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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Handing out cold drinks and free tickets to the Jayce Show tonight.

Lucian was talking MAAAAAAAAD shit about our bot lane (one was trying to teach the other how to support or something). Wouldn't stop yappin. Spamming the laugh taunt and shit. I never, ever get mad but I genuinely got mad about it. Like my little brother was being picked on or somethnig. I walked to bottom and 1v1'd the fuck out of him and proceeded to suggest he never, ever 1v1 me again. He tried to catch some feelings about it and I wasn't trying to hear it because of how bad he was shittalkin my bottom laners. He was gonna be my bitch aaaaaaall the rest of the game.

After that, I just focused him, Vik and Grag (in that order) in every fight and made sure to let him know who's match it was.

Made me mad. I'm still mad. Bitchass mothafucka.



I don't understand why people think pushing to turret is the best way to stop nasus. It's so damn dumb.

90% of the time I can manipulate the enemy wave to reach my turret so I can free farm at level 1 and be ungankable. It's really not that hard to get 5/6 minions from a wave under turret.

Stop pushing to the turret and freeze the lane in the middle so your jungler can gank him. Once he reaches level 6, you ain't going to kill him without him getting a kill back since you're going to have to dive him.

Only 5 days to try to get to gold. (Since I don't play in weekends).

I'm going to be very busy this week, lol. [S2 with 50 LP right now]


That's 3 shots. What's the max one Q shot could do? I would think it would be like 600-800 and people will usually have more HP than that, so maybe it was a combo of two or three abilities and autoattacks rather than purely one shot. I don't know Rengar though! I'm awful with him in ARAM.
Ok I take that back, won my next game, back up to 69 LP.

Not sure how I feel about Jungle Diana. Diana is a really versatile and fun champ but I felt useless pre 6. It's so easy to gank bot lane with a Thresh though.

Tried a new build, rushed a Nashor's Tooth. Figured it would help with clear speed and with Diana's passive + Lich Bane attack speed is always nice. Lich Bane second for obvious reasons if we're going to be auto attacking, and then Rylais for the slow to help me get those autos off. Worked really well.

Our Riven mid claimed to be gold and I don't even doubt her, completely crushed her lane against Fizz.

Can't use lolnexus because the oceania servers have disabled spectator mode for a bit. Is that the same elsewhere?

EDIT: From what I understand with Rengar, you get 5 stacks of his passive, press Q for the empowered Q, then ult which causes you to regen ferocity. When you have regained 5 ferocity, you attack someone, using the first q, then q again to use the empowered q, and then q again with the normal one?


Maybe I just need to main ADC or something. Just went 14-2 as Cait with (what I thought to be) some really awesome play, and it was like the third or fourth time I've ever done ADC in ranked.
That's 3 shots. What's the max one Q shot could do? I would think it would be like 600-800 and people will usually have more HP than that, so maybe it was a combo of two or three abilities and autoattacks rather than purely one shot. I don't know Rengar though! I'm awful with him in ARAM.

It's 3 shots, but you can do it so fast that people see it as a one-shot. You jump, AA, Q, AA (reset), Q (empowered), AA (reset) and then Q again (off CD due to Brutalizer/SV). The whole thing happens so fast people really don't get to react, especially if you're coming out of a bush or On the Hunt and they didn't know you were there.
Lochness Cho
Superb Villain Veigar

Dragon Trainer Lulu
Commando Jarvan

Love the Lulu. Shame about Jarvan since I already have Warring Kingdoms. Ah well, at least it's not crap like Shamrock Malphite.
Man, I play way too much jungle and toplane to play support. I'm so stuck in the mindset of diving the backline, I never peel for my carry. I gotta do that more. I just always feel so awkward when everything is on CD as, say, Leona.


Lochness Cho
Superb Villain Veigar

Dragon Trainer Lulu
Commando Jarvan

Love the Lulu. Shame about Jarvan since I already have Warring Kingdoms. Ah well, at least it's not crap like Shamrock Malphite.

Wicked Lulu is better just because whimsey turns them into cats.

I also got Commando with Warring, I switch between the two.
Jesus. Went from 47 LP to 91 LP in 2 games.

Guide to winning in bronze/silver: have doge on your team. It basically ensures that if you ever attempt to throw the game, you will still win.

