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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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First ranked game since my last dry spell. YAY WE HAVE 2 ADCs ON OUR TEAM BECAUSE ONE PERSON REFUSES TO DO SUPPORT why am I still playing this fucking game.


First ranked game since my last dry spell. YAY WE HAVE 2 ADCs ON OUR TEAM BECAUSE ONE PERSON REFUSES TO DO SUPPORT why am I still playing this fucking game.
I tried that once. We almost had Ezreal mid too, but instead we ended up with Caitlyn + Jinx bot lane. The Caitlyn was nice and didn't rage and had a good attitude and took the tower super early with Jinx support and they moved onto other lanes and the team killed lots of towers and won.

Have good attitude and take fun! Use bombs wisely!


Everything is moe to me
I tried that once. We almost had Ezreal mid too, but instead we ended up with Caitlyn + Jinx bot lane. The Caitlyn was nice and didn't rage and had a good attitude and took the tower super early with Jinx support and they moved onto other lanes and the team killed lots of towers and won.

Have good attitude and take fun! Use bombs wisely!
damnit peppy


I tried that once. We almost had Ezreal mid too, but instead we ended up with Caitlyn + Jinx bot lane. The Caitlyn was nice and didn't rage and had a good attitude and took the tower super early with Jinx support and they moved onto other lanes and the team killed lots of towers and won.

Have good attitude and take fun! Use bombs wisely!

I've never seen Galio in SR before so I'm not entirely sure how to approach it.
Nah, they'll be better with Regi at coach.
After his tirade against Dyrus, never mind his infamous "YOU'RE STUCK ON SUPPORT BECAUSE YOU SUCK!" outburst aimed at Xpecial back when TSM was just getting started, I have my doubts him making a good coach.

Dude is a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any minute with all the pent-up rage he has.


A 700 q on a Caitlyn by the doge is painful. Had to burn cleanse, flash and net to get out. Luckily was able to kite him the rest of the way to death. LS doge is not fun


I've always felt, that instead of just a coach, it would be cool to have a "commander" looking over their shoulders or on their own screen which is in team obs mode, whose making the shots


yah but think of the washed up coach who couldnt make it to the olympics storylines, bjergsen as hotshot foreigner brought in who must earn the respect of his teammates (coupled w/ hilarious culture clash segments), regi is holding onto a cliff and hes about to fall and tsm looks at him as flashbacks to worse (and better) times swirl around them, will they let him fall?!!?


Yep. Two ADCs, one who didn't even speak english. Early/mid game was strongly in our favor but my team kept throwing by trying to go for Baron when the enemy would have 2-3 dead and 2 naked inhibitors ripe for the killing. Not to mention they would just focus Vi in teamfights instead of their actual damage dealers.

My Ziggs was extraordinarily gimped due to having to dump tons and tons of gold into wards because my team wasn't gonna do it.
A 700 q on a Caitlyn by the doge is painful. Had to burn cleanse, flash and net to get out. Luckily was able to kite him the rest of the way to death. LS doge is not fun
It's not on the recieving end!

Sit top for 30 minutes, show up with 500 stacks, 40% CDR, 200 armor, 150 MR, Triforce and a Bloodthirster.



Haha, I just won a game I was certain we would lose. Their Lee sin was godly, 13-2 after 25 minutes. I manage to catch them with a flash Sona ult and we get 4 towers + nexus at 30 min.
Also, playing Sivir with Rammus jungle, haven't laughed this hard at this game in a long while. Rammus comes to lane gank, starts Powerballing, when he starts moving I ult and he fucking zooms.



Yep. Two ADCs, one who didn't even speak english. Early/mid game was strongly in our favor but my team kept throwing by trying to go for Baron when the enemy would have 2-3 dead and 2 naked inhibitors ripe for the killing. Not to mention they would just focus Vi in teamfights instead of their actual damage dealers.

My Ziggs was extraordinarily gimped due to having to dump tons and tons of gold into wards because my team wasn't gonna do it.
This is like becoming a comedy routine for you.


This is like becoming a comedy routine for you.

Right? The entire time I'm spelling out for them what we SHOULD be doing ("Hey, Graves and Vi are dead maybe instead of this Baron we should get the two inhibs that are naked and have a wave pushing to them" But no, they go Baron and for some reason all die somehow). Baron is the biggest noobtrap I've ever seen.

