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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Having a mid laner dc for 20minutes in a no ADC team is not that great.

Not even going 14-0 with 3 turrets could snowball the game enough.


Screw ratios and numbers - these dont change why Kassadin fundamentally is snowbally. You know how I think Riot can balance Kassadin?

- Remove the slow and the cooldown on his E - increase the required stack to 9.
- Move the slow from his E to his ult and make it decay over duration. This way if Kassadin wants to go aggressive - he MUST jump on top of his target - putting him in more danger than before.

the whole point of these changes is so that Kassadin can stand on the outside of a teamfight if he wants (and be a shitty mage) - but if he wants to jump in to go for a target, he must land on top of them, allowing the enemy team to respond better. Instead, right now, kassadin just blinks to 500 range away from his target, a quick Q and E and just walks away while his target slowed and their support is out of range. No more I say. No more.

omg so good
riot hire me pls i have even more amazing ideas, such as a drill yordle.
omg so good
riot hire me pls i have even more amazing ideas, such as a drill yordle.

Hey, woah. We go 50/50 on the drill yordle. I'm your contract negotiator.

You're right, though. I actually don't see Kassadin using Riftwalk onto people that often, even when he's mopping up after a team fight or a messy jungle skirmish. The likelihood of him being in range for it before he's in range to just blow someone away with Q + E is always pretty low, whether chasing or just trying to stay out of the range of enemy carries until ready to strike.

I'm not sure that raising the required stacks on his E is a viable solution, though. That makes his already-painful laning almost completely untenable. I mean, it would certainly stop him from snowballing, but more by making him completely unplayable due to a disastrously miserable early laning phase than cutting off his snowball.

The main problem is and probably always will be his Q. An on-click, high damage CC is already pretty crummy, but put it on a champion who can literally just pop it and then warp away - or warp into range and pop it immediately - removes even the semblance of positional counterplay. Kassadin gets to silence you and nuke off your lifebar whenever the hell he feels like it, and you get no say in the matter. It's bad for the family; it's bad for the kids.


Hey, woah. We go 50/50 on the drill yordle. I'm your contract negotiator.

You're right, though. I actually don't see Kassadin using Riftwalk onto people that often, even when he's mopping up after a team fight or a messy jungle skirmish. The likelihood of him being in range for it before he's in range to just blow someone away with Q + E is always pretty low, whether chasing or just trying to stay out of the range of enemy carries until ready to strike.

I'm not sure that raising the required stacks on his E is a viable solution, though. That makes his already-painful laning almost completely untenable. I mean, it would certainly stop him from snowballing, but more by making him completely unplayable due to a disastrously miserable early laning phase than cutting off his snowball.

The main problem is and probably always will be his Q. An on-click, high damage CC is already pretty crummy, but put it on a champion who can literally just pop it and then warp away - or warp into range and pop it immediately - removes even the semblance of positional counterplay. Kassadin gets to silence you and nuke off your lifebar whenever the hell he feels like it, and you get no say in the matter. It's bad for the family; it's bad for the kids.

i had a yordle in a drill bot in my original brief

his laning is already miserable. teams frequently 2v1 him. there is nothing more miserable than that. though i thought his current stack requirement was 7, so maybe i went a little high. 8 then. and in terms of wave clear, his E was a terrible choice for his laning phase. it was mostly used to hit lost last hits - makes no difference in that mode of use.

if kassadin only had his Q, he would suck. alone, it doesnt do enough damage to kill a yordle.

so yeah, its his ult that is the problem - allowing him to "just walk away" after he does his stuff. the fact that you "get no say in the matter" is because you cant even chase him after he does his rotation - cos ur slowed. hence why removing hte slow on his E is a good choice as it allows the victim to chase him if they think its a good idea. Right now, the slow means that even an ADC has issues dealing meaningful damage to kassadin before he walks away.
so yeah, its his ult that is the problem - allowing him to "just walk away" after he does his stuff. the fact that you "get no say in the matter" is because you cant even chase him after he does his rotation - cos ur slowed. hence why removing hte slow on his E is a good choice as it allows the victim to chase him if they think its a good idea. Right now, the slow means that even an ADC has issues dealing meaningful damage to kassadin before he walks away.

