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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
The best way to rank up is probably to play support.

For silver and above, yes. In bronze people are just too incompetent to properly support.

Your best bet is to just play Top/Mid and snowball like crazy.


The best way to rank up is probably to play support.

Yup, and jungle, as long as you have a proper understanding of what to do as a jungler.

But support definitely with basic knowledge on the other matchup and etc, you can definitely get out of bronze/silver that way. I did for sure.
The best way to rank up is probably to play support.

On the contrary, I'd say top and jungle -- in that order -- are the best ways to move up. Junglers can control a game and top is probably the easiest location to snowball with someone who can carry a game if you're skilled.


hi new people

btw, everybody should refrain from spending any IP Before the season 4 patch

there will be new runes, and new OP champions.

gotta save dat gold


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think it is really hard to carry from the jungle. Easier as support. Honestly role isn't super important. You just gotta win games and play smart lots.


Guys, I'm getting a bit disheartened. I'm tired of matches ending like this, where I have a great game, but my team sucks so bad that we lose. It's the point where this happens almost every game. We lost the game from the pic below (I was Katarina).


What do you do? I'm clearly far more skilled and make better decisions than the majority of the people I play with, but ranking up to level 30 is so long of a process that I don't know that I have the patience to hang in there.

I get that this is free to play and they want you to buy boosts and such, but man, I don't know about being able to hack it for another 15 levels.

Any advice?
Guys, I'm getting a bit disheartened. I'm tired of matches ending like this, where I have a great game, but my team sucks so bad that we lose. It's the point where this happens almost every game. We lost the game from the pic below (I was Katarina).


What do you do? I'm clearly far more skilled and make better decisions than the majority of the people I play with, but ranking up to level 30 is so long of a process that I don't know that I have the patience to hang in there.

I get that this is free to play and they want you to buy boosts and such, but man, I don't know about being able to hack it for another 15 levels.

Any advice?[/QUOTE]
Get yourself to level 30.

Don't worry about winning and losing. Just focus on addressing all the things you could be doing better. Find some part of your game and work on it. Maybe work on a new role. Try playing that well as a support. Or a top brusier.


Guys, I'm getting a bit disheartened. I'm tired of matches ending like this, where I have a great game, but my team sucks so bad that we lose. It's the point where this happens almost every game. We lost the game from the pic below (I was Katarina).


What do you do? I'm clearly far more skilled and make better decisions than the majority of the people I play with, but ranking up to level 30 is so long of a process that I don't know that I have the patience to hang in there.

I get that this is free to play and they want you to buy boosts and such, but man, I don't know about being able to hack it for another 15 levels.

Any advice?
match making is still used at lower levels. theres no rush to level 30

if you are confident in your skill you will eventually get more and more match making points and no longer play with bad people
I would say that if you're confident that you're legitimately a better player than the league you're grouped in, you should be playing mid. Roam heavily to influence other lanes and secure objectives. The amount of control that a roaming mid has over the early/mid game is hard to match, and you can usually close out a solo queue game by intimidating alone if the other team has a miserable lane phase.

Top can be very hard to influence an otherwise losing game from unless you play split-pushing monster carries (Tryndamere, Aatrox, etc.) or late game hyper-carries (Jax). I think the biggest mistake would be to think that a team-fighting top (Rumble, Vlad, Kennen, etc.) will let you carry games you otherwise would have lost; by the time you hit your team fighting power level and top lane ends, the morale hit your teammates have taken due to losing their lane is often too much for them to recover from even if you're stomping out of top as a monster.

Teleport tops (Malphite, Singed, Shen) can also give you a bit more "top carry" power than normal, but honestly if you're looking to influence the map primarily by supporting other lanes you should probably just be playing jungle if possible.


My name is the same as it is here, if anyone is curious... I don't think I'm too great with any role.

In my experience (which is admittedly limited compared to most here) I find top easiest to take a game over with, usually Tryn or Yi.

Been really liking Jungle Nasus as of late, but it's frustrating when people don't follow up on a gank and just watch me die helplessly as I wither away an opponent to almost nothing while the laner/s just sit and watch... Then the game de-evolves into a shit talking fest which I sometimes find so entertaining I can't help but to engage in.

Like many mired in bronze, I can have my great games and my absolute shit games. If I'm against a tanky top such as Renekton or Garen I get my ass kicked.

What should I be focusing on during my games? How does one gauge if they're 'getting better'? Is it CS? Warding? Matchups? Mechanics?

Help me suck less.


I love Fiora on top, actually. Have had some HUGE games playing with her up there because of her Repost ability. I love getting a kill when they're really low and I'm really low and on the run and I cast Repost as they try to hit me from range and kills them instead. Pretty funny stuff.

Also, once she gets fed, her burst and 1-on-1 fights are amazing. I never lose 1-on-1s with her after the lane phase unless it's against a really fed player.


Didn't screen cap, but was Cait against a Jinx/Taric bot lane. That shit is hard yo, as long as one of them snares/stuns, the other can follow up for easy chain CC. Annie kept on dieing because of that, but our Jax top just went ham after triforce/gunblade. I did well too, but kept on dieing to Karth R/Defile.

