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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Anyone know a good jungling guide?

Just in general. I know the season is about to end but I still want a better feel for it.
Sometimes it's fun to go back to your roots.


that poor, poor Ezreal.


Anyone run into the problem where you get blue squares instead of wards and pings on the mini map? Champion portraits after kills show up as a blueish black box as well. Also, the graphics of the beam above the nexus will be distorted at times too. This will happen to me maybe once every 5-10 games, but it's a pain regardless.

I'm gonna try to do a repair while i'm working for the next few hours.
This has happened to me on rare occasions and I never had to repair either. I am guessing it is just a glitch having to do with other graphical applications.


My perfect Aatrox record is gone :'(


Nothing like support Soraka rushing into the enemy team while Orianna feeds Talon. WTF is up with this game right now.


Stupid turret question: I was Jinx and another Jinx dove me (possibly flashed under the tower) and killed me. The turret seemed to do 1-3 hits to minions while she was under there, and I thought I was close to the tower. Is there a reason it wouldn't switch to target her?


In my travels I'm having plenty of time to watch vods, and I must say I'm quite enjoying these 1-3-1 comp games. The lack of marksman doesn't seem to be a hindrance at all with so much dive and gap close potential. It's also just good to see Shyvana be regarded as an unstoppable killing machine :3


In my travels I'm having plenty of time to watch vods, and I must say I'm quite enjoying these 1-3-1 comp games. The lack of marksman doesn't seem to be a hindrance at all with so much dive and gap close potential. It's also just good to see Shyvana be regarded as an unstoppable killing machine :3

Where can I find these? They sound very interesting
Yesterday I had like 2 weirds comebacks, and one with a really weird game.

The enemy team was Lee Sin (top), Xerath (mid), Jinx (bot), Naut and Zac (Jungle).

Laning phase lasted like 8 minutes, those double ganks were brutal, heck, my team started to fall behind and we where losing until mid game, somehow we won. But still at some point we thought we had lost.

The other I was playing with Lissandra (and her AA feels so underwhelming... twice Brand survived with less than 150 HP :/ ) and feed Brand 4 kills, I got a kill in top. And we had one of "these" supports, you know, those that are like "wtf, why did you buy that?, noob, gg", "you're useless", "omg, do something", I was expecting our adc to go afk after a while, the dude won't shut up.

Suddenly we started having good engages, quickly taking out Brand and then Jinx, to the point where in the last teamfight Brand was so sick to be taking out first, that he had sold everything and bought Hurricane, lol.

Good games overall yesterday, except that I was playing for the first time with Gragas, who I hadn't seen in like a month, and I was against another Gragas... the last teamfight was lost because of me forgetting I had Zhonya's, it was really sad because the game was really even.


I am trying free week Jinx. I don't know if she will be fun after nerfs, but for now she seems really fun. I do horrible though, like 1/9 or 0/8. I am trying to use one of the top rated builds, dorans -> bloodthirster -> last whisper -> zeal, but even with those items I seem to do like 200 damage to minions on autoattacks. o_O W seems to do a bit of damage if you can hit it.

I am too used to playing champions with escapes though, and with only 200 damage for autoattacks, Jinx seems 100% dead if she is ever caught.


Junior Member
Guys, I'm getting a bit disheartened. I'm tired of matches ending like this, where I have a great game, but my team sucks so bad that we lose. It's the point where this happens almost every game. We lost the game from the pic below (I was Katarina).


What do you do? I'm clearly far more skilled and make better decisions than the majority of the people I play with, but ranking up to level 30 is so long of a process that I don't know that I have the patience to hang in there.

I get that this is free to play and they want you to buy boosts and such, but man, I don't know about being able to hack it for another 15 levels.

Any advice?
Would need the replay because you propably made the common mistake of going for kills much more than objectives.
Also, your team seems to have almost 0 warding power. Ditch getting the 6th item, get wards and splitpush like hell if you are that fed, they'd need to send 3 people to stop you. Or a QSS against the Warwick ult which was the only real threat in blowing you up.
At least from a glance.


This guy is trying to tell me I wasted a ban on Fizz because people can't deal with him, then proceeds to tell me to ban Amumu... Bronze 1.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I am trying free week Jinx. I don't know if she will be fun after nerfs, but for now she seems really fun. I do horrible though, like 1/9 or 0/8. I am trying to use one of the top rated builds, dorans -> bloodthirster -> last whisper -> zeal, but even with those items I seem to do like 200 damage to minions on autoattacks. o_O W seems to do a bit of damage if you can hit it.

I am too used to playing champions with escapes though, and with only 200 damage for autoattacks, Jinx seems 100% dead if she is ever caught.

Jinx needs to land criticals as well. Maintaining max range between her minigun and rocket are key as well as getting most out of her E. The rooting is huge in securing kills and preventing getting pinned into bad situations. Not enough Jinx players take note of that and wager everything on W.


