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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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The worst are Fizz and Kass. Your entire team can be dedicated to peeling for you and it counts for nothing due to their invulnerability/mobility/silence.

Fizz is pretty useless if you deny him farm in his lane and he has a really bad laning phase early on in general. But if he stays even or god forbid pulls ahead he is pretty damn hard to deal with I agree. A Fizz who did well in lane will 1v1 almost anyone else. Assasins are designed to be able to dive ADCs though.

In either case though, a stun/root will give more than enough time to burst him down. Treat his trollpole the same way you treat an hourglass user and be ready to blow him up as he falls.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
olaf is supposed to come out ahead of riven in lane. i wish i was better at him.


Was having fun with Sivir, but then this happened.



Garen stomps Riven.

Oh yeah, him too.

For what it's worth, from the Riven perspective most her counters have a "bait out their X then go in" to them. So like, Garen isn't too bad with his Q down.

olaf is supposed to come out ahead of riven in lane. i wish i was better at him.

I dunno, he's too squishy for the most part. His E still hurts so if he gets a lot of them for free then it kind of is hard to deal with it but haven't really had much trouble with him.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Is it still the case after the rework? How does E perform compared to old E in laning?
Seems fine to me for trades, and they buffed it further this last patch. Can be used to farm too with the health return.


Does anyone have any good ARAM advice? I used to have more wins than losses I think, but now I will literally, multiple days in a row, get 4-5 loss streaks just trying to get win of the day with ARAM, maybe winning 2 and losing 7.

I play badly some games or use bad builds, but shouldn't statistics say that a reasonable amount of the time, the other team would have an equally bad player? I will literally have games that start with 0-10 kills, or 1-10 kills with my team compared to the other team. Or my inhib goes down, and the other first tower doesn't even go down.

It just seems really odd statistically even though I am trying to buy the logic that I must be doing something that is causing my team to lose 80% of those games. I would like advice if anyone wants to spectate and suggest strategies and whatnot after.

I know team composition matters in ARAM, but again, statistically that should be even between the teams over time.

I've also had 5+ ARAM games today with 140+ ping, really bad lag for me, since normal ping is always 70-90. I've tried restarting the router and modem, and nothing is streaming or downloading, but nothing helps.
Establish bush control right from the start. Buy your items then make a mad dash for the farther bush. This gets me first blood half of the time.

Just don't do this if they have faster champs especially Blitz. Zil/Jayce + anyone with strong CC is a nono either.

Go for offbuilds if needed. I go AD Lulu/Ziggs if we have too much AP. Sometimes I go for CDR tank Annie too.


Does anyone have any good ARAM advice? I used to have more wins than losses I think, but now I will literally, multiple days in a row, get 4-5 loss streaks just trying to get win of the day with ARAM, maybe winning 2 and losing 7.

I play badly some games or use bad builds, but shouldn't statistics say that a reasonable amount of the time, the other team would have an equally bad player? I will literally have games that start with 0-10 kills, or 1-10 kills with my team compared to the other team. Or my inhib goes down, and the other first tower doesn't even go down.

Besides statistics averaging out over an extended period of time vs any small window (like hundreds of games) and the very possible idea that ARAM is matching you against people who it thinks are solid competition due to MMR, some champions are just far, far better than others in general in ARAM, and also some good champions can be heavily countered, and then there's just great comps.

I mean, what are you realistically going to do against a Nid/Heimer/Garen/Healer/ADC with poke when you get a team of 0 assassins or sustain or good poke of your own? What about a team with low/no CC vs snowballing assholes like Yi/Kass/Fizz? It's not always going to be like that and sometimes it will go in your favor but I have gotten streaks of games where I played bad or got a champ I didn't like or the enemy got a total cheese comp. The all too common toxic team mate that kicks ya when you're down doesn't help much either.

To be fair, at lower leagues especially a ton of people play Cait because they think they're supposed to and have no idea why they're playing her. Doing placement matches on my NA account I played against tons of Caits who never once AA'd me in lane and didn't even put down traps to make it harder for me to farm under turret. They seemed to be playing her just for 'safe' lane farming.

I'd wager that Cait has taken the place of Ezreal as the ADC that low-rank players who aren't really comfortable playing the role take because she's supposed to be safe/easy, which means in lower leagues it's more a matter of Cait being the champion of choice for bad players than anything wrong with her kit itself.


Everything is moe to me
well i broke the huge losing streak, but i think im beginning to be clamped as a consequence of it.

still im feeling better about my games now and hope has returned.

TL;DR fuck riot, fuck zyra, have 360noscope competitions with nidalee

i did such terrible things to my janna by accident, i felt so bad
Kass so broken.... Gets 3-0 from roaming (I'm mid Diana, 1-2 at this point). We have a fed Riven and Ezreal, they have a fed Kass... we should be fine right?

Apparently not. There is just no way to counter play against a Kass when they're ahead. I didn't even die in laning, had more cs and stayed alive, but Kass is just ridiculous. Silence is one of those status effects that shouldn't exist in the game. How do you counterplay a champ that can jump on you from a ridiculous range, and then silence you so you can't do anything against it. Want to use your shield, or q->r to the wraiths, or .... Nope.

Then you have on your team a Fiddlesticks jungle, who when he gets caught out farming red buff at 30 minutes with the rest of our team in mid, complains we didn't "follow up" his "initiation" when kass jumps on him with their entire team.

