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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Yep. Him and Aatrox, Darius, Udyr, Lee, etc.

They really need to hit Cass and Singed harder with the nerf stick.

Singed is so irrelevant now it hurts. Cass got hit pretty hard recently too. Her E damage went down, as did her overall mobility, but yeah she could stand to take another hit on the chin. I'd like to see Darius and Aatrox get nerfed on TT pretty soon, but that won't happen


So...I just beat three of the best 3v3 players on the NA server, 2 of which are on the top challenger team, in solo que, AS VARUS.

We were way behind at the start too.

Here's my A-Z progress:
That's a lot of deaths for a top-ranked Xin. D:

You should go back and do Jinx quick while it's free week!
I hate Lee Sin. Stupid ass champ.. throws his ball from the bush and its basically a kill/flash forced every time

I had this Lee Sin who tried to dive me alongside Kassadin, I just flashed even more behind my tower, when I saw that he was indeed, going to try to dive, with Kasadin using his ult to kill me, so I flashed, he followed, landed a Q in both of them, E, the tower killed Lee Sin, waited for Kassadin to ult away, and throw my ult, easy double kill. (I was Lux).

Some Lee Sin have tried to dive me while I was Ahri, Fizz, Lux, Lissandra, Anivia, or Twisted Fate, sometimes they think they can get away fast enough... haha.


There is nothing worse than getting someone who doesn't speak english on your team... or a support that doesn't ward.. or an ADC who fed...

Oh well, at least I went up 30 LP from where I started this weekend.


Hope you're playing not to increase your division but instead learning to become a better player and to have fun.
Wait, the point of this game is to have fun? I thought the point was to shame your team-mates on their mistakes and make their experience as horrible as possible.
Just wondering, what is the best resource for learning LoL? Other than just playing?

I've been watching a lot of Voyboy and Scarra's vids on youtube, and watched most of the UNSW LoL lectures, but was wondering if there's anything obvious I've missed.

Also, how do you beat Brand in mid lane? I own Zed/Diana/Talon/Kayle/Ryze as far as mid champs go. I picked Talon into him last time because I thought he was a counter but he just bullies me out of lane and if I try to go all in I just get stunned and killed.
Just wondering, what is the best resource for learning LoL? Other than just playing?

I've been watching a lot of Voyboy and Scarra's vids on youtube, and watched most of the UNSW LoL lectures, but was wondering if there's anything obvious I've missed.

Also, how do you beat Brand in mid lane? I own Zed/Diana/Talon/Kayle/Ryze as far as mid champs go. I picked Talon into him last time because I thought he was a counter but he just bullies me out of lane and if I try to go all in I just get stunned and killed.

Play somewhat passively until you get boots - you need them to move out of his locational AoE. You need to learn the range of it, and spend a little time feeling out the Brand; some Brand players will cast it whenever they can get you close to the edge of their range, others will only use it when you're completely inside the range and they can drop it mostly behind you to catch your retreat. You need to try and look for a pattern in how the opposing Brand uses it, because baiting it out - either by moving in just enough to make him cast it and back up, or running straight in through it when he drops it behind you - is key.

Brand's a combo caster. At the end of the day, if he whiffs his pillar of flame the best he can do is tag you with a tepid stun and run away. If you can bait out the pillar, you can all-in him as Zed/Diana/Kayle post-6, or at least get a good trade in with Talon or any of those champions pre-6 and get back out before the cooldown resets. His damage without the pillar should always be less than what you can put on him during the time it's on cooldown.

I wouldn't suggest running Ryze against him, period. Partially because Ryze just isn't very good in general, but in particular because the pseudo-tankiness in Ryze builds tends to come from Health and Lifesteal, both of which will be apropos of nothing when a Brand with Liandri's drops Ignite on you and combos out. Your "beef" doesn't mean a whole lot to him, and you can't do anything to him without getting into range for him to do the much more dangerous combo that starts with Conflagration and then combos into his stun and pillar.


I hate it when you go nasus and you get your Q stack to like 500 but the game ends before any real team fights even happen.

Feels like a waste of 25minutes :(


I hate it when you go nasus and you get your Q stack to like 500 but the game ends before any real team fights even happen.

Feels like a waste of 25minutes :(



6-12 as Renekton top lane. Although it looks horrible, don't think I've lost lane horribly. He's my only go to champ up there and he's really fun, even if I get countered or lose a bit up there. Hopefully I can slowly get it close to 50%.
I think they need to group up the champs like Nasus which are simply not fun to play against and figure out what to do with them. At least when I lose to a Riven or Wukong or Irelia top I feel like I got outplayed. When I lose to a Nasus/Yorick I just feel like there was nothing I could've done.
I think they need to group up the champs like Nasus which are simply not fun to play against and figure out what to do with them. At least when I lose to a Riven or Wukong or Irelia top I feel like I got outplayed. When I lose to a Nasus/Yorick I just feel like there was nothing I could've done.

They actually do have a "short list" of champions who they've basically said will be nerfed into the ground the moment they start to see competitive play (Poppy most famously being the chair of the committee). The problem is that the goalposts are constantly moving, with new and better champion designs causing more and more old ones that were once acceptable to become "problem" champions as time goes on. Then you run into the problem of how to deal with it: do you try to just keep nerfing these champions until they aren't viable, but leave them as "training wheel" champion options (like Ryze)? Do you remake them, as they have with many of them? Do you change other parts of the game to punish the style of the play that makes them good?

There's a lot of moving parts there. I'd say Nasus has already fallen off pretty hard in professional play due to the Korean/Chinese meta being too fast and decisive for him to ever become a reasonable threat; it doesn't necessarily solve the problem with him in solo queue, where games tend to drag to a much greater length, but is having him be a bit of a pubstomp hero in exchange for being barely viable at the tournament level an acceptable trade-off?

There are similar problems dealing with champions like Fiddlesticks. Support Fid could be a real problem going into the next season, if they don't change the way support income works from their current test model: he levels Terrify early and has massive utility while he's getting his baseline "support" items, and then turns into a real problem late game once he can start building "real" items. You can't really lay a finger on him without making his already dubious jungle and mid-lane play completely atrocious, though. Do you accept he's a support now and balance him for that, do you try and get him back into the jungle or even mid, or do you just hope the changes you're making to assassins makes having him as a fear dispenser less attractive compared to AoE stun/knock-up supports?

Most of the "problem child" champions don't have easy answers, unfortunately. There probably needs to be a sweep of remakes on almost all the original launch champions who haven't gotten one to bring them up to speed with contemporary designs, but that's an enormous undertaking. The OGs are hard enough to fix that it's generally better just to try and remake the ones from the transitional period (like Yorick) who at least have a distant relation to the contemporary designs.


Terrify - (2.5s+0.3/100AP)

I dunno how things are gonna change now that supports get so much gold. I don't know why any high utility mage is worse idea than an actual support now!

I'm interested in seeing the max-min pro teams come up with
Why do people want to climb the ladder when you get to run into these guys 50% of the time;


I had a guy yesterday who said he was going to troll and feed at mid because we banned the mid champions he wanted to play. Noting that he said nothing during the bans phase one way or another. I'd heard of "Mid or Feed" before, but I think that's the first time I've ever seen "Fuck you for banning Kassadin, I'm trolling this game," at least outside of situations where the person actually said they wanted to play a specific champion and then it got banned anyway.

You clearly need to be a precog if you want to play draft.
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