Remember kids, don't stand in the circle...
I'm playing a lot of Jarvan top lane, I'd say he's pretty good at carrying with depending on the team comp. I just had a game with him where I went 8-1-14 with him where I crushed the enemy Jax up top.

You have so much teamfight presence, especially if you are ahead. You can peel really well for your teammates and you become so tanky late game.

Generally I just rush hydra if I'm ahead, then cleaver/randuins/spirit vis.

Best thing about Jarvan top is that it's possibly the safest laner in the game, imo he's the top lane equivalent to Zed in that you can do well almost against anyone, except for maybe Yorick and Vladimr.

I would hate to try carry from bot lane though. If you are adc and your support is trash (I don't been slightly bad, I mean a Sona that is positioning herself in the middle of the creep wave ahead of me against a zyra+vayne combo and going 0-3 before I've had a chance to do anything) you're screwed. A good support can do a better job carrying an adc assuming they're not dreadful I guess.

I'd definitely say top and mid are the easiest to carry from just because you have far more control over how well you do than if you play bot lane or jungler.
I love Fiora on top, actually.


Have had some HUGE games playing with her up there because of her Repost ability. I love getting a kill when they're really low and I'm really low and on the run and I cast Repost as they try to hit me from range and kills them instead. Pretty funny stuff.

Also, once she gets fed, her burst and 1-on-1 fights are amazing. I never lose 1-on-1s with her after the lane phase unless it's against a really fed player.

Riposte, as in a counter-attack following a parry. Fiora still isn't allowed to post the same thing repeatedly without attracting moderator attention. As with most of the "melee carries" (Trynd, Yi, Aatrox if you build him that way) she has a lot of potential to take over a game completely, but she can become a really risky pick because of some extremely poor match-ups. The plus side is that she's a rare enough pick that most people you play against probably won't know (or at least be practiced on) good counter-picks.

The addition of the Ravenous Hydra did help her a lot more than most other top laners due to her already having one of the best Tiamat itemization levels. I've been meaning to try her with BotRK to try and make up for her lack of "stickiness" versus some team comps, but I never really got around to it, I suppose. Mostly because Jax came back before I got around to it, and he's basically Fiora +1 as it stands.


Jungle will always have the most influence on a game in my eyes.

Early game+dragons means the whole game 90% of the time.


Gotta wake up in a few hours. Played a bit of Fire Emblem and then realized I wasn't sleep at all. Back at the desk now...about to do what I know what to do lol.
Yup. 6 dorans blade Cait OP.

Also why isn't irelia considered op? shes got it all...

She's not bad with new Trinity Force, but Jax is just plain better, and they fill an almost-identical role in terms of both lane match-ups and team compositions. I still recommend picking up playing her if you're a person who mainly focuses on Jax in top, because there's decent transferability between the two and she's a lot less likely to be picked/banned. You can even play her into a Jax if you're confident in your mechanics.


Jungle will always have the most influence on a game in my eyes.

Early game+dragons means the whole game 90% of the time.

Yea, I think so too. A scary jungler will not only completely f*ck over the enemy jungler and make it safe for less skilled players to overextend with little backlash, but is capable of punishing anyone who dares to overextend on the enemy team while their lane opponent is gone. A fed monster who can show up in any lane "anytime" is the answer to low elo hell where wards are few and map awareness is generally poor.


Are you going to learn the game in the process of levelling up to 30? Yesterday I played some normals with a friend of mine who is gold, so we got matched up with silver players and what have you. There seemed to be alot more going on with strategies and positioning which was crucial to the match. Things that I just don't see or use when matched up with people from 9-12.
Brutal match. :(

Riven+Pantheon top against Jax. Failed my first top gank. Lee kept counterjungling me along with Riven or Panth (or both). I dunno what they have against me since they also kept burning spells and ults just to kill me/chase in the jungle. Even teammates noticed this. Barely escaped a lot of times. Thankfully Quinn was always there for cleanup duty and I had good coordination with Ori. They didn't buy many wards either. Ended up winning.

Are you going to learn the game in the process of levelling up to 30? Yesterday I played some normals with a friend of mine who is gold, so we got matched up with silver players and what have you. There seemed to be alot more going on with strategies and positioning which was crucial to the match. Things that I just don't see or use when matched up with people from 9-12.
They generally get better. You also see less smurfs until you hit 30. The long path to Lv30 is there for a reason. Sadly there are still Lv30s who play worse than Lv20s.


Are you going to learn the game in the process of levelling up to 30? Yesterday I played some normals with a friend of mine who is gold, so we got matched up with silver players and what have you. There seemed to be alot more going on with strategies and positioning which was crucial to the match. Things that I just don't see or use when matched up with people from 9-12.

yeah, as you level up - people tend to learn the strategies more and more as they become more involved in the game

they might watch streams, read guides etc
Are you going to learn the game in the process of levelling up to 30?...

Once you hit ranked the game changes again as, for the most part, people 'care' about ranked and generally, the games will be more competitive/balanced.

Normals is pretty much just used for levelling up, trying out troll builds and team comps - you even have a separate MMR for normals vs ranked.