Well, to be fair people in Bronze can't deal with amumu either. I don't think I've even seen someone in Silver build QSS.

I'm always on the fence about QSS. Sometimes I want to get it when I lane against Nasus, but it just seems so expensive.


See my above post -- any item/skill/play advice? :D

She doesn't really need any attack speed cause of her Q short range passive (outside of maybe boots? i guess). My lane buddy seemed to do well getting an early bloodthirster. You might want to practice aiming her W too, the slow is quite good for catching runners or for secondary defense when running. Also, get used to aiming her E properly, that's where i see most new Jinx players have trouble.


^He is, but I usually ban him. I played mid last game and he became unstoppable. Everyone fed ;-;

If he's that overpowered, just switch to him and carry yourself out. :D There will probably be bronze players on the other teams sometimes too.

I don't see why I don't just jump on the jax train. If he gets a little bit ahead its gg.


^He is, but I usually ban him. I played mid last game and he became unstoppable. Everyone fed ;-;

I don't see why I don't just jump on the jax train. If he gets a little bit ahead its gg.

Jax is on the list of OP Bronze champs- I would know, I live there.

Rarely see good Aatrox play honestly. Jax can carry a game by himself, especially when the enemy team focuses him for some strange reason, and your team cleans up.

Then again- I am in bronze, so what do I really know? Not much, that's what.
Ranked game 5:

We get a 20 kill lead. We throw relentlessly.

Ranked game 6:

I'm support bot with Caitlyn. At 25 minutes caitlyn has 32 cs and still has dorans blade. She started roaming the map at 10 minutes in for no reason. Didn't communicate. Refused to cs properly.

I'm so mad right now.
Ranked game 5:

We get a 20 kill lead. We throw relentlessly.

Ranked game 6:

I'm support bot with Caitlyn. At 25 minutes caitlyn has 32 cs and still has dorans blade. She started roaming the map at 10 minutes in for no reason. Didn't communicate. Refused to cs properly.

I'm so mad right now.

Not much you can do until you get mid or top tbh.
Yeah last game went better, I first picked J4 top, they pick a Darius. Every time we ganked top after level 6 it was a free kill. Our Diana mid and Draven got very fed too so it was a bit of a stomp.

I'm 3-4. Do I need to win 5 to make silver 5?
GP is still good. You just have to go KR on hit build. I already understand the merits of Trundle, and he will be my fourth most played champ in ranked for S3. He was stronger earlier on, but the quality of him as a pick has gone further and further down. There are lots of reasons I don't think he's very strong right now. One of the biggest issues is that his ultimate doesn't signal the rest of his team well, so people don't realize the situations in which tanks can be focused down in fights. When you stack that on top of Trundle's inability to really make many plays on his own you run in to a difficult situation. Junglers don't really earn enough gold to open up his dive potential enough, and lacking hard engage or catch potential is rough. With popular champions right now heavy on wave clear his tower pushing rarely comes out, and with high mobility champs also on the rise there is little his pillar can do in many situations.

If you are running a Doran's Blade start Trundle isn't very reliant on blue buff as long as your masteries are set up right. Right now Trundle really just sucks for the meta. His damage output is too low and there aren't really good items for him to build that alleviate that. His tankiness doesn't really offset the fact that he lacks hard CC.
Still disagree on Gangplank currently being good. I admittedly tended to play him with heavy aggression from level 1 onwards when feasible (which used to be one of his key strengths) or as a lane bully in mid; with the latter back then you'd primarily run into squishy AP's with hardly any armor. Regardless, he can't really pull the above off anymore against competent players or strong overall picks and his alternative playstyle doesn't really jive with my own, never mind it being relatively time-consuming to reach his item threshold for the on-hit build (to my understanding).

RE: Trundle: I definitely agree with his ultimate being difficult to (visually) notice for anyone who isn't familiar with what he does, which regretably forces Trundle players to mass ping their target and inform their allies through chat on who they're likely to ult. Don't understand why they made it worse again with the rework, after their previous attempts to raise clarity. However, people usually listen to my persistent 'commandeering', so I've only run into a few instances where my ult ended up being a waste / missed opportunity on an otherwise sure-fire kill. His ability to make plays, or rather being able to set them up for others to take the glory, is more than fine. By the time you complete a big CDR item, you're already close to (if not entirely) maxing out your Pillar after Q for ridiculously short downtime and with today's current gungho mentality of leaning towards champions with high damage output or pick-off abilities, that's all you really need after a certain level of play (Gold I and up). Plus he earns enough gold for dive potential; his ult in conjunction with his favored items usually keeps him healthy enough if you select any half-decent target upon an enemy counter-engage (even with tower aggro), otherwise you tell your team to siege towers in between your obnoxious zoning. High mobility can be a problem, no questioning that, but right now it's very unlikely for draft pick captains to let Zed, Corki, Ahri, Kassadin, Fizz, et cetera slip through, never mind willingly leaving them open for the opposing team.

