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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Everything is moe to me

boken are you proud of me?
Damn it. Every time I get around +12 wins in 3v3's, I start getting matched with outrageously noobish noobs.

My last game, Elise goes 0/12. First time Elise. Why? lol I just offered some encouragement and sent him on his way.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
well thats a slightly risque click
i wanted the actual art tho

That's tumblr for you.

I'm sure there are renders around here and there but I can't find it atm.
Unless I'm completely overlooking starting AD/Armor values, a Health potion should handle about ~60% of the damage of a Spear during the cooldown and his Q should deal with the rest fine. It's not like Renekton NEEDS full HP to do his all-in off an early 2. I don't like dealing with Pantheon in lane, sure, but I don't necessarily find him to be an impossible to surpass hurdle. That's all.

Panth with an early Level 2 is absolutely stupid though. I can agree with that. It's pretty much decided by whichever side 2s first and I do agree that Pantheon has it easier against most people since people run scared from his Q.

Panth has higher base armor and health than Rene, but slightly lower AD. His AA does 50.7 damage and Rene's does 53.12 while his Q does 60 base and 90 empowered on an 8 second cooldown. However, because of Panth's passive, Rene will have several AAs blocked outright. Even if he's constantly chugging potions, he'll need to get a good Q heal off to stay topped.

Q cooldown is 4 seconds base and I run CDR blues + 3% from masteries. It's 65 damage per shot and I go flask to throw it constantly, and I'm always at full health. Pot heals 150 over 15 seconds, which is at least 3 spears assuming good timing, 195 damage. If Rene waits for pot, he is going to miss creeps, lose fury, and Panth will get level 2 first.

If Panth gets level 2 first, the lane is lost without a solid gank/kill. Your only option is to let him push you to tower and farm there or die. If he gets to tower, his jungle/lane ganks will surely set the rest of your team behind. He can also farm single targets in the jungle really fast.

So basically, Panth cannot be beaten by Rene without some bad play/cheese ichor strat or something like that. And he snowballs the game just from that first push if you play it right.

However, he falls off late game so you HAVE to do well early, so it's a bit of a risk. In my experience, no one knows how to deal with that harsh early pressure and you get ahead way more often than not.

Would you trade off Panth's W stun for the ability to ward jump? I would and maybe give it a super short slow duration.

No, Panth without a stun is crippled.


Panth has higher base armor and health than Rene, but slightly lower AD. His AA does 50.7 damage and Rene's does 53.12 while his Q does 60 base and 90 empowered on an 8 second cooldown.

I was referring to starting bonus AD for figuring out the top-end of Spear Shot's Level 1 damage (which I was calculating at ~95 pre-Armor, ~65 post).

If Rene waits for pot, he is going to miss creeps, lose fury, and Panth will get level 2 first.

I mean, it's not like Potion breaks on damage.


Everything is moe to me
sightstone section

sightstone getting more upgrades? one with pink wards? or retard pink wards that last 1 minute?

or maybe a support item with vision dust like grez' lantern??
or maybe a support item that gives team stealth in a region like akali shroud???
or maybe its something like lightbringer so supports can buy what they want.


or maybe its something like lightbringer so supports can buy what they want.

thats what i mean by grez' spectral lantern.

"Reusable items that grant or deny vision"
just sounds like sightstones though. since it has a whole section, there might be new kinds now.

im thinking the base sightstone has the "vision dust" effect - then you can upgrade for regular wards 3 minutes, or upgrade to retard pink wards with say 1 minute length
Amusingly, Lucian is competitive viable already

Have you seen any interesting builds? My favorite that I've been experimenting with so far is something close to "Cleaver Fever"/Curse of the Sad Bullet Time era Miss Fortune: BT, Black Cleaver, Last Whisper, as the core. Usually try to snake some extra CDR (early-ish Spirit Visage if they're magic-heavy, otherwise a Zephyr), since a lot of it is built around getting The Culling down to a short enough CD where it can be used for harass.