Played Zed mid for the first time post-patch against a vlad. Very safe now with the ult, I'm liking it. W is worse but I never thought it was that fast anyway, I only ever used it to jump over walls or when chasing rather than to escape when I'm overextended.


The never dying UFO.



single handedly carried a game as nasus

had 500 stacks at around 25minutes

mid, bot and jungle lost so hard that we lost both bot and mid inhib at 23minutes. They never ganked top so they didn't know how strong I was. After reaching 500 stacks, I tp into the base and one shot their corki with a spirit fire-Q. I chased down nid and soraka and killed them both in 3 Qs (damn heals).

Took an inhib solo then did it all again for a win.


single handedly carried a game as nasus

had 500 stacks at around 25minutes

mid, bot and jungle lost so hard that we lost both bot and mid inhib at 23minutes. They never ganked top so they didn't know how strong I was. After reaching 500 stacks, I tp into the base and one shot their corki with a spirit fire-Q. I chased down nid and soraka and killed them both in 3 Qs (damn heals).

Took an inhib solo then did it all again for a win.

much q
doge stronk
cary hard


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
single handedly carried a game as nasus

had 500 stacks at around 25minutes

mid, bot and jungle lost so hard that we lost both bot and mid inhib at 23minutes. They never ganked top so they didn't know how strong I was. After reaching 500 stacks, I tp into the base and one shot their corki with a spirit fire-Q. I chased down nid and soraka and killed them both in 3 Qs (damn heals).

Took an inhib solo then did it all again for a win.

That doge.


Diamond player duo queue with gold player and they both pick champs they never play and do nothing but stand at turret auto attacking waves.

Not even doge can carry that


I finally started trying to seriously play Fiora in summoner's rift after playing her only in 3v3, and it was super fun. Two wins in a row with the most dmg output on the team.
It's seriously fun when the enemy team tries to kill baron and you ulti them with Hydra in the bag. Orianna was dead on the spot and Sivir and Sona few seconds after that. Laning with enemy Shen was a bitch, though.
I finally started trying to seriously play Fiora in summoner's rift after playing her only in 3v3, and it was super fun. Two wins in a row with the most dmg output on the team.
It's seriously fun when the enemy team tries to kill baron and you ulti them with Hydra in the bag. Orianna was dead on the spot and Sivir and Sona few seconds after that.

I LOVE Fiora. She has no quality escapes, but her damage output and maneuverability in team fights is amazing.

Always max your W first
Riot needs to either hurry up with Team Builder or give me a special exemption that lets me dodge any game where someone on my team wants to jungle Shyvana without penalty.

We had the ultimate late game team comp with me playing Jax top and a Nasus jungle. Lux mid and Quinn bot.

They had a Vayne though, and Vayne got very fed early. They managed to take our first two inhibs at different points throughout the match, while we had only 1 tower for ages. We tried to Baron at one point when we shouldn't have and ended up losing a second inhibitor off it. After they took that inhib, they did Baron, and we managed to win the teamfight. We were winning all the teamfights but had no map control. Eventually I started to get stronger and we started having better teamfights, and we made a push right up the middle to end it.

I never even got to finish my third item, got pretty far behind. I beat Riven top early (she dies to the tower - I missed the kill credit sadly - despite her starting with red pot) but then she laneswapped with Zed who was also behind, then she made some successful ganks and I was in trouble. I really let the team down early-mid game as they took the top inhib pretty early due to me losing fights with Riven and her just pushing while our team was elsewhere.

Anyway though. I went from 47 LP a couple hours ago, 3 wins later, to qualifying for a promo series to get into silver! #timetochoke #lebron


You can only play shyvana if your laners don't suck balls (if you have this assumption in solo queue, you are very brave). You can easily outfarm and outlevel your opponent to pressure dragons and buffs. Only real skill to playing shyvana is always being ready to take the farm off a laner when they recall to base.

You just can't spend too much time ganking and pressuring lanes or else you'll have no items to tank or deal damage with.

She's in a bad solo queue place. That's what I think anyway.


Duo queue screws up the MMR too much, whenever I duo, we always get matched against diamond 3s, where our team is only plat 1. It's sort a given that your lanes are going to lose when you duo I think
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