I say we get weird, here. Let's dig in and make something interesting out of the "nerf" rather than straight-up neutering him. There's a lot about his kit as it stands that isn't spectacular to begin with, so it can be a two birds with one stone sort of situation.

Force Pulse's original intended design with the "stacks" mechanic was to be an anti-mage spell: you cast a lot of spells around Kassadin and he punishes you for it. There's a lot of problems with that, though. The first is that it's inherently "unfair"; a Cassiopeia, Veigar, or Ryze are going to play into it, but a Lux is relatively "safe" since she doesn't roll out the full combo unless she fishes for a binding and turns something up? That's kind of weird, right - is Lux not a mage enough to get anti-mage'd?

That's aside from the fact that the "anti-mage" concept has had to be seriously downplayed over time, anyway. The way the game has evolved, there isn't really much room for a hard-counter champion or a rock-paper-scissors role arrangement*, and so Kassadin's become this all-around brutal assassin with ever-decreasing vestiges of a kit tuned to fight other mages. Let's look at what of those we really need to keep to maintain the "identity" of his kit, and what's fat to trim.

I'm thinking if you want to keep the idea that Force Pulse punishes people for casting around Kassadin, you can do that a better way. How about this: rather than a slow, being hit with Force Pulse increases the cooldown of any spells you currently don't have off cooldown by a short duration. This retains both the "flavor" of the ability - that it's some kind of anti-magic thing - and has direct relevance to his kit - it works better if you jump on someone who's already blown all their CDs and then hit them with it, which is how assassin Kassadin generally wants to play in team fights.

The slow goes away. Kassadin has Riftwalk, he doesn't need a slow. He's not here to set up the kill for other people, he's getting it himself or not at all. There's a little bit of psychology added to his lane game, as suddenly you have to be more aware of how you're managing your CDs around him, and the Kassadin player reaps the benefit of learning his opponent's CDs and finding optimal patterns to harass in them.

The Null Sphere's still a problem, but one step at a time. Don't just go at the Force Pulse with a knife, let's renovate that shit. Make it something that actually fits the desired play pattern, aesthetics, and kit conveyance of the champion.
You're killing him, Boken. Killing him!

(But seriously, though, if you're going to make major alterations to his kit, you could do a lot of good there while balancing him out. He's pretty messy at the moment.)


This Akali on the other team reported me last night because I had too much hp at lvl 11 as Garen. Something about me being a hacker and riot is going to ban me for life..

In other news, I love playing Shyvana (top more than jung). I've just been building tanky and it's worked out fine so far. Anyone have any suggestions for more of a damage build?
In other news, I love playing Shyvana. I've just been building tanky (top more than jung) and it's worked out fine so far. Anyone have any suggestions for more of a damage build?

Try building a Ravenous Hydra. The synergy with Shyvana's kit (especially her dragon form abilities) is very high, it gives good lane sustain, and the added wave clear can be useful for a lot of match-ups. You can usually do enough with just that and a Sunfire Cape to not need any more offensive items. A Spirit Visage also has some pseudo-offensive benefits since CDR does so much with Shyvana's resource system. Depending on the lane match-up, you can usually build the Hydra early, even first-build it.

I suppose a Brutalizer -> Black Cleaver also has a lot of merits, but in most situations you would probably be better served with a Randuin's than a second AD item.


Try building a Ravenous Hydra. The synergy with Shyvana's kit (especially her dragon form abilities) is very high, it gives good lane sustain, and the added wave clear can be useful for a lot of match-ups. You can usually do enough with just that and a Sunfire Cape to not need any more offensive items. A Spirit Visage also has some pseudo-offensive benefits since CDR does so much with Shyvana's resource system. Depending on the lane match-up, you can usually build the Hydra early, even first-build it.

