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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Where's the love Moth?



Sona was drunk, and Malphite failed a few flash/ultis. At times when the whole enemy team was coming down mid after threw baron, Jax would go up top and just try to farm up there.

I also stole baron beyond the wall just from setting a trap for vision and using Q.

Edit: Also as an evil man, it felt good that the lost kicked Vayne out of Gold promotions and the Renek needed that win to get to Gold. Next time bitches.



Sona was drunk, and Malphite failed a few flash/ultis. At times when the whole enemy team was coming down mid after threw baron, Jax would go up top and just try to farm up there.

I also stole baron beyond the wall just from setting a trap for vision and using Q.

Edit: Also as an evil man, it felt good that the lost kicked Vayne out of Gold promotions and the Renek needed that win to get to Gold. Next time bitches.
Sounds like the other team had no idea how to push objectives. Vayne and Renek could have literally 2v5 your team and won.


Well after complaining that I couldn't get past 2 wins in a row in Gold 5, I stuck with it and have been doing much much better. 1 win away from getting into promos. Feelin good!
TIL Teemo's old lore is pretty grimdark.

As far as yordles are concerned, there is something slightly wrong with Teemo. While he enjoys - and in fact needs - the level of community and companionship inherent to all yordles, Teemo feels it so strongly that he ventures out on his own to destroy the enemies of Bandle City. There is something that switches off in Teemo, so that the lives he ends do not burden him. It seemed only logical to send him to fight in the League of Legends as the champion of Bandle City. He has taken to the League like a duck to water, seeking out the foes of the yordles and extinguishing them with the rare ajunta poison he personally gathers from the jungles of Kumungu. However, the limited company of his own kind wears on Teemo, and cracks are beginning to show in his innocent and chipper facade.

"Though he is known as the Swift Scout, it is clear that Teemo is actually something else - the unrepentant assassin of Bandle City."
TIL Teemo's old lore is pretty grimdark.

Teemo showing up at your door at 2 AM with a capsule of ricin and an eerily calm expression. He's doing it for the yordles, that's what he tells himself, that's what he tells Poppy - that's what he has to believe. How much is enough for the yordles, Teemo? Where does it end?
How is top trundle? He seems like a good counter to jax.
Trundle is a great top laner against most melee's, but he's not a good first-pick as he is prone to being kited. You don't want to risk running into a nightmarish top lane; Kennen, Karma, Quinn and a good Elise for instance are practically untouchable without help, among others. A Rengar who maxes his Bola Strike first is also painful if you ended up getting a Doran's Shield as your starting item. His only form of self-defense against that kind of opposition is enduring the punishment with your sustain and eventually becoming a brick wall of a splitpusher / dueler once you've reached a certain item threshold, never mind his splendid teamfight potential.

Blade of the Ruined King or Hydra are his go-to lifesteal items. The former for when you can continuously auto-attack multiple enemies or a key target (dependant on their mobility or kite abilities) in prolonged teamfights, the latter is the enemy tends to clump up during skirmishes / for faster split-pushing. I do not recommend outright rushing either of those unless you're really fed, since you're generally better off getting some health along the way. Phage (Trinity Force is a big power spike) and Spectre's Cowl (Spirit Visage is a must) are fine, and there's always the Giant's Belt for a Randuin's Omen down the road. Alternative items to consider:

  • Frozen Mallet for when you just want to indefinitely slow someone down if you're better off tanking up when your team already has high damage output.
  • Iceborn Gauntlet isn't terrible on him, but I prefer the above since I tend to purchase armor and cooldown reduction elsewhere.
  • Frozen Heart if you have enough health and want to reach 40% CDR in conjunction with Spirit Visage.
  • Zeke's Herald for those games where everyone does AD damage and can auto-attack. Far from a fantastic item, but it gives you additional health / lifesteal / another 20% CDR at least.
  • Hexdrinker or Wit's End if you need more MR beyond Spirit Visage.
  • Never go Sunfire Cape. Seriously. Shit sucks.
R > Q > W > E in lane for skill max priorities. However, you don't need to pump all your points into W to manhandle most melee's once you get ahead; sometimes the lower cooldown and increased slow (up to 50%) of a ranked-up Pillar is more valuable for dueling / teamfighting when you're already winning. You'd be surprised just how low the cooldown on his Pillar is with CDR, never mind his Ultimate. Nothing out of the ordinary rune-wise (2 lifesteal quints minimum though) and just grab whichever masteries suit your tastes.

Shyvanna, Susan, Jax, Renekton, Aatrox, Lee Sin et cetera all lose to Trundle if played correctly; they cannot directly fight you easily and you either scale just as well with items or much better if you're facing a wet noodle like Shen. Riven might be tricky due to how her kit works and Tryndamere ought to be fine unless you're unlucky with early crits, but truth to be told I haven't experienced either match-up too often yet. He's a vastly better counter-pick against Yorick now than he was in Season 2 (common misconception back then), too.

