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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Comcast decides to flip me off for the first two minutes of the game, roll into lane and still close 10/2/12 by 20 minutes. I'm not sure these Jinx nerfs worked. (Okay, it was mostly just a dumb as toast Elise who kept repelling around me when I still had Flamechompers off cooldown, but still.)
so your solution is to buy an item that's already gold inefficient without taking into consideration the useless crit chance stat over a sunfire.

If a melee can at some point make use of the increased AD, the crit chance and is bound to get more health beyond Giant's Belt? Or in other words: any kind of growth when compared to an extremely static alternative? Yes.

Mind you, I said nothing about rushing it in this very specific situation if that was your impression. Keyword being "eventual" as even then many other armor items take priority, and I'd agree wholeheartedly if you were to say that Riot should rework it.

u buy sunfire because it's components are good, cuz it's a relatively quick buy for making you win lane (pooshing/dueling, usually built on ppl w/ built in sustain that also pushes lane like gator golf or dedly ninja, gives you stats that prevent you form being all-in'd very easily like if u got offensive stats instead)

like i dunno for the champs it's built on in the context of the tank heavy top meta sunfire makes a lot of sense
The components are definitely good, but you've already won your lane on your own accord (be it a great play or simply using a champion with a dominant early game) if your advantage makes the passive look good. It's an okay 'complete' item to sit on your lead with, but it doesn't do much with it afterwards unlike other items that are up for consideration.

Did they enable him on PBE again by now?

You won't be sorry. Until Season 4 starts and Marksmen are completely out of the meta.
Remember when the general consensus was "ADC SUCKS NOW" when Season 3 started?

Yeah, that was a laugh and a half.


like I get where you are coming from not liking the passive on sunfire and it definitely declines in relevance as the game goes on

but I still think sunfire is the only item that gives all the things it gives and that all those things contribute in good ways to the champs you see sunfire being built on. I think I can outfight a renekton with a tiamat + assorted dolans as a shen with sunfire, and if I can't, a gank would certainly be more effective on the renekton that only has dorans items n lifesteal for defense. id probably want a sunfire on zac before haunting guise, etc.

but iunno my builds always bandwagon on the pro scene, I'd definitely be up for hearing reasons why other items are better
o yeah also I feel like you'd be more likely to see an offensive item coming out of a laner if they are ahead, like I probably wouldn't be building a bruta or tiamat->hydra on renek against a shen that was richer than me
What could possibly replace a role that can destroy the whole team within 10 seconds in late game if left?

Actually, there's already a no-Marksman meta-breaking comp that's making the rounds in the Garena Pro League and has migrated to some other regions. I've even seen relatively amateur teams like Curse Academy experimenting with it. The basic answer is somewhere between "poke" and "melee carries", with Nidalee, Tryndamere, and Shyvana all putting in an appearance when the strategy is used. I believe Jax has come into play in them a few times, too.

That's sort of your answer, I suppose: Jax and Tryndamere can both decimate a team as fast or faster than a Marksman, they split-push and duel harder, and the question sort of becomes if you actually even need a traditional Marksman in another lane to facilitate that when a Nidalee can siege better.

There were also a lot of rumblings during Season 3 about using Assassins in place of ADCs in a more standard comp, though no one really pulled the trigger on that one. Thankfully, it seems that Assassins will be toned down to keep that sort of thing from ever becoming practical.


I keep trying to tell my friend that Caitlyn isn't overpowered when he first picks Vayne.


It's actually not that bad if you play it right. I actually pick vayne into cait all the time, as long as you have a support who can heal it's fine levels 1-4, or if you just shove it and hit lvl 2 first. Just don't be afraid to trade into her. And dodge qs.

When you hit level 6 you pretty much autowin.


I enjoy Brand so much.

HP Shredding is so fun. I've killed several people off screen due to passive + liandry's.

Laned against new Heimer. He surprised me with rocket burst @ 6 ... but that was the only time he killed me.

I actually did a Brand vs new Heimer game without ever having laned against a Heimer before. He couldn't do anything to me; my W + E combo destroyed all his turrets (his placement might have been pretty bad) and just constantly strafing left and right meant his missiles could never hit me. He might be OP against a lot of champs right now, but Brand seems like a direct counter from how my experience was.


I actually did a Brand vs new Heimer game without ever having laned against a Heimer before. He couldn't do anything to me; my W + E combo destroyed all his turrets (his placement might have been pretty bad) and just constantly strafing left and right meant his missiles could never hit me. He might be OP against a lot of champs right now, but Brand seems like a direct counter from how my experience was.

Heimer's not so great against anyone that can easily harass him through minion waves (aka most mages) since his missles get blocked by them and they will probably be able to stay out of range of his E, but I wouldn't call Brand a counter. Heimer's specialty seems to be freezing his name and pushing like crazy and Brand doesn't have any particular sustain or low cost abilities to outlast him, nor any particularly easy way to "feed" on turrets like Annie's Q or Veigar's passive or w/e.