And then you have the fed Ezreal on your team, who, after seeing me and riven initiate onto their team, decides to just leave instead of fighting. On 3 separate occasions we had everyone on their team below 50% hp after the fight, and Ezreal didn't even do any damage despite being 7-0.

Back to 62 LP from 70. >.>
I just started out and dang what an learning curve these games have not used to that in gaming for a long time. Is there a video i have to watch or just keep on playing.


Everything is moe to me
mid diana complaining about a roaming assasin who can jump on someone from range and apply uncleansable CC.

Kass so broken.... Gets 3-0 from roaming (I'm mid Diana, 1-2 at this point). We have a fed Riven and Ezreal, they have a fed Kass... we should be fine right?

Apparently not. There is just no way to counter play against a Kass when they're ahead. I didn't even die in laning, had more cs and stayed alive, but Kass is just ridiculous. Silence is one of those status effects that shouldn't exist in the game. How do you counterplay a champ that can jump on you from a ridiculous range, and then silence you so you can't do anything against it. Want to use your shield, or q->r to the wraiths, or .... Nope.

Request Kassadin bans. I doubt anyone will argue with you about them. There's plenty of ways to deal with Kass, but most of them require good team coordination rather than individual effort, so they're not likely to happen in solo queue, especially at low ranks. I doubt most people you're playing with will have any qualms about banning him.


I just started out and dang what an learning curve these games have not used to that in gaming for a long time. Is there a video i have to watch or just keep on playing.

It's certainly possible that there are helpful videos, but playing some games against bots helps the understanding of the game.


well i broke the huge losing streak, but i think im beginning to be clamped as a consequence of it.

still im feeling better about my games now and hope has returned.

TL;DR fuck riot, fuck zyra, have 360noscope competitions with nidalee

i did such terrible things to my janna by accident, i felt so bad


i prefer to keep on playing, but if youre the kind of person that must watch/be prepared

the UNSW LOL SOCIETY has a lot of tutorial videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/unswlolsoc?feature=watch

some people say theyre decent! (havent watched em myself)

These are really good, but he says like too often and he tends to repeat himself a bit making the same point. Also these lectures largely come from the perspective of an adc, and so I've learned a lot about trading and positioning in the bot lane from these videos, but it hasn't really taught me much about top or mid, which I imagine is largely because it's so matchup dependent how the lane turns out.

His stuff really helps if you play a ranged carry like Jinx/Varus/Caitlyn. Would be amazing if there were similar quality resources on the other positions, but I fear they would have to be far more matchup focused.


Everything is moe to me
beware friends, it is the weekend now and your teams may vary.

i just had a vi who typed an essay on why we had to fight under turret, saw the enemy team in a jungle as the wards died, then saw morg alone with her spellshield on in that same dark jungle and ulted into it. naturally the whole team was in that same brush morg just walked out of.
I just realized that with that new Executioner's thingy we might end up seeing Support Doge



More likely you see Jungle Doge double-down on 24/7 farming while letting their lanes get stomped. "I have to build up the kills on my Bloodrazor!" they will argue, farming wraiths while the Nexus goes down.


Hey guys, new to the thread.

Id like some advice on getting over my fear of ranked lol....

Im surprised i have this problem as i have never been nervous when it comes to ranked pvp in any other game, but i also haven't attempted ranked pvp in a moba, i guess my general fear is of the community.
(what i mean is i haven't played a moba seriously since warcraft 3)

Im not terrible, I've been following the game since season 1 finals and always learn from the streams and normals etc, i know what to pick and ban (whats good at the moment etc.) and my main is support. Im also well versed in builds for pretty much any champ I'm capable of playing decently. i would really love to get over this fear of ranked so i can start the climb when season 4 drops next year -.-

Have any of you ever had this issue, and if so how did you overcome it?
Hey guys, new to the thread.

Id like some advice on getting over my fear of ranked lol....

Im surprised i have this problem as i have never been nervous when it comes to ranked pvp in any other game, but i also haven't attempted ranked pvp in a moba, i guess my general fear is of the community.
(what i mean is i haven't played a moba seriously since warcraft 3)

Im not terrible, I've been following the game since season 1 finals and always learn from the streams and normals etc, i know what to pick and ban (whats good at the moment etc.) and my main is support. Im also well versed in builds for pretty much any champ I'm capable of playing decently. i would really love to get over this fear of ranked so i can start the climb when season 4 drops next year -.-

Have any of you ever had this issue, and if so how did you overcome it?

The thing to remember about the community is that most of the people who whine and complain all game do it no matter what. I had a game yesterday where every lane was up 3-4 kills and had pushed down their first tier turrets, and our mid laner was still whining nonstop about "never getting any ganks"; I have no idea how he imagines a pushed lane would get ganked consistently, or why he even cared when we were up like 15 kills, 2 dragons, and 3 turrets, but man he would not shut up about it.

Take their comments under advisement if there seems to be any actual substance to them ("We need more wards!" etc.), but otherwise ignore anything that isn't a actual team strategy recommendation/requests . You ignore the guy going off about your teammate's build. You ignore the guy going off about your teammate's CS. You ignore the guy going off about how the game was lost when he didn't get to play mid, or when top didn't pick Jax, or whatever thing has crawled up his ass in that exact moment. These players literally always whine, they aren't worth the effort of even talking to.

Aside from that, don't worry about ranking so much. The point of a matchmaking system is to pair you up with people of a level of skill as close to identical to your own as possible, so that you can have close, exciting games that push you to the limit of your abilities. There's no shame in being in a lower division as long as the games you're having within that division are fun and challenging.
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