Despite building like MF, it plays more like Trinity Force Ezreal: rarely auto-attacking except when weaving abilities to cull passive procs, which is where the real damage comes from - lots of popping a Q/W, tagging someone with the passive, and then dashing back out to better positioning.

There's still some team fight problems with a lot of compositions, but it works well with the poke-heavy comps that are coming back into fashion, like Nidalee teams. Low CD Culling with a heavy AD focus can be crazy obnoxious during tower stands.


Have you seen any interesting builds? My favorite that I've been experimenting with so far is something close to "Cleaver Fever"/Curse of the Sad Bullet Time era Miss Fortune: BT, Black Cleaver, Last Whisper, as the core. Usually try to snake some extra CDR (early-ish Spirit Visage if they're magic-heavy, otherwise a Zephyr), since a lot of it is built around getting The Culling down to a short enough CD where it can be used for harass.

Despite building like MF, it plays more like Trinity Force Ezreal: rarely auto-attacking except when weaving abilities to cull passive procs, which is where the real damage comes from - lots of popping a Q/W, tagging someone with the passive, and then dashing back out to better positioning.

There's still some team fight problems with a lot of compositions, but it works well with the poke-heavy comps that are coming back into fashion, like Nidalee teams. Low CD Culling with a heavy AD focus can be crazy obnoxious during tower stands.
MVP blue runs him in a tower push comp with trinity force and used his ult to clear minion waves so they could take pot shots at the tower with the trinity force proc
I dunno about normals, but Lucian cleans up in ARAM with Ghostblade and Black Cleaver. Activating Ghostblade before The Culling when the other team is grouped up is brutal.
MVP blue runs him in a tower push comp with trinity force and used his ult to clear minion waves so they could take pot shots at the tower with the trinity force proc

Yeah, he really shines in tower sieges. You just have to move up with the wave, shoot off a starburst and shoot the tower with proc, dash back out. Do it two or three times and like clockwork one of the enemy carries will move up too close and just stay there the next time you come in, obviously expecting you to do it again; Lightbringer, dash for positioning, Culling backward on your way out of tower range. They end up too damaged to stick around if not dead.

I'm still on the fence with Triforce, though. The way it works alongside his passive makes it seem obvious, but he just scales so much harder off AD/ArPen that the actual stat itemization on it is pretty lackluster. You definitely get more stand-up team fight damage with it, but I feel like the siege potential suffers. I suppose it does transition better in late game six-item situations, though, since you're going to want to slide into more AS late for the multiplicative scaling.


Tragic victim of fan death
I don't really get it... maybe the algorithm is just too whacked because of the games I've played? Idk. I can see scy's perfectly fine even though he just started ranked. It can't be due to the amount of games played.

It says that you need your last ten games to be ranked so that could be why.
Edit: Beaten.

Oh. That's what you mean. LOL. I fail.


That site doesn't work for me Panda! It says insufficient information!
play more ranked games.
Yeah, he really shines in tower sieges. You just have to move up with the wave, shoot off a starburst and shoot the tower with proc, dash back out. Do it two or three times and like clockwork one of the enemy carries will move up too close and just stay there the next time you come in, obviously expecting you to do it again; Lightbringer, dash for positioning, Culling backward on your way out of tower range. They end up too damaged to stick around if not dead.

I'm still on the fence with Triforce, though. The way it works alongside his passive makes it seem obvious, but he just scales so much harder off AD/ArPen that the actual stat itemization on it is pretty lackluster. You definitely get more stand-up team fight damage with it, but I feel like the siege potential suffers. I suppose it does transition better in late game six-item situations, though, since you're going to want to slide into more AS late for the multiplicative scaling.

None of lucians spells have low enough CD to fully ulitize triforce imo
in terms of triforce, yes - in a team fight, trinity force is lackluster constant damage output in comparison to a pure ADC build. In terms of doing burst damage onto a tower though, trinity force is amazing.