I love playing Zac.. shame a fed Zac can't do anything :/

What? A fed Zac is a solid asset to any team given his engage/disengage and tanking capability.
It only seems like a fed Zac can't do much lately since all of them resorted to rushing Sunfire Cape no matter what like brainless sheep. Now if they bought items that weren't flat-out awful...

Yorick is so broken omg... just a chore to play against. Absurd sustain and poke.
Who do you play as? As one of my mains, Yorick hasn't been 'broken' for a long time now, and he's easier to deal with than many make him out to be.

The problem with him is that his enemies drastically overvalue him. 99% of whoever picks Yorick does not build him correctly (skill speccing included), largely due to bad habits inherited from Season 2 (Manamune + Spirit Visage rush). Riot actually turned the latter into a strong item though, whereas an eventual Muramana remains a trap for Yorick despite the gold / stat efficiency it offers today. What do most opposing laners do though as soon as he gets a Tear? They... back off, even though Yorick bought an item that throws away his immediate gold advantage (should he get an early kill or cs lead) in favor of fragility that turns into an ill-advised late game item. And he still runs out of mana anyways while ignorantly pushing his creep wave if he's spamming his ghouls, should he be maxing E > W.

Unless you chose a laner with a less-than-stellar early game (Vladimir, Nidalee, Susan come to mind), just go in and look to outtrade him relentlessly while maintaining bush control. With Tear he's a squishy melee with no proper escape with regards to a gapclosing ability, and he's very much susceptible to strong all-ins. Darius, pre-rework Olaf, Wukong, Akali, Lee Sin; many times have I seen them die to Yorick during the first few levels (mostly due to a level 3 ganks or bad calls admittedly) as they're favorable match-ups for the gravedigger, yet come level 6 (sometimes even earlier) they completely turn it around because they didn't waste their gold handicapping their own growth. It only gets worse for Tear Yoricks from there. Now imagine doing that with a laner that's strong at level 1. Or better yet; imagine a jungler backing you up, because with the 'favored' build he's one of the easiest gank targets a top laner / jungler could ever ask for. Which is how it should be, since they're willingly putting themselves into harm's way for needless amounts of mana.

If none of the above is possible, just focus on farming up and getting proper items for teamfights. Most Yoricks don't know what to do with themselves, so it's a win-win depending on your champion pick and how well said pick scales or transitions. Even competitive teams that participated in major tournaments / LCS fall for these same traps when they use Yorick, and each time I've seen them lose in lane (through itemization / 1 vs 1'ing) or virtually be a non-factor in teamfights the rare game where they do succeed.

Bottom line: if your champion can duel, show nothing but contempt for Tear Yorick. Badger your jungler into camping a free gold lane as well if he doesn't realize it himself, especially if you have strong CC.

Just don't pick Elise though, she's pretty much screwed against the guy.

Nasus stomps Yorick, just by the virtue of shrugging off harass and outscaling him. Free Qs are just icing on the cake.
Susan has a hard time against a sensible Yorick from early to mid game, but you're right about Susan scaling better in terms of raw damage. Cho'gath (max Vorpal Spikes first) or Trundle would be safer 'counter-picks' overall, since they're never really threatened by Yorick either way.
Yorick is pretty bad right now.

Trundle is so damn underrated...
He's still good, just not top tier. Last round of nerfs were unnecessary; the A.I. of the ghouls was already spotty, and now they're painfully slow for quite some time as well. At least he hasn't reached Gangplank / Warwick tier yet...

Skip the Tear (Glacial Shroud + Sheen for Trinity Force is all the mana he needs), skip speccing your ult until your team starts to group, max E > Q or Q > E against most melee's and you'll still fight the majority of popular top laners on even footing (or better) without heavily exposing yourself to a jungler. Chalice (only to sell it eventually) for those spam lanes where you wouldn't mind fast MR as well. He's also pretty effective as a mid laner in specific match-ups.

P.S.: Trundle is the 'best' bruiser jungler no one plays.


Sounds like the other team had no idea how to push objectives. Vayne and Renek could have literally 2v5 your team and won.

They were behind early in objectives and it just stayed like that all game.

All I know is that every time I look at this game, I just say "fuck you jax".


League tries to keep me down, but using my amazing computer skills (aka Google), I fixed my League. Peer-to-peer sharing was destroying my internet.

Sorry other summoners, my feeding ways are back.


Anyone else been experiencing big lag spikes on NA for the past few days around 11:00pm PST? It's happened three times in a row to me, about half the players in each match had the same issue. Suddenly goes away after 5 mins or so.

DeadNames said:
I thought of an awesome champion concept today in class. Does anyone want to know?