Once you hit ranked the game changes again as, for the most part, people 'care' about ranked and generally, the games will be more competitive/balanced.

Normals is pretty much just used for levelling up, trying out troll builds and team comps - you even have a separate MMR for normals vs ranked.
i think youve forgotten what leveling up is like

the games change drastically from 3-20
changing from beta style champions everywhere to the current meta


Anyone run into the problem where you get blue squares instead of wards and pings on the mini map? Champion portraits after kills show up as a blueish black box as well. Also, the graphics of the beam above the nexus will be distorted at times too. This will happen to me maybe once every 5-10 games, but it's a pain regardless.

I'm gonna try to do a repair while i'm working for the next few hours.
Doing my placements for ranked:

game 1: win

Go varus bot, me and leona crush a caitlyn and nami. Only person on our team that died was our jungler, they ffd at 20.

game 2: loss

So called silver smurf middle picks a fizz into an Orianna. Guess what happened.

game 3: loss

I get fed bot as varus, starting 3-0 with double the cs of their caitlyn. Then their irelia and fiddle jungle get fed. GG.

Bronze here we come I guess?
This is such a disaster. Garena put an event where if you get 15 normal SR wins, you get the bat ward skin. Cue Plats and Diamonds who migrated to ranked since forever ago steamrolling normals. Every game I'm getting counterjungled hard but teammates rarely respond.


This is such a disaster. Garena put an event where if you get 15 normal SR wins, you get the bat ward skin. Cue Plats and Diamonds who migrated to ranked since forever ago steamrolling normals. Every game I'm getting counterjungled hard but teammates rarely respond.

Don't you get matched up with similar skill levels?
That was more like it. Banned out Shen after they ruined my last two games with their map presence and how it's almost impossible to truly beat them top lane. First pick J4 top, they picked Malphite and Xin, and turned out that Xin was top.

Our Sejuani was a god, one early double gank got me ahead, and from there I crushed lane 11-1-11. Our Veigar mid snowballed hard too, 15-3-5, while Sejuani went 7-0-15. Their fed Caitlyn bot lane was basically where I was with Varus a game ago.

Feels good :) If I go 50/50 in my placements that would put me at about silver 5 right?
Yep. I do random checks after every match and none of them were lower than Platinum. It was 70% Plat, 30% Diamond and I'm not kidding. Some plats still act like toddlers. I mean I just had a game where Zed and Ahri went double mid. Ahri raged and intentionally fed Lux throughout the game. It was a winnable game because the enemy wasn't doing anything exceptional. Everything just went poop because "MID OR FEED". I don't know how these people even get above Silver.

On regular days I usually get a whole assortment of players (silver-diamond, plus unranked).

Also played against a Diamond Rengar who knew the flash duke on the brush near the golem. First time playing against someone who knew about it. :( He laughed about it and told me I was the only one in the team who didn't suck.

Anyone run into the problem where you get blue squares instead of wards and pings on the mini map? Champion portraits after kills show up as a blueish black box as well. Also, the graphics of the beam above the nexus will be distorted at times too. This will happen to me maybe once every 5-10 games, but it's a pain regardless.

I'm gonna try to do a repair while i'm working for the next few hours.
I get this on very rare occasions. The next match is usually fine. I never had to do repairs. The most bizzarre one had Flash icon replace several textures.


Everything is moe to me
luckily im not being LP clamped it seems.
still getting 25~ LP per win, so im going to aim to get gold V before i get a veterans emblem for silver league. don't know how many games leeway i have though.


people 'care' about ranked

I dunno. I seem to find the worst players I have ever seen in LoL when I boot up ranked. Consistently. Granted, i am in Bronze, but theoretically most people in Normals should be in Bronze or maybe Silver level and it doesn't seem nearly as bad to me.


I get this on very rare occasions. The next match is usually fine. I never had to do repairs. The most bizzarre one had Flash icon replace several textures.

Ya I don't think it's ever happened to more more than one match in a row. Just wanted to see if anyone else experienced it. The repair only took about 10 mins, so i'll have to see if it worked over the next few days.
Got to Gold V yesterday night. Feels so good. It was a tough climb. I started getting 5 to 9 LP per win and 3-5 per loss. Luckily around 94 LP, I lost a game and it reset my LP gains. Managed to win my promo 3-1. Now I'm back to 23-24 LP per win in Gold V.

Plat, here I come.


Got to Gold V yesterday night. Feels so good. It was a tough climb. I started getting 5 to 9 LP per win and 3-5 per loss. Luckily around 94 LP, I lost a game and it reset my LP gains. Managed to win my promo 3-1. Now I'm back to 23-24 LP per win in Gold V.

Plat, here I come.

Gratz!!! Its definitely a good feeling. Silver 1 is indeed a rough climb.


Got to Gold V yesterday night. Feels so good. It was a tough climb. I started getting 5 to 9 LP per win and 3-5 per loss. Luckily around 94 LP, I lost a game and it reset my LP gains. Managed to win my promo 3-1. Now I'm back to 23-24 LP per win in Gold V.

Plat, here I come.

Congrats dude.
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