I just had an amazing champion idea

So a jungler/bruiser robot with two drills for arms, or a yordle in a drillbot or a monster with a drill nose - either way...

E - Donno charges forward with his drill - knocking everything aside slightly and slowing them. (now here for the SPECIAL SAUCE) This ability can pass through terrain - if this occurs, Donno creates tunnel entrances on either side of the terrain for 5s - if a (friendly or hostile) champion clicks on a tunnel entrance, they are transported to the other side after a short delay.

holy shit, riot hire me. I also have other great ideas.


1527. I am beyond my league! Lol. Not by much. Too many ups and downs. Need a streak. Actually need to play more than 3 games a week.


I love come-from-behind games after they're over, but during them it's soooooo stressful.

Nami (me), Fid jungle, Renekton top, TF mid, and Quinn ADC vs Sona, Kennen top, Fizz mid, Riven jungle, Vayne ADC. Vayne got super fed off of the Riven jungle at one point (was 8-2) while our ADC was 2/5. Renekton was fine against Kennen, but our TF was having a little trouble against Fizz (not a ton though). They were pushing our turrets hard and got a mid inhib at about 18 minutes.

The enemy team proceeded to keep all of our lanes pushed; we would win every teamfight during every siege but wouldn't be able to take advantage of it due to our mid inhib constantly going up and down. Their downfall was letting us live and get fed off of the CS for long enough to be able to ace them, run to baron, and take a few towers. Except our inhib went down again during this and we were forced to get back into base.

This situation repeats itself for another 15 or so minutes before I call Renekton to come with me to baron, I shoot a ward into the pit and he instantly dives it and steals baron at the very last second; clutch play. He escapes, we regroup, push mid, ace (at their OUTER mid turret, mind you), and manage to push in and kill their nexus. By the time we got the nexus down to a quarter health left, their entire team had respawned and were desperately trying to finish us off before we finished the game. It was just me and TF still standing, but we did it.

I don't like to take credit for wins as it as a whole WAS a team effort, but that clutch Baron pit ward and Renekton steal was probably what got us the win. So I'll share it with the lizard.


I don't really get it... maybe the algorithm is just too whacked because of the games I've played? Idk. I can see scy's perfectly fine even though he just started ranked. It can't be due to the amount of games played.

Speaking of, I went from vs Plats to vs Silvers.

man, I threw hard in my placements


But Boken, they already made Thresh. (PS: Riot he's right, make Jungle Thresh.)

nono the only counterplay thresh lantern has is to put wards down on the lantern!

the tunnel created allows both enemies AND foes to enter

im not sure whether to create a large noise (audible in FOW - to allow the enemy team to know that he has used his drill to enter their jungle - so level 1 cheese less OP)

Boken, are you high?

no what
tell me how my idea is not AMAZING


Rereading my post and thinking about the game, I realized that I stepped up and became the play caller. We weren't very communicative verbally outside of the time I called Renekton for the baron steal and my call to immediately b and push mid. I knew that we won every team fight, so with baron I knew that there was no way we'd be stopped if we all just grouped and pushed. First time I ever really did play caller, but it worked well once I stepped into the role.
But what if you fire skillshots into the tunnel? I'd worry if it makes people untargetable that it would create zany team fights that require Yakkity Sax.


The last match I played we were losing hard, but we managed to get a good teamfight off. The enemy Draven and me (Jinx) were the last two standing. Draven was low, so he flashed and tried to run away. I shot him in the back with a max range W and he died, I pushed to nexus and won. I feel so wrong.

Rereading my post and thinking about the game, I realized that I stepped up and became the play caller. We weren't very communicative verbally outside of the time I called Renekton for the baron steal and my call to immediately b and push mid. I knew that we won every team fight, so with baron I knew that there was no way we'd be stopped if we all just grouped and pushed. First time I ever really did play caller, but it worked well once I stepped into the role.
Refreshing to hear. Most of your posts are about the horrors of ranked and the legion of crappy ADCs :p.
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