I suppose a Brutalizer -> Black Cleaver also has a lot of merits, but in most situations you would probably be better served with a Randuin's than a second AD item.

Thanks. I'll give Hydra a shot tonight when I play. I was going Sunfire then Spirit Visage. More often than not my games have been ending before I can complete another item. How about Wits End? I figure that could be nice against AP, or would Spirit Visage be enough?
Thanks. I'll give Hydra a shot tonight when I play. I was going Sunfire then Spirit Visage. More often than not my games have been ending before I can complete another item. How about Wits End? I figure that could be nice against AP, or would Spirit Visage be enough?

I haven't seen someone build a Wit's End in a hot minute, not since the Season 3 item changes, I think. (Shen used to build it pretty commonly for split-pushing.) Shyvana would be a decent candidate for it, in terms of using the itemization, but it's probably an inferior choice to the SV in most situations.

The SV will actually increase your lifesteal gain and health regen from the Hydra in addition to reducing CDs, which have a lot of value for Shyvana since she's a "rage" type resource champion. Plus the health on it works well with the natural resistances Dragon's Descent provides, kit-wise. Normally, SV and the built-in kit MR will be enough, especially if you're running Merc Treads for the Tenacity.


yea i dont know why you wouldnt screenshot something like that - you couldve put it on reddit for 1000s of internet points

hows hearthstone dimb


you know who's crazy?

riot is fucking crazy

here is an s4 test game

did they remove ward item from the game or something? please no

id rather limited ward counts and vision items

Riot's crazy. Going to be interesting.


im just confused

part of me thinks that thats just a "muck around" game since 73 kills in 32 minutes just doesnt happen

but if its a muck around game why are there so few new items - does that just mean there really arent any new items?

1. there arent new items and they were mucking around to test the new jungle
2. there are new items and they were playing serious and champion kills are worth 600g or something


I haven't seen someone build a Wit's End in a hot minute, not since the Season 3 item changes, I think. (Shen used to build it pretty commonly for split-pushing.) Shyvana would be a decent candidate for it, in terms of using the itemization, but it's probably an inferior choice to the SV in most situations.

The SV will actually increase your lifesteal gain and health regen from the Hydra in addition to reducing CDs, which have a lot of value for Shyvana since she's a "rage" type resource champion. Plus the health on it works well with the natural resistances Dragon's Descent provides, kit-wise. Normally, SV and the built-in kit MR will be enough, especially if you're running Merc Treads for the Tenacity.

Wit's End has been in a not-so-great spot ever since BotRK got introduced.

I've found Wit's End nice on Gangplank.

Actually, I use 3 Lifesteal quints on my ad page. So SV should be pretty nice with that.


So after a few days break I kind of began to miss League (shocking) and decided I'd jump back into ranked. I was going to try to care less if I lost but just play champs that I really think are fun. And besides that, I really want the new Elise skin, so if I happen to stumble into gold then that will just be icing! I mean hell, I hardly even remember why I qu-


Yet I'm the noob for questioning MF's summoner selection (very politely!) because "everyone knows MF has mana problems". I didn't even catch what she said about her tele. I was already in a daze. As always, I tried to be the best teammate possible and keep morale high.

I'll be damned if it wasn't still a fun game though.

Edit: Next game, Gangplank first ban.


5 wins out of 5 games in the last 24 hour period. Just finished a game where the entire other team was silver (and little bronze 3 me). I was Ahri against Morgana, and she was constantly missing every single skillshot. Bad plays all around.

You silver boys ain't so scary.

Still scared to end this hot streak, just qualified to get back where I started on this whole damn journey.

Edit: I'm convinced the secret to my success is to only play from 10:00PM PST into the wee early morning hours.


Edit: Next game, Gangplank first ban.

Crazy bans like that usually come about from people who just came off of a bad, bad game with that champion tearing shit up, lol.



kass doesn't seem that great in team fights. he can use his combo on a few people and silence one, but once you ult into a team you will get blown up. or do you walk in and ult out? yesterday i would ult into every team fight and blow my spells then within 2 seconds i had to use zhonyas so i wouldn't die, but died anyway. he's a melee caster and you will die if you get close.