Heimer's much more dangerous vs short range champs, they basically can't dive him without getting stunned + missles in face while turrets keep shooting away. And if they can't burst him down he won't leave his lane except to buy.


Just tell him to farm under tower, lol.

It's actually not that bad if you play it right. I actually pick vayne into cait all the time, as long as you have a support who can heal it's fine levels 1-4, or if you just shove it and hit lvl 2 first. Just don't be afraid to trade into her. And dodge qs.

When you hit level 6 you pretty much autowin.

you guys are misunderstanding him.

his friend is FPing vayne, gets counterpicked by cait, and is whining that cait is OP.

Newt is trying to tell him that shes not OP, he just got countered
Lane jarvan is so dumb. If you thought nasus was cheesy ...
I love j4 top lane. He has amazing poke at low levels with his q + passive, he is strong in extended trades later with his attack speed steroid and armor shred. He's amazing at 1v2ing due to his ability to farm at range, and if the jungler ever ganks top it should be devastating.

However he has two main weaknesses you can abuse. No sustain, and mana hungry. I usually build a hydra first item on him to fix the sustain issue. If you can bait him into wasting his abilities he will quickly go oom. He's also very reliant on landing his combo to win trades. So you want to dodge that. Finally, if you're fighting one in lane, and he tries to go all in, kiting him away from his flag is a good idea.

Anyone that is mobile and with sustain can beat him. I would've thought tryndamere could do well.


I love j4 top lane. He has amazing poke at low levels with his q + passive, he is strong in extended trades later with his attack speed steroid and armor shred. He's amazing at 1v2ing due to his ability to farm at range, and if the jungler ever ganks top it should be devastating.

However he has two main weaknesses you can abuse. No sustain, and mana hungry. I usually build a hydra first item on him to fix the sustain issue. If you can bait him into wasting his abilities he will quickly go oom. He's also very reliant on landing his combo to win trades. So you want to dodge that. Finally, if you're fighting one in lane, and he tries to go all in, kiting him away from his flag is a good idea.

Anyone that is mobile and with sustain can beat him. I would've thought tryndamere could do well.
I use to go elder lizard because of his mana problems lol.
I use to go elder lizard because of his mana problems lol.

I was just thinking that maybe Frozen Heart or Gauntlet would be good purchases on him?

I usually go Hydra, Cleaver, Spirit Visage, Randuins, GA, defensive boots, but it all depends obviously.

Finally had a game where the other team had an all ad comp and we were in it long enough to get proper armor. Was amazing how squishy I was (jungle J4 this time) with my Spirit of the Ancient Golem, then I died, came back with a Thornmail and a chain vest, and was pretty much invincible. Our 4-1 Olaf (who also had a thornmail at this point) and I went 2v4, came away with a couple kills and both our lives (and I was by no means fed, I got crushed in the counter jungle game early by their Lee Sin).


Oh my God. Fuck riven. Seriously. I hate this champion with every ounce of my soul. Barely any fucking counterplay. FUCK YOU RIVEN IM SO SALTY RIGHT NOW UGH


I got to try the new Heimerdinger in ARAM. It seemed fun though I kept missing missiles. Skillshots are hard and I miss auto-aim!

The R-boost feels weird and I'm not sure what is best. I never tried boosted E. Boosted Q does a lot of brief damagel; boosted W looks funny but can be completely and embarassingly missed.

Overall I think the changes are decent.
Riven, Aatrox, Nasus, Singed, Kassadin, Fizz, YORICK, Tryndamere are the worst.

Either impossible to counterplay when they're ahead, or impossible to lane against fairly.

The worst are Fizz and Kass. Your entire team can be dedicated to peeling for you and it counts for nothing due to their invulnerability/mobility/silence.


Riven, Aatrox, Nasus, Singed, Kassadin, Fizz, YORICK, Tryndamere are the worst.

Either impossible to counterplay when they're ahead, or impossible to lane against fairly.

The worst are Fizz and Kass. Your entire team can be dedicated to peeling for you and it counts for nothing due to their invulnerability/mobility/silence.
What role are you speaking about? If you are playing AD carry?

In that case, I would suggest that AD carries can be countered by assassins assassinating them. There's nothing stopping your own team from using Fizz or Kassadin and assassinating the other team's AD carry as well, thus leaving the playing field even, right?
What role are you speaking about? If you are playing AD carry?

In that case, I would suggest that AD carries can be countered by assassins assassinating them. There's nothing stopping your own team from using Fizz or Kassadin and assassinating the other team's AD carry as well, thus leaving the playing field even, right?

Yeah AD carries.

The thing that annoys me with Fizz is he's so hard to lock down due to his invulnerability. It should be suicide for him to run straight through the middle of my entire team with them focusing their cc on him and he can still take me out. It should require smarter play from his part as far as flanking me and waiting of an opportunity.
Cait beats Vayne in lane. That's it.

If Vayne doesn't fall too far behind in gold she can murderize Cait after 6.

She counters Vayne in a sense that she can delay her from reaching critical mass.
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