I'm bored being productive at work until this afternoons S4 announcement, so I'll bite. Go on.

Also, do any junglers have experience going 0/9/21 in their masteries? The more I look at the defense tree the less it appeals to me as a jungler, even on tanks like Nautilus and Sejuani.


Everything is moe to me
power failure during my first promo game to silv 1. :(

we were probably going to lose anyway, since our xin was a plat v boosted account tumbling his way back to bronze. still, it hurts. power kicked off just after a won teamfight but while winions were terrorizing our base. i doubt the game lasted much longer.


Is it better than a mole in a drill machine?

Hehe... I think so.

The idea is a being of radiation. I call him gamma. It would have no mana, but instead use something called "radiation". Radiation is gained when using an ability, and when the radiation bar is full, abilities gain extra bonuses. Not sure about balancing as I'm not very good with numbers but he'd be an AP bruiser.

The back story would be something like a chemical spill somewhere or a chain reaction that takes place over millenia. I think "gamma, the chemical" is a fitting name. Feedback?


Hehe... I think so.

The idea is a being of radiation. I call him gamma. It would have no mana, but instead use something called "radiation". Radiation is gained when using an ability, and when the radiation bar is full, abilities gain extra bonuses. Not sure about balancing as I'm not very good with numbers but he'd be an AP bruiser.

The back story would be something like a chemical spill somewhere or a chain reaction that takes place over millenia. I think "gamma, the chemical" is a fitting name. Feedback?
So radiation is just a better version of heat? Meh, doesn't really seem like a revolutionary idea.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
He's still good, just not top tier. Last round of nerfs were unnecessary; the A.I. of the ghouls was already spotty, and now they're painfully slow for quite some time as well. At least he hasn't reached Gangplank / Warwick tier yet...

Skip the Tear (Glacial Shroud + Sheen for Trinity Force is all the mana he needs), skip speccing your ult until your team starts to group, max E > Q or Q > E against most melee's and you'll still fight the majority of popular top laners on even footing (or better) without heavily exposing yourself to a jungler. Chalice (only to sell it eventually) for those spam lanes where you wouldn't mind fast MR as well. He's also pretty effective as a mid laner in specific match-ups.

P.S.: Trundle is the 'best' bruiser jungler no one plays.
My name is soda cop and I do not approve of this post.


So radiation is just a better version of heat? Meh, doesn't really seem like a revolutionary idea.

That's what I was thinking... I wanted to create a unique champ that relied on combos. Maybe when enough radiation is obtained a new set of spells appear? But shyvana has that same concept... So I don't know


My friend plays support Orianna on occasion and he usually transitions into a semi AP carry because he gets fed.

That sums up my worry about the support changes, actually. My favorite mids are utility mages - Ori, Zyra, and Liss - two are on the periphery of viable supports but for one reason or another aren't quite there. Once gold flows into bot support, I think they'll be there.

Liss for instant doesn't need a huge amount of gold to do her thing. She could get away with Ruby Sightstone, Zhonyas, misc items (pinks, boots) and maybe Athene/Morellos. Going by the numbers we've seen in the leaked post-match screenshots, perfectly doable. So what does that mean to her mid lane game, will they nerf mid-lane power as a result? They've already done it with Zyra. Yes, the nerfs are aimed at support Zyra, but they all hit mid lane Zyra as well (CDR reduction on W, QE range nerfs, plant and Q base damage nerfs). I don't mean to imply mid Zyra is UP now, just that nerfs are never really fun on a champ you like to play.

So radiation is just a better version of heat? Meh, doesn't really seem like a revolutionary idea.

Pretty much. That said, a radiation based champ from Zaun does have some potential in there. Instead he could have a passive (either his actuall passive or the passive portion of a QWER ability) that creates a stacking PBAoE damage radius around him at some sort of cost, preferably health to keep with the radiation motif, but that's getting close to just making a Zac clone.
Also, do any junglers have experience going 0/9/21 in their masteries? The more I look at the defense tree the less it appeals to me as a jungler, even on tanks like Nautilus and Sejuani.
It's pretty good on support tank junglers with "epic" ults if you want to focus on well, utility.

Want more roaming utility at the expense of dueling and clearing? 21 utility is for you.

That's even dumber. Probably some bored attention whore almost-pro came up with that role.
Jungle Karma is GG Diamond's baby. It's actually pretty good, but he never had the chance to show it at worlds since it wasn't complete and he was playing like shit anyways.


Sejuani is the only jungler I'll still go 21 defense. The rest I go 21 offense and build tanky items. I tried utility tree for Hecarim a few times and didn't like it at all. Missing the damage of 21 offense and not compensating with any defense. Sure he makes use of the cooldown and movement speed but I got more out of offense. Dimb's right that most of those points are wasted on a jungler.
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