Bob White

Any Zyra tips playing her support? What I do is go for E, see if it hits, then W Q. Is this how its done? Doesn't really feel strong. Like, if I miss the E, enemy can just go in for free.


Here's a fancy Zyra tip: W after Q or E. Putting a seed down kind of telegraphs where you're going to use your skill and gives the other team an extra split second to start moving away. As long as you press W before the Q pops or the E reaches the seed you'll still get the plant. Probably a lot harder to do if you don't smart/quick cast.
kass doesn't seem that great in team fights. he can use his combo on a few people and silence one, but once you ult into a team you will get blown up. or do you walk in and ult out? yesterday i would ult into every team fight and blow my spells then within 2 seconds i had to use zhonyas so i wouldn't die, but died anyway. he's a melee caster and you will die if you get close.

You only ult in if you've got a chance to hit a 3-5 target Force Pulse or unload a full combo on a priority target, and have either Flash or Zhonya's to deal with avoiding the reprisal. Otherwise, you skirt the edge of the team fight, picking off anyone who strays away from the rest of the team (a badly damaged support flashing over a wall, the enemy AP who's already blown their CC/Ult and is too far away for teammates to support, etc.) until people start getting low enough for you to just roll your way through them one after another.

You generally don't melee in a team fight unless the enemy team's in complete retreat and you're just having fun with the stragglers. Your range is the range of your ability combo, not the range of your auto-attack.

That's for an actual team fight, obviously. If you're talking about a siege or a "dance", you're mainly just waiting for the moment to capitalize on someone getting caught out of position. Preferentially, someone else on your team does the actual catch - an Elisse Cocoon, a Zyra root, etc. - and you just use your ability to Riftwalk in and drop your combo to blow them up. Then you either follow standard hit-and-run Kassadin team fight procedure (if they respond), or Riftwalk after them and try to slow one or two with a Force Pulse to generate an extra pick (if they retreat).

The in-and-out is where it's at. You've got a ton of damage on just your Q and E because of the way Kassadin's kit is tuned. You don't need to be trying to R onto people or bashing away with constant auto-attacks to completely dominate a team fight. I know, it's counter-intuitive and absolutely not conveyed well by his kit; it's one of the reasons I feel his design is very sloppy.


Any Zyra tips playing her support?

1. You've got a good auto-attack range, use it. It's easy to get too focused on trying to make a pick with your E and forget that you have very safe, reliable harass just due to range.

2. Use plants to screen for you when you're moving to place a ward or scout a bush with Oracle's. Place them in front of you on the probable path where an enemy skillshot (Thresh hook, Ahri Charm, etc.) would come from and you can safely get close enough to the bush to drop a ward without getting support shanked.

3. Use plants to screen for yourself/your carry when retreating back under tower. The same basic concept as above: predictive plant placement can intercept enemy skillshots.

4. Use plants to siege towers. You can throw up a plant or two under turret to artificially "extend" your minion wave to get more hits on the tower (if, for instance, you just forced the enemy laners to back and have free tower damage), or grow them in the path of the incoming minion wave to slow them down on their way to the tower so that your minions get into range of it (if you're trying to deny CS in a similar situation and reset the wave). Late game, you can also use them to get your ADC a few free shots on turret during a tower siege.

5. As nice as it is to keep seeds loaded and ready to go, remember that you can use them as crap wards in a pinch. Throw one in tribush while you're pushing a tower or death bush while you're doing Baron.

6. Remember that your Stranglethorns is a zoning tool. As nice as it is to get damage off of it or sprout a couple of souped-up death plants, priority number one is getting it down where it needs to be, when it needs to be there. Don't sacrifice optimal positioning or timeliness to try and squeak out a little extra damage. Just make sure it's providing the necessary disengage/counter-engage for your team.

7. Don't let Annie eat your lunch.
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