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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I've got my money on SKT Terminator, Samsung Blue, and Team Dark as my dark horse pick. No idea what to think about Group D, honestly. I've never been a huge fan of Frost, but the JinAir teams are both horribly inconsistent, and Xenics Storm has never impressed me much. I suppose I'd give it to Frost as the group frontrunner under duress.


2 enemies dead, enemy adc at bot lane, I run to baron to start it.

My fed mid laner for no reason, facechecks their jungle even though all of us are doing baron and dies instantly to lissandra.

We end up losing a 40-50minute game because of this dumbass' throw.

For fuck sake. I was on such a good game streak as well.


I am having a really hard time trying to get win of the day. I have failed for like 2 hours, with 6 straight aram losses. I think 5 of those games had enemy Jinx, and I think nearly all the enemy Jinxes went like 13/3. Either they are all good, or just smart compared to me and they play safe attacking frmo the back. Seems strange I and my teams do not get Jinx though.

2 enemies dead, enemy adc at bot lane, I run to baron to start it.

My fed mid laner for no reason, facechecks their jungle even though all of us are doing baron and dies instantly to lissandra.

We end up losing a 40-50minute game because of this dumbass' throw.

For fuck sake. I was on such a good game streak as well.

The eternal rule of "never do baron, unless they have 3+ champions dead and all 3 inhibitors down and super minions are stampeding into their base".
"I only know how to play support," my teammate tells me after I've already locked in Leona. That's fine, I can just jungle it! 7/3/13, apparently I can just jungle it, though in the future I'd at least like to do a trial clear in a bot game first.
Bronze man. The throws. We lost a 5v4 when our wukong went 0-4 at top in 10 minutes to a lee sin, while our bot lane simultaneously fed their jinx as I went pretty even in mid through laning phase >.>

I'm on 25 LP right now, and this is going to be a painful climb.


Everything is moe to me
speccing your current game dead. :3

that xin was totally afk when he walked into tri bush. [but you couldnt have known that]


I'm on my way to Bronce V, or rubber 3, if it even exists.

I've played 6 out of 10, all lost. In 5 we had one feeder (the adc, on top of it) at least. The other team was not great, but at least no feeders...

I feel like I can't do anything, I just wanted to get into silver to get the rewards since I'm thinking on going back to this from Dota 2.

I know I'm not doing great, but I'm not that bad, usually having the best or 2nd best score of my team. Except one were I tried jungling with nunu, and still I was not the worst one in my team.

Why do I have such bad luck? :(



Heh, the game i needed to win to hit promos ended up wiuth us getting slaughtered 20-1 in kills.

Dang, I was one win away from promos last night, but we were destined to lose from the pregame lobby. I should've dodged. One day i'll learn.

ADC Lulu. Let's see how this goes.

We has an AD Annie top last night. She just splitpushed like a fiend.

I'm on my way to Bronce V, or rubber 3, if it even exists.

I've played 6 out of 10, all lost. In 5 we had one feeder (the adc, on top of it) at least. The other team was not great, but at least no feeders...

I feel like I can't do anything, I just wanted to get into silver to get the rewards since I'm thinking on going back to this from Dota 2.

I know I'm not doing great, but I'm not that bad, usually having the best or 2nd best score of my team. Except one were I tried jungling with nunu, and still I was not the worst one in my team.

Why do I have such bad luck? :(


Have you tried Fizz? One of my buddies was in Bronze V and started playing only Fizz and Kassadin in ranked. He's gone from V to II in about a week and a half.


Have you tried Fizz? One of my buddies was in Bronze V and started playing only Fizz and Kassadin in ranked. He's gone from V to II in about a week and a half.

I should probably renew my heros. So far I'm playing with Taric, Gragas and maybe Maokai.


