who got boosted to DiamondV and fell down to SilverII level MMR will soft reset like a SilverII.

and yes you should climb as high as you can so hopefully you skip a Div1 promo series

im just too busy/lazy to climb higher @@

damn pokemon and work and girls


I think there will be another way to decay from Gold V to Silver I than just inactivity.

If only because not being able to go down a tier promotes toxic behavior. (People in divison V trolling games, etc)

Very true, already seen some Garen2gs out there doing the, "drops bows on em" at top lane. They just don't give a fuck.
Very true, already seen some Garen2gs out there doing the, "drops bows on em" at top lane. They just don't give a fuck.

It would be cool if Riot made not being able to go down a tier some kind of reward for being sportsmanlike, or losing this "privilege"(of-not-decay) when you're toxic, although it could backfire, people always find a way to abuse a system.


It would be cool if Riot made not being able to go down a tier some kind of reward for being sportsmanlike, or losing this "privilege"(of-not-decay) when you're toxic, although it could backfire, people always find a way to abuse a system.
I thought it already worked that way, where if you get reported/punished/banned you can move down from gold to silver.


Well, I'm officially done with this game until they fix their 3.9 Comcast issue. Ever since the 3.9 patch in July, lots of Comcast users have been constantly getting disconnected. It's just not worth the hassle anymore.

I thought it was my modem or router or service or something. But then I realized it only crashes when I play League. So I taxed the hell out of my internet by streaming Twitch, Netflix, playing FFXIV, streaming music, and so on for an hour. Nothing crashed it. Second I get on League, my upstream power level shoots up to the 50s, which is dangerous for the modem. And, poof, it resets, I DC, and it's over.

Until it's fixed, I just can't play it. It's not worth getting disconnected every 5-10 minutes.


Slowly liking Ahri right before her nerf. Funny thing also, the whole enemy team was Silver I. Saw one that was in his promos too, sucks to get a loss there =/
Well, I'm officially done with this game until they fix their 3.9 Comcast issue. Ever since the 3.9 patch in July, lots of Comcast users have been constantly getting disconnected. It's just not worth the hassle anymore.

I thought it was my modem or router or service or something. But then I realized it only crashes when I play League. So I taxed the hell out of my internet by streaming Twitch, Netflix, playing FFXIV, streaming music, and so on for an hour. Nothing crashed it. Second I get on League, my upstream power level shoots up to the 50s, which is dangerous for the modem. And, poof, it resets, I DC, and it's over.

Until it's fixed, I just can't play it. It's not worth getting disconnected every 5-10 minutes.
Has Riot said anything about this?


Well, I'm officially done with this game until they fix their 3.9 Comcast issue. Ever since the 3.9 patch in July, lots of Comcast users have been constantly getting disconnected. It's just not worth the hassle anymore.

I thought it was my modem or router or service or something. But then I realized it only crashes when I play League. So I taxed the hell out of my internet by streaming Twitch, Netflix, playing FFXIV, streaming music, and so on for an hour. Nothing crashed it. Second I get on League, my upstream power level shoots up to the 50s, which is dangerous for the modem. And, poof, it resets, I DC, and it's over.

Until it's fixed, I just can't play it. It's not worth getting disconnected every 5-10 minutes.
Hasn't comcast been a running issue?
Might have to go all euw solution on NA servers eventually.

That or create usw and use. Not that Na is big enough for that.
Could just be an issue with the ISP/gateways/routing. Same thing happened in PH. The game servers well below half their load but there were constant disconnections during peak hours. They solved this by having a lot of talk with ISPs and cutting deals to increase bandwidth capacity for the gateway. It took a long time so the interim measure was to add a massive login queue. There was a queue nearly the entire day everyday.


Could just be an issue with the ISP/gateways/routing. Same thing happened in PH. The game servers well below half their load but there were constant disconnections during peak hours. They solved this by having a lot of talk with ISPs and cutting deals to increase bandwidth capacity for the gateway. It took a long time so the interim measure was to add a massive login queue. There was a queue nearly the entire day everyday.

tl;dr - ISP are dicks everywhere

non consumer version: ISP are businesses mang.

Man look.

If this had been a ranked game, I'da been pissed. Ya boi did work. I tried something new with that Impaler. Was not impressed. Though it did give me a little more than a free BF, the crit chance and armor really didn't justify the cost to me. I almost had enough for an IE and was going to replace it, but we really couldn't push out of the base for the last 20 minutes or so. Escaped with damn near no HP several times, but meh...we really didn't have the burst damage we needed. Ori didn't have the kind of offense we needed her to have, and I think buying the GA was a big mistake. It's not like she was being focused or dying repeatedly (6 deaths in an hour). I didn't look, but she couldn't have had more than 350 AP? And Udyr went much tanker than I expected him to go, but considering they were all AD and hitting hard, I don't blame him.