That said... On top of his less apparent Ultimate visuals, I hate how clunky Trundle's auto-attacks feel post-rework (and prone to resetting much like unpatched Wukong), whereas his Q animation used to be easily cancelled without interrupting his chase momentum. Increased tenacity on his old W is also missed sometimes, but I'm not complaining until they severely nerf the sustain they replaced it with. Do wish you could ult monsters again though (albeit with a hard cap on health gains), since that used to allow you to sneak in an early dragon or baron. But I'm drifting off-topic here.

Damage-wise: I'd say that's a far bigger problem with the role itself rather than Trundle (and his is fine early to mid). Even Vi / Jarvan / Elise fall flat at being a good source of damage once late game rolls around and anything remotely similar to a carry style has been forcibly pushed out by Riot. Relevant items or champions for this style promptly got their offensive advantages nerfed (sometimes undeserved or even due to the ADC's), there simply isn't enough gold or experience in the jungle itself and all that's left are the defensive items that got their durability or gold efficiency reduced. Sure, the aforementioned champions are better at hard-engaging, but the reason why they draw as much attention as they do (on the receiving end) isn't because they're likely to kill a high-priority target at that point in time by themselves. Exceptions are of course when you're snowballing like crazy or if the match in general ends up being a stomp, but you can make any champion look better under those 'ideal' circumstances (which again, are far less likely to occur against decent players). Point of the matter being though; most junglers are currently shoe-horned (out of necessity) into being a tanky pseudo-support with the possibility to engage, and they need to be able to fight back / survive on their own early on as well (thus Nautilus et al falling out of favor). Which... in turn Trundle does with far less risk involved, while able to punish high-risk high-reward all-ins and while being able to protect his carries.

Of course there's always those Lee Sins that end up as a force to be reckoned with from beginning to end, but he requires a much higher level of mastery to pull that off consistently (which I don't view as a champion limitation, mind you). Even if you don't agree with my views on Trundle, jungling in Season 3 has gotten incredibly stagnant for everyone involved at a certain level and for that reason I'm looking forward to what Riot has up their sleeves for the upcoming pre-season.
I'm playing a lot of Jarvan top lane, I'd say he's pretty good at carrying with depending on the team comp. I just had a game with him where I went 8-1-14 with him where I crushed the enemy Jax up top.

You have so much teamfight presence, especially if you are ahead. You can peel really well for your teammates and you become so tanky late game.

Generally I just rush hydra if I'm ahead, then cleaver/randuins/spirit vis.

Best thing about Jarvan top is that it's possibly the safest laner in the game, imo he's the top lane equivalent to Zed in that you can do well almost against anyone, except for maybe Yorick and Vladimr.
Tear Yorick is anything but safe in lane, and Vladimir is a wet noodle early on. Both are weak to good aggression or jungle presence, and seeing how you're currently unranked, it's also very likely that your enemy does not know how to trade properly.

That was more like it. Banned out Shen after they ruined my last two games with their map presence and how it's almost impossible to truly beat them top lane. First pick J4 top, they picked Malphite and Xin, and turned out that Xin was top.

Our Sejuani was a god, one early double gank got me ahead, and from there I crushed lane 11-1-11. Our Veigar mid snowballed hard too, 15-3-5, while Sejuani went 7-0-15. Their fed Caitlyn bot lane was basically where I was with Varus a game ago.

Feels good :) If I go 50/50 in my placements that would put me at about silver 5 right?
Apologies if it seems like I'm singleing you out, but there's plenty of champions who "beat" Shen in top lane. Either you don't care about his wet noodle status and harrass him effectively with ranged attacks (Elise, Kennen, even Vladimir, etc.) or you pick a melee that either has good sustain or severely outscales him / pressures his towers. The latter of which are plentiful. And his splitpushing is painfully slow once you transition out of the laning phase, with or without the
Sunfire Cape.

Personally, I haven't banned Shen for months now and I couldn't be happier if I see the enemy team pick him.

Good luck with your remaining placement matches.

We carried so hard in that last game, I was Jarvan jungle and our I got our top Renekton really fed against their kayle. Our mid Annie is being crushed by Zed mid so I camp her lane but she still doesn't get enough gold or kills. I tell them to lane swap, which then causes her to feed their really behind Kayle. When teamfights started happening, me and Renekton wrecked them, and we got two of their inhibs down at different stages but couldn't finish. Their Fiddlesticks jungle got ridiculously fed and basically ruined our team late game. We should have been fine: their team had no tank at all, but because our Annie did no damage we couldn't take advantage. SOOOOOO frustrating now, two of my 5 ranked losses have been from really bad throws :S
These NESL casters. Talking about why they don't understand Renekton building Tiamat first versus Nidalee while he's pushing to the Tier 2 tower and diving her solo underneath it in top lane.
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