Oh well, just had a perfect Nami game so I'm happy. 0 Deaths, 0 Kills, all win. Yay.



OMFG can't believe, THANK YOU RIOT.

Brb installing Dota2.
Do you honestly have fun playing League of Legends? From what little I have seen of your posts, you seem extraordinarily negative, critical, and unhappy (unhappy with teammates, unhappy with enemies, unhappy with Riot, unhappy with randomness). It's not my place to tell you what to do, but you might want to consider trying something more enjoyable, if LoL is a bad thing for you.

I mean for comparison, I feel like the world is out to get me in ranked, so I can understand that. But ultimately I am just a bad player, and sometimes I do have good games and probably have fun then.


I have to maintain my Best Karma Universe title, I don't care about having fun.

Edit: Second try: Mythic Cassiopeia. Not bad, I'm moderately satisfied.


"Don't worry guys I'm a diamond smurf" says our jungler.

Then he says he's just trolling so whatever. Then I look at Kog'Maw's (enemy ADC) CS and he's at 31, 20 minutes into the game. Turns out he's trolling his team harder than our jungler is trolling our tearm, so it turns into an easy win. It was k


"Don't worry guys I'm a diamond smurf" says our jungler.

Then he says he's just trolling so whatever. Then I look at Kog'Maw's (enemy ADC) CS and he's at 31, 20 minutes into the game. Turns out he's trolling his team harder than our jungler is trolling our tearm, so it turns into an easy win. It was k

adventures in wood
Will Season 4 make supports obsolete?

My main concern with the upcoming Season 4 changes is the abundant gold supply that non-CSing roles will receive.

Already on the PBE we are seeing mages take the duo lane and receive free power from just sitting in lane with a marksman (or any other CSer). Why would players choose a support champ when the damage output of other roles is so attractive? What use is the extra utility of a longer stun when a short stun and massive damage is better in all cases?

Supports only exist because a fifth player needs to function well in teams with very low income. This generally means champs who do not need AD or AP be effective in combat - crowd control being the main draw card. Giving them enough gold to build damage does make supports more useful, but has the side effect of making every other champion in that role more effective, and in many cases, worth picking over a support.

I'm fine with the meta changing, as long as roles are balanced and viable. I'm really interested to see if double jungle is possible with one farmer and one ganker/counterjungler, or if a team can win without a marksman. Each role should have its place in a team comp, but right now it looks like supports could be made extinct by the Season 4 changes, which would ironically be the opposite of what Riot intends to do.

Jungle Jayce. Results more or less the same. Game would have gone smoother but our ward coverage was bad and lead to a number of unnecessary deaths. Teemo at Darius' lunch.

Sivir was 0/6 at the 30-minute mark. :O

You know what I don't like about being matched with a 4-man party? They can't yell at each other, so they just vent at the one guy not in the party.

*bot lane gets ganked while I'm top helping Teemo get a kill*

"Jayce fucking do something. Jesus Christ!"

*looks at scoreboard*

*Jayce is 4/2/4*

*sees Sivir 0/6 and no wards on the map*



Will Season 4 make supports obsolete?

My main concern with the upcoming Season 4 changes is the abundant gold supply that non-CSing roles will receive.

Already on the PBE we are seeing mages take the duo lane and receive free power from just sitting in lane with a marksman (or any other CSer). Why would players choose a support champ when the damage output of other roles is so attractive? What use is the extra utility of a longer stun when a short stun and massive damage is better in all cases?

Supports only exist because a fifth player needs to function well in teams with very low income. This generally means champs who do not need AD or AP be effective in combat - crowd control being the main draw card. Giving them enough gold to build damage does make supports more useful, but has the side effect of making every other champion in that role more effective, and in many cases, worth picking over a support.

I'm fine with the meta changing, as long as roles are balanced and viable. I'm really interested to see if double jungle is possible with one farmer and one ganker/counterjungler, or if a team can win without a marksman. Each role should have its place in a team comp, but right now it looks like supports could be made extinct by the Season 4 changes, which would ironically be the opposite of what Riot intends to do.