I recently started playing LoL and I am liking it quite a lot. Not planning to play hardcore but just a few games per week maybe. I think I am decent for a starter (but probably terrible compared to you guys) but if some people want to play some games in the future, feel free to add me (summoner name is Varaph). So far I bought Annie and Ashe (my favorite character right now). What are so other good and easy-to-learn (preferably DPS) characters to buy in the beginning?

Also, here is a game I played yesterday (the death was my own stupid fault). It's not even funny how terrible they were:


Laugh at my build LoL-GAF, I dare you!


I should probably renew my heros. So far I'm playing with Taric, Gragas and maybe Maokai.

Try to get a bigger pool of champs to pay as before going into ranked. Yesterday, I had games where players would say they couldn't support or they couldn't adc because they don't have champions for those roles. I try to explain that it's better to just play normals until you have a decent grasp with 2-3 champs in each role, but it usually falls on deaf ears.

Something a friend and I were talking about yesterday was that you should be good with:
1. Your main champ.
2. Your main champ's counter.
3. Your counter's counter.

This way, if they pick your main, you can just counter it. If they pick the counter to your main first, then you can counter it. I guess this doesn't work as well if you pick first, but just practicing against your counter will help so much.

Now, obviously a champion being a counter doesn't mean much if you are flat out better than the other player. It'll just make things easier if you're good with a champ that blatantly counter's your opponent.
This mismatching on normals on Garena just won't freaking stop. I'm tired of seeing plats and diamonds. We kept getting rocked, but I'm still manage to be the least worst in the team. Lost 0/2 to D1 Janna as Renekton. I couldn't try bullying her because their Tigerdyr was fed as hell and roamed too fast with Mobility and Zephyr, so it ended up being a farm lane. Me and Janna kept having pink wars which I tend to lose because she can just Q or R me to beat me to the last hit. I thought I was doing bad but every other lane was 0/8.

My games have been nothing but steamrolls on either side for the past few days. I haven't had a fun game in a while. Back to ARAMs.

What are so other good and easy-to-learn (preferably DPS) characters to buy in the beginning?

Tanky: Garen
Mage: Ryze (can nuke)
Ranged Attacker: Cait (pricey but free like every other week)
Melee Attacker: Master Yi


Try to get a bigger pool of champs to pay as before going into ranked. Yesterday, I had games where players would say they couldn't support or they couldn't adc because they don't have champions for those roles. I try to explain that it's better to just play normals until you have a decent grasp with 2-3 champs in each role, but it usually falls on deaf ears.

Something a friend and I were talking about yesterday was that you should be good with:
1. Your main champ.
2. Your main champ's counter.
3. Your counter's counter.

This way, if they pick your main, you can just counter it. If they pick the counter to your main first, then you can counter it. I guess this doesn't work as well if you pick first, but just practicing against your counter will help so much.

Now, obviously a champion being a counter doesn't mean much if you are flat out better than the other player. It'll just make things easier if you're good with a champ that blatantly counter's your opponent.

It's a good mentality.

Right now I'm good with 4-5 supports, 2 tops, 3 mids and 2 adc. I'm planning on learning how to jungle with maokai (i've played a lot of him but as solo top) and probably amumu and other one.
Oof. I decided to do my 10 placement matches on my NA ARAM smurf just for shizzles, and only got placed in Silver II. Seppuku obviously needed.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
No, how can I get her for free? In the champion buy selection she isn't free.
You have to "like" League of Legends on Facebook. You can get Alistar from subscribing to their Youtube channel too. There are direct links at the bottom of the OP.


Neo Member
Hey lolgaf listen up i got a favor to ask.
I have a friend that was really nice to help me get out of bronze and partly silver and i honestly can't thank him enough for that.

However the problem is that his own journey to diamond has been a lot harder with the amount of trolls and afk'ers playing at the moment.
Are there any motivated diamond or plat 1 players here on gaf that want to help?
He is not in need of being "Carried" he just needs another solid duoq partner since his old one ditched him after getting into diamond 5.

I know this is probably a strange request but i thought i'd give it a try since we both don't have anyone that's up for the task.
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