How would you guys have adjusted my build to be more effective? Other than the Impaler which was just an experiment? LW, perhaps?


Man look.

If this had been a ranked game, I'da been pissed. Ya boi did work. I tried something new with that Impaler. Was not impressed. Though it did give me a little more than a free BF, the crit chance and armor really didn't justify the cost to me. I almost had enough for an IE and was going to replace it, but we really couldn't push out of the base for the last 20 minutes or so. Escaped with damn near no HP several times, but meh...we really didn't have the burst damage we needed. Ori didn't have the kind of offense we needed her to have, and I think buying the GA was a big mistake. It's not like she was being focused or dying repeatedly (6 deaths in an hour). I didn't look, but she couldn't have had more than 350 AP? And Udyr went much tanker than I expected him to go, but considering they were all AD and hitting hard, I don't blame him.

How would you guys have adjusted my build to be more effective? Other than the Impaler which was just an experiment? LW, perhaps?
Must not make Garen pun >_<. Some people build Ghostblade on him, not sure how well that works.
Must not make Garen pun >_<. Some people build Ghostblade on him, not sure how well that works.

Oh does Garen have a reputation? You know I'm new, so if I should spend my top time with others, let me know. I've been working on my Riven as a "carry me out of low elo" champ, but she's not ready for prime time. My top Jayce is strong, but I tend to feel like a tanky bruiser is more often needed out of the top lane so I don't often pick him. IDK.

I must say, I've had fairly consistent results with Garen, mostly wins. My only death in the game I posted came in the first 4 minutes via gank. But idk what I should have done there. Maybe it was too much armor? I had almost 300dmg and some crit at the end which wasn't too bad for going full tank, I guess? But our team fight just didn't have any burst potential it seemed.

Did they just ignore you in team fights (1 death)?
Hell no. I escaped a majority of the big engagements with less than a few hundred hp thanks to the Q, flash and lanterns. But generally speaking, I know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em with Garen. I'm not suicidal with the spin. I stay until I know I can't safely stay longer (when those situations occur). Q is a damn fine escape, I might add. I do what I can to peel and get the high-value targets. Though Ez was very good at kiting, hence his low death count. Generally speaking, though, when you have like 80% damage redux you're pretty hard to kill. Can tank for quite awhile, and I did as much and as often as I could.

If Udyr was Vi or Sejunai or even Nautilus, we probably win that because we can get to Ezreal.


Oh does Garen have a reputation? You know I'm new, so if I should spend my top time with others, let me know. I've been working on my Riven as a "carry me out of low elo" champ, but she's not ready for prime time. My top Jayce is strong, but I tend to feel like a tanky bruiser is more often needed out of the top lane so I don't often pick him. IDK.
Meh, he has a little bit of a bad reputation, but I would consider him a solid champ. He counters a lot of top laners, especially someone like Riven.


I think all that armour garenteed him survival.

(Kill me now.)

Hell no. I escaped a majority of the big engagements with less than a few hundred hp thanks to the Q, flash and lanterns. But generally speaking, I know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em with Garen. I'm not suicidal with the spin. I stay until I know I can't safely stay longer (when those situations occur). Q is a damn fine escape, I might add. I do what I can to peel and get the high-value targets. Though Ez was very good at kiting, hence his low death count. Generally speaking, though, when you have like 80% damage redux you're pretty hard to kill. Can tank for quite awhile, and I did as much and as often as I could.

If Udyr was Vi or Sejunai or even Nautilus, we probably win that because we can get to Ezreal.
The reason I'm asking is that Thornmail would've been a great alternative given their team comp. Maybe swap it with Sunfire or Warmog.
Garen has some bad rep because he's a favorite champ for low levels along with the likes of Master Yi, Support Soraka and Jungle Warwick.

He's still a very strong laner who can snowball out of control. He scales really hard with so many stats. His biggest weakness is being prone to kiting. Even a Lv9 Vayne with 2-3 items can demolish a Lv18 6-item + pots Garen.


That feeling you get when you dive an annie, spell shield her oh shit tibbers i choose you cast and then murder her as Nocturne.

Also, when you paranoia, can that stop Shen from doing his Ult? Because that explains a few things about some teamfights i had
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