Actually Annie's stun is longer than any other traditional supports and is point and click AND does stupid damage.

Support annie is broken.


Will Season 4 make supports obsolete?

My main concern with the upcoming Season 4 changes is the abundant gold supply that non-CSing roles will receive.

Already on the PBE we are seeing mages take the duo lane and receive free power from just sitting in lane with a marksman (or any other CSer). Why would players choose a support champ when the damage output of other roles is so attractive? What use is the extra utility of a longer stun when a short stun and massive damage is better in all cases?

Supports only exist because a fifth player needs to function well in teams with very low income. This generally means champs who do not need AD or AP be effective in combat - crowd control being the main draw card. Giving them enough gold to build damage does make supports more useful, but has the side effect of making every other champion in that role more effective, and in many cases, worth picking over a support.

I'm fine with the meta changing, as long as roles are balanced and viable. I'm really interested to see if double jungle is possible with one farmer and one ganker/counterjungler, or if a team can win without a marksman. Each role should have its place in a team comp, but right now it looks like supports could be made extinct by the Season 4 changes, which would ironically be the opposite of what Riot intends to do.
thats a fair point - and thats probably why they gave many supports "utility" scaling - making more of their abilities scale. itd be interesting to see how it changes though, whether a utility mage/gold independant champion will rise as the 5th position.

the reasons why i dont think we will see huge changes are -
- 5th position must dedicate a single slot to sightstone
- during laning phase and into mid game you will still be similiarly poor actually, since 50% of gold will go into warding
- mid -> late your build will get fatter, but by then its just teamfights n teamfights

idk, i think the more "usuable" duo supports will expand - but i doubt hard supports will go the way of the dodo

personally, im wondering what the gold changes will do for double bruiser bot lanes


Jungle Jayce. Results more or less the same. Game would have gone smoother but our ward coverage was bad and lead to a number of unnecessary deaths. Teemo at Darius' lunch.

Sivir was 0/6 at the 30-minute mark. :O

You know what I don't like about being matched with a 4-man party? They can't yell at each other, so they just vent at the one guy not in the party.

*bot lane gets ganked while I'm top helping Teemo get a kill*

"Jayce fucking do something. Jesus Christ!"

*looks at scoreboard*

*Jayce is 4/2/4*

*sees Sivir 0/6 and no wards on the map*


To be honest, I play with a group of four a lot of the time. We yell at each other more than the random guy on our team.


She's not broken, all she offers is a stun. She has no heal, no steroids, no tankiness.

I hate it. Can't go in for a CS without the fear of getting locked down for a little less than 2 secons. That's why I don't play ADC often lol.

Also I really want to try AD Assassin Vi mid. Bork, cleaver, LW, BT and some situational items could make dueling extremely easy.
Handing out cold drinks and free tickets to the Jayce Show tonight.

Lucian was talking MAAAAAAAAD shit about our bot lane (one was trying to teach the other how to support or something). Wouldn't stop yappin. Spamming the laugh taunt and shit. I never, ever get mad but I genuinely got mad about it. Like my little brother was being picked on or somethnig. I walked to bottom and 1v1'd the fuck out of him and proceeded to suggest he never, ever 1v1 me again. He tried to catch some feelings about it and I wasn't trying to hear it because of how bad he was shittalkin my bottom laners. He was gonna be my bitch aaaaaaall the rest of the game.

After that, I just focused him, Vik and Grag (in that order) in every fight and made sure to let him know who's match it was.

Made me mad. I'm still mad. Bitchass mothafucka.
She's not broken, all she offers is a stun. She has no heal, no steroids, no tankiness.

She also has a really nasty auto-attack range and surprising damage without a ton of items, and Tibbers is pretty solid utility (he bodyblocks, zones, and tanks turrets). I do personally prefer Sona, but the fact she pretty much directly counters Sona gives her a lot of value as a lane pick.

Edit: This actually reminds me of a game yesterday where I picked Annie and another player picked Nidalee. I went to go get something to drink and came back to a chat full of my team arguing that I was "obviously" mid because "he has Ignite" (versus Ez/Sona lane), and "no one plays Nidalee as anything but support anyway". Somehow we still won that game, but if I hadn't been AFK I would have dodged like I was in the fucking